Luke 18:35 Cross References - ECB

And so be it, as he approaches Yericho, someone blind sits by the way side begging:

1 Samuel 2:8

8 he raises the poor from the dust; and lifts the needy from the dunghill - to set them among volunteers - to inherit the throne of honor: for the pillars of the earth are unto Yah Veh and on them he set the world.

Matthew 20:29-34

And as they proceed from Yericho a vast multitude follows him: 30 and behold, two blind men sitting by the way side, hear that Yah Shua passes by, and they cry out, wording, Mercy us, O Adonay, you son of David. 31 - and the multitude rebukes them to hush. But they cry out the more, wording, Mercy us, O Adonay, you son of David. 32 And Yah Shua stands still and voices out to them, saying, What will you that I do to you? 33 They word to him, Adonay, that our eyes be opened. 34 So Yah Shua has a sympathetic spleen on them and touches their eyes: and straightway their eyes see and they follow him.

Mark 10:46-52

And they come to Yericho: and as he departs from Yericho with his disciples and an ample multitude, blind Bar Tame/Son of Tame, sits by the wayside begging: 47 and he hears it is Yah Shua the Nazarene, and he begins to cry out, and word, Yah Shua, son of David, mercy me! 48 - and many rebuke him that he hush: But he cries the more vastly, Son of David, mercy me! 49 And Yah Shua stands, and says, Voice out to him. And they voice out to the blind man, wording to him, Courage! Rise! He voices out to you! 50 - and he casts his garment, rises, and comes to Yah Shua. 51 And Yah Shua answers him wording, What will you that I do to you? The blind man say to him, Rabboni, that I see! 52 And Yah Shua says to him, Go! Your trust saves you. - and straightway he sees, and follows Yah Shua in the way.

Luke 16:20-21

20 and a beggar named El Azar is cast at his gate - ulcerous; 21 and panting to be filled with the crumbs which fall from the table of the rich man: but even the dogs come and lick his ulcers.

Luke 19:1

1 SALVATION COMES TO HOUSE OF ZAKKAY And Yah Shua enters and passes through Yericho.

John 9:8

8 So the neighbors and whoever had previously seen that he was blind, word, Is not this he who sat and begged?

Acts 3:2

2 and a man, lame from the womb of his mother, is being carried - whom they place daily at the portal of the priestal precinct, worded Beautiful, to ask mercies of them entering the priestal precinct:

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.