Hosea 8:1 Cross References - ECB

1 A shophar to your palate - as an eagle against the house of Yah Veh: because they trespass my covenant and rebel against my torah.

Deuteronomy 28:49

49 Yah Veh lifts a goyim against you from afar - from the end of the earth, as the eagle flies; a goyim whose tongue you hear not;

2 Kings 18:27

27 And Rab Shaqeh/the chief butler says to them, My adoni, sends he me to word these words to your master and to you? - and not to the men who settle on the wall - to eat their own dungs and drink the urine at their feet with you?

Isaiah 18:3

3 All you settlers of the world, and tabernaclers on the earth, as an ensign lifting on the mountains, you see; and as a shophar blasting, you hear.

Isaiah 24:5

5 and the earth is profaned under the settlers; because they trespassed the torah, passed over the statute, broke the eternal covenant.

Isaiah 58:1

Call out with the throat! Spare not! Lift your voice as a shophar and tell my people their rebellion; and the house of Yaaqov their sins.

Jeremiah 4:5

Tell it in Yah Hudah and have it heard in Yeru Shalem; and say, Blast the shophar in the land! Call out, fulfill, and say, Gather, and we go into the fortified cities.

Jeremiah 4:13

13 Behold, he ascends as clouds, and his chariots as a hurricane: swifter than eagles are his horses. Woe to us! For we are ravaged!

Jeremiah 6:1

O you sons of Ben Yamin, withdraw yourselves to flee from midst Yeru Shalem: and blast the shophar in Teqoa and lift a burden in Beth Hak Kerem: for evil looks from the north, and great breaking.

Jeremiah 31:32

32 not according to the covenant I cut with their fathers in the day I held them by the hand to bring them from the land of Misrayim - my covenant which they broke, although I was their master - an oracle of Yah Veh:

Jeremiah 48:40

40 For thus says Yah Veh; Behold, he flies as an eagle and spreads his wings over Moab.

Jeremiah 51:27

27 Lift an ensign in the land! Blast the shophar among the goyim! Hallow the goyim against her, hearken against her the sovereigndoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz; muster an officer against her; ascend the horses as the shaggy cankerworms:

Ezekiel 7:14

14 They blast the blast to prepare and no one goes to the war; for my fuming is on all the multitude:

Ezekiel 16:59

59 For thus says Adonay Yah Veh: I work with you as you work - who despise the oath to break the covenant.

Ezekiel 33:3-6

3 and he sees the sword approach the land, he blasts the shophar and enlightens the people: 4 and in hearing, one hears the voice of the shophar, and takes not warning; and the sword approaches and takes him away, his blood is on his own head: 5 for he hears the voice of the shophar, and takes not warning; his blood is on himself: and he who takes warning, rescues his soul. 6 And if the watcher sees the sword approach, and neither blasts the shophar nor warns the people; if the sword approaches and takes a soul from among them, he is taken away in his perversity; and I require his blood at the hand of the watcher.

Hosea 4:6

6 My people are severed for lack of knowledge: because you spurn knowledge, I also spurn you from priesting to me: seeing you forget the torah of your Elohim, I also forget your sons.

Hosea 5:8

8 You, blast the shophar in Gibah and the trumpet in Ramah: shout at the house of mischief, After you, O Ben Yamin!

Hosea 6:7

7 And they, as humanity, trespass the covenant: there they deal covertly against me.

Hosea 9:15

15 All their evil is in Gilgal; surely, there I hated them: for the evil of their exploits I drive them from my house; I add not to love them: all their governors are revolters.

Joel 2:1

1 Blast the shophar in Siyon! And shout in my holy mountain! All the settlers of the land quiver: for the day of Yah Veh approaches - nearby:

Joel 2:15

15 Blast the shophar in Siyon! Hallow a fast! Call a private assembly!

Amos 3:6

6 Blasts a shophar in the city and the people tremble not? Becomes there evil in a city and Yah Veh worked it not?

Amos 8:3

3 And the songstresses of the manse howl in that day - an oracle of Adonay Yah Veh: with many carcases in every place; they cast them forth: Hush!

Amos 9:1

I see Adonay stationed on the sacrifice altar; and he says, Smite the lintel of the door, so as to quake the thresholds: and crop them in the head - all of them; and I slaughter the last of them with the sword: and he who flees, flees not to them, and the escapee escapes not to them.

Habakkuk 1:8

8 with horses swifter than leopards and sharper than the evening wolves: and their cavalry spread themselves and their cavalry comes from afar; they fly as the eagle hastening to devour:

Zephaniah 1:16

16 a day of the shophar and blast against the fortified cities and against the high corners.

Zechariah 9:14

14 And Yah Veh is seen over them, and his arrow comes as the lightning: and Adonay Yah Veh blasts the shophar and comes with storms of the south:

Zechariah 11:1

Open your doors, O Lebanon, and fire consumes among your cedars.

Matthew 24:28

28 for wherever the carcase, the eagles gather together.

1 Corinthians 15:52

52 in a moment - in the atom of an eye - in the final trumpet: for indeed it trumps; and the dead rise incorruptible and we all change.

Hebrews 8:8-13

8 For blaming them, he worded, Behold, days come, words Yah Veh, when I complete/shalam a new covenant with the house of Yisra El and with the house of Yah Hudah: 9 not according to the covenant I made with their fathers in the day I held their hand to lead them from the land of Misrayim - because they abode not in my covenant and I also disregarded them, words Yah Veh. 10 For this is the covenant I covenant with the house of Yisra El: After those days, words Yah Veh; I give my torah in their mind and epigraph them in their hearts: and I become to them - Elohim and they become to me - people: 11 and they never no way doctrinate each his neighbour and each his brother, wording, Know Yah Veh! - for they all know me - from the least to the mega: 12 for I kapur/atone their injustice; and their sins and their torah violations I never no way still remember. Jeremiah 31:31-34 13 In that he words, A new, he antiquates the first: and whatever antiquates and senesces is near disappearing.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.