7 Nowe therefore there is altogether infirmitie in you, in that yee goe to lawe one with another: why rather suffer ye not wrong? why rather susteine yee not harme?
1 Corinthians 6:7 Cross References - Geneva
Proverbs 2:5
5 Then shalt thou vnderstand the feare of the Lord, and finde the knowledge of God.
Proverbs 2:8-10
Proverbs 20:22
22 Say not thou, I wil recompense euill: but waite vpon the Lord, and he shall saue thee.
Hosea 10:2
2 Their heart is deuided: nowe shall they be founde faultie: he shall breake downe their altars: he shall destroy their images.
Matthew 5:39-41
Luke 6:29
29 And vnto him that smiteth thee on ye one cheeke, offer also the other: and him that taketh away thy cloke, forbid not to take thy coate also.
Romans 12:17-19
1 Thessalonians 5:15
15 See that none recompense euil for euil vnto any man: but euer follow that which is good, both toward your selues, and toward all men.
James 4:1-3
1 From whence are warres and contentions among you? are they not hence, euen of your pleasures, that fight in your members?
2 Ye lust, and haue not: ye enuie, and desire immoderately, and cannot obtaine: ye fight and warre, and get nothing, because ye aske not.
3 Ye aske, and receiue not, because ye aske amisse, that ye might lay the same out on your pleasures.
1 Peter 2:19-23
19 For this is thanke worthie, if a man for conscience toward God endure griefe, suffering wrongfully.
20 For what praise is it, if when ye be buffeted for your faultes, yee take it paciently? but and if when ye doe well, ye suffer wrong and take it paciently, this is acceptable to God.
21 For hereunto ye are called: for Christ also suffred for you, leauing you an ensample that ye should follow his steppes.
22 Who did no sinne, neither was there guile found in his mouth.
23 Who when hee was reuiled, reuiled not againe: when hee suffered, hee threatned not, but comitted it to him that iudgeth righteously.
1 Peter 3:9
9 Not rendring euil for euill, neither rebuke for rebuke: but contrarywise blesse, knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should be heires of blessing.