Luke 16:20 Cross References - ECB

20 and a beggar named El Azar is cast at his gate - ulcerous;

1 Samuel 2:8

8 he raises the poor from the dust; and lifts the needy from the dunghill - to set them among volunteers - to inherit the throne of honor: for the pillars of the earth are unto Yah Veh and on them he set the world.

Job 2:7

And Satan goes from the face of Yah Veh and smites Iyob with evil ulcers from the sole of his foot to his scalp.

Psalms 34:19

19 many are the evils of the just; Yah Veh rescues him from them all.

Psalms 73:14

14 For all the day long I am touched and reproofed in the morning.

Isaiah 1:6

6 from the sole of the foot to the head there is no integrity therein: - wounds and lashes and dripping wounds - neither squeezed nor bound; nor tenderized with ointment.

Jeremiah 8:22

22 Is there no balm in Gilad? Is there no healer there? Why ascends not the health of the daughter of my people?

Luke 16:21

21 and panting to be filled with the crumbs which fall from the table of the rich man: but even the dogs come and lick his ulcers.

Luke 18:35-43

And so be it, as he approaches Yericho, someone blind sits by the way side begging: 36 and hearing the multitude going through, he asks what it means: 37 and they evangelize him that Yah Shua the Nazarene passes by: 38 - and he cries, wording, Yah Shua, son of David, mercy me! 39 And they who precede, rebuke him to hush: but he cries so much the more, Son of David, mercy me! 40 And Yah Shua stands, and summons to bring him: and when he approaches, he asks him, 41 wording, What will you that I do to you? And he says, Adonay, that I see! 42 And Yah Shua says to him, See! Your trust saves you. 43 - and immediately he sees, and follows him, glorifying Elohim: - and all the people see it and give halal to Elohim.

John 11:1

And someone frail, El Azar of Beth Ania of the town of Miryam and her sister Martha:

Acts 3:2

2 and a man, lame from the womb of his mother, is being carried - whom they place daily at the portal of the priestal precinct, worded Beautiful, to ask mercies of them entering the priestal precinct:

James 1:9

9 But the brother of humbleness boasts in his exaltation;

James 2:5

5 Hearken, my beloved brothers, Selects not Elohim the poor of this cosmos rich in trust and heirs of the sovereigndom which he pre-evangelized to them who love him?

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.