Revelation 18:1 Cross References - Geneva

1 And after these thinges, I sawe another Angel come downe from heauen, hauing great power, so that the earth was lightened with his glorie,

Isaiah 60:1-3

1 Arise, O Ierusalem: be bright, for thy light is come, and the glorie of the Lord is risen vpon thee. 2 For beholde, darkenesse shall couer the earth, and grosse darkenesse the people: but the Lord shall arise vpon thee, and his glory shall be seene vpon thee. 3 And the Gentiles shall walke in thy light, and Kings at the brightnesse of thy rising vp.

Ezekiel 43:2

2 And beholde, the glorie of the God of Israel came from out of the East, whose voyce was like a noyse of great waters, and the earth was made light with his glorie.

Luke 17:24

24 For as the lightening that lighteneth out of the one part vnder heauen, shineth vnto the other part vnder heauen, so shall the Sonne of man be in his day.

2 Thessalonians 2:8

8 And then shall that wicked man be reueiled, whome the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of his mouth, and shall abolish with the brightnes of his comming,

Revelation 10:1

1 And I sawe another mightie Angel come downe from heauen, clothed with a cloude, and the raine bowe vpon his head, and his face was as the sunne, and his feete as pillars of fire.

Revelation 17:1

1 Then there came one of the seuen Angels, which had the seuen vials, and talked with me, saying vnto me, Come: I will shewe thee the damnation of the great whore that sitteth vpon many waters,

Revelation 17:7

7 Then the Angel saide vnto me, Wherefore marueilest thou? I will shewe thee the misterie of that woman, and of that beast, that beareth her, which hath seuen heads, and tenne hornes.

Revelation 21:23

23 And this citie hath no neede of the sunne, neither of the moone to shine in it: for the glorie of God did light it: and the Lambe is the light of it.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.