And he says to the disciples, It is impossible that scandals not come: but woe through whom they come! 2 It is more advantageous for him if a millstone turned by a burro hangs around his neck, and he is tossed into the sea, than that he scandalize one of these little ones. 3 Heed yourselves: Whenever your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and whenever he repents, forgive him: 4 and whenever he sins against you seven times a day and seven times a day turns again to you, wording, I repent; forgive him. 5 And the apostles say to Adonay, Add to our trust. 6 And Adonay says, If you had trust as a mustard kernel, you ever word to this sycamine, Uproot! Plant in the sea! - and it obeys you. 7 But who of you, having a servant plowing or shepherding, says to him straightway as he enters from the field, Come and repose? 8 But indeed, says he not to him, Prepare somewhat to sup, and gird yourself and minister to me until I eat and drink - and after these you eat and drink? 9 Has he charism for that servant because he did what is ordained of him? I think not. 10 So likewise you, whenever you do all you are ordained, word, We are useless servants: we do what we are indebted to do. 11
And so be it, as he goes to Yeru Shalem, he passes through midst Shomeron and Galiyl: 12 and as he enters a village, ten men - lepers meet him, standing afar: 13 and they lift their voices, and word, Yah Shua, Rabbi, mercy us. 14 And he sees them and says, Go show yourselves to the priests. - and so be it, as they go, they are purified. 15 And one of them seeing he is healed, returns, and with a mega voice glorifies Elohim; 16 and falls on his face at his feet and eucharistizes him - and he is a Shomeroniy. 17 And Yah Shua answers, saying, Were there not indeed ten purified? but the nine - where? 18 None are found who return to give glory to Elohim except this alien: 19 and he says to him, Rise, go your way: your trust saves you. 20
And the Pharisees ask when the sovereigndom of Elohim is coming; and he answers them, saying, The sovereigndom of Elohim comes neither with observation: 21 nor say they, Behold here! or, Behold there! for, behold, the sovereigndom of Elohim is within you. 22 And he says to the disciples, Days come, when you pant to see one of the days of the Son of humanity, and you see it not: 23 and they say to you, Behold here! or, Behold there! neither go after, nor pursue them: 24 for exactly as the lightning lightnings from the one part under the heavens, radiating to the other part under the heavens, so also becomes the Son of humanity in his day. 25 But first he must suffer much and be dissapproved by this generation. 26 And exactly as it became in the days of Noach, so it also becomes in the days of the Son of humanity: 27 they ate, they drank, they married, they married off until the day Noach entered the ark, and the cataclysm came and destroyed them all. 28 Likewise also, so it became in the days of Lot; they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built: 29 but the same day Lot came from Sedom fire and sulphur rained from the heavens and destroyed all. 30 In like manner, it becomes in the day the Son of humanity is unveiled: 31 In that day, whoever is on the housetop and his vessels in the house, descend not to take it away: and likewise whoever is in the field, return not. 32 Remember the woman of Lot. 33 Whoever seeks to save his soul, loses it; and whoever loses it, preserves it. 34 I word to you, in that night, two are in one bed; the one is taken and the other forsaken: 35 two are grinding together; the one is taken and the other forsaken: 36 two are in the field; the one is taken, and the other forsaken. 37 And they answer him, wording, Where, Adonay? And he says to them, Wherever the body is, the eagles gather together.
And he says to the disciples, It is impossible that scandals not come: but woe through whom they come! 2 It is more advantageous for him if a millstone turned by a burro hangs around his neck, and he is tossed into the sea, than that he scandalize one of these little ones. 3 Heed yourselves: Whenever your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and whenever he repents, forgive him: 4 and whenever he sins against you seven times a day and seven times a day turns again to you, wording, I repent; forgive him. 5 And the apostles say to Adonay, Add to our trust. 6 And Adonay says, If you had trust as a mustard kernel, you ever word to this sycamine, Uproot! Plant in the sea! - and it obeys you. 7 But who of you, having a servant plowing or shepherding, says to him straightway as he enters from the field, Come and repose? 8 But indeed, says he not to him, Prepare somewhat to sup, and gird yourself and minister to me until I eat and drink - and after these you eat and drink? 9 Has he charism for that servant because he did what is ordained of him? I think not. 10 So likewise you, whenever you do all you are ordained, word, We are useless servants: we do what we are indebted to do. 11
And so be it, as he goes to Yeru Shalem, he passes through midst Shomeron and Galiyl: 12 and as he enters a village, ten men - lepers meet him, standing afar: 13 and they lift their voices, and word, Yah Shua, Rabbi, mercy us. 14 And he sees them and says, Go show yourselves to the priests. - and so be it, as they go, they are purified. 15 And one of them seeing he is healed, returns, and with a mega voice glorifies Elohim; 16 and falls on his face at his feet and eucharistizes him - and he is a Shomeroniy. 17 And Yah Shua answers, saying, Were there not indeed ten purified? but the nine - where? 18 None are found who return to give glory to Elohim except this alien: 19 and he says to him, Rise, go your way: your trust saves you. 20
And the Pharisees ask when the sovereigndom of Elohim is coming; and he answers them, saying, The sovereigndom of Elohim comes neither with observation: 21 nor say they, Behold here! or, Behold there! for, behold, the sovereigndom of Elohim is within you. 22 And he says to the disciples, Days come, when you pant to see one of the days of the Son of humanity, and you see it not: 23 and they say to you, Behold here! or, Behold there! neither go after, nor pursue them: 24 for exactly as the lightning lightnings from the one part under the heavens, radiating to the other part under the heavens, so also becomes the Son of humanity in his day. 25 But first he must suffer much and be dissapproved by this generation. 26 And exactly as it became in the days of Noach, so it also becomes in the days of the Son of humanity: 27 they ate, they drank, they married, they married off until the day Noach entered the ark, and the cataclysm came and destroyed them all. 28 Likewise also, so it became in the days of Lot; they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built: 29 but the same day Lot came from Sedom fire and sulphur rained from the heavens and destroyed all. 30 In like manner, it becomes in the day the Son of humanity is unveiled: 31 In that day, whoever is on the housetop and his vessels in the house, descend not to take it away: and likewise whoever is in the field, return not. 32 Remember the woman of Lot. 33 Whoever seeks to save his soul, loses it; and whoever loses it, preserves it. 34 I word to you, in that night, two are in one bed; the one is taken and the other forsaken: 35 two are grinding together; the one is taken and the other forsaken: 36 two are in the field; the one is taken, and the other forsaken. 37 And they answer him, wording, Where, Adonay? And he says to them, Wherever the body is, the eagles gather together.