1 Corinthians 9:1 Cross References - Great

1 Am I not an Apostle? am I not fre? haue I not sene Iesus Christ oure Lorde?

Acts 9:3

3 And when he iornyed, it fortuned that as he was nye to Damasco, sodenly their shyned round about hym a lyght from heauen,

Acts 9:5

5 And he sayde: what art thou Lorde? And the Lorde sayd: I am Iesus, whom thou persecutest. It is hard for the to kycke against the pryckes.

Acts 9:15

15 The Lorde vnto him: go thy waye, for he is a chosen vessel vnto me, to beare my name before the Gentyls, and kynges, and the chyldren of Israel.

Acts 9:17

17 And Ananias went his waye, and entred into the house, and put hys handes on hym, and sayd: brother Saul, the Lord that apperyd vnto the in the waye as thou camest, hath sent me, that thou myghtest receaue thy syght, and be fylled with the holy ghost.

Acts 13:2

2 As they ministred to the Lorde and fasted, the holy ghost saide: separate me Barnabas and Saul, for the worcke wherunto I haue called them.

Acts 14:4

4 But the multitude of the cytie was deuyded: and parte helde with the Iewes, & parte with the Apostles.

Acts 14:14

14 Which when the Apostles, Barnabas and Paul herde of, they rent their clothes, and ran in amonge the people, cryinge

Acts 16:17-18

17 The same folowed Paul and vs, and cryed, sayinge: these men are the seruauntes of the most hye God, which shew vnto vs the waye of saluacyon. 18 And thys dyd she many dayes. But Paul not content, turned aboute, and sayde to the sprete. I commaunde the in the name of Iesu Christ, that thou come out of her. And he came out the same houre

Acts 18:8-11

8 Howbeit, one Crispus the chefe ruler of the synagoge beleued on the Lorde with all his housholde, and many of the Corinthians whan they gaue audience, beleued, and were baptised. 9 Then spake the Lorde to Paul in the nyght by a visyon: be not afrayde, but speake, and holde not thy peace: 10 for I am with the, & noman shall inuade the that shall hurte the. For I haue moch people in this cytie. 11 And he continued there a yeare and syxe monethes, and taught them the worde of God.

Acts 22:6-8

6 And it fortuned (that as I made my iorney and was come nye vnto Damasco aboute none) sodenly there shone from heauen a greate lyght ronnde aboute me, 7 and I fell vnto the earthe, and hearde a voyce sayinge vnto me: Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? 8 And I answered: what arte thou Lorde? And he sayde vnto me: I am Iesus of Nazareth, whom thou persecutest.

Acts 22:14-21

14 And he sayde: the God of our fathers hath ordeyned the before, that thou shuldest knowe hys wyll, and shuldest heare the voyce of hys mouth: 15 for thou shalt be hys wytnes vnto all men of those thinges, which thou hast sene and heard. 16 And nowe, why taryest thou? Aryse, and be baptysed, and wasshe awaye thy synnes in callyng on the name name of the Lorde. 17 And it fortuned, that whan I was come agayne to Ierusalem, and prayde in the temple, I was in a traunce, 18 and sawe hym, sayinge vnto me: Make haste, and get the quyckly oute of Ierusalem: for they wyll not receaue thy wytnesse, that thou bearest of me 19 And I sayde: Lorde, they knowe that I presoned, and bett in euery Synagoge them that beleued on the. 20 And whan the bloude of thy wytnes Steuen was shed, I also stode by, and consented vnto hys death, and kept the rayment of them that slewe hym. 21 And he sayd vnto me departe, for I wyll sende the a farre hence vnto the Gentyls.

Acts 23:11

11 The nyght folowynge, God stode by hym, and sayde: be of good cheare Paul: for as thou hast testifyed of me in Ierusalem so must thou beare wytnesse also at Rome.

Acts 26:16-18

16 but ryse and stand vp on thy fete. For I haue appeared vnto the for thys purpose, to make the a minister and a witnes both of those thynges whych thou hast sene, & of those thynges in the which I will appeare vnto the, 17 delyueringe the from the people, and from the gentyls, vnto whom now I sende the, 18 to open their eyes, that they maye be turned from darckness to light, and from the power of Satan vnto God, that they maye receaue forgeuenes of synnes, and inheritaunce amonge them whych are sanctified by fayth that is toward me.

Romans 1:1

1 Paul the seruaunt of Iesus Chryst called to the office of an Apostle put a parte for the Gospell of God

Romans 1:5

5 by whom we haue receaued grace & Apostleshyp, that obedience myght be geuen vnto the fayth in hys name amonge all heathen,

Romans 11:13

13 I speake to you gentyls, in as moch as I am the Apostle of the gentyls, I wyll magnify myne office,

1 Corinthians 1:1

1 Paul called an Apostle of Iesus Christ, thorowe the will of God, and brother Softenes.

1 Corinthians 3:6

6 I haue planted, Apollo watred: but God gaue the encreace.

1 Corinthians 4:14-15

14 I wryte not these thynges, to shame you: but as my beloued sonnes I warne you. 15 For though ye haue ten thousande instructours in Chryst: yet haue ye not many fathers. In Chryst Iesu I haue begotten you thorow the Gospell.

1 Corinthians 9:2-3

2 Are ye not my worke in the Lorde? If I be not an Apostle vnto other, yet am I vnto you. For the seale of myne Apostleshyppe are ye in the Lord. 3 Myne answer to them that aske me, is this.

1 Corinthians 9:19

19 For though I be fre from all men, yet haue I made my selfe seruaunt vnto all men, that I myght wynne the moo.

1 Corinthians 15:8-9

8 And last of all he was sene of me, as of one that was borne oute of due tyme. 9 For I am the least of the apostles, which am not worthy to be called an Apostle, because I persecuted the congregacyon of God.

2 Corinthians 6:1

1 We also as helpers exhorte you that ye receaue not the grace of God in vayne.

2 Corinthians 11:5

5 For I suppose that I was not behynde the chefe Apostles.

2 Corinthians 12:11-12

11 Therfore, haue I delectacion in infirmityes, in rebukes, in necessities, in persecucyons, in anguysshes for Chrystes sake. For when I am weake, then am I stronge. 12 I am become a foole in boasting my selfe. Ye haue compelled me: for I ought to haue bene commended of you. For in nothynge was I inferior vnto the chefe apostles, though I be nothing,

Galatians 1:1

1 Paul an apostle, not of men, nether by man: but by Iesus Christ, and by God the father, which raysed him vp from deeth:

Galatians 1:15-17

15 But when it pleased God, which seperated me from my mothers wombe, and called me here unto by hys grace, 16 for to declare hys sonne by me, that I shulde preache hym amonge the Heathen: immediatly I commened not of the matter with flessh & bloude, 17 nether returned to Ierusalem, to them which were apostles before me: but went my wayes into Arabia, and came agayne vnto Damasco.

Galatians 2:7-8

7 But contrary wyse, when they sawe that the gospell ouer the vncircumcision was committed vnto me, as the gospell ouer the circumcisyon was commytted vnto Peter. 8 For he that was myghty in Peter in the Apostleshyppe ouer the circumcisyon, the same was myghty in me amonge the Gentyls.

Galatians 5:1

1 Stande fast therfore in the liberty wherwith Christ hath made vs fre, and wrappe not youre selues agayne in the yoke of bondage.

1 Thessalonians 2:6

6 nether sought we prayse of men nether of you, nor yet of eny other, when we myght haue bene in auctorite, as the Apostles of Christ, 7 where vnto I am ordayned a preacher and an Apostle. I tell the trueth in Christ and lye not: beynge the teacher of the gentyls wyth fayth and veritye.

2 Timothy 1:11

11 whervnto I am apoynted, a preacher & Apostle, and a teacher of the Gentyls:

Titus 1:1-3

1 Paul the seruaunt of God, and apostle of Iesu Christ accordinge to the fayth of goddes electe, and accordynge to the knowledge of the trueth, which is after godlynes 2 in the hope of eternall lyfe, which God (that cannot lye) promysed before the worlde beganne: 3 but hath opened his worde at the tyme appoynted thorowe preachinge, which is commytted vnto me, accordynge to the commaundement of God oure saueoure.

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