Psalms 38:1 Cross References - ECB

1 By David; To remember. O Yah Veh, neither reprove me in your rage nor discipline me in your fury:

Deuteronomy 9:19

19 For I became afraid to face the wrath and fury, Yah Veh enraged against you to desolate you: and Yah Veh hearkened to me at that time also.

Psalms 6:1

1 To His Eminence; On Strummer; On Octave; A Psalm by David. O Yah Veh, neither reprove me in your wrath, nor discipline me in your fury.

Psalms 70:1

1 To His Eminence, by David: A Reminder. O Elohim, rescue me; hasten to help me, O Yah Veh:

Psalms 88:7

7 your fury props on me and you humble me with all your waves. Selah.

Psalms 88:15-16

15 I am humbled - expiring since ladhood; I bear your terrors - perplexed; 16 your fuming passes over me; your terrors exterminate me;

Isaiah 27:8

8 In a seah, when it spreads, you strive therewith: he removes his hard wind in the day of the easterly.

Isaiah 54:8

8 in an outburst of rage I hid my face from you for a blink; and in eternal mercy I mercy you, says Yah Veh your Redeemer.

Jeremiah 10:24

24 O Yah Veh, correct me; only with judgment; not in your wrath; lest you diminish me.

Jeremiah 30:11

11 For I am with you - an oracle of Yah Veh to save you: though I work a final finish of all goyim where I scattered you, yet I not work a final finish of you: and I discipline you in judgment, and in exonerating, I exonerate you not.

Habakkuk 3:2

2 O Yah Veh, I hear your report, and awe: O Yah Veh, enliven your deeds midst the years, midst the years make known; in quivering, remember mercy.

Hebrews 12:5-11

5 and you are utterly oblivious to the consolation which reasons to you as to sons, My son, neither disregard the discipline of Yah Veh, nor weaken when he reproves you: 6 for Yah Veh disciplines whom he loves and scourges every son he receives. Proverbs 3:11, 12 7 If you endure discipline, Elohim offers you as with sons; for what son is there whom the father disciplines not? 8 And if you are apart from discipline, whereof all become partakers, then you are bastards and not sons. 9 So indeed we have fathers of our flesh who discipline us and we respect them: and not much rather subjugate to the Father of spirits and live? 10 For they indeed, for a few days, discipline after their well-thinking; but he for our benefit that we partake of his holiness. 11 Now indeed, for the present, no discipline is thought to be cheerful - but sorrowful: nevertheless afterward it gives the shalom of the fruit of justness to them who exercise through it.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.