26 And afterward Yah Shua smites them and deathifies them and hangs them on five trees: and they hang on the trees until the evening:
Joshua 10:26 Cross References - ECB
Numbers 25:4
4 and Yah Veh says to Mosheh, Take all the heads of the people and impale them at the face of Yah Veh against the sun; so that the fuming wrath of Yah Veh turns from Yisra El.
Deuteronomy 21:22-23
THE TORAH ON EXECUTION And if there is a sin in a man - a judgment of death and you deathify him and you hang him on a tree; 23 stay not his carcase on the tree overnight, but in entombing, entomb him that day; for he who is hanged has an abasement of Elohim; that your soil be not defiled, which Yah Veh your Elohim gives you - an inheritance.
THE TORAH ON EXECUTION And if there is a sin in a man - a judgment of death and you deathify him and you hang him on a tree; 23 stay not his carcase on the tree overnight, but in entombing, entomb him that day; for he who is hanged has an abasement of Elohim; that your soil be not defiled, which Yah Veh your Elohim gives you - an inheritance.
Joshua 8:29
29 and he hangs the sovereign of Ay on a tree until evening time: and as soon as the sun is down, Yah Shua misvahs them to bring his carcase down from the tree and cast it at the opening of the portal of the city; and raises thereon a great heap of stones, to this day.
Judges 8:21
21 Then Zebach and Sal Munna say, Rise! Encounter us! As the man, thus his might! And Gidon rises and slaughters Zebach and Sal Munna and takes the pendants on the necks of their camels.
1 Samuel 15:33
33 And Shemu El says, As the sword bereaves women, thus be your mother bereft among women. - and Shemu El cleaves Agag in pieces at the face of Yah Veh in Gilgal.
2 Samuel 21:6
6 give us seven men of his sons and we impale them to Yah Veh in Gibah of Shaul, whomever Yah Veh chooses. And the sovereign says, I give them.
2 Samuel 21:9
9 and he gives them into the hands of the Giboniy and they impale them in the mountain at the face of Yah Veh: and they fall sevenfold together - deathified in the days of harvest at the first - in the beginning of barley harvest.
Esther 2:23
23 And they research the word, and find out; and hang them both on a tree; and inscribe it in the scroll of the words of the days at the face of the sovereign.
Esther 7:9-10
9 And Harbonah, one of the eunuchs, says at the face of the sovereign, Behold also, the tree fifty cubits high, which Haman worked for Mordekay who worded good for the sovereign, stands in the house of Haman. And the sovereign says, Hang him thereon.
10 - and they hang Haman on the tree he prepared for Mordekay - and the fury of the sovereign is assuaged.
Matthew 27:25
25 And all the people answer, saying, His blood - on us and on our children.
Galatians 3:13
Messiah marketed us from the curse of the torah - becoming a curse for us: for it is scribed, Cursed is everyone who hangs on a staff:
Messiah marketed us from the curse of the torah - becoming a curse for us: for it is scribed, Cursed is everyone who hangs on a staff: