3 For lack and hunger, they are sterile; gnawing into the parch of yesternight of devastation and ruin:
Job 30:3 Cross References - ECB
Job 24:5
5 Behold, as wild runners in the wilderness, they go to their deeds; rising early for a prey; to the plains for bread - for them and their lads;
Job 24:13-16
13 They are of those who rebel against the light; they neither recognize the ways nor settle in the paths.
14 The murderer rising with the light severs the humble and needy as a thief in the night:
15 the eye of the adulterer guards for the evening breeze, saying, No eye observes me! - and covertly sets his face.
16 In the dark they dig through houses which they sealed for themselves in the day; they know not the light;
Hebrews 11:38
38 of whom the cosmos was not worthy: wandering in wildernesses and mountains and grottos and caverns of the earth.