1 Samuel 18 Cross References - Great

1 And when he had made an ende of speakynge vnto Saul, the soule of Ionathas was knyt wyth the soule of Dauid, and Ionathas loued hym as hys awne soule. 2 And Saul toke him that daye, and wolde let him go nomore home to hys fathers house. 3 And Ionathas made a couenaunt wyth Dauid, because be loued him as his awne soule. 4 And Ionathas put of his awne coate that was vpon him, & gaue it Dauid, & therto his cloke, his swerd, his bowe and hys gyrdle. 5 And Dauid went oute whether soeuer Saul sent hym, and behaued him selfe wysely. And Saul sett hym ouer hys men of warre, and he was accepted in the syght of all the people, and in the syght of Sauls seruauntes. 6 And it happened as they went, when Dauid was returned from the slaughter of the Philistine, that wemen came out of all cyties of Israel syngynge & daunsyng, agaynst kynge Saul, and wyth tymbrelles, wyth ioye, and with instrumentes of musick. 7 And the wemen answered one another in theyr playe, & sayde Saul hath slayne his thousande, and Dauid hys ten thousande. 8 And Saul was excedyng wroth, and the sayinge displeased him, and he sayde: they haue ascribed vnto Dauid ten thousande, and to me but a thousande, & what can he more haue, saue the kyngdome? 9 Wherfore Saul loked on syde of Dauid from that daye forwarde. 10 And it happened on the morowe, that the euell sprete sent of God came vpon Saul, and he prophesyed in the myddes of the house. And Dauid played with hys hande lyke as at other tymes, 11 and there was a iauelyng in Sauls hande. And Saul toke the iauelyng, & sayde: I wyll nayle Dauid to the wall with it. And Dauid auoyded oute of hys presence two tymes. 12 And Saul was afearde of Dauid, because the Lord was with hym, & was departed from Saul. 13 Therfore Saul put him from hym, and made him a captayne ouer a thousand, and he went out & in before the people. 14 And Dauid behaued him selfe wysely in all his wayes, & the Lord was with him. 15 Wherfore when Saul saw that he was so excedynge wyse, he was afrayd of him. 16 But all Israel and Iuda loued Dauid, because he went out and in before them. 17 And Saul sayde to Dauid. Beholde, my eldest daughter Merob, her I wyll geue the to wyfe Only playe the man with me, and fyght the Lordes batelles. For Saul thought: myne hande shall not be vpon hym, but the hand of the Philistines. 18 And Dauid answered Saul: what am I? and what is my lyfe or the kynred of my father in Israel, that I shulde be sonne in lawe to the kynge? 19 Howbeit when the tyme was come that Merob Sauls daughter shulde haue bene geuen to Dauid, she was geuen vnto Adriel a Meholothite, to wyfe. 20 Howbeit, Michol Sauls daughter loued Dauid. And they shewed Saul: & the thynge displeased him not. 21 And Saul sayde: I wyll geue hym her that she maye be a snare to hym, & that the hande of the Philistines maye be agaynst him. Wherfore Saul sayde to Dauid: thou shalt this daye be my sonne in lawe in the other daughter. 22 And Saul commaunded hys seruauntes, to comen wyth Dauid secretlye & to saye: Beholde the kyng hath a fauoure to the, and all his seruauntes loue the, be nowe therfore the kynges sonne in lawe. 23 And Sauls seruauntes spake those wordes in the eares of Dauid. And Dauid sayde: semeth it to you a lyght thynge to be a kynges sonne in lawe: I am a poore man and of smalle reputacion. 24 And the seruauntes brought Saul worde agayne, sayinge: of this maner spake Dauid. 25 And Saul sayd: this wise shal ye saye to Dauid: the kynge careth for no nother dowrye, but for an hundred foreskynnes of the Philistines, to be aduenged of the kynges enemyes. But Saul thought to make Dauid fall into the handes of the Philistines. 26 And when hys seruauntes tolde Dauid these wordes, it pleased Dauid well to be the kynges sonne in lawe. 27 And or the dayes were expyred, Dauid arose with his men, and went & slue of the Philistines, two hundred men, and Dauid brought theyr foreskynnes, and satisfyed the kynge therof, to be hys sonne in lawe. Wherfore Saul gaue hym Michol hys daughter to wyfe. 28 And Saul sawe and vnderstode, howe that the Lorde was with Dauid, and that Michol his daughter loued hym, 29 and he was the moare afrayed of Dauid, and Saul became alwaye Dauids enemie. 30 The lordes of the Philistines vsed to go furth. And it fortuned that whan they went furth, Dauid behaued hym selfe wyselier then all the seruauntes of Saul: so that his name was moche set by.

Genesis 44:30

30 Nowe therfore, when I come to thy seruaunt my father, and the lad be not with vs (seynge that his lyfe hangeth by the laddes lyfe)

Deuteronomy 13:6

6 If thy brother, the sonne of thy mother, or thyne awne sonne, or thy daughter, or the wyfe that lyeth in thy bosome, or thy frende which is as thyne awne soule vnto the, entice the secretly, saying: let vs go & serue straunge Goddes, whych thou hast not knowen nor yet thy fathers,

Judges 20:11

11 And so all the men of Israell gathered to geather agaynst the cytie, knyte to geather, as it had ben but one man.

1 Samuel 14:1-14

1 And it fortuned the same tyme, that Ionathas the sonne of Saul sayd vnto hys younge man that bare hys harnes: come, and let vs go ouer to the Philistines watche that are younder on the other syde, and he tolde not his father. 2 And Saul taryed in the vttmost parte of Gibea vnder Rimmon, whych is in Migron, & the people that were wyth him were vpon a syxe hundred men. 3 And Ahia the sonne of Ahitob Iehabods brother, the sonne of Phinehes, the sonne of Eli, was the Lordes preaste in Silo, & ware an Ephod. And the people wyst not that Ionathas was gone. 4 And in the myddes of the passage (by which Ionathas sought to go ouer vnto the Philistines watch) were there two sharpe rockes euen one on the one syde, & the other on the other syde: the one called Bozez, & the other Senne. 5 The forefront of the one, leaned northwarde towarde Michmas, & the other was southwarde, towarde Gibea: 6 And Ionathas sayd to the younge man that bare his harnesse: come and let vs go ouer vnto the watch of these vncircumcised, paraduenture the Lorde will worke wt vs: for it is no hardnesse wt the Lord to saue ether in manye or in fewe. 7 And his harnesberar sayde vnto him: do all that is in thyne hert: Go where it pleaseth the: Behold, I am wt the, as thine hert lusteth. 8 Then sayde Ionathas: beholde, we go ouer vnto these men, & shall shew oure selues vnto them: 9 yf they saye on this wise to vs: tarye, vntill we come to you, then we will stande stil in or place, & not go vp vnto them. 10 But & yf they saye: come vp vnto vs, then we will go vp, for the Lorde hath delyuered them into oure handes And thys shalbe a sygne vnto vs. 11 And they bothe shewed them selues vnto the watch of the Philistines. And the Philistines sayde: se, the Hebrues come out of the holes where they had hydd them selues in. 12 And the men of the watche answered Ionathas and his harnesbearer, & sayde, come vp to vs, and we will shew you a thinge. And Ionathas sayde vnto his harnesbearer, come vp after me, for the Lord hath delyuered them into the hande of Israel. 13 And Ionathas clame vp vpon handes & fete, & his harnesberer after him. And they fell before Ionathas: & his harnesberer slue them after hym. 14 And that first slaughter which Ionathas and his harnesberer made, was vpon a twentie men, within the compasse as it were about an halfe aker of lande.

1 Samuel 14:45

45 And the people sayde vnto Saul: shall Ionathas dye, which hath so myghtelye helped Israel? God forbyd. As truly as the Lorde lyueth there shall not one heere of hys heed fall to the grounde: for he hath wrought with God thys daye. And so the people delyuered Ionathas, that he dyed not.

1 Samuel 18:3

3 And Ionathas made a couenaunt wyth Dauid, because be loued him as his awne soule.

1 Samuel 19:2

2 But Ionathas Sauls sonne had a greate fauoure to Dauid, and Ionathas tolde Dauid sayinge: Saul my father goeth aboute to slaye the. Nowe therfore take hede to thy selfe vntyll the mornynge, and abyde in some secret place, and hyde thy selfe.

1 Samuel 20:17

17 And wt other wordes dyd Ionathas sweare vnto Dauid, because he loued him. For he loued him, as his awne soule.

2 Samuel 1:26

26 Woo is me for the (my brother Ionathas) verye kynde hast thou bene vnto me. Thy loue to me was wonderfull, passynge the loue of wemen.

1 Chronicles 12:17

17 And Dauid went out to mete them and answered, and sayde vnto them, If ye be come peasablye vnto me, to helpe me, myne hert shalbe knytt vnto you. But and yf you come to betraye me to myne aduersaryes (seynge ther is no wyckednes in myne handes) the God of oure fathers loke theron and rebuke it.

Psalms 86:11

11 Teach me thy waye, (O Lord) and I will walke in thy trueth: O knytt my hert vnto the, that it maye feare thy name.

Proverbs 18:24

24 A man that loueth his frendes wyll be compinable with them: and some frende sticketh faster to a man then his brother.

Colossians 2:2

2 that theyr hertes myght be comforted whan they are knet together in loue, and in all ryches of full vnderstandynge, for to knowe the mistery of God the father, and of Chryst,

1 Samuel 16:21-23

21 And Dauid came to Saul, & stode before him, & he loued him very well, and he was made his harnesbearer. 22 And Saul sent to Isai, sayinge: lett Dauid remayne with me, for he hath founde fauour in my syght. 23 And so it fortuned, that when the euell sprete sent of God came vpon Saul, Dauid toke an harpe, & played wyth his hande, & so Saul was refreshed, & dyd amende, and the euell sprete departed from him.

1 Samuel 17:15

15 Dauid also went and departed from Saul, to fede his fathers shepe at Bethlehem.

1 Samuel 20:8-17

8 And then thou shalt shewe mercye vnto thy seruaunt for thou hast made wyth me thy seruaunt a bonde in the Lorde. Notwithstandynge, yf there be in me any trespace, then sleye me thy selfe, and brynge me not to thy father. 9 And Ionathas answered, God kepe that from the. For yf I knowe, that wyckednesse were concluded of my father, to come vpon the, thynkest thou that I shulde not tell it the? 10 Then sayde Dauid, who shall tell me, yf thy father answere cruelly? 11 And Ionathas sayd vnto Dauid, come and lett vs go out into the felde. And they went out both of them into the felde. 12 And Ionathas sayde vnto Dauid? The Lorde God of Israel loke on it, when I haue groped my fathers mynde, one tyme or other within this thre dayes, that it stande well with Dauid. If I then sende not vnto the & shewe it the, 13 the Lord do so and so vnto Ionathas. But yf my father haue any pleasure to do the euell, I wyll shewe the also, and sende the awaye that thou mayst go in peace. And the Lorde be wyth the, as he hath bene with my father. 14 And thou shalt performe vnto me the mercy of the Lorde, not onely whyle I lyue but euen when I am deed, 15 and plucke not thy mercy awaye from my house for euer: No not when the Lorde hath destroyed the enemyes of Dauid, euery one from the face of the erth. 16 And so Ionathas made a bonde with the house of Dauid, desyringe that the Lord shulde seke it out by the handes of Dauids enemyes (yf it were broken.) 17 And wt other wordes dyd Ionathas sweare vnto Dauid, because he loued him. For he loued him, as his awne soule.

1 Samuel 20:42

42 And Ionathas sayde to Dauid: go in peace. And the thynges which we haue sworne both of vs in the name of the Lorde, sayinge: the Lorde be betwene the & me, & betwene thy sede & myne, let them stonde for euer. And he arose, & departed. And Ionathas went into the towne.

1 Samuel 23:18

18 And they made abonde both of them togeather before the Lorde. And Dauid taryed styll in the thickett, and Ionathas went to his house.

2 Samuel 9:1-3

1 And Dauid sayd: is there yet any man left of the house of Saul? For I will shew hym mercye for Ionathas sake. 2 And there was of the houshold of Saul a seruaunt whose name was Ziba: & whan they had called hym vnto Dauid, the kyng sayd vnto him: art thou Ziba? He sayd: thy seruaunt is he. 3 And the kyng sayde: remayneth ther yet any man of the house of Saul, whom I maye shew the mercye of God vpon? Ziba answered the kynge: Ionathas hath yet a sonne, which is lame on his fete.

2 Samuel 21:7

7 But the kynge had compassyon on Miphiboseth the sonne of Ionathas, the sonne of Saul, because of the Lords othe that was betwene them: euen betwene Dauid and Ionathas the sonne of Saul.

Genesis 41:42

42 And he toke of hys rynge from hys hande, and put it vpon Iosephs hande, and arayed hym in cloth of raynes, and put a golden cheyne aboute hys necke,

Esther 6:8-9

8 that he maye be arayed with the royall garmentes which the kyng vseth to weare: & the horse that the kyng rydeth vpon, and that the crowne royall maye be set vpon his heed. 9 And let this rayment and horse be delyuered vnder the hand of one of the kynges princes, that they maye araye the man withall (whom the kyng is disposed to bryng to honoure) & cary hym vpon the horse thorow the strete of the cytie, and proclayme before him: thus shalt it be done to the man, whom the kynge pleaseth to bryng to honoure.

Isaiah 61:10

10 And therfore I am ioyfull in the Lorde, & my soule reioyseth in my God. For he hath put vpon me the garment of saluacion, & couered me with the mantle of ryghteousnes. He shall decke me lyke a brydegrome, and as a bride that hath hyr apparell vpon her.

Luke 15:22

22 But the father sayd to his seruauntes: brynge forth the best garment, and put it on him, and put a rynge on his hande, and shoes on his fete.

2 Corinthians 5:21

21 for he made him to be synne for vs, which knewe no synne, that we by his meanes shulde be that ryghtewesnes, which before God is alowed.

Philippians 2:7-8

7 Neuerthelesse he made hym selfe of no reputacion, takynge on hym the shape of a seruaunte, and became lyke vnto men, 8 and was founde in his apparell as a man. He humbled him selfe, and became obedient vnto the deeth, euen the deeth of the crosse.

Genesis 39:2-3

2 And God was with Ioseph, & he became a luckye man, continuynge in the house of his master the Egyptian. 3 And his master sawe that God was with him, & that God made all that he dyd to prosper in his hande.

Genesis 39:23

23 And the keper of the preson loked vnto nothynge that was vnder his hande, seynge that the Lorde was with him. For whatsoeuer he dyd, the Lorde made it to prosper.

1 Samuel 13:2

2 And Saul chose him thre thousand men of Israel. Two thousande were wyth Saul in Michmas and in mount Bethel, & a thousande wyth Ionathas in Gibea BenIamin. And the rest of the people he sent, euery man to hys awne house agayne.

1 Samuel 14:52

52 And there was sore warre agaynst the Philistines, all the dayes of Saul. And whomsoeuer Saul sawe to be a stronge man, and mete for the warre he toke him vnto him.

1 Samuel 18:14-15

14 And Dauid behaued him selfe wysely in all his wayes, & the Lord was with him. 15 Wherfore when Saul saw that he was so excedynge wyse, he was afrayd of him.

1 Samuel 18:30

30 The lordes of the Philistines vsed to go furth. And it fortuned that whan they went furth, Dauid behaued hym selfe wyselier then all the seruauntes of Saul: so that his name was moche set by.

Psalms 1:3

3 And he shalbe lyke a tre planted by the watersyde, that wyll brynge forth hys frute in due season. His leafe also shall not wither: & loke whatsoeuer he doth, it shall prospere.

Matthew 10:16

16 Beholde, I sende you forth, as shepe among wolues. Be ye therfore wyse as serpentes and innocent as doues.

Acts 7:10

10 and delyuered hym out of al his aduersities, and gaue him fauour & wysdome in the syght of Pharao kynge of Egypte. And he made hym gouernoure ouer Egypte, and ouer all hys housholde.

Ephesians 5:17

17 Wherfore, be ye not vnwyse, but vnderstande what the wyll of the Lorde is,

Colossians 4:5

5 Walke wysely towarde them that are without, and lose no oportunite.

Exodus 15:20

20 And Mir Iam a prophetysse the syster of Aaron toke a tymbrell in her hande, & all the wemen came out after her wt tymbrels & daunces.

Judges 11:34

34 When Iephthah came to Mazphah vnto his house, se, his daughter came out agaynst him, with tymberelles & daunses, which was his onely childe: so that besyde her, he had nether sonne, nor daughter.

Psalms 68:25

25 The syngers go before, the mynstrels folow after: in the myddes are the damosels playeng with the tymbrels.

Jeremiah 31:11-13

11 For the Lord hath redemed Iacob, and ryd hym from the hande of the violent. 12 And they shall come, & reioyce vpon the hyll of Sion, and shall haue plenteousnes of goodes, which the Lorde shall geue them. Namely, wheate, wyne, oyle, yonge shepe & calues. And theyr conscience shalbe as a well watred garden, for they shall nomore be hongrye. 13 Then shall the mayde reioyce in the daunce, yee, both yonge and olde folkes. For I wyll turne their sorowe into gladnesse, and wyll conforte them from theyr sorowes and make them ioyfull.

Exodus 15:21

21 And Mir Iam sange before them: Synge ye vnto the Lorde: for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse & his ryder hath he ouerthrowne in the see.

1 Samuel 21:11

11 And the seruauntes of Achis sayd of him: is not this Dauid the kyng of the lande? dyd they not syng vnto him, in daunses saying Saul hath slayne his thousand, & Dauid his ten thousand?

1 Samuel 29:5

5 Is not thys Dauid, to whom they sange in daunses: Saul slue hys thousande, and Dauid hys ten thousande?

Psalms 24:7-8

7 Lyfte vp youre heades O ye gates, & be ye lyfte vp, ye euerlastynge dores, & the kynge of glory shall come in. 8 Who is this kynge of glory? It is the Lorde stronge & myghtie, euen the Lord myghtye in battell.

Numbers 11:1

1 And it fortuned, that whan the people dyd wykedlye, it was a dyspleasure in the eares of the Lord. And when the Lord heard it, his countenaunce was prouoked to wrath, & the fier of the Lord burnt among them, & consumed them that were the vttemost of the hoste.

Numbers 22:34

34 Balaam sayd vnto the angell of the Lord: I haue synned: for I wist not that thou stodest in the waye agaynst me Nowe therfore yf it displease the I wyll turne home agayne.

1 Samuel 13:14

14 But nowe, thy kyngdome shall not continewe. The Lorde hath sought him a man after his awne hart, & the Lord hath commaunded him to be captayne ouer his people: because thou hast not kept that whych the Lorde commaunded the.

1 Samuel 15:28

28 And Samuel sayde vnto hym: the Lorde hath rent the kyngdome of Israel from the this daye, & hath geuen it to a neyghboure of thyne, that is better then thou.

1 Samuel 16:13

13 Therfore Samuel toke the horne wyth the oyntment, & anoynted him in the myddes of hys brethren. And the sprete of the Lorde came vpon Dauid, from that daye forwarde. And Samuel rose vp, and went to Rama.

1 Samuel 20:31

31 For as longe as the sonne of Isai lyueth vpon the erth, thou shalt not be stablished, nor yet thy kingdome, wherfore now sende and sett him vnto me, for he is the chylde of deeth.

1 Kings 2:22

22 And kinge Salomon answered and sayde vnto his mother: why doest thou aske Abisag the Sunamite for Adonia? aske for him the kyngdome also: for he is myne elder brother, and hath for hym Abiathar the preaste and Ioab the sonne of Zaruia.

Esther 3:5

5 And when Haman sawe, that Mardocheus bowed not the knee vnto him, nor worshipped him, he was full of indignacion,

Proverbs 13:10

10 Amonge the proude there is euer stryfe, but amonge those that do all thynges with aduisement, there is wysdome.

Proverbs 27:4

4 Wrath is a cruell thinge and furiousnesse is a very tempest: but who is able to abyde enuye?

Ecclesiastes 4:4

4 Agayne, I sawe that all trauayle, & dilygence of labour, that euery man taketh in hande, was done of enuy agaynst his neyboure This is also a vaine thinge, and a vexacion of mynde. 5 Ether do ye thynke that the scripture sayth in vayne. The sprete the dwelleth in vs, lusteth euen contrary to enuy:

Genesis 4:5-6

5 But vnto Cain and to hys offrynge he had no respecte. For the whych cause Cain was exceadyng wrothe, and hys countenaunce abated. 6 And the Lorde sayde vnto Cain: Why art thou wrothe, & why is thy countenaunce abated? yf thou do well, shall there not be a promocion.

Genesis 31:2

2 And Iacob behelde the countenaunce of Laban, & beholde. it was not as yesterdaye and yeryesterdaye.

Matthew 20:15

15 Is it not lawfull for me to do as me lysteth wt myne awne goodes? Is thyne eye euyll, because I am good?

Mark 7:22

22 theft, couetousnes, fraude, deceyte, vnclennes, a wycked eye, blasphemyes, pryde, folyshnes:

Ephesians 4:27

27 nether geue place vnto the backbyter.

James 5:9

9 Grudge not one agaynst another brethren lest ye be damned. Beholde, the iudge standeth before the dore.

1 Samuel 16:14-16

14 But the sprete of the Lorde departed from Saul, and an euell sprete sent of the Lorde vexed him. 15 And Sauls seruauntes sayde vnto him: Beholde, an euell sprete sent of God vexed the, 16 lett oure Lord therfore commaunde his seruauntes (that are before the) to seke a man, that is a connynge player wyth an harpe: that when the euell sprete sent of God commeth vpon the, he maye playe with hys hande and thou shalt be eased.

1 Samuel 16:23

23 And so it fortuned, that when the euell sprete sent of God came vpon Saul, Dauid toke an harpe, & played wyth his hande, & so Saul was refreshed, & dyd amende, and the euell sprete departed from him.

1 Samuel 19:9

9 And the euell sprete sent of the Lorde was vpon Saul, as he sat in hys house hauinge a Iauelinge in his hande, and Dauid played with his hande.

1 Samuel 19:23-24

23 & he went thyther, euen to Naioth in Rama, and the sprete of God came vpon him also, & he went prophesyinge, vntyll he came to Naioth in Rama. 24 And he stripte of his clothes, & prophesyed before Samuel in lyke maner, and fell naked all that daye & all that nyght. And therof it is, that they saye: is Saul also amonge the prophetes?

1 Samuel 26:19

19 Now therfore let my Lord the kyng heare the wordes of his seruaunt. If the Lorde haue stered the vp agaynst me, let him smell the sauoure of a sacrifice. But & yf they be the children of men, cursed are they before the lord For they haue cast me out this daye from abidyng in the enheritaunce of the Lord, saying: hence, & go serue other gods.

1 Kings 18:29

29 And it chaunsed, that when myddaye was passed they prophesyed vntill the tyme of the euenyng sacrifyce. But there was nether voyce ner one to answere, ner any that regarded them.

1 Kings 22:12

12 And all the Prophetes phrophesyed euen so, sayeng: go vp to Ramoth in Gilead, and prosper, for the Lorde shall delyuer it into the kynges hande.

1 Kings 22:20-23

20 And the Lorde sayde: who shall persuade Ahab, that he maye go and fall at Ramoth in Gilead? and one sayde on thys maner, and a nother on that, 21 And there came forth a certayne sprete, and stode before the Lorde and sayde: I wil persuade hym. 22 And the Lorde sayde vnto hym: wherwyth? And he sayde: I wyll go out, and be a false sprete in the mouth of all hys prophetes. He sayde: thou shalt persuade hym, and preuayle, go forth then, and do euen so. 23 Now therfore beholde the Lord hath put a lyenge sprete in the mouth of all these thy prophetes: and the Lorde hath spoken euell towarde the.

Jeremiah 28:2-4

2 b) And thys was done in the same yeare, euen in the begynnynge of the raygne of Zedekiah kynge of Iuda. But in the .iiij. yeare of the raygne of Zedekiah kinge of Iuda, in the .v. moneth, it happened that Hananiah the sonne of Assur the prophet of Gibeon, spake to me in the house of the Lorde, in the presence of the prestes, & of all the people, and sayde: 3 Thus sayth the Lorde of hoostes the God of Israel: I haue broken the yock of the king of Babilon, 4 & after two yeare will I brynge agayne into this place: all the ornamentes of the Lordes house, that Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon caried awaye from this place vnto Babilon.

Jeremiah 28:11

11 And Hananiah the prophet toke the chayne from the prophete Ieremyes necke, and brake it,

Zechariah 13:2-5

2 And then (sayeth the Lorde of hostes) I wyll destroye the names of Idoles out of the lande: so that they shall nomore be put in remembraunce. As for the false prophetes also, and the vnclene sprete, I shall take them out of the lande. 3 So that yf any of them prophecye any more, his awne father and mother that begat him, shall saye vnto him. Thou shalt dye for thou speakest lyes vnder the name of the Lorde: yee, his awne father and mother that begat him, shall wounde him, when he prophecieth. 4 And then shall those prophetes be confounded, euery one of his vision when he prophecieth: nether shal they were sack clothes any more, to disceaue men with all. 5 But he shall be fayne to saye: I am no Prophet: I am an husbandeman, for so am I taught by Adam fro my youth vp.

Acts 16:16

16 And it fortuned as we went to prayer, a certayn damsell possessed with a sprete that prophesyed, met vs, which brought her master: & mastres moche vauntage wt Prophesyinge.

2 Thessalonians 2:11

11 And therfore, God shall sende them stronge delusyon, that they shulde beleue lyes:

1 Samuel 19:9-10

9 And the euell sprete sent of the Lorde was vpon Saul, as he sat in hys house hauinge a Iauelinge in his hande, and Dauid played with his hande. 10 And Saul entended to nayle Dauid to the walle with the Iauelynge. But he ryd hym selfe out of Sauls presens, as he smote the speare into the walle. And Dauid fledde & was saued the same nyght.

1 Samuel 20:33

33 And Saul lyfte vp a speare to hyt him, wherby Ionathas wyst well, that it was vtterlye determined of his father; to sleye Dauid.

Psalms 37:32-33

32 The lawe of his God is in his hert, and his goynges shall not slyde. 33 The vngodly seeth the ryghtuous, & seketh occasyon to slaye hym.

Isaiah 54:17

17 but all the weapens that are made agaynst the, shall not prospere. And as for all tunges, that shall resyste the in iudgement, thou shalt ouercome them, & condemne them. Thys is the heritage of the Lordes seruauntes, and their ryghteousnes commeth of me, sayeth the Lorde.

Luke 4:30

30 But he departed, and went hys waye euen thorow the myddes of them.

John 8:59

59 Then toke they vp stones, to cast at hym: But Iesus hyd him selfe, and went out of the temple.

John 10:39

39 Agayne they went about to take hym: & he escaped out of their hande,

1 Samuel 16:4

4 And so Samuel dyd as the Lorde bad him, and came to Bethlehem, and the elders of the towne were astonnied at his commyng, and sayde: Commest thou peaceably?

1 Samuel 16:13-14

13 Therfore Samuel toke the horne wyth the oyntment, & anoynted him in the myddes of hys brethren. And the sprete of the Lorde came vpon Dauid, from that daye forwarde. And Samuel rose vp, and went to Rama. 14 But the sprete of the Lorde departed from Saul, and an euell sprete sent of the Lorde vexed him.

1 Samuel 16:18

18 Then answered one of his seruauntes and sayde: Beholde, I haue sene a sonne of Isai the Bethlehemite, that can playe vpon instrumentes, and is an actiue felowe, and a man of warre and prudent in doynge of feates, & well made and the Lorde is with hym.

1 Samuel 18:15

15 Wherfore when Saul saw that he was so excedynge wyse, he was afrayd of him.

1 Samuel 18:20

20 Howbeit, Michol Sauls daughter loued Dauid. And they shewed Saul: & the thynge displeased him not.

1 Samuel 18:29

29 and he was the moare afrayed of Dauid, and Saul became alwaye Dauids enemie.

1 Samuel 22:13

13 And Saul sayde vnto hym: why haue ye conspired agaynst me, thou & the sonne of Isai, in that thou hast geuen him vitaile, & a swerde, and hast asked councell of God for him, that he shuld aryse agaynst me, & lye awayte for me this daye?

1 Samuel 28:15

15 And Samuel sayd to Saul: why hast thou vnquieted me, to make me be brought vp? Saul answered: I am sore encombred. For the Philystynes make warre agaynst me, & God is departed from me and answereth me no more, nether by prophetes, nether by dreames. And therfore I haue called the, that thou mayest tell me, what I shall do.

Psalms 48:3-6

3 God is well knowne in her palaces, as a sure refuge. 4 For lo, the kynges are gathered, & gone by together. 5 They marueled, to se soch thinges: they were astonied, and sodenly cast downe. 6 Feare came there vpon them, & sorowe, as vpon a woman in her trauayle.

Psalms 51:11

11 Cast me not awaye from thy presence, & take not thy holy sprete from me.

Psalms 53:5

5 They were afraied, where no feare was: for God hath broken the bones of hym that beseged the: thou hast put them to confusion, because God hath despysed them.

Hosea 9:12

12 And though they brynge vp eny, yet will I make them chyldeles amonge men. Yee, wo shall come to them, when I depart from them.

Matthew 25:41

41 Then shall he saye also vnto them, that shalbe on the lyfte hand: departe from me ye cursed into euerlastynge fyre: whych is prepared for the deuyll and his angels.

Mark 6:20

20 For Herod feared Iohn, knowing that he was a iust man & an holy: & gaue hym reuerence: and when he hearde hym, he dyd many thynges, and hearde hym gladly.

Luke 8:37

37 And all the multitude of the Gederenites, besought him, that he wold departe from them: for they were taken with great feare. And he gate him vp into the shyp, and returned backe agayne.

Acts 7:9

9 And the patriarkes hauing indygnacyon solde Ioseph into Egypte. And God was with hym,

Acts 24:25

25 And as he preached of ryghtewesnes temperaunce, and iudgement to come, Felix trembled, and answered: Go thy waye for thys tyme: whan I haue a conuenient season, I wyll sende for the.

Numbers 27:16-17

16 let the Lorde God of the spretes of all fleshe sett a man ouer the congregacyon, 17 which maye go out and in before them, and leade them out and in: that the congregacyon of the Lorde be not as shepe which haue not a shepherde.

1 Samuel 8:12

12 and will make him of them, captaynes ouer thousandes and ouer fiftyes, and wyll set them to eare his grounde, and to gather in his heruest, and to make instrumentes of warre, and apparell for his charettes.

1 Samuel 18:16-17

16 But all Israel and Iuda loued Dauid, because he went out and in before them. 17 And Saul sayde to Dauid. Beholde, my eldest daughter Merob, her I wyll geue the to wyfe Only playe the man with me, and fyght the Lordes batelles. For Saul thought: myne hande shall not be vpon hym, but the hand of the Philistines.

1 Samuel 18:25

25 And Saul sayd: this wise shal ye saye to Dauid: the kynge careth for no nother dowrye, but for an hundred foreskynnes of the Philistines, to be aduenged of the kynges enemyes. But Saul thought to make Dauid fall into the handes of the Philistines.

1 Samuel 22:7

7 And Saul sayde vnto his seruauntes that stode about him. Heare I praye you you sonnes of Iemini: will the sonne of Isai geue euery one of you feldes and vineardes, & make you all captaynes ouer thousandes & ouer hundredes?

2 Samuel 5:2

2 And in tyme past when Saul was oure kynge, thou leddest Israel in and oute. And the Lorde hath sayd to the: thou shalt fede my people Israell, and thou shalt be a captayne ouer Israel.

Psalms 121:8

8 The Lorde shall preserue thy goynge out and thy commynge in, from thys tyme forth for euer more.

Joshua 6:27

27 And so the Lord was wt Iosua, and his fame was noysed thorowe out all landes.

1 Samuel 10:7

7 Therfore when these signes are chaunced the, do what thou hast to do, for God is wyth the.

Matthew 1:23

23 Behold, a mayd shalbe wt chylde, & shall bring forth a sonne, & they shall call his name Emanuel, which yf a man interpret, it is asmoch to say as God with vs.

Matthew 28:20

20 Teachinge them to obserue all thinges, whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you. And lo I am wyth you allwaye, euen vntyll the ende of the worlde.

Acts 18:10

10 for I am with the, & noman shall inuade the that shall hurte the. For I haue moch people in this cytie.

Psalms 112:5

5 A good man is mercyfull, and lendeth: and wyll gyde his wordes wt discrecion.

Daniel 6:4-5

4 Wherfore the Princes and Lordes sought, to pycke out in Daniel some quarell agaynst the kyngdome: yet coulde they fynde none occasyon ner faute vpon hym. For whyche was so faythfull, that there was no blame ner dishonesty founde in hym. 5 Then sayde these men: we wyll get no quarell agaynst thys Daniel, excepte it be in the lawe of hys God.

James 1:5

5 If eny of you lacke wysdome, let hym aske of him that geueth it: euen God, which geueth to all men indifferentlye, and casteth no man in the teeth: and it shalbe geuen him.

James 3:17

17 But the wysdome that is from aboue, is first pure, then peasable, gentle, & easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good frutes, without iudging, without simulacion:

Numbers 27:17

17 which maye go out and in before them, and leade them out and in: that the congregacyon of the Lorde be not as shepe which haue not a shepherde.

1 Samuel 18:5

5 And Dauid went oute whether soeuer Saul sent hym, and behaued him selfe wysely. And Saul sett hym ouer hys men of warre, and he was accepted in the syght of all the people, and in the syght of Sauls seruauntes.

1 Kings 3:7

7 And nowe, O Lord my God, it is thou that hast made thy seruaunt kynge in steade of Dauid my father, And I am but yonge, and wote not howe to go out and in.

Luke 19:48

48 & coulde not fynde what to do. For all the people stacke by hym, whan they hearde hym.

Luke 20:19

19 And the hye prestes and the Scrybes the same houre went about to laye handes on hym, and they feared the people. For they perceaued that he had spoken thys symilitude agaynst them.

Numbers 21:14

14 Wherfore it is spoken in the boke of the warre of the Lord, what thynge he dyd in the redd see, & in the ryuers of Arnon.

Numbers 32:20

20 And Moses sayde vnto them: yf ye will do this thinge, and goo harnessed before the Lorde to warre,

Numbers 32:27

27 But thy seruauntes wyll goo all harnessed for the warre, and vnto battayll before the Lorde, as my lorde sayth.

Numbers 32:29

29 and Moses saide vnto them: If the children of Gad and the children of Ruben wyll go with you ouer Iordan, all prepared to fyght before the Lord, then when the lande is subdued before you, ye shall geue them the lande of Gilead to possesse:

Deuteronomy 17:7

7 The handes of the wytnesses shalbe fyrst vpon hym, to kyll hym, and afterwarde the handes of the people, & thou shalt put the wycked awaye from the.

1 Samuel 17:25

25 And euery man of Israel sayde: Sawe ye thys man come forth? euen to reuyle Israel is he come. And to hym that beateth hym, wyll the kynge geue great ryches, and will geue him his daughter therto: yee & make his fathers house fre in Israel.

1 Samuel 17:47

47 And all thys congregacyon shall knowe, that the Lord saueth not with swerd and speare. For the battell is the Lordes, and he shall geue you into oure handes.

1 Samuel 18:21

21 And Saul sayde: I wyll geue hym her that she maye be a snare to hym, & that the hande of the Philistines maye be agaynst him. Wherfore Saul sayde to Dauid: thou shalt this daye be my sonne in lawe in the other daughter.

1 Samuel 25:28

28 Forgeue the trespace of thine handmayde, for the Lord will make my Lorde a sure house, because my Lord fyghteth the batayles of the Lorde, and there coulde none euel be founde in the in all thy dayes.

2 Samuel 11:15

15 And he wrote thus in the letter, sayeng: put Urias in the forefront of the sharper battell, and come ye backe from hym, that he maye be smytten and dye.

2 Samuel 12:9

9 Wherfore then hast thou despised the commaundement of the Lorde, to do wyckednesse in hys syght? thou hast kylde Urias the Hethite with the swerde, and hast taken his wife to thy wyfe, & hast slayne hym with the swerde of the chyldren of Ammon.

Psalms 12:2

2 They talke of vanyte, euery one wyth hys neyghboure, they do but flatter wyth theyr lyppes & dyssemble in theyr double herte.

Psalms 55:21

21 O cast thy burthen, vpon the Lorde and he shall norysh the, and not suffre the ryghteous to fall for euer.

Exodus 3:11

11 And Moses sayde vnto God: what am I to goo vnto Pharao, and to brynge the chyldren of Israel out of Egypte?

Ruth 2:10

10 Then she fell on her face and bowed her selfe to the grounde, and sayd vnto him: how is it that I haue founde grace in thine eyes, and that thou shuldest knowe me, seing I am an aliaunt?

1 Samuel 9:21

21 But Saul answered and sayde: am not I the sonne of a Ieminite of the smallest trybe of Israel? and my kynred is the least of all the kynredes of the trybe of BenIamin. Wherfore then speakest thou so to me?

1 Samuel 18:23

23 And Sauls seruauntes spake those wordes in the eares of Dauid. And Dauid sayde: semeth it to you a lyght thynge to be a kynges sonne in lawe: I am a poore man and of smalle reputacion.

2 Samuel 7:18

18 Then went Dauid in, and set hym downe before the Lord, and sayde: what am I, O Lord God? and what is my house? that thou shuldest haue brought me this farre forth?

Proverbs 15:33

33 The feare of the Lorde is the ryght science of wysdome, and lowlynes goeth before honoure.

Proverbs 18:12

12 After pryde commeth destruccyon, and honour after lowlynes.

Jeremiah 1:6

6 Then sayde I: Oh Lorde God, I canne not speake, for I am yet but younge.

Judges 7:22

22 And the thre hundreth blewe wyth trompettes, & the Lorde sett euery mannes swerde vpon hys neyghboure, thorow out all the hoste. And the hoste fled to Bethsitah, to Zererath, & to the edge of the playne of Meholah vnto Tabath.

Judges 14:20

20 But Samsons wyfe was geuen to one of hys companyons, that he had taken vnto hym.

2 Samuel 21:8

8 But he toke the two sonnes of Rizpa the daughter of Aia (whom she bare vnto Saul) euen Armoni and Miphiboseth, & the fyue sonnes of Michol (the daughter of Saul) whom she bare to Adriel the sonne of Barselai the Meholathite.

1 Samuel 18:28

28 And Saul sawe and vnderstode, howe that the Lorde was with Dauid, and that Michol his daughter loued hym,

Exodus 10:7

7 And Pharaos seruauntes sayd vnto him: Howe longe shall he be a slaunder vnto vs? Let the men go, that they maye serue the Lorde their God: knowest thou not yet that Egipt is destroied?

1 Samuel 18:17

17 And Saul sayde to Dauid. Beholde, my eldest daughter Merob, her I wyll geue the to wyfe Only playe the man with me, and fyght the Lordes batelles. For Saul thought: myne hande shall not be vpon hym, but the hand of the Philistines.

1 Samuel 18:26

26 And when hys seruauntes tolde Dauid these wordes, it pleased Dauid well to be the kynges sonne in lawe.

1 Samuel 19:11-12

11 Saul also sent messengers vnto Dauids house, to watch him, and to sleye him in the mornynge. And Michol Dauids wyfe tolde it him, sayinge: If thou saue not thy selfe this night, to morowe thou wilt be slayne. 12 And so Michol lett Dauid downe thorowe a wyndowe, and he went, & fled, and was saued.

Psalms 7:14-16

14 Beholde he trauayleth with myschefe, he hath conceaued sorow, and brought forth vngodlynesse. 15 He hath grauen and dygged vp a pytte, & is fallen hym selfe into the destruccyon that he made (for other.) 16 For his trauayll shall come vpon his awne head & his wickednes shall fall vpon hys awne pate.

Psalms 38:12

12 They also that sought after my life, layed snares for me: & they that went aboute to do me euell, talked of wickednesse, & ymagined disceate all the daye longe.

Proverbs 26:24-26

24 And enemye shalbe knowen by his talkyng, & in the meane season he ymagyneth myschefe, 25 but when he speaketh fayre, beleue him not, for there are seuen abhominacions in his herte. 26 Who so kepeth euell will, secretly to do hurte, his malyce shalbe shewed before the whole congregacyon.

Proverbs 29:5

5 Who so flatreth hys neyghbour, layeth a nette for his fete.

Jeremiah 5:26

26 For amonge my people are founde wicked persones, that priuily lay snares & wayte for men, to take them & destroye them.

Jeremiah 9:8

8 Theyr tunges are lyke sharpe arowes, to speake dysceate. Wyth theyr mouth they speake peaceably to theyr neyghboure, but preuely they laye wayte for hym.

2 Samuel 13:28-29

28 Nowe had Absalom commaunded his younge men, sayenge: marke when Amnons hert is mery wyth wyne & when I byd you smyte Amnon, then kyll hym: and feare not, haue not I bydden you? be bolde therfore, & playe the men. 29 And the younge men of Absalom dyd vnto Amnon euen as Absalom had commaunded. And all the kynges sonnes arose, & euery man gat hym vp, vpon hys Mule, & fled.

Psalms 36:1-3

1 To the Chaunter, of Dauid the seruaunt of the Lorde. My hert sheweth me the wyckednesse of the vngodly, that there is no feare of God before hys eyes. 2 For he flatreth hym selfe in hys owne syght, tyll hys abhominable synne be founde out. 3 The wordes of hys mouth are vnryghteous, and full of disceate: he hath left of to behaue hym selfe wysely and to do good.

Proverbs 29:12

12 If a prince delyte in lyes, all his seruauntes are vngodly.

Psalms 119:141

141 I am small and of no reputacyon, yet do not I forget thy commaundementes.

Proverbs 14:20

20 The poore is hated euen of hys awne neyghboures, but the ryche hath many frendes.

Proverbs 19:6-7

6 The multitude hangeth vpon great men: and euery man fauoureth hym that geueth rewardes. 7 As for the poore, he is hated amonge all his brethren: yee, hys awne frendes withdrawe from him: and yf he aske them the cause, they dysdayne to answere hym.

Ecclesiastes 9:15-16

15 And in the citie there was founde a poore man, (but he was wyse) which with hys wysdome delyuered the citye: yet was there no body, that had eny respect vnto soch a simple man. 16 Then sayde I: wysdome is better then strength. Neuertheles, a symple mans wysdome is despised, & hys wordes are not herde.

1 John 3:1

1 Beholde, what loue the father hath shewed on vs, that we shuld be called the the sonnes of God. For this cause the worlde knoweth you not, because it knoweth not hym.

Genesis 17:11-14

11 ye shall circumcyse the fleshe of your foreskyne, and it shall be a token of the bonde betwyxte me and you. 12 And euery manchylde of .viij. dayes olde shall be circumcysed amonge you, & suche as be in youre generacyons, and borne at home and he that is boughte wyth money of any straunger whych is not of thy seed. He that is borne in thy house, & he also that is bought wyth money, must nedes be circumcysed. 13 And my testament shall be in youre fleshe, for an euerlastinge bonde. 14 And the vncircumcysed manchylde, in whose fleshe the forskynne is not circumcysed, that soule shall peryshe, from his people: because he hath broken my testament.

Genesis 29:18

18 And Iacob loued Rahel, and sayde: I wyll serue the .vij. yeare for Rahel thy yongest daughter.

Genesis 34:12

12 Axe frely of me both the dowry and giftes, and I wyll geue accordynge as ye saye vnto me, so that ye geue me the Damsell to wyfe.

Exodus 22:16-17

16 If a man entyse a mayde that is not betrouthed, and lye with her, he shall endote her, and take her to hys wyfe. 17 And yf hyr father refuse to geue her vnto hym, he shall paye money accordynge to the dowrie of virgens.

Joshua 5:3

3 And Iosua made him sharpe knyues (of stone) & circuncised the children of Israel in the place called the hille of the foreskynnes.

1 Samuel 14:24

24 And whyle the men of Israel were kepte downe wyth honger that daye, Saul charged the people with an ooth sayinge: Cursed be the man that eateth any foode vntyll nyght, tyll I be aduenged of myne enemyes: And so, none of the people tasted any sustinaunce.

1 Samuel 17:26

26 And Dauid spake to the men that stode by, and sayde: What shalbe done to the man that beateth this Philistine, & taketh awaye the shame from Israel? And what is thys vncircumcised Philistine, that he shulde reuyle the hoste of the lyuinge God?

1 Samuel 17:36

36 And so thy seruaunt slue the Lyon & the beare (also) hath thy seruaunt slayne. And truly thys vncircumcised Philistine shalbe as one of them seynge he hath rayled on the hoste of the lyuing God.

2 Samuel 17:8-11

8 For (sayd Husai) thou knowest thy father, & his men, howe that they be strong. And they be chafed in their myndes, and are euen as a Beare robbed of her whelpes in the felde. Thy father is a man also practised in warre, & maketh no tarienge with the people. 9 Beholde he lurketh now in some caue, or in some other stronge place. And though some of his men be ouerthrowen at the fyrst brunt, yet they that heare it will saye: The people that foloweth Absalom, be put to the worsse. 10 And the best men thou hast whose herttes are as the hertes of Lyons, shall shrynke therat. For all Israel knoweth, that thy father is a myghtye man, and they whych be wyth him are all men of warre. 11 Therfore my councell is, that all Israel be geathered vnto the, from Dan to Beerseba, (which are as the sande of the see in nombre) and that thou go to batayle in thyne awne person.

Judges 14:19

19 And the sprete of the Lorde came vpon hym. And he went downe to Askalon, and slewe thyrty men of them, and spoyled them, and gaue chaunge of garmentes vnto them whych expounded the ryddle. And he was wroth, and went vp to hys fathers house.

1 Samuel 18:13

13 Therfore Saul put him from hym, and made him a captayne ouer a thousand, and he went out & in before the people.

2 Samuel 3:14

14 And Dauid sent messengers to Isboseth Sauls sonne, saying, delyuer me my wife Michol, which I maryed with an hundred forskynnes of the Philistines.

Genesis 30:27

27 To whom Laban answered: yf I haue founde fauoure in thy syght (for I suppose that the Lord hath blessed me for thy sake)

Genesis 37:8-11

8 To whom hys brethren sayde: shalt thou be oure kynge in dede? or shalt thou in dede haue dominyon ouer vs? And they hated hym yet the more, because of hys dreames, and of his wordes. 9 And he dreamed yet another dreame and tolde it his brethren sayinge: beholde, I haue had one dreame more: me thought the sonne and the moone & .xj. starres made obeysaunce to me. 10 And when he had tolde it vnto his father and hys brethren, hys father rebuked him & sayde vnto him: what is thys dreame which thou hast dreamed: shall I & thy mother and thy brethren come to fall on the grounde before the? 11 And hys brethren hated him, but hys father noted the sayinge.

Genesis 39:3

3 And his master sawe that God was with him, & that God made all that he dyd to prosper in his hande.

1 Samuel 24:20

20 And now beholde, I wote well that thou shalt be kyng, and that the kingdom of Israel shalbe stablyshed in thyne hande.

1 Samuel 26:25

25 Then Saul sayd to Dauid: Blessed art thou my sonne Dauid, for thou shalt be a doer and preuayle. And so Dauid went his waye, and Saul turned to his place agayne.

Revelation 3:9

9 Beholde, I make them of the congregacyon of Sathan, whych call them selues Iewes, and are not, but do lye: Beholde, I wyll make them that they shall come, and worshypp before thy fete: and shall knowe, that I haue loued the.

Genesis 4:4-8

4 Habel also brought of the fyrstlynges of hys shepe, and of the fat therof. And the Lorde had respecte vnto Habel, & to hys oblacyon. 5 But vnto Cain and to hys offrynge he had no respecte. For the whych cause Cain was exceadyng wrothe, and hys countenaunce abated. 6 And the Lorde sayde vnto Cain: Why art thou wrothe, & why is thy countenaunce abated? yf thou do well, shall there not be a promocion. 7 And yf thou dost not well, lyeth not thy synne in the dores? Unto the also pertayneth the lust therof, and thou shalt haue dominion ouer it. 8 And Cain spake vnto Habel hys brother. And it fortuned whan they were in the felde, Cain rose vp agaynst Habel hys brother, and slue him.

1 Samuel 18:12

12 And Saul was afearde of Dauid, because the Lord was with hym, & was departed from Saul.

Psalms 37:12-14

12 The vngodly seketh councell agaynst the iust, & gnassheth vpon hym with his tethe. 13 The Lord shall laughe hym to scorne, for he hath sene, that his daye is commynge. 14 The vngodly haue drawen out the swerde, and haue bended their bowe, to cast downe the poore and nedye, and to slaye soch as be of a ryght conuersacion.

John 11:53

53 Then from that daye forth they toke councel together, for to put him to death.

James 2:19

19 Beleuest thou that ther is one god? Thou doest well. The deuyls also beleue, & tremble.

1 John 3:12-15

12 not as Cayn which was of that wicked, and slewe his brother. And wherfore slewe he hym? Because his awne workes were euyll, and hys brothers good. 13 Maruayle not my brethren though the world hate you. 14 We knowe, that we are translated from deeth vnto lyfe, because we loue the brethren. He that loueth not hys brother, abydeth in deeth. 15 Whosoeuer hateth his brother, is a man slear. And ye knowe, that no man slear, hath eternall lyfe abydynge in hym.

1 Samuel 2:30

30 Wherfore the lorde God of Israell sayeth: I sayde, that thy house and the house of thy father shuld walke before me for euer. But now the lorde sayeth: that be farre from me: for them that worshipe me, I will worshipe, & they that despyse me, shall come to shame.

1 Samuel 26:21

21 Then sayde Saul: I haue synned, come agayn my sonne Dauid, for I will do the no moare harme, because my soule was preciouse in thyne eyes thys daye. Beholde, I haue played the fole, & haue erred excedyngly.

2 Samuel 11:1

1 And it came to passe that (after the yeare was expyred) in the tyme when kynges vse to go forth to battell, Dauid sent Ioab and hys seruauntes wyth hym, and all Israel, whych destroyed the chyldren of Ammon, and beseged Raba. But Dauid taryed styll at Ierusalem.

2 Kings 1:13

13 And the thirde captayne ouer fyftie went vp and came & fell on his knees before Elia and be sought him, and sayde vnto him: O man of God, let my lyfe and the lyfe of these fyftie thy seruauntes be preciouse in thy syght.

Psalms 116:15

15 Behold (O Lorde) how that I am thy seruaunt: I am thy seruaunt,

Psalms 119:99

99 I haue more vnderstandynge than my teachers, for thy testimonies are my studie.

Daniel 1:20

20 which in all wysdome and matters of vnderstandinge, that he enquered of them, founde them ten tymes better, then all the sothsayers and charmers, that were in all his realme.

Luke 21:15

15 for I wyll geue you a mouth & wysdome, where agaynste, all your aduersaries shall not be able to speake nor resist.

Ephesians 5:15

15 Take hede therfore howe ye walke circumspectly: not as vnwyse, but as wyse men.

1 Peter 2:4

4 to whom ye come, as vnto a lyuinge stone, disalowed of men, but chosen of God & precious:

1 Peter 2:7

7 Unto you therfore whych beleue he is precious: but vnto them which beleue not the stone which the buylders refused, the same is begonne to be the heed of the corner,

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.