Luke 17 Cross References - ECB

And he says to the disciples, It is impossible that scandals not come: but woe through whom they come! 2 It is more advantageous for him if a millstone turned by a burro hangs around his neck, and he is tossed into the sea, than that he scandalize one of these little ones. 3 Heed yourselves: Whenever your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and whenever he repents, forgive him: 4 and whenever he sins against you seven times a day and seven times a day turns again to you, wording, I repent; forgive him. 5 And the apostles say to Adonay, Add to our trust. 6 And Adonay says, If you had trust as a mustard kernel, you ever word to this sycamine, Uproot! Plant in the sea! - and it obeys you. 7 But who of you, having a servant plowing or shepherding, says to him straightway as he enters from the field, Come and repose? 8 But indeed, says he not to him, Prepare somewhat to sup, and gird yourself and minister to me until I eat and drink - and after these you eat and drink? 9 Has he charism for that servant because he did what is ordained of him? I think not. 10 So likewise you, whenever you do all you are ordained, word, We are useless servants: we do what we are indebted to do. 11
And so be it, as he goes to Yeru Shalem, he passes through midst Shomeron and Galiyl: 12 and as he enters a village, ten men - lepers meet him, standing afar: 13 and they lift their voices, and word, Yah Shua, Rabbi, mercy us. 14 And he sees them and says, Go show yourselves to the priests. - and so be it, as they go, they are purified. 15 And one of them seeing he is healed, returns, and with a mega voice glorifies Elohim; 16 and falls on his face at his feet and eucharistizes him - and he is a Shomeroniy. 17 And Yah Shua answers, saying, Were there not indeed ten purified? but the nine - where? 18 None are found who return to give glory to Elohim except this alien: 19 and he says to him, Rise, go your way: your trust saves you. 20
And the Pharisees ask when the sovereigndom of Elohim is coming; and he answers them, saying, The sovereigndom of Elohim comes neither with observation: 21 nor say they, Behold here! or, Behold there! for, behold, the sovereigndom of Elohim is within you. 22 And he says to the disciples, Days come, when you pant to see one of the days of the Son of humanity, and you see it not: 23 and they say to you, Behold here! or, Behold there! neither go after, nor pursue them: 24 for exactly as the lightning lightnings from the one part under the heavens, radiating to the other part under the heavens, so also becomes the Son of humanity in his day. 25 But first he must suffer much and be dissapproved by this generation. 26 And exactly as it became in the days of Noach, so it also becomes in the days of the Son of humanity: 27 they ate, they drank, they married, they married off until the day Noach entered the ark, and the cataclysm came and destroyed them all. 28 Likewise also, so it became in the days of Lot; they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built: 29 but the same day Lot came from Sedom fire and sulphur rained from the heavens and destroyed all. 30 In like manner, it becomes in the day the Son of humanity is unveiled: 31 In that day, whoever is on the housetop and his vessels in the house, descend not to take it away: and likewise whoever is in the field, return not. 32 Remember the woman of Lot. 33 Whoever seeks to save his soul, loses it; and whoever loses it, preserves it. 34 I word to you, in that night, two are in one bed; the one is taken and the other forsaken: 35 two are grinding together; the one is taken and the other forsaken: 36 two are in the field; the one is taken, and the other forsaken. 37 And they answer him, wording, Where, Adonay? And he says to them, Wherever the body is, the eagles gather together.

Genesis 3:9

9 And Yah Veh Elohim calls to Adam and says to him, Where are you?

Genesis 6:5

5 and Yah Veh sees that the evil of humanity is great in the earth and that every imagination of the fabrications of his heart is only evil every day.

Genesis 6:7

7 and Yah Veh says, I wipe out humanity whom I have created from the face of the soil - from human to animal and the creeper and the flyers of the heavens; for I sigh that I worked them.

Genesis 7:7-23

7 And Noach goes into the ark with his sons and his woman and with the women of his sons at the face of the waters of the flood: 8 of animals pure, and of animals not pure; and of flyers and of all creeping on the soil, 9 there go in two and two to Noach into the ark - the male and the female, as Elohim misvahed Noach. 10 And so be it, after seven days, the waters of the flood become on the earth. 11 In the year - the six hundredth year of the life of Noach, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, this day all the fountains of the great abyss split and the windows of the heavens open. 12 And the downpour becomes on the earth forty days and forty nights. 13 In the same day Noach and Shem and Ham and Yepheth the sons of Noach and the woman of Noach and the three women of his sons with them, enter into the ark 14 - they and every live being in species and all the animals in species and every creeper creeping on the earth in species and every flyer in species - every bird of every wing: 15 and they go in to Noach into the ark - two by two of all flesh wherein is the spirit of life. 16 And going in, they go in male and female of all flesh, as Elohim misvahed him: and Yah Veh shuts him in. 17 And so be the flood, forty days on the earth; and the waters abound and bear the ark and lift it above the earth: 18 and the waters prevail mightily and abound mightily on the earth; and the ark goes on the face of the waters: 19 and the waters prevail mightily - mightily mighty on the earth; and cover all the high mountains under the whole heavens: 20 fifteen cubits upward the waters prevail mightily; and cover the mountains. 21 And all flesh creeping on the earth expires - both of flyers and of animals and of live beings and of every teemer teeming on the earth and every human: 22 all in whose nostrils is the breath of the spirit of life, of all in the parched area, die. 23 And every risen being on the face of the soil is wiped out - from human and animals and the creepers and the flyers of the heavens; are wiped out from the earth: and only Noach and those with him in the ark survive:

Genesis 13:13

13 And the men of Sedom are evil and sin mightily at the face of Yah Veh.

Genesis 17:3

3 And Abram falls on his face: and Elohim words with him, saying,

Genesis 18:20-21

20 And Yah Veh says, Because the cry of Sedom and Amorah is great and because their sin is mighty heavy; 21 I now descend and see whether they have fully worked according to the cry thereof, which comes to me: and if not, I know.

Genesis 19:1-28

SEDOM SCRAPED AWAY And two angels come to Sedom at evening; and Lot sits in the portal of Sedom: and Lot sees and rises to meet them; and he prostrates - nostrils to the earth; 2 and he says, Behold I beseech, my adonim, turn in, I beseech you, into the house of your servant and stay overnight and bathe your feet and start early and go on your ways. And they say, No; but we stay in the wideway overnight. 3 And he urges them mightily; and they turn in to him and enter his house; and he works them a banquet and bakes matsah and they eat. 4 But ere they lie down, the men of the city - the men of Sedom surround the house - from aged to lad - all the people from every extremity: 5 and they call to Lot and say to him, Where are the men who came in to you this night? bring them out to us, for us to know them. 6 And Lot goes to them at the portal and shuts the door after him, 7 and says, I beseech you, brothers, vilify not: 8 behold, I beseech, I have two daughters who know no man; I - I beseech you, I bring them out to you and you work to them as is good in your eyes: only work no word to these men; and so they come under the shadow of my beams. 9 And they say, Draw back. And they say, This one came in to sojourn and in judging, he judges: now we vilify you, rather than them. And they urge mightily on the man, Lot and come near to break the door. 10 And the men spread their hand and pull Lot into the house to them and shut the door: 11 and they smite the men at the portal of the house with blindness - both small and great: so that they weary themselves to find the portal. 12 And the men say to Lot, Have you here any besides? Your in laws and your sons and your daughters and whatever you have in the city, bring them from this place; 13 for we ruin this place: because their cry greatens at the face of Yah Veh; and Yah Veh sends us to ruin it. 14 And Lot goes and words to his in laws who took his daughters, and says, Rise, get from this place: for Yah Veh ruins this city! - but he seems as one who ridicules in the eyes of his in laws. 15 And as the dawn ascends, the angels hasten Lot, saying, Rise, take your woman and your two daughters whom you find; lest you be scraped away in the perversity of the city. 16 And he lingers and the men uphold his hand and the hand of his woman and the hand of his two daughters; Yah Veh being compassionate to him: and they bring him and set him outside the city.

Genesis 19:16-25

16 And he lingers and the men uphold his hand and the hand of his woman and the hand of his two daughters; Yah Veh being compassionate to him: and they bring him and set him outside the city. 17 And so be it, when he brings them out, he says, Escape for your soul; neither look behind you, nor stay in all the environs! Escape to the mountain, lest you be scraped away.

Genesis 19:17-25

17 And so be it, when he brings them out, he says, Escape for your soul; neither look behind you, nor stay in all the environs! Escape to the mountain, lest you be scraped away.

Genesis 19:17

17 And so be it, when he brings them out, he says, Escape for your soul; neither look behind you, nor stay in all the environs! Escape to the mountain, lest you be scraped away. 18 And Lot says to them, Oh I beseech, not so, my adonim:

Genesis 19:18-25

18 And Lot says to them, Oh I beseech, not so, my adonim: 19 behold I beseech, your servant found charism in your eyes and you greatened your mercy, which you worked to me in preserving my soul alive; and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil adhere and I die:

Genesis 19:19-25

19 behold I beseech, your servant found charism in your eyes and you greatened your mercy, which you worked to me in preserving my soul alive; and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil adhere and I die: 20 behold, I beseech, this city is near to flee to and it is a little one: I beseech, that I escape thither, - is it not a little one? and my soul lives.

Genesis 19:20-25

20 behold, I beseech, this city is near to flee to and it is a little one: I beseech, that I escape thither, - is it not a little one? and my soul lives. 21 And he says to him, Behold, I spare your face concerning this word also, that I not overturn this city for which you word.

Genesis 19:21-25

21 And he says to him, Behold, I spare your face concerning this word also, that I not overturn this city for which you word. 22 Hasten! Escape thither! for I can work no word until you come there - so they call the name of the city Soar.

Genesis 19:22-25

22 Hasten! Escape thither! for I can work no word until you come there - so they call the name of the city Soar. 23 The sun rises on the earth and Lot enters Soar:

Genesis 19:23-25

23 The sun rises on the earth and Lot enters Soar: 24 and Yah Veh rains sulphur and fire on Sedom and on Amorah from Yah Veh from the heavens;

Genesis 19:24-25

24 and Yah Veh rains sulphur and fire on Sedom and on Amorah from Yah Veh from the heavens; 25 and he overturns those cities and all the environs; and all who settle the cities and all that sprouts on the soil:

Genesis 19:25-25

25 and he overturns those cities and all the environs; and all who settle the cities and all that sprouts on the soil: 26 but his woman looks back from behind him and she becomes a statue of salt.

Genesis 19:26

26 but his woman looks back from behind him and she becomes a statue of salt. 27 And Abraham starts early in the morning to the place where he stood at the face of Yah Veh: 28 and he looks at the face of Sedom and Amorah and at the face of all the land of the environs; and sees, and behold, the smoke of the land ascends as the smoke of a furnace.

Genesis 43:16

16 And when Yoseph sees Ben Yamin with them, he says to the one over his house, Bring these men home and slaughter a slaughter and prepare; for these men eat with me at noon.

Exodus 11:5

5 and all the firstbirth in the land of Misrayim die - from the firstbirth of Paroh who sits on his throne even to the firstbirth of the maid behind the millstones; and all the firstbirth of animals.

Exodus 34:12

12 guard yourself, lest you cut a covenant with them who settle the land where you go; lest it become a snare in your midst:

Leviticus 13:1-46

And Yah Veh words to Mosheh and Aharon, saying, 2 When a human, in the skin of his flesh, has a swelling, a scab or bright spot and it becomes in the skin of his flesh as the plague of leprosy; bring him to Aharon the priest or to one of his sons the priests: 3 and the priest sees the plague in the skin of the flesh: and when the hair in the plague is turned white and the visage of the plague is deeper than the skin of his flesh - a plague of leprosy: and the priest sees him and pronounces him foul. 4 If the bright spot is white in the skin of his flesh and in visage is not deeper than the skin and the hair thereof turned not white; then the priest shuts up him who has the plague seven days; 5 and the priest sees him the seventh day: and behold, the plague in his sight stands and the plague spreads not in the skin; and the priest shuts him up a second seven days: 6 and the priest sees him the second seventh day: and behold, the plague fades and the plague spreads not in the skin, the priest pronounces him purified - a scab: and he launders his clothes and becomes purified: 7 and if in spreading, the scab spreads in the skin, after being seen by the priest for his purifying, the priest sees him a second time: 8 and the priest sees that, behold, the scab in the skin spread, then the priest pronounces him foul - a leprosy. 9 When the plague of leprosy is in a human, bring him to the priest: 10 and the priest sees him: and behold, a white swelling in the skin and the hair turned white and an invigoration of living flesh in the swelling; 11 it is an old leprosy in the skin of his flesh and the priest pronounces him foul and shuts him not up - he is foul. 12 And if, in blossoming, a leprosy blossoms in the skin and the leprosy covers all the skin of the plague from his head to his foot in the visage of the eyes of the priest: 13 then the priest sees: and behold, the leprosy covers all his flesh, he pronounces him who has the plague purified: it all turned white - he is pure. 14 And in the day of living flesh being seen in him, he is foul: 15 and the priest sees the living flesh and pronounces him foul: for the living flesh is foul: - a leprosy. 16 Or the raw flesh returns and turns white he comes to the priest: 17 and the priest sees him: and behold, the plague turned white; then the priest pronounces him who has the plague, purified: - he is pure. 18 And the flesh has in it - in the skin an ulcer and it healed, 19 and in the place of the ulcer there becomes a white swelling or a bright spot, white and reddish and it is seen by the priest; 20 and the priest sees, and behold, in visage is lower than the skin and the hair turned white; the priest pronounces him foul: - a plague of leprosy blossoming from the ulcer. 21 And if the priest sees, and behold, there are no white hairs therein and it is not lower than the skin, but faded; then the priest shuts him up seven days: 22 and if in spreading, it spreads in the skin, then the priest pronounces him foul: - a plague. 23 And if the bright spot stands in his place and spreads not, - an inflamed ulcer; and the priest pronounces him purified. 24 Or when flesh has a fiery burning in the skin and the burning invigoration has a white bright spot - reddish or white; 25 then the priest sees: and behold, if the hair in the bright spot turned white and in visage is deeper than the skin; it is a leprosy blossoming from the burning: and the priest pronounces him foul: - a plague of leprosy. 26 And if the priest sees, and behold, no white hair in the bright spot and it is no lower than the skin, but faded; the priest shuts him up seven days: 27 and the priest sees him the seventh day: and if in spreading, it spread in the skin, then the priest pronounces him foul: - the plague of leprosy. 28 And if the bright spot stands in his place and spreads not in the skin, but fades; it is a swelling of the burning: and the priest pronounces him purified: - an inflamation of the burning. 29 If a man or woman have a plague on the head or the beard; 30 the priest sees the plague: and behold, in visage is deeper than the skin; and a yellow thin hair therein; then the priest pronounces him foul: - a scall, even a leprosy on the head or beard. 31 And when the priest sees the plague of the scall and behold, in visage is not deeper than the skin and no dark hair therein; then the priest shuts the plague of the scall seven days: 32 and in the seventh day the priest sees the plague: and behold, if the scall spread not and no yellow hair therein and the scall in visage is not deeper than the skin; 33 he shaves himself, but he shaves not the scall; and the priest shuts the scall a second seven days: 34 and in the seventh day, the priest sees the scall: and behold, if the scall neither spread in the skin, nor in visage is deeper than the skin; then the priest pronounces him purified: and he launders his clothes and becomes purified. 35 And if in spreading, the scall spreads in the skin after his purifying; 36 then the priest sees him: and behold, if the scall spread in the skin, the priest seeks not for yellow hair; - he is foul. 37 But if, in his eyes, the scall stands and dark hair sprouts therein; the scall is healed: - he is pure: and the priest pronounces him purified. 38 And when a man or a woman has bright spots in the skin of their flesh - white bright spots; 39 and the priest sees: and behold, the bright spots in the skin of their flesh faded white; it is a freckled spot blossoming in the skin: - he is pure. 40 And the man whose head baldens: he is bald; yet pure. 41 And he who baldens from the edge of his head toward his face: he is forehead high: yet pure. 42 And when there becomes in the baldness or high forehead, a white reddish plague; - a leprosy blossoming in his baldness or his high forehead: 43 and the priest sees: and behold, the swelling of the plague is white reddish in his baldness or in his high forehead - in visage as leprosy in the skin of the flesh; 44 he is a leprous man, he is foul: in being foul, the priest pronounces him foul; his plague is in his head. 45 And the leper in whom the plague is, tears his clothes and exposes his head and he puts a covering on his upper lip and calls, Foul! Foul! 46 - all the days the plague is in him he becomes foul; - he is foul: he settles alone; outside the camp is his settlement.

Leviticus 14:1-32

And Yah Veh words to Mosheh, saying, 2 This is the torah of the leper in the day of his purifying: bring him to the priest; 3 and the priest goes outside the camp; and the priest sees, and behold, the plague of leprosy in the leper healed; 4 and the priest misvahs and takes for him who purifies two living and pure birds and cedar timber and scarlet and hyssop: 5 and the priest misvahs to slaughter one of the birds in a pottery instrument over living water: 6 as for the living bird, he takes it and the cedar timber and the scarlet and the hyssop and dips them and the living bird in the blood of the bird that was slaughtered over the living water: 7 and on him who purifies from the leprosy he sprinkles seven times and pronounces him purified: and sends away the living bird into the face of the field: 8 and he who purifies launders his clothes and shaves all his hair and baptizes himself in water to purify: and after that he comes into the camp and settles outside his tent seven days: 9 and so be it, on the seventh day, he shaves all his hair from his head and his beard and his eyebrows - he even shaves all his hair: and he launders his clothes, and he baptizes his flesh in water and purifies. 10 And on the eighth day he takes two integrious lambs and one integrious yearling daughter ewe lamb and three tenths of flour for an offering mixed with oil and one log of oil: 11 and the priest who purifies him stands the man to be purified; with them at the face of Yah Veh at the opening of the tent of the congregation: 12 and the priest takes one he lamb and oblates him for the guilt; with the log of oil and waves them for a wave at the face of Yah Veh: 13 and he slaughters the lamb in the place he slaughters that for the sin and the holocaust in the holies: for as that for the sin is for the priest and thus that for the guilt: - a holy of holies: 14 and the priest takes of the blood of that for the guilt and the priest gives it on the tip of the right ear of him to be purified - and on the great digit of his right hand and on the great digit of his right foot: 15 and the priest takes of the log of oil and pours it into the palm of his own left hand: 16 and the priest dips his right finger in the oil in his left palm and sprinkles of the oil with his finger seven times at the face of Yah Veh: 17 and of the remainder of the oil in his palm the priest gives on the tip of the right ear of him to be purified and on the great digit of his right hand and on the great digit of his right foot on the blood of that for the guilt: 18 and what remains of the oil in the palm of the priest he gives on the head of him to be purified: and the priest kapars/atones for him at the face of Yah Veh: 19 and the priest works that for the sin and kapars/atones for him to be purified from his foulness: and afterward he slaughters the holocaust: 20 and the priest holocausts the holocaust and the offering on the sacrifice altar: and the priest kapars/atones for him and he purifies. 21 And if he be poor and his hand attains not so much; he takes one lamb for the guilt to be waved, to kapar/atone for him and one tenth flour mixed with oil for an offering and a log of oil; 22 and two turtledoves or two sons of doves - such as his hand attains: and the one becomes for the sin and the one for the holocaust: 23 and on the eighth day, he brings them to the priest for his purifying - to the opening of the tent of the congregation at the face of Yah Veh. 24 And the priest takes the lamb of that for the guilt and the log of oil and the priest waves them for a wave at the face of Yah Veh: 25 and he slaughters the lamb of that for the guilt and the priest takes of the blood of that for the guilt and gives it on the tip of the right ear of him to be purified and on the great digit of his right hand and on the great digit of his right foot: 26 and the priest pours of the oil into the palm of his own left hand: 27 and the priest sprinkles with his right finger of the oil in his left hand seven times at the face of Yah Veh: 28 and the priest gives of the oil in his palm on the tip of the right ear of him who becomes purified and on the great digit of his right hand and on the great digit of his right foot on the place of the blood of that for the guilt: 29 and what remains of the oil in the palm of the priest he gives on the head of him to be purified - to kapar/atone for him at the face of Yah Veh. 30 And he works one of the turtledoves or of the sons of doves, such as his hand attains; 31 even such as his hand attains - the one for the sin and the one for the holocaust with the offering: and the priest kapars/atones for him to be purified at the face of Yah Veh. 32 - this is the torah in whom the plague of leprosy is - whose hand attains not to his purifying.

Leviticus 19:17

17 Hate not your brother in your heart: in reproving, reprove your friend and exalt not his sin:

Numbers 5:2-3

2 Misvah the sons of Yisra El, to send from the camp every leper and every one who fluxes and every one defiled by a soul: 3 send, from male to female, send them outside the camp; that they not foul their camps midst where I tabernacle.

Numbers 12:14

14 And Yah Veh says to Mosheh, If in spitting, had her father but spit in her face, be she not ashamed seven days? Shut her outside the camp seven days and afterward, gather her.

Deuteronomy 4:9

9 Only guard yourself and guard your soul mightily, lest you forget the words your eyes saw; and lest they turn aside from your heart all the days of your life: but teach them to your sons and the sons of your sons.

Deuteronomy 4:15

MOSHEH WARNS AGAINST IDOLATRY Guard your souls mightily; for you saw no manifestation on the day Yah Veh worded to you in Horeb from midst the fire:

Deuteronomy 4:23

23 Guard yourselves, lest you forget the covenant of Yah Veh your Elohim, which he cut with you - and work yourselves a sculptile or a manifestation of which Yah Veh your Elohim misvahed you.

Deuteronomy 6:10-12

10 And so be it, when Yah Veh your Elohim brings you into the land he oathed to your fathers - to Abraham, to Yischaq and to Yaaqov, to give you great and goodly cities which you built not, 11 and houses full of all goods which you filled not and hewn wells which you hewed not, vineyards and olive trees which you planted not; and eat and satiate; 12 then guard, lest you forget Yah Veh, who brought you from the land of Misrayim, from the house of servants.

Deuteronomy 8:12-14

12 lest when you eat and satiate and build goodly houses and settle; 13 and when your oxen and your flocks abound and your silver and your gold abound and all you have abounds; 14 and your heart lifts and you forget Yah Veh your Elohim who brought you from the land of Misrayim from the house of servants:

Deuteronomy 29:23-25

23 - and the whole land thereof of sulphur and salt and burning - neither seeded nor sprouting nor any herbage ascending therein - as the overthrow of Sedom and Amorah, Admah and Seboim whom Yah Veh overturned in his wrath and in his fury 24 - even all goyim say, Why works Yah Veh thus to this land? - this great fuming wrath? 25 Then men say, Because they forsake the covenant of Yah Veh Elohim of their fathers, which he cut with them when he brought them from the land of Misrayim:

Judges 16:21

21 And the Peleshethiy possess him and bore out his eyes; and bring him down to Azzah and bind him with fetters of copper; and he grinds in the house of binding:

1 Samuel 8:7

7 And Yah Veh says to Shemu El, Hearken to the voice of the people in all they say to you: for they refuse not you; but they refuse me; - that I not reign over them.

1 Samuel 10:19

19 and you have, this day, refused your Elohim, who himself saved you from all your evils and your tribulations; and you said to him, No! But set a sovereign over us. And now, set yourselves at the face of Yah Veh by your scions and by your thousands.

1 Samuel 25:36-38

36 And Abi Gail comes to Nabal; and behold, he holds a banquet in his house, as the banquet of a sovereign; and the heart of Nabal is good within him, and he is mighty intoxicated: she tells him no word, less or great, until the morning light. 37 And so be it, in the morning, the wine is gone from Nabal and his woman tells him these words; and his heart dies within him and he becomes as a stone. 38 And so be it, about ten days, and Yah Veh smites Nabal and he dies.

2 Samuel 12:20

20 And David rises from the earth and baptizes and anoints and passes his clothes; and comes into the house of Yah Veh and prostrates: and comes to his house; and he asks: and they set bread in front of him; and he eats.

2 Kings 5:14

14 And he descends and dips himself seven times in Yarden, according to the word of the man of Elohim: and his flesh returns as the flesh of a little lad and he is purified.

2 Kings 5:27

27 The leprosy of Naaman adheres to you and to your seed eternally. - and he goes out from his face leperous as snow.

2 Kings 7:3

3 And there are four leprous men at the opening of the portal: and they say man to friend, Why settle we here until we die?

1 Chronicles 29:14-16

14 Yes, because who am I and who are my people, to restrain from volunteering after this sort? For all is from you and from your hand we give you: 15 for we are sojourners at your face and settlers, as all our fathers: our days on the earth are as a shadow and there is no expectation. 16 O Yah Veh our Elohim, all this multitude we prepare to build you a house for your holy name is from your hand and is all your own:

2 Chronicles 19:6-7

6 And says to the judges, See what you work: for you judge not for humanity, but for Yah Veh, who is with you in the judgment: 7 and now, the fear of Yah Veh be on you; guard and work it: for with Yah Veh our Elohim there is neither wickedness nor partiality of faces nor receiving of bribes.

2 Chronicles 26:20-21

20 And Azar Yah, the head priest and all the priests face him, and behold, he is leprous in his forehead and they hasten him from thence; yes, he himself also hastens to go out because Yah Veh touched him: 21 and Uzzi Yah the sovereign is a leper to the day of his death and settles in a liberty house - a leper; for he is cut off from the house of Yah Veh: and Yah Tham his son is over the house of the sovereign judging the people of the land.

2 Chronicles 32:24-26

24 In those days, Yechizqi Yah is sick to die and prays to Yah Veh: and he says to him and he gives him an omen: 25 and Yechizqi Yah returns not according as he was dealt; for his heart lifts: and there is rage on him and on Yah Hudah and Yeru Shalem: 26 and Yechizqi Yah humbles himself for the haughtiness of his heart - he and the settlers of Yeru Shalem; so that the rage of Yah Veh comes not on them in the days of Yechizqi Yah:

Job 2:4

4 And Satan answers Yah Veh and says, Skin for skin; yes, all a man has he gives for his soul;

Job 21:9-13

9 their houses are at shalom from dread, the scion of Elohah is not on them. 10 Their ox passes and loathes not; their heifer slips away and aborts not her calf. 11 They send forth their sucklings as a flock and their children dance; 12 they lift the tambourine and harp and cheer at the voice of the woodwind; 13 they wear away - finish off their days in good; and in a blink, descend to sheol.

Job 22:2-3

2 Is the mighty as useful to God as he who comprehends is useful to himself? 3 Is it any delight to Shadday that you are justified? Or gain to him that your ways be integrious?

Job 22:15-18

15 Regard you the eternal way which mischievous men have trodden? 16 - who were plucked from time? - whose foundation was poured with a flood? 17 Who says to El, Turn from us? What does Shadday for them? 18 Yet he fills their houses with good; but the counsel of the wicked is far from me:

Job 35:6-7

6 If you sin, what work you against him? Or if your rebellions be multiplied, what do you to him? 7 If you be justified, what give you him? Or what takes he from your hand?

Job 37:3-4

3 he releases under the whole heavens and his lightning to the wings of the earth. 4 After, a voice roars; he thunders his voice of pomp; and he restrains not when his voice is heard.

Job 39:29-30

29 from thence she explores for food; her eyes scan afar off; 30 her chicks suck blood; and where the pierced are, there she is.

Psalms 16:2-3

2 You say to Yah Veh - you, my Adonay my goodness is not to you; 3 but to the holy in the earth; and to the mighty in whom is all my delight.

Psalms 26:9

9 Neither gather my soul with sinners nor my life with men of blood

Psalms 28:3

3 Draw me not away with the wicked - with the doers of mischief; who word shalom to their friends but evil is in their hearts.

Psalms 29:1-2

1 A Psalm by David. Give to Yah Veh, O you sons of El; give to Yah Veh honor and strength; 2 give to Yah Veh the honor of his name: prostrate to Yah Veh in the majesty of his holies.

Psalms 30:1-2

1 A Psalm; A Song: at the hanukkah of the house of David. I exalt you, O Yah Veh; for you bail me up so that my enemies not cheer over me. 2 O Yah Veh my Elohim I cry to you and you heal me.

Psalms 30:11-12

11 Turn my chopping into round dancing; loose my saq and girt me with cheerfulness: 12 so that my honor may psalm to you and not hush. O Yah Veh my Elohim, I spread hands to you eternally.

Psalms 35:6-7

6 their way is dark and slippery; and the angel of Yah Veh pursues them. 7 For gratuitously they hide their net for me in a pit of ruin, which they gratuitously dig for my soul:

Psalms 50:23

23 Whoever sacrifices spread hands honors me; and he who sets his way I have see the salvation of Elohim.

Psalms 103:1-4

1 By David. Bless Yah Veh, O my soul, and all that is within me - his holy name: 2 bless Yah Veh, O my soul and forget not all his dealings 3 - who forgives all your perversities; who heals all your sicknesses; 4 who redeems your life from the pit of ruin; who crowns you with mercy and tender mercies;

Psalms 106:13

13 they hastened to forget his works; they awaited not his counsel:

Psalms 107:20-22

20 he sends his word and heals them and rescues them from their pitfalls. 21 Spread hands to Yah Veh for his mercy and for his marvels to the sons of humanity! 22 Sacrifice the sacrifices of spread hands and scribe his works with shouting.

Psalms 116:12-15

12 What return I to Yah Veh for all his benefits toward me? 13 I lift the cup of salvation and call on the name of Yah Veh; 14 I shalam my vows to Yah Veh in the presence of all his people. 15 Esteemed in the eyes of Yah Veh is the death of his mercied.

Psalms 118:18-19

18 In disciplining, Yah disciplines me; but gives me not over to death. 19 Open to me the portals of justness; I go in and I spread hands to Yah;

Psalms 141:5

5 The just hammer me in mercy, and reprove me; an ointment of the head - which my head disallows not; for my prayer is yet against their evil.

Proverbs 9:8

8 Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate you; reprove a wise, and he loves you:

Proverbs 16:2-3

2 All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes; and Yah Veh gauges the spirits. 3 Roll your works unto Yah Veh and your fabrications are established.

Proverbs 17:10

10 Rebuke penetrates a discerner more than a hundred smitings to a fool.

Proverbs 27:5

5 Exposed reproof is better than hidden love.

Isaiah 1:9

9 Unless Yah Veh Sabaoth had a very few survivors remain, we had become as Sedom; likened to Amorah.

Isaiah 6:5

5 Then I say, Woe is me! for I am mute; because I am a man of foul lips and I settle midst a people of fouled lips: for my eyes see the Sovereign, Yah Veh Sabaoth.

Isaiah 13:19

19 And Babel, the splendour of sovereigndoms, the adornment of the pomp of the Kesediym, becomes as when Elohim overthrew Sedom and Amorah

Isaiah 21:4

4 my heart staggers; trembling frightens me: he sets the evening breeze of my pleasure to tremble me.

Isaiah 22:12-14

12 And in that day, Adonay Yah Veh Sabaoth calls to weeping and to chopping and to baldness and to girding with sackcloth: 13 and behold, rejoicing and cheerfulness, slaughtering oxen and slaughtering flock, eating flesh and drinking wine. Eat and drink - for tomorrow we die. 14 And Yah Veh Sabaoth exposes in my ears, Surely this perversity kapars/atones not to you until you die, says Adonay Yah Veh Sabaoth.

Isaiah 38:19-22

19 The living - the living, he spreads hands to you, as I this day: the father makes known your truth to the sons. 20 Yah Veh - ready to save me: so we strum my strummings all the days of our life in the house of Yah Veh. 21 For Yesha Yah says, Let them bear a lump of figs and massage it on the ulcer, and live. 22 And Yechizqi Yah says, What is the sign that I ascend to the house of Yah Veh?

Isaiah 40:11

11 He tends his drove as a tender: he gathers the lambs with his arm, and bears them in his bosom, and gently guides the suckling.

Isaiah 42:9

9 Behold, the former becomes, and the new I tell: ere they sprout, I have you hear of them.

Isaiah 42:12

12 they set honor to Yah Veh and tell his halal in the islands:

Isaiah 53:3

3 He is despised and abandoned of men; a man of sorrows, and knowing sickness: as one from whom we hide our face; he was despised, and we machinated him not.

Isaiah 64:6

6 And we are all as foul - all of us and all our justnesses as menstrual clothes: and we wither as a leaf - all of us and our perversities, as the wind, bear us away:

Isaiah 65:24

24 And so be it, ere they call, I answer; and while they yet speak, I hear:

Jeremiah 45:5

5 And seek you greatness for yourself? Seek not! For behold, I bring evil on all flesh - an oracle of Yah Veh: and I give your soul to you for a spoil in all the places you go.

Jeremiah 50:40

40 As Elohim overthrew Sedom and Amorah and the nearby tabernacles - an oracle of Yah Veh thus neither man settles there, nor any son of humanity sojourns therein.

Ezekiel 9:4-6

4 and Yah Veh says to him, Pass through midst the city - through midst Yeru Shalem; and tattoo a tattoo on the foreheads of the men who sigh and shriek for all the abhorrences worked in our midst. 5 And to the others he says in my ears, Pass after him through the city, and smite: neither your eye spare nor compassion: 6 slaughter to ruin aged and youth and virgin and toddler and women: but come not near any man on whom is the tattoo; and begin at my holies. - and they begin at the aged men at the face of the house.

Ezekiel 16:49-50

49 Behold, this is the perversity of your sister Sedom: pomp, sufficiency of bread, and the serenity of resting are in her and in her daughters, she strengthens not the hand of the humble and needy: 50 and they lift themselves and work abhorrence at my face: and I turn them aside when I see.

Daniel 2:44

44 And in the days of these sovereigns Elah of the heavens raises a sovereigndom, which despoils not eternally: and the sovereigndom is not left to other people, it pulverizes and consumes all these sovereigndoms and it is raised eternally.

Daniel 9:26-27

26 And after sixty-two weeks Messiah is cut off; but not for himself: and the people of the eminent who comes ruins the city and the holies; and the end is with an overflowing; and to the end of the war desolations are appointed. 27 And he empowers a covenant with many - one week: and in the half of the week he shabbathizes the sacrifice and the offering; and for the wing of abominations he desolates it even until the final finish; and pours what is appointed on the desolate.

Hosea 11:8

8 How give I you up, Ephrayim? How buckler I you, Yisra El? How give I you as Admah? How set I you as Seboim? My heart turns within me; my solaces yearn together.

Amos 4:11

11 I turned against you, as Elohim overthrew Sedom and Amorah, - as a brand rescued from the burning: yet you returned not to me - an oracle of Yah Veh.

Amos 9:1-4

I see Adonay stationed on the sacrifice altar; and he says, Smite the lintel of the door, so as to quake the thresholds: and crop them in the head - all of them; and I slaughter the last of them with the sword: and he who flees, flees not to them, and the escapee escapes not to them. 2 And if they dig into sheol my hand takes them from there; and if they ascend to the heavens I bring them down from there: 3 and if they hide in the top of Karmel/orchard I search and take them from there; and if they hide from my eyes in the floor of the sea I misvah the serpent to bite them there; 4 and if they go into captivity at the face of their enemies, I misvah the sword to slaughter them there: and I set my eyes on them for evil and not for good.

Zephaniah 2:9

9 so, I live - an oracle of Yah Veh Sabaoth Elohim of Yisra El. Surely Moab is as Sedom and the sons of Ammon as Amorah - the possession of nettles and saltpits - an eternal desolation: the survivors of my people plunder them and the remnant of my goyim inherit them.

Zechariah 4:6

6 And he answers and says to me, saying, This is the word of Yah Veh to Zerub Babel, saying, Neither by valour nor by force; but by my spirit, says Yah Veh Sabaoth.

Zechariah 9:14

14 And Yah Veh is seen over them, and his arrow comes as the lightning: and Adonay Yah Veh blasts the shophar and comes with storms of the south:

Zechariah 13:7

7 Waken, O sword, against my tender, and against the mighty, my friend - an oracle of Yah Veh Sabaoth: smite the tender, and the flock scatters: and I turn my hand on the belittled. 8 And so be it, in all the land - an oracle of Yah Veh two mouths therein are cut off - they expire; and the third remains therein: 9 and I bring the third through the fire and refine them as the refining of silver, and proof them as the proofing of gold: they call on my name, and I answer them: I say, My people: and they say, Yah Veh, My Elohim.

Zechariah 14:2

2 and I gather all goyim to battle against Yeru Shalem; and capture the city and plunder the houses; and rape the women: and half of the city goes into exile, and not cut off the remnant of the people from the city.

Malachi 3:1-2

Behold, I send my angel, and he faces the way at my face: and the Adonay, whom you seek, suddenly comes to his manse - even the angel of the covenant in whom you delight! Behold, he comes, says Yah Veh Sabaoth. Matthew 11:10, Mark 1:2, Luke 7:27 2 And who measures the day of his coming? And who stands when he is seen? - for he is as the fire of a refiner and as the soap of a fullers:

Malachi 3:16-18

Then they who awe Yah Veh word man to friend: and Yah Veh hearkens and hears and inscribes a scroll of remembrance at his face of them who awe Yah Veh and of them who fabricate his name. 17 And they are mine, says Yah Veh Sabaoth, in that day, when I work my peculiar treasure; and I spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him: 18 and you return and see between the just and the wicked, between him who serves Elohim and between him who serves him not.

Malachi 4:1-2

For behold, the day approaches that inflames as an oven; and all the arrogant, yes, and all who work wickedly, become stubble: and the day that approaches burns them, says Yah Veh Sabaoth, that it leaves them neither root nor branch. 2
And to you who fear my name, the Sun of justness rises with healing in his wings; and you go, and grow as calves of the stall:

Matthew 2:11

11 And they enter the house, and see the young child with Miryam his mother, and fall and worship him: and they open their treasures and offer him oblations - gold and frankincense and myrrh.

Matthew 3:15

15 And Yah Shua answers him, saying, Allow it for now: for thus it befits us to fulfill/shalam all justness. Then he allows him

Matthew 5:44

44 But I word to you, Love your enemies; eulogize them who curse you; do good to them who hate you; and pray for them who threaten you and persecute you;

Matthew 6:12

12 and forgive us our debts as we also forgive our debtors:

Matthew 6:14-15

For whenever you forgive humanity their backslidings, your heavenly Father also forgives you: 15 but whenever you forgive not humanity their backslidings, your Father forgives not your backslidings.

Matthew 6:25

25 So I word to you, neither be anxious for your soul - what you eat or what you drink; nor yet for your body - what you endue. Is not indeed the soul much more than nourishment? And the body than enduement?

Matthew 8:3-4

3 And Yah Shua spreads his hand and touches him, wording, I will! Purify! - and straightway his leprosy purifies. 4 And Yah Shua words to him, See that you say to no one; but go your way, show yourself to the priest, and offer the oblation Mosheh ordered for a witness to them.

Matthew 8:10

10 And Yah Shua hears, and marvels; and says to them who follow, Amen! I word to you, I find not this much trust - no, not even in Yisra El:

Matthew 8:12

12 but the sons of the sovereigndom are ejected into outer darkness: with weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Matthew 9:8

8 And the multitudes see and marvel and glorify Elohim, who gives such authority to humanity.

Matthew 9:15

15 And Yah Shua says to them, Can the sons of the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? But days come, whenever the bridegroom is taken from them, then they fast.

Matthew 9:22

22 And Yah Shua turns and sees her, and says, Daughter, courage! Your trust saves you. - and the woman is saved from that hour.

Matthew 9:27

And Yah Shua passes there; and two blind men follow him, crying, and wording, You, son of David, mercy us.

Matthew 10:5

Yah Shua apostolizes these twelve and evangelizes them, wording, Neither go the way of the goyim; nor enter any city of the Shomeroniym:

Matthew 10:39

Whoever finds his soul loses it; and whoever loses his soul for my sake finds it:

Matthew 11:23-24

23 And you, Kaphar Nachum - exalted to the heavens to descend to sheol/hades: for if the dynamis that became in you had become in Sedom, it had abode until this day. 24 Moreover I word to you, that in the day of judgment it becomes more tolerable for the land of Sedom, than for you.

Matthew 12:11

11 And he says to them, What human of you, having one sheep, and whenever it falls into a cistern in the shabbaths overpowers he not indeed it and lifts it out?

Matthew 12:28

28 But if I eject demons in the Spirit of Elohim, then the sovereigndom of Elohim arrives upon you.

Matthew 13:31-32

He sets them another parable, wording, The sovereigndom of the heavens is likened to a kernal of mustard; which a human takes and spores in his field: 32 which indeed is the least of all spermas: but whenever it is grown it is the greatest among herbs; and becomes a tree: so that the flyers of the heavens come and nest in the branches thereof.

Matthew 15:22

22 and behold, a woman - a Kenaaniy comes from the same boundaries, and cries to him, wording, Mercy me, O Adonay, you son of David; my daughter is evilly demonized.

Matthew 15:24-28

24 But he answers, saying, I am not apostolized except only to the lost sheep of the house of Yisra El. 25 She comes and worships him, wording, Adonay, help me. 26 But he answers, saying, It is not good to take the bread of children and to cast it to puppies. 27 And she says, Yes, Adonay: yet indeed the puppies eat of the crumbs that fall from the table of their adoni. 28 Then Yah Shua answers her, saying, O woman, how mega your trust: so be it to you even as you will. - and her daughter is whole from that very hour.

Matthew 16:21

From then Yah Shua begins to show his disciples how he must go to Yeru Shalem; and suffer much from the elders and archpriests and scribes - slaughtered and rise again the third day.

Matthew 16:23

23 And he turns to Petros, saying, Go you behind me, Satan! You are a scandal to me: for you mind not those of Elohim but those of humanity.

Matthew 16:25

For whoever wills to save his soul, loses it: and whoever loses his soul for my sake, finds it: 26 for what is a human benefited whenever he gains the whole cosmos and loses his own soul? Or what gives a human in exchange for his soul? 27 For the Son of humanity comes in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he gives each according to his acts.

Matthew 17:20

20 And Yah Shua says to them, Because of your trustlessness! Amen! I word to you, whenever you have trust as a kernal of mustard, you say to this mountain, Depart hence to yonder place! - it departs: - and naught is impossible to you

Matthew 17:22-23

And they remain in Galiyl, and Yah Shua says to them, The Son of humanity is about to be betrayed into the hands of humanity: 23 and they slaughter him; and the third day he rises. - and they are extremely sorrowed.

Matthew 18:3-6

3 and says, Amen! I word to you, Unless you turn and become as little children, you never no way enter the sovereigndom of the heavens. 4 So whoever humbles himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the sovereigndom of the heavens: 5 and whoever receives one such little child in my name, receives me: 6 and whoever scandalizes one of these little ones who trust in me, it is beneficial for him that a millstone turned by a burro hang around his neck, and that he submerge into the depth of the sea. 7 Woe to the cosmos because of scandals! for of necessity, scandals come; however woe to that human by whom the scandal comes!

Matthew 18:10

10 See that you not disesteem one of these little ones; for I word to you, That in the heavens, through all time, their angels see the face of my Father in the heavens.

Matthew 18:14

14 Even thus it is not the will in front of your Father in the heavens, that one of these little ones be lost. 15
And whenever your brother sins to you, go and reprove him between you and him alone: whenever he hears you, you gain your brother: 16 but whenever he hears you not take one or two more with you; so that in the mouth of two or three witnesses you establish every rhema:

Matthew 18:16

16 but whenever he hears you not take one or two more with you; so that in the mouth of two or three witnesses you establish every rhema: 17 and whenever he refuses to hear them, say it to the ecclesia: and whenever he refuses to hear the ecclesia, he becomes to you exactly as the goyim and a customs agent.

Matthew 18:21

Then Petros comes to him, saying, Adonay, how often sins my brother to me, and I forgive him? Until seven times?

Matthew 18:21-22

Then Petros comes to him, saying, Adonay, how often sins my brother to me, and I forgive him? Until seven times? 22 Yah Shua words to him, I word not to you, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.

Matthew 18:35

35 Thus likewise my Father in the heavenlies does also to you unless from your hearts you each forgive your brother his backslidings.

Matthew 19:30

30 but many who are first become final; and the final first.

Matthew 20:16

16 Thus the final become first, and the first final: for many be called but few selected.

Matthew 20:18-19

18 Behold, we ascend to Yeru Shalem for the betrayal of the Son of humanity to the archpriests and to the scribes to condemn him to death 19 - to betray him to the goyim to mock and to scourge and to stake: and the third day he rises.

Matthew 20:30-31

30 and behold, two blind men sitting by the way side, hear that Yah Shua passes by, and they cry out, wording, Mercy us, O Adonay, you son of David. 31 - and the multitude rebukes them to hush. But they cry out the more, wording, Mercy us, O Adonay, you son of David.

Matthew 21:21

21 Yah Shua answers them, saying, Amen! I word to you, Whenever you have trust, and doubt not, you not only do this to the fig tree, but also, whenever you say to this mountain, Remove! And be cast into the sea! - so be it.

Matthew 21:42

42 Yah Shua words to them, Read you never ever in the scriptures, The stone the builders disapprove, the same becomes the head of the corner: this becomes of Yah Vah and it is marvellous in our eyes? Psalm 118:22, 23

Matthew 24:3

And he sits on the mount of Olives and the disciples come to him privately, wording, Tell us, When become these? And what is the sign of your parousia? And of the completion/shalom of the eon?

Matthew 24:17-21

17 whoever is on the housetop descend not to take somewhat from his house: 18 Then whoever is in the field return not to take his garments: 19 and woe to them who have in womb and to them who nipple in those days! 20 And pray that your flight becomes neither in downpour nor in shabbath: 21 for then becomes mega tribulation such as became not from the beginning of the cosmos to now, no, nor no way becomes:

Matthew 24:23-28

23 Then whenever anyone says to you, Behold, here - the Messiah! or, There! - trust them not.

Matthew 24:23-26

23 Then whenever anyone says to you, Behold, here - the Messiah! or, There! - trust them not. 24 For pseudo messiahs and pseudo prophets rise; and they give mega signs and omens; so as, if possible, to seduce the very select.

Matthew 24:24-26

24 For pseudo messiahs and pseudo prophets rise; and they give mega signs and omens; so as, if possible, to seduce the very select. 25 Behold, I foretell you.

Matthew 24:25-26

25 Behold, I foretell you.

Matthew 24:25

25 Behold, I foretell you. 26 So whenever they say to you, Behold, in the wilderness! - go not forth: Behold, in the pantry! - trust not.

Matthew 24:26-26

26 So whenever they say to you, Behold, in the wilderness! - go not forth: Behold, in the pantry! - trust not. 27
For exactly as the lightning comes from the rising and manifests even to the lowering - thus also becomes the parousia of the Son of humanity

Matthew 24:27

For exactly as the lightning comes from the rising and manifests even to the lowering - thus also becomes the parousia of the Son of humanity

Matthew 24:27-31

For exactly as the lightning comes from the rising and manifests even to the lowering - thus also becomes the parousia of the Son of humanity 28 for wherever the carcase, the eagles gather together.

Matthew 24:28-31

28 for wherever the carcase, the eagles gather together.

Matthew 24:28

28 for wherever the carcase, the eagles gather together. 29
Straightway after the tribulation of those days the sun darkens and the moon gives not her brilliance and the stars fall from the heavens and the dynamis of the heavens shakes. 30
And then the sign of the Son of humanity manifests in the heavens: and then all the scions of the earth chop: and they see the Son of humanity coming in the clouds of the heavens with dynamis and vast glory:

Matthew 24:30-31

And then the sign of the Son of humanity manifests in the heavens: and then all the scions of the earth chop: and they see the Son of humanity coming in the clouds of the heavens with dynamis and vast glory: 31 and he apostolizes his angels with a mega voice of a trumpet: and they gather together his select from the four winds - from the extremities of the heavens to their extremities.

Matthew 24:37-39

37 But exactly as the days of Noach, thus also becomes the parousia of the Son of humanity.

Matthew 24:37

37 But exactly as the days of Noach, thus also becomes the parousia of the Son of humanity. 38 For exactly as in the days preceding the cataclysm - eating and drinking, marrying and marrying off, until the day Noach entered the ark; 39 and knew not until the cataclysm came and took them all; thus also becomes the parousia of the Son of humanity.

Matthew 24:39

39 and knew not until the cataclysm came and took them all; thus also becomes the parousia of the Son of humanity. 40 Then two, being in the field; the one taken and the one forsaken: 41 two grinding in the mill; the one taken, and the one forsaken.

Matthew 24:41

41 two grinding in the mill; the one taken, and the one forsaken.

Matthew 25:30

30 And eject the useless servant into outer darkness: there becomes weeping and gnashing of teeth. 31
Whenever the Son of humanity comes in his glory - with all the holy angels, then he sits on the throne of his glory:

Matthew 25:37-40

37 Then the just answer him, wording, Adonay, When saw we you famishing, and nourished you? Or thirsting, and gave you drink? 38 When saw we you a stranger, and gathered you in? Or naked, and arrayed you? 39 Or when saw we you frail? Or in a guardhouse, and came to you? 40 And the sovereign answers them, saying, Amen! I word to you, As you did to one of the least of these my brothers, you did to me.

Matthew 26:24

24 The Son of humanity indeed goes exactly as scribed concerning him: but woe to that human through whom the Son of humanity is betrayed! it had been good for that human if he had not been birthed.

Matthew 26:64

64 Yah Shua words to him, You said! Moreover I word to you, From now on you see the Son of humanity sitting at the right of the dynamis, and coming in the clouds of the heavens.

Mark 2:20

20 but days come, when the bridegroom is taken from them, and then in those days they fast.

Mark 5:33

33 and the woman, awing and trembling, knowing what became in her, comes and prostrates in front of him, and says all the truth to him. 34 And he says to her, Daughter, your trust saves you; go in shalom, and be whole of your scourge.

Mark 6:30

And the apostles gather together to Yah Shua and evangelize all to him - both as much as they do and as much as they doctrinate.

Mark 8:31

And he begins to doctrinate them that the Son of humanity must suffer much; and be disapproved of the elders and of the archpriests and scribes; and be slaughtered and after three days rise:

Mark 8:35-37

35 For whoever wills to save his soul, loses it; but whoever loses his soul because of me and the evangelism, saves it. 36 For what is a human benefited whenever he gains the whole cosmos and loses his own soul? 37 Or what gives a human in exchange for his soul?

Mark 9:22

22 and often it has casts him into the fire and into the waters to destroy him: but if you can do aught, have a sympathetic spleen on us and help us. 23 Yah Shua says to him, If you can trust! All is possible to him who trusts. 24 And straightway the father of the child cries out and words with tears, Adonay, I trust! Help my trustlessness!

Mark 9:31

31 for he doctrinates his disciples, and words to them, The Son of humanity is betrayed into the hands of men; and they slaughter him; and after he is slaughtered, the third day he rises.

Mark 9:42

42 and whoever scandalizes one of these little ones who trust in me, it is good for him to hang a millstone around his neck, and cast him in the sea.

Mark 10:33

33 Behold, we ascend to Yeru Shalem; that the Son of humanity be betrayed to the archpriests and to the scribes - to condemn him to death and to betray him to the goyim

Mark 10:52

52 And Yah Shua says to him, Go! Your trust saves you. - and straightway he sees, and follows Yah Shua in the way.

Mark 11:22-23

And Yah Shua answers them, wording, Have trust in Elohim! 23 For Amen! I word to you, That whoever says to this mountain, Remove! and, Cast into the sea! - and not doubt in his heart, but trusts that what he words becomes - he has whatever he says.

Mark 12:10

10 And read you not this scripture; The stone the builders disapproved becomes the head of the corner:

Mark 13:14-16

But when you see the abomination of desolation rhetorized by Dani El the prophet standing where it must not - whoever reads, comprehend: to them in Yah Hudah, flee to the mountains: 15 and to him on the housetop, neither descend to the house nor enter to take aught from his house: 16 and to him in the field, turn not back to take his garment:

Mark 13:21

21 And then whenever anyone says to you, Behold, here the Messiah! or, Behold, there! trust not:

Mark 13:21-23

21 And then whenever anyone says to you, Behold, here the Messiah! or, Behold, there! trust not: 22 for pseudo messiahs and pseudo prophets rise and give signs and omens to seduce, if possible, even the select. 23 But observe! Behold! I foretell all.

Mark 13:23

23 But observe! Behold! I foretell all.

Mark 13:26

26 and then they see the Son of humanity come in the clouds with vast dynamis and glory.

Mark 14:29

And Petros says to him, Although all scandalize, yet not I.

Luke 5:5

5 And Shimon answers him, saying, Rabbi, we labored all through the night, and took naught: nevertheless at your rhema, I lower the net.

Luke 5:8

8 And Shimon Petros sees and prostrates at the knees of Yah Shua, wording, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Adonay.

Luke 5:12

And so be it, he is in a city, and behold, a man full of leprosy sees Yah Shua and falls on his face and petitions him, wording, Adonay, whenever you will, you can purify me.

Luke 5:14

14 And he evangelizes him to say to no one: But go and show yourself to the priest; and offer for your purifying exactly as Mosheh ordered, for a witness to them.

Luke 5:35

35 But days come, whenever the bridegroom removes from them, and then they fast in those days.

Luke 7:13

13 And Adonay sees her, and has a sympathetic spleen on her, and says to her, Weep not!

Luke 7:50

50 And he says to the woman, Your trust saves you! Go in shalom!

Luke 8:48

48 And he says to her, Daughter, Courage! Your trust saves you! Go in shalom!

Luke 9:22

22 saying, The Son of humanity must suffer much, and be disapproved by the elders and archpriests and scribes; and slaughtered; and the third day rise.

Luke 9:24-25

24 For whoever wills to save his soul, loses it: and whoever loses his soul for my sake, saves it. 25 For what is a human benefited having gained the whole cosmos and lose himself - or be lost?

Luke 9:51-52

And so be it, when the day fulfills/shalams to take him, he establishes his face to go to Yeru Shalem; 52 and apostolizes angels in front of his face: and they go and enter a village of the Shomeroniym so as to prepare for him:

Luke 9:52-56

52 and apostolizes angels in front of his face: and they go and enter a village of the Shomeroniym so as to prepare for him: 53 and they receive him not, because his face is as though he goes to Yeru Shalem. 54 And his disciples Yaaqovos and Yahn see this, and say, Adonay, will you that we tell fire to descend from the heavens, and consume them - even as Eli Yah did? 55 But he turns and rebukes them, and says, You know not of what manner of spirit you are: 56 for the Son of humanity comes not to destroy the souls of humanity but to save them. - and they go to another village.

Luke 10:9-11

9 and cure the frail therein, and word to them, The sovereigndom of Elohim approaches you. 10 But whatever city you enter and they receive you not: go your ways out into the broadways of the same, and say, 11 Even the very dust of your city which adheres to us we scrape off against you: however know this, the sovereigndom of Elohim approached you:

Luke 10:11-11

11 Even the very dust of your city which adheres to us we scrape off against you: however know this, the sovereigndom of Elohim approached you:

Luke 10:32-35

32 And likewise a Leviy, being at the place, comes and sees and passes by opposite. 33 Some Shomeroniy, as he journeys, comes where he is and sees him and has a sympathetic spleen on him: 34 and goes to him and binds his trauma - pouring in olive oil and wine and mounts him on his own animal and brings him to an inn and takes care of him: 35 and on the morrow as he departs, he casts two denarion and gives them to the innkeeper, and says to him, Take care of him; and whatever you spend more, when I come again, I give to you.

Luke 12:19-20

19 and say to my soul, Soul, you have vast goods laid for many years; Rest! Eat! Drink! Rejoice! 20 And Elohim says to him, Thoughtless! This night your soul is required of you: so whose are those that you prepared?

Luke 12:37

37 Blessed - those servants, whom when Adonay comes, finds watching: Amen! I word to you, that he girds himself and recline them, and passes by and ministers to them:

Luke 13:3

3 I word to you, Indeed not: but unless you repent, you all likewise destruct.

Luke 13:5

5 I word to you, Indeed not: but unless you repent, you all likewise destruct.

Luke 13:15

15 So Adonay answers him, saying, Hypocrite! Does not each one of you on the shabbath loose his ox or his burro from the manger and lead him away to moisten?

Luke 13:19

19 It is likened to a mustard kernel a human takes and casts into his garden; and it grows and becomes a mega tree: and the flyers of the heavens nest in the branches.

Luke 13:24

24 Agonize to enter through the narrow gate: for many, I word to you, seek to enter, and are not able;

Luke 13:35

35 Behold, your house is forsaken to you desolate! - and, Amen! I word to you, You never no way see me until it comes when you say, Eulogized - he who comes in the name of Yah Veh.

Luke 14:5

5 - and answers them, saying, Which of you has a burro or an ox fallen into a pit and not straightway draws him on the shabbath day?

Luke 16:16

The torah and the prophets were until Yahn: since then, the sovereigndom of Elohim is evangelized, and everyone forces into it:

Luke 16:19-23

A rich human clothed in purple and white linen rejoices radiantly daily: 20 and a beggar named El Azar is cast at his gate - ulcerous; 21 and panting to be filled with the crumbs which fall from the table of the rich man: but even the dogs come and lick his ulcers. 22 And so be it, the beggar dies, and is borne by the angels to the bosom of Abraham: the rich man also dies and is entombed; 23 and in sheol/hades, being in torments, he lifts his eyes, and sees Abraham afar off and El Azar in his bosom.

Luke 17:17-18

17 And Yah Shua answers, saying, Were there not indeed ten purified? but the nine - where? 18 None are found who return to give glory to Elohim except this alien:

Luke 17:21

21 nor say they, Behold here! or, Behold there! for, behold, the sovereigndom of Elohim is within you. 22 And he says to the disciples, Days come, when you pant to see one of the days of the Son of humanity, and you see it not: 23 and they say to you, Behold here! or, Behold there! neither go after, nor pursue them:

Luke 17:23

23 and they say to you, Behold here! or, Behold there! neither go after, nor pursue them: 24 for exactly as the lightning lightnings from the one part under the heavens, radiating to the other part under the heavens, so also becomes the Son of humanity in his day.

Luke 17:24

24 for exactly as the lightning lightnings from the one part under the heavens, radiating to the other part under the heavens, so also becomes the Son of humanity in his day.

Luke 18:8

8 I word to you that he avenges them with quickness. However when the Son of humanity comes, finds he trust on the earth?

Luke 18:13

13 And the customs agent, stands afar off, and wills not even so much as to lift his eyes to the heavens; but strikes on his chest, wording, Elohim, kapur/atone for me a sinner.

Luke 18:31

And he takes the twelve to him, and says to them, Behold, we ascend to Yeru Shalem, to complete/shalam all those scribed through the prophets concerning the Son of humanity

Luke 18:33

33 and to scourge and slaughter him: and the third day he rises.

Luke 18:38-39

38 - and he cries, wording, Yah Shua, son of David, mercy me! 39 And they who precede, rebuke him to hush: but he cries so much the more, Son of David, mercy me!

Luke 18:42

42 And Yah Shua says to him, See! Your trust saves you.

Luke 19:4

4 And he runs in front, and ascends into a sycomore to see him: for he is about to pass through.

Luke 19:11

And as they hear these, he adds and says a parable, because he is near Yeru Shalem; and because they think the sovereigndom of Elohim is about to appear.

Luke 21:8

8 And he says, See that you be not seduced: for many come in my name, wording, I AM; and the season approaches: So you, go not after them.

Luke 21:21

21 Then they in Yah Hudah, flee to the mountains; and they in her midst, depart; and they in the regions, enter not. 22 For these are the days of vengeance, to fulfill/shalam all that is scribed.

Luke 21:27

And then they see the Son of humanity coming in a cloud with dynamis and vast glory.

Luke 21:34

34 And heed to yourselves, lest ever your hearts burden with hangovers and intoxication and anxieties of existence, so that day stands by you unawares.

Luke 21:34-36

34 And heed to yourselves, lest ever your hearts burden with hangovers and intoxication and anxieties of existence, so that day stands by you unawares. 35 For it comes as a snare on all who sit on the face of the whole earth. 36 So stay awake and petition in every season that you be accounted worthy to escape all these that are about to become; and to stand in front of the Son of humanity.

Luke 24:25-26

25 And he says to them, O mindless and slow of heart to trust all the prophets have spoken: 26 Indeed, needed not the Messiah to suffer these and to enter his glory?

Luke 24:46

46 and he says to them, Thus it is scribed, and thus it is necessary for the Messiah to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day:

John 1:11

11 he comes to his own, and his own take him not.

John 1:26

26 Yahn answers them, wording, I baptize in water: but one stands among you whom ye know not;

John 2:5

5 His mother words to the ministers, Whatever he words to you, do.

John 4:3-4

3 he leaves Yah Hudah and departs again to Galiyl. 4
And he must pass through Shomeron:

John 4:9

9 So the woman - a Shomeroniy words to him, How is it you, being a Yah Hudiy, ask drink of me, being a woman - a Shomeroniy? - for the Yah Hudiym associate not with the Shomeroniym.

John 4:21-22

21 Yah Shua words to her, Woman, trust me, the hour comes, when you neither in this mountain nor in Yeru Shalem worship the Father: 22 you worship what you know not; we worship what we know: for salvation is of the Yah Hudiym.

John 4:39-42

39 And many of the Shomeroniym of that city trust in him because of the word of the woman who witnessed, He said to me as much as I ever did. 40
And the Shomeroniym go to him, and ask him to abide with them; and he abides there two days: 41 and many more trust because of his own word. 42 And they word to the woman, Now we trust, not because of your speech: for we hear him ourselves, and know that this is truly the Saviour of the cosmos - the Messiah.

John 4:50-53

50 Yah Shua words to him, Go your way; your son lives! And the human trusts the word Yah Shua says to him and he goes his way: 51 and as he descends, his servants meet him, and evangelize him, wording, Your lad lives. 52 So he enquires of them the hour he began to amend: and they say to him, Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him. 53 So the father knows it is at the same hour Yah Shua said to him, Your son lives! - and he and his whole house trust.

John 5:14

14 After these Yah Shua finds him in the priestal precinct, and says to him, Behold, you have become whole: sin no more - lest somewhat worse becomes you.

John 5:23

23 so that all men honor the Son, exactly as they honor the Father: he who honors not the Son honors not the Father who sent him.

John 7:33-36

33 Yah Shua says to them, Yet a little time I am with you, and I go to him who sent me. 34 You seek me, and find me not: and where I am, you cannot come. 35 So the Yah Hudiym say among themselves, Where goes he, that we find him not? Goes he to the diaspora among the Hellenes and doctrinates the Hellenes? 36 What word is this he says, You seek me, and find me not: and, Where I am, you cannot come?

John 8:7-10

7 And they abide asking him, and he unbends himself and says to them, The sinless among you, cast the first stone at her. 8 Again he stoops and scribes in the ground; 9 but they who hear: - reproved by their own conscience they go out one by one beginning from the elders even to the final; and Yah Shua is left alone with the woman standing in the midst. 10 And Yah Shua unbends himself and sees no one except the woman: and he says to her, Woman, where are your accusers? Is no one condemning you?

John 8:21-24

21 So Yah Shua says to them again, I go my way; and you seek me; and die in your sins: where I go, you cannot come. 22 So the Yah Hudiym word, Slaughters he himself? Because he words, Where I go, you cannot come. 23 And he says to them, You are from below; I am from above: you are of this cosmos; I am not of this cosmos: 24 so I say to you, that you die in your sins; for whenever you trust not that I AM, you die in your sins.

John 8:48

48 So the Yah Hudiym answer him, saying, Word we not well, that you are a Shomeroniy, and have a demon?

John 9:7

7 and says to him, Go, wash in the pool of Shiloach, - which translates, Apostolized. So he goes his way and washes and comes seeing:

John 9:38

38 And he says, Adonay, I trust. - and he worships him.

John 11:10

10 but whenever a man walks in the night, he stumbles, because there is no light in him.

John 12:25

25 Whoever befriends his soul, loses it; and whoever hates his soul in this cosmos, guards it to life eternal:

John 12:35

35 So Yah Shua says to them, Yet a little time the light is with you: Walk while you have the light lest darkness overtake you: for whoever walks in darkness knows not where he goes.

John 12:38

38 to fulfill/shalam the word of Yesha Yah the prophet wherein he says, Who trusts our report? And to whom is the arm of Yah Veh unveiled? Isaiah Yah 53:1

John 13:33

33 Little children, yet a little I am with you. You seek me: and exactly as I say to the Yah Hudiym, Where I go, you cannot come; - I also word to you.

John 16:5-7

5 But now I go my way to him who sent me; and none of you asks me, Where go you? 6 But because I have spoken these to you, sorrow fills your heart full. 7
Yet I word you the truth; It is beneficial for you that I go away: for whenever I go not away, the Paraclete comes not to you: but whenever I depart, I send him to you:

John 16:16-22

16 A little, and you see me not; and again, A little, and you see me; because I go to the Father. 17 So some of his disciples say to one another, What is this that he words to us, A little, and you see me not: and again, A little, and you see me: and, Because I go to the Father? 18 So they word, What is this that he words, A little? We know not what he words. 19 Yah Shua knows that they will to ask him, and says to them, Seek you with one another concerning what I say, A little, and you see me not: and again, A little, and you see me? 20 Amen! Amen! I word to you, You weep and lament, but the cosmos cheers: and you sorrow, but your sorrow becomes cheer. 21 A woman, whenever she births, sorrows, because her hour is come: but whenever she bears the child, she remembers no more the anguish, for cheer that a human is birthed into the cosmos. 22 And so indeed, you now have sorrow: but I see you again, and your heart cheers, and no one takes your cheer from you:

John 17:11-13

11 And now I am no more in the cosmos; but these are in the cosmos: and I come to you. Holy Father, guard in your own name those whom you gave me, that they be one, exactly as we. 12 When I was with them in the cosmos I guarded them in your name: those you gave me, I guarded; and none of them is lost except the son of destruction - to fulfill/shalam the scripture. 13 And now I come to you; and I speak these in the cosmos, to fulfill/shalam my cheer in them.

John 18:36

36 Yah Shua answers, My sovereigndom is not of this cosmos: if my sovereigndom were of this cosmos, my attendants had ever agonized that I not be delivered to the Yah Hudiym: but now my sovereigndom is not from here.

John 21:15

So they dine, and Yah Shua words to Shimon Petros, Shimon son of Yonah, love you me much more than these? He words to him, Yes, Adonay; you know I befriend you. He words to him, Feed my lambs.

Acts 1:6-7

6 So indeed they come together, and ask him, wording, Adonay, restore you the sovereigndom to Yisra El at this time? 7 And he says to them, It is not yours to know the times or the seasons the Father put in his own authority: 8 but you take dynamis, at the coming of the Holy Spirit upon you; and you become my witnesses - both in Yeru Shalem and in all Yah Hudah and in Shomeron and to the finality of the earth.

Acts 8:5-25

And Philippos goes down to the city of Shomeron and preaches the Messiah to them: 6 and in unanimity the multitude heeds what Philippos words - hearing and seeing the signs he does. 7 For impure spirits, crying with mega voice, come from many of the possessed: and many paralyzed and lame are cured; 8 and so be it, a mega cheer in that city. 9 But some man named Shimon, who previously used sorcery in the same city, who astounded the goyim of Shomeron; wording that he himself is some mega one: 10 whom they all heed, from the least to the mega, wording, This one is the mega dynamis of Elohim. 11 - and they heed him, because he astounded them with magicing for a long time. 12 But when they trust Philippos evangelizing those concerning the sovereigndom of Elohim and the name of Yah Shua Messiah, they are baptized - both men and women: 13 and Shimon himself also trusts: and being baptized, he continues with Philippos; and is astounded, observing the dynamis and mega signs that become. 14 And the apostles at Yeru Shalem hear that a Shomeron receives the word of Elohim, they apostolize Petros and Yahn to them: 15 who, having descended, pray concerning them to take the Holy Spirit: 16 - for as yet he had fallen on none of them - only being baptized in the name of Adonay Yah Shua. 17 Then they put their hands on them, and they take the Holy Spirit. 18 And when Shimon observes that the Holy Spirit is given through laying on of the hands of the apostles, he offers them riches, 19 wording, Give me also this authority, that on whomever I put hands, he takes the Holy Spirit. 20 But Petros says to him, Your silver be to your destruction! - because you presume that the gratuity of Elohim is acquired through riches. 21 You have neither part nor lot in this word: for your heart is not straight in the sight of Elohim. 22 So repent of this your malice; and petition Elohim, if indeed the mind of your heart be forgiven you: 23 for I see you are in the choler of bitterness and in the bond of iniquity. 24 And Shimon answers, saying, You, petition Adonay for me, that none of these that you say come upon me. 25 So indeed, having witnessed and spoken the word of Adonay, they return to Yeru Shalem, and evangelize in many villages of the Shomeroniym.

Acts 10:25-26

25 and as Petros enters, Cornelius meets him, and falls at his feet, and worships him. 26 And Petros raises him, wording, Rise! I myself also am a human!

Romans 1:21

21 because when they knew Elohim they neither glorified him as Elohim, nor eucharistized; but became vain in their reasonings and darkened their uncomprehending heart:

Romans 3:12

12 They all deviate - simultaneously useless; none doing kindness - not even one. Psalm 14:1-3

Romans 11:4-7

4 But what words the oracle to him? I leave to myself seven thousand men, who bow not the knee to Baal. 1 Kings 19:18 5 Thus also at this present season, there is a remnant according to the selection by charism: 6 and if by charism, it is not still by works: otherwise charism is not still by charism: and if by works, it is not still by charism: otherwise work is not still by work. 7 So what? Yisra El obtained not what he seeks; but the selection obtained, and the rest petrified.

Romans 11:35

35 Or who first gives to him so that it is recompensed to him?

Romans 12:20

20 So whenever your enemy famishes, force feed him; whenever he thirsts, give him drink: for in so doing you heap coals of fire on his head;

Romans 14:13

13 So judge one another no longer: but rather judge this, that no one put a stumbling or a scandal in the way of his brother.

Romans 14:17

17 For the sovereigndom of Elohim is not eat and drink; but justness and shalom and cheer in the Holy Spirit.

Romans 14:20-21

20 Disintegrate not the work of Elohim for sake of food. All indeed are pure; but evil for that human who, through stumbling, eats. 21 It is good neither to eat meat nor to drink wine nor aught wherein your brother stumbles or is scandalized, or is frailed.

Romans 16:17

And I beseech you brothers, scope them who cause divisions and scandals against the doctrine you learned - and deviate from them.

1 Corinthians 1:7

7 so that you fail in no charisma; awaiting the apocalypse of our Adonay Yah Shua Messiah:

1 Corinthians 8:11-12

11 - and through your knowledge, the frail brother, for whom Messiah died, destructs? 12 And when you sin thus to the brothers and strike their frail conscience you sin to Messiah. 13 So if food scandalizes my brother, I no way eat meat to the eons, lest I scandalize my brother.

1 Corinthians 9:15

15 And I neither use these: nor scribe I these to be thus in me: for it is good for me to die, rather than anyone void my boasting. 16 For whenever I evangelize, I have naught to boast: for necessity is laid upon me; yes, woe to me, whenever I evangelize not! 17 For if I transact this voluntarily, I have a reward: but if involuntarily, an administration is entrusted to me.

1 Corinthians 9:22

22 To the frail I become as frail, to gain the frail: I become all to all, to most certainly save some.

1 Corinthians 10:6-12

6 and these became our types, to not pant after evil, exactly as they panted. 7 Neither be idolaters, exactly as some of them: as scribed, The people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to ridicule. Exodus 32:6 8 Whore not, exactly as some of them whored and twenty-three thousand fell in one day: 9 nor test the Messiah, exactly as some of them also tested and were destroyed by serpents: 10 nor murmur, exactly as some of them also murmured and were destroyed by the destroyer. 11 And all these happened to them for types: and they are scribed to remind us, to whom the completion/shalom of the eons arrives. 12 So, whoever thinks he stands, see lest he fall.

1 Corinthians 10:32

32 Become inoffensive, both to the Yah Hudiym and to the Hellene and to the ecclesia of Elohim:

1 Corinthians 11:19

19 For there must also be heresies among you, so that those approved become manifest among you.

1 Corinthians 13:2

2 And whenever I have prophecy and perceive all mysteries and all knowledge, and whenever I have all trust to remove mountains and have not love, I am naught.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

4 Love is patient and is kind, love is never jealous, love never brags, never puffs, 5 never misbehaves, never self-seeking, never easily agitated, never reckons evil, 6 never cheers in injustice but co-cheers in the truth, 7 endures all, trusts all, hopes all, abides all:

1 Corinthians 15:9-10

9 for I am the least of the apostles - who am not adequate to be called an apostle: because I persecuted the ecclesia of Elohim. 10 And by the charism of Elohim, I am what I am: and his charism to me became not in vain; but I labored more superabundantly than they all: yet not I - but the charism of Elohim within me.

2 Corinthians 12:8-10

8 For this I besought Adonay thrice that it depart from me. 9 And he said to me, My charism is sufficient for you: for my dynamis is completed/shalamed in frailty. So rather, with pleasure I boast in my frailties, that the dynamis of the Messiah tabernacle upon me. 10 So I well-approve in frailties, in hubris, in compulsions, in persecutions, in distresses for sake of Messiah: for when I am frail, then I am able.

Galatians 2:11-14

And when Petros came to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be condemned. 12 For prior to some coming from Yaaqovos he ate with the goyim: and when they came he withdrew and set himself apart - awestricken of them of the circumcision. 13 And likewise the rest of the Yah Hudiym hypocrized with him; so that also Bar Nabi was led away by their hypocrisy. 14 But when I saw that they were not straightfooted to the truth of the evangelism, I said to Petros in front of them all, If you, being Yah Hudiy, live goyishly and not Yah Hudaically, why compel you the goyim to Yah Hudahize?

Ephesians 4:31-32

31 Take from you all bitterness and fury and anger and crying out and blasphemy with all malice: 32 and be kind one to another, tenderspleened, granting charism to yourselves, even exactly as Elohim in Messiah grants you charism.

Ephesians 5:15

15 So see that you walk precisely - not as unwise, but as wise,

Philippians 3:7-8

7 But what was gain to me, I deemed loss for the Messiah. 8 Yes indeed, I still deem all loss for the superiority of the knowledge of Messiah Yah Shua my Adonay: for whom I lost all and deemed to be hound dog droppings to gain Messiah

Philippians 3:8-8

8 Yes indeed, I still deem all loss for the superiority of the knowledge of Messiah Yah Shua my Adonay: for whom I lost all and deemed to be hound dog droppings to gain Messiah 9 and to be found in him - not having my own justness, of the torah, but through trust of Messiah, the justness of Elohim on the trust:

Philippians 4:13

13 I am mighty enough in Messiah who dynamizes me.

Colossians 1:27

27 to whom Elohim wills to make known the riches of the glory of this mystery among the goyim - Messiah in you, the hope of glory:

Colossians 3:12-13

So endue, as the select of Elohim, holy and beloved, spleens of compassions, kindness, humblemindedness, meekness, patience; 13 tolerate one another and grant one another charism; whenever anyone has a blame against any: even exactly as the Messiah grants you charism thus also you.

1 Thessalonians 2:16

16 forbidding us to speak to the goyim to be saved - to fill full/shalam their sins alway: for the wrath arrives upon them to completion/shalom.

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

16 For Adonay himself descends from the heavens - in a summons in the voice of the archangel and in the trumpet of Elohim: and the dead in Messiah rise first: 17 then we the living who survive are seized simultaneously with them in the clouds to meet Adonay in the air: and thus we ever be with Adonay.

1 Thessalonians 5:1-3

And concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need that I scribe to you. 2 For yourselves know precisely that the day of Adonay comes thus - as a thief in the night.

1 Thessalonians 5:2-3

2 For yourselves know precisely that the day of Adonay comes thus - as a thief in the night. 3 For whenever they word, Shalom and security; then unexpected ruin stands over them - exactly as travail upon a woman having in womb; and they never no way escape.

2 Thessalonians 1:3

We are always indebted to eucharistize Elohim for you, brothers, exactly as is worthy; that your trust increase greatly and the love of each one of you all superabound toward each other;

2 Thessalonians 1:7

7 and you who are tribulated, to relax with us, in the apocalypse of Adonay Yah Shua of the heavens, with his angels of dynamis,

2 Thessalonians 2:2

2 to not quickly shake the mind, or lament - neither through spirit nor through word nor through epistle as though from us - as that the day of the Messiah is present.

2 Thessalonians 2:8

8 And then that torah violator is unveiled, whom Adonay consumes with the spirit of his mouth and inactivates with the epiphany of his parousia

2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

10 and in all delusion of injustice in them who destruct: for they receive not the love of the truth to save them. 11 And for this cause Elohim sends them an energized seduction so that they trust a lie: 12 to judge all who trust not the truth, who well-approve injustice.

2 Thessalonians 3:13-14

13 and you, brothers, weary not in doing good. 14 And if anyone obeys not our word through this epistle, signify that man and co-mingle not with him to shame him.

Philemon 1:11

11 who in time past was useless to you, and now useful to you and to me:

Hebrews 10:38-39

38 And the just live by trust: and whenever anyone withdraws, my soul thinks not well in him. Habakkuk 2:3, 4 39 And we are not of them who withdraw to destruction; but of them who trust to the acquiring of the soul.

Hebrews 11:7

7 By trust Noach, being oracled concerning those still unseen, moved with reverence; prepared an ark to the salvation of his house; through which he condemned the cosmos and became heir of the justness by trust.

Hebrews 12:2

2 considering to Yah Shua the hierarch and completer/shalamer of the trust - who for the cheer set in front of him: endured the stake, disesteeming the shame, and is seated at the right of the throne of Elohim.

Hebrews 12:15

15 overseeing lest anyone fall behind of the charism of Elohim; lest any sprouting root of bitterness harass you; and through this many are defiled;

James 5:1-5

Come now, you rich, weep and howl for the miseries coming upon you. 2 Your riches putrefy and your garments become motheaten: 3 your gold and silver rust; and their rust becomes a witness against you to consume your flesh as fire. You treasured in the final days. 4 Behold, the hire of the workers who ingathered your regions - whom you cheated, cries out: and the cries of them who harvest enter the ears of Yah Veh Sabaoth. 5 You indulged on the earth and luxuriated; you nourished your hearts as in a day of slaughter;

James 5:8

8 You also, be patient; establish your hearts: because the parousia of Adonay approaches.

James 5:19

19 Brothers, whenever any among you wanders from the truth and one restores him;

1 Peter 1:7

7 that the proofing of your trust: being much more precious than gold that destructs: though being proofed through fire be found unto halal and honor and glory at the apocalypse of Yah Shua Messiah:

1 Peter 1:13

13 So gird up the loins of your mind; be sober and hope to the completion/shalom for the charism to being brought to you at the apocalypse of Yah Shua Messiah:

1 Peter 1:22-23

22 Seeing you hallowed your souls in obeying the truth through Spirit to unhypocritical befriending of the brothers - to love one another intensely from a pure heart; 23 being rebirthed, not of corruptible spore, but of incorruptible, through the word of Elohim who lives and abides to the eons:

1 Peter 3:19-20

19 wherein he also went and preached to the spirits in the guardhouse 20 - who sometime distrusted when once the patience of Elohim awaited in the days of Noach while the ark was a preparing, wherein few - that is eight souls were saved through water:

1 Peter 4:13

13 But cheer, according as you are partakers of the sufferings of Messiah; so that at the apocalypse of his glory you also cheer with jumping for joy.

1 Peter 5:5-6

5 Likewise, younger: subjugate yourselves to the elder. Yes, all subjugate to one another and enrobe with humblemindedness: because Elohim opposes the proud and gives charism to the humble. 6 So humble yourselves under the powerful hand of Elohim, so that he exalts you in season:

2 Peter 2:1-3

And so be it also, pseudoprophets among the people - even as pseudodoctors become among you who surreptitiously introduce destructive heresies - even denying the Despotes who marketed them; and bring quick destruction on themselves. 2 And many follow their destructive ways - who blaspheme the way of truth: 3 and in avarice they fabricate words and merchandise of you: whose judgment of old idles not and their destruction slumbers not.

2 Peter 2:5

5 and spared not the ancient cosmos; but guarded Noach the eighth - a preacher of justness; bringing in the cataclysm on the cosmos of the irreverent; 6 and incinerating the cities of Sedom and Amorah; condemned them with a catastrophe - setting an example to those all around who live irreverently;

2 Peter 2:9

9 Yah Veh knows how to rescue the well-revering from testings and to guard the unjust to the day of judgment to punish:

2 Peter 2:18-22

18 For by uttering overbulgings of vanity, through the pantings of the flesh, by lechery, they entrap them, who indeed escaped from them who remain in seduction. 19 While they pre-evangelize liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for by whom anyone is belittled, by him is he subservient. 20 For if, having escaped the defilements of the cosmos through the knowledge of Adonay and Saviour Yah Shua Messiah, and entangled again by these and belittled, their finality becomes worse than at first. 21 For it had been better for them to not have known the way of justness, than having known, to turn from the holy misvah delivered to them. 22 But it happens to them according to the true proverb, The dog returns to his own vomit; and the hog that bathed to her wallowing in the mire. Proverbs 26:11

2 Peter 3:6

6 through which the cosmos then being flooded with water and destructed:

2 Peter 3:10

But the day of Yah Veh comes as a thief in the night; in which the heavens pass with a whir and the elements, being causticized, let loose; also the earth and the works therein burn.

2 John 1:8

8 Look to yourselves - that we lose not what we worked but that we take a full reward.

Jude 1:7

7 - as Sedom and Amorah and the surrounding cities in like manner - whoring and going after other flesh, are set forth for an example - enduring the judgment of eternal fire.

Revelation 1:7

7 Behold, he comes with clouds; and every eye sees him and those who pierced him: and all scions of the earth chop because of him. Yes, Amen.

Revelation 2:10

10 Awe none of those you are about to suffer: behold, Diabolos is about to cast you in the guardhouse, to test; and you have tribulation ten days: become trustworthy to death and I give you a wreath of life.

Revelation 2:14

14 But I have a few against you, because you have them who empower the doctrine of Bilam, who doctrinated in Balaq to cast a scandal in the sight of the sons of Yisra El; to eat idol sacrifices and to whore.

Revelation 2:20

20 Still, I have a few against you, because you allow that woman Iy Zebel, who words herself, Prophetess, to doctrinate and to seduce my servants to whore and to eat idol sacrifices:

Revelation 4:10

10 the twenty-four elders fall in sight of him sitting on the throne, and worship him who lives to the eons of the eons and cast their wreaths in sight of the throne, wording,

Revelation 5:14

14 And the four live beings word, Amen! And the twenty-four elders fall and worship him who lives to the eons of the eons.

Revelation 11:8

8 and their carcasses are on the broadway of the megalopolis, which spiritually is called, Sedom and Misrayim - where also our Adonay was staked.

Revelation 13:14-18

14 and seduces those settled on the earth through those signs he is given to do in sight of the beast; wording to them settled on the earth who had the plague by a sword and lived to make an icon to the beast. 15 And he is given to give life to the icon of the beast, so that the icon of the beast both speaks and causes as many as ever who worship not the icon of the beast to be slaughtered. 16
And he has all - both minute and mega, rich and poor, liberated and servant, - to be given a tattoo in their right hand or in their foreheads: 17 so that no one is able to market or sell, except them having the tattoo or the name of the beast or the number of his name. 18
Here is the wisdom: whoever has a mind, compute the number of the beast: for it is the number of a human; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.

Revelation 14:7

7 wording in a mega voice, Awe Elohim and give him glory; because the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him who made the heavens and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters.

Revelation 19:4-5

4 And the twenty-four elders and the four live beings fall and worship Elohim sitting on the throne, wording, Amen! Halalu Yah! 5 And a voice comes from the throne, wording, Halal our Elohim, all you his servants and you who awe him - both minute and mega.

Revelation 19:10

10 - and I fall in front of his feet to worship him. And he words to me, See - not: I am co-servant of you and of your brothers who have the witness of Yah Shua: worship Elohim: for the witness of Yah Shua is the spirit of prophecy.

Revelation 19:17-18

And I see one angel standing in the sun; and he cries with a mega voice - wording to all the fowls that fly in the midheavens, Come and gather yourselves together to the supper of the mega Elohim 18 to eat the flesh of sovereigns, and the flesh of chiliarchs, and the flesh of mighty, and the flesh of horses, and of those sitting on them, and the flesh of all - liberated and servant - minute and mega.

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