Genesis 28 Cross References - ECB

And Yischaq calls Yaaqov and blesses him and misvahs him, and says to him, Take not a woman of the daughters of Kenaan. 2 Rise, go to Paddan Aram, to the house of Bethu El the father of your mother; and from there take a woman of the daughters of Laban the brother of your mother: 3 and El Shadday blesses you to bear fruit and abound you and there become a congregation of people; 4 and give you the blessing of Abraham - to you and to your seed with you; to possess the land of your sojournings which Elohim gave to Abraham. 5 And Yischaq sends Yaaqov: and he goes to Paddan Aram to Laban, son of Bethu El the Aramiy the brother of Ribqah the mother of Yaaqov and Esav. 6 And Esav sees that Yischaq blesses Yaaqov and sends him to Paddan Aram to take a woman from there; and as he blesses him, he misvahs him, saying, Take not a woman of the daughters of Kenaan; 7 and that Yaaqov hearkens to his father and his mother and goes to Paddan Aram; 8 and Esav, seeing that the daughters of Kenaan are evil in the eyes of Yischaq his father; 9 Esav goes to Yishma El and takes and adds Machalath the daughter of Yishma El the son of Abraham the sister of Nebayoth to the women he has, to be his woman.
10 And Yaaqov goes out from Beer Sheba and goes toward Haran: 11 and he encounters a certain place and stays there overnight, because the sun had set; and he takes stones of that place and sets them for his headpieces; and lays down in that place: 12 and he dreams, and behold, a ladder stationed on the earth and the top thereof touches the heavens: and behold the angels of Elohim ascending and descending thereon: 13 and behold, Yah Veh stations himself above it and says, I - Yah Veh Elohim of Abraham your father and Elohim of Yischaq: I give the land whereon you lie to you and to your seed; 14 and your seed becomes as the dust of the earth and you break forth to the sea and to the east and to the north and to the south: and in you and in your seed all the families of the soil become blessed. 15 And behold, I am with you and guard you everywhere you go; and return you into this soil; for I leave you not until I work what I word to you. 16 And Yaaqov wakens from his sleep, and he says, Surely Yah Veh is in this place; and I know it not. 17 And he awes and says, How awesome this place! this is none other but Beth Elohim and this is the portal of the heavens. 18 And Yaaqov starts early in the morning and takes the stone he set for his headpieces and sets it for a monolith; and pours oil on the top thereof: 19 and he calls the name of that place Beth El: but the name of that city was Luz at first. 20 And Yaaqov vows a vow, saying, Elohim is with me and guards me in this way I go and gives me bread to eat and clothing to enrobe, 21 so that I return to the house of my father in shalom; then Yah Veh becomes my Elohim: 22 and this stone, which I set for a monolith, becomes Beth Elohim: and of all you give me, in tithing, I tithe to you.

Genesis 1:28

28 And Elohim blesses them and Elohim says unto them, Bear fruit; and abound and fill the earth and subdue: and subjugate over the fish of the sea and over the flyers of the heavens and over every live being creeping on the earth.

Genesis 6:2

2 and the sons of Elohim see that the daughters of humanity are goodly; and they take women of all they choose.

Genesis 9:1

And Elohim blesses Noach and his sons and says to them, Bear fruit and abound and fill the earth.

Genesis 11:31

31 And Terach takes Abram his son and Lot the son of Haran the son of his son and Saray his daughter in law the woman of his son Abram; and they go with them from Ur of the Kesediym to go into the land of Kenaan; and they come to Haran and settle there.

Genesis 12:1-3

And Yah Veh says to Abram, Go from your land and from your kindred and from the house of your father to a land I show you: 2 and I work you to become a great goyim and I bless you and greaten your name; that you become a blessing: 3 and I bless them who bless you and curse him who abases you: and in you all families of the soil become blessed.

Genesis 12:3

3 and I bless them who bless you and curse him who abases you: and in you all families of the soil become blessed.

Genesis 12:7

7 And Yah Veh is seen by Abram, and says, To your seed I give this land! - and there he builds a sacrifice altar to Yah Veh, who is seen by him. 8 And from there he removes to a mountain east of Beth El and spreads his tent, having Beth El seaward and Ay eastward: and there he builds a sacrifice altar to Yah Veh and calls on the name of Yah Veh.

Genesis 13:14-17

14 And after Lot separates from him Yah Veh says to Abram, Lift your eyes and see from the place where you are northward and southward and eastward and seaward:

Genesis 13:14

14 And after Lot separates from him Yah Veh says to Abram, Lift your eyes and see from the place where you are northward and southward and eastward and seaward: 15 for all the land you see, I give to you and to your seed unto eternity:

Genesis 13:15

15 for all the land you see, I give to you and to your seed unto eternity: 16 and I set your seed as the dust of the earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then be your seed also numbered.

Genesis 13:16-17

16 and I set your seed as the dust of the earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then be your seed also numbered. 17 Arise, walk through the land to the length and to the width; for I give it to you.

Genesis 14:20

20 and blessed is El Elyon, who bucklers your tribulators into your hand. - and he gives him tithes of all.

Genesis 15:1

After these words, so be the word of Yah Veh to Abram in a vision, saying, Awe not, Abram! I am your buckler and your mighty abounding hire.

Genesis 15:5-7

5 And he brings him outside and says, Look, I beseech, toward the heavens and scribe the stars, if you are able to scribe them: - and he says to him, Thus becomes your seed. 6 And he trusts in Yah Veh; and he fabricates it to himself for justness. 7 And he says to him, I - Yah Veh who had you come from Ur of the Kesediym, to give you this land to possess.

Genesis 15:12

12 And the sun goes down and a sound sleep falls on Abram; and behold, a terror of great darkness befalls him:

Genesis 15:18-21

18 In that day Yah Veh cuts a covenant with Abram, saying, To your seed I gave this land - from the river of Misrayim to the great river - the river Euphrates: 19 the Qeyniy and the Qenaziy and the Qadmoniy 20 and the Hethiy and the Perizziy and the Rephaim 21 and the Emoriy and the Kenaaniy and the Girgashiy and the Yebusiy.

Genesis 17:1-6

1 And so be it, Abram is a son of ninety years and nine years and Yah Veh is seen by Abram and says to him, I am El Shadday; walk at my face and be integrious: 2 and I give my covenant between me and between you and abound you mightily mighty.
3 And Abram falls on his face: and Elohim words with him, saying, 4 Surely I - behold, my covenant is with you and you become a father of a multitude of goyim: 5 and your name is no more called Abram, but your name becomes Abraham; for a father of a multitude of goyim I give you: 6 and I give you to mighty mightily bear fruit and I give you to become a goyim; and sovereigns come from you:

Genesis 17:6-8

6 and I give you to mighty mightily bear fruit and I give you to become a goyim; and sovereigns come from you:

Genesis 17:6-7

6 and I give you to mighty mightily bear fruit and I give you to become a goyim; and sovereigns come from you: 7 and I raise my covenant between me and between you and your seed after you in their generations for an eternal covenant, to become Elohim to you and to your seed after you:

Genesis 17:7-7

7 and I raise my covenant between me and between you and your seed after you in their generations for an eternal covenant, to become Elohim to you and to your seed after you: 8 and I give to you and to your seed after you the land of your sojournings - all the land of Kenaan for an eternal possession; and I become their Elohim.

Genesis 18:18

18 seeing that in becoming, Abraham becomes a great and mighty goyim, with all the goyim of the earth being blessed in him?

Genesis 20:3

3 and Elohim comes to Abi Melech in a dream by night and says to him, Behold, you die; for the woman you take is married to a master.

Genesis 20:6-7

6 And Elohim says to him in a dream, Yes, I know you work this in the integrity of your heart; for I also withheld you - even I from sinning against me: so I gave you to not touch her: 7 and now restore the man his woman; for he is a prophet; and he prays for you to live: and if you restore her not, know this, in dying, you die, you and all who are yours.

Genesis 21:33

33 And he plants a grove in Beer Sheba and calls on the name of Yah Veh, the eternal El:

Genesis 22:3

3 And Abraham starts early in the morning and harnesses his he burro and takes two of his lads with him and Yischaq his son; and splits the timber for the holocaust and rises and goes to the place Elohim told him.

Genesis 22:17-18

17 that blessing, I bless you and abounding, I abound your seed as the stars of the heavens and as the sand on the sea edge; and your seed possesses the portal of his enemies; 18 and in your seed bless all the goyim of the earth; because you hear my voice.

Genesis 22:18

18 and in your seed bless all the goyim of the earth; because you hear my voice.

Genesis 22:20-23

20 And so be it, after these words, they tell Abraham, saying, Behold, Milchah - she also births sons to your brother Nachor: 21 Huz his firstbirth and Buz his brother and Qemu El the father of Aram 22 and Kesed and Hazo and Pildash and Yidlaph and Bethu El. 23 - and Bethu El births Ribqah: Milchah births these eight to Nachor the brother of Abraham.

Genesis 24:3

3 and I oath you by Yah Veh, Elohim of the heavens and Elohim of the earth, that you not take a woman to my son of the daughters of the Kenaaniy, among whom I settle:

Genesis 24:10

10 And the servant takes ten camels of the camels of his adoni and goes; and all the goods of his adoni in his hand: and he rises and goes to Aram Naharaim to the city of Nachor:

Genesis 24:15-24

15 And so be it, ere he finishes wording, that behold, Ribqah, who was birthed to Bethu El, son of Milchah, woman of Nachor, brother of Abraham, comes with her pitcher on her shoulder: 16 and the lass is mighty good looking, a virgin, no man having known her: and she descends to the fountain and fills her pitcher and ascends. 17 And the servant runs to meet her and says, I beseech you, give me a little water from your pitcher to drink. 18 And she says, Drink, my adoni: and she hastens and lowers the pitcher on her hand and gives him drink: 19 and she finishes giving him drink and she says, I also bail for your camels until they finish drinking. 20 - and she hastens and empties her pitcher into the trough and runs again to the well to bail and bails for all his camels. 21 And the man, wondering at her, hushes, to perceive whether Yah Veh prospers his journey or not. 22 And so be it, as the camels finish drinking, the man takes a golden nosering of a bekah weight and two bracelets for her hands of ten weight of gold; 23 and says, Whose daughter are you? Tell me, I pray you, is there place in the house of your father for us to stay overnight? 24 And she says to him, I am the daughter of Bethu El the son of Milchah whom she birthed to Nachor.

Genesis 24:29

29 And Ribqah has a brother whose name is Laban: and Laban runs out to the man, to the fountain:

Genesis 24:37

37 And my adoni oathed me, saying, Take not a woman to my son of the daughters of the Kenaaniy in whose land I settle:

Genesis 24:50

50 Then Laban and Bethu El answer and say, The word proceeds from Yah Veh: we cannot word to you evil or good.

Genesis 24:60

60 and they bless Ribqah and say to her, You are our sister - become myriads of millions, so that your seed possesses the portal of those who hate it.

Genesis 25:13-17

13 and these are the names of the sons of Yishma El, by their names, according to their generations: the firstbirth of Yishma El, Nebayoth; and Qedar and Adbe El and Mibsam 14 and Mishma and Dumah and Massa 15 Hadar and Tema Yetur, Naphish and Qedemah: 16 these are the sons of Yishma El and these are their names, by their courts and by their walls; twelve hierarchs according to their peoples. 17 And these are the years of the life of Yishma El, a hundred years and thirty years and seven years: and he expires and dies - gathered to his people.

Genesis 25:20

20 and Yischaq is a son of forty years and he takes Ribqah to woman, the daughter of Bethu El the Aramiy of Paddan Aram the sister to Laban the Aramiy.

Genesis 26:3

3 sojourn in this land and I AM with you and bless you; for I give all these lands to you and to your seed and I raise the oath I oathed to Abraham your father 4 and I abound your seed as the stars of the heavens and give all these countries to your seed: and in your seed all the goyim of the earth bless themselves

Genesis 26:24

24 and Yah Veh appears to him the same night and says, I - Elohim of Abraham your father: awe not, for I am with you and bless you and abound your seed for sake of my servant Abraham.

Genesis 26:34-35

34 And Esav is a son of forty years when he takes to woman Yah Hudith the daughter of Beeri the Hethiy and Bosmath the daughter of Elon the Hethiy:

Genesis 26:34

34 And Esav is a son of forty years when he takes to woman Yah Hudith the daughter of Beeri the Hethiy and Bosmath the daughter of Elon the Hethiy: 35 who are a bitter spirit to Yischaq and to Ribqah.

Genesis 27:4

4 and work me delicacies such as I love: and bring to me to eat so that my soul blesses you ere I die.

Genesis 27:27-33

27 And he comes near and kisses him: and he scents the scent of his clothing and blesses him and says, See, the scent of my son is as the scent of a field Yah Veh blesses: 28 and Elohim gives you of the dew of the heavens and the fatness of the earth and an abundance of crop and juice: 29 peoples serve you and nations prostrate to you: be lord over your brothers and the sons of your mother prostrate to you: cursed are they who curse you and blessed are they who bless you. 30 And so be it, as soon as Yischaq finishes blessing Yaaqov and Yaaqov hardly goes from the face of Yischaq his father, Esav his brother comes in from his hunting: 31 and he also works delicacies and brings them to his father and says to his father, My father, rise and eat of the hunt of his son so that your soul blesses me. 32 And Yischaq his father says to him, Who are you? And he says, I am your son, your firstbirth Esav. 33 And Yischaq trembles a mighty great trembling and says, Who? Where is he who hunted the hunt and brought it and I ate of all ere you came, and I blessed him? yes, and he is blessed.

Genesis 27:33

33 And Yischaq trembles a mighty great trembling and says, Who? Where is he who hunted the hunt and brought it and I ate of all ere you came, and I blessed him? yes, and he is blessed.

Genesis 27:43

43 and now my son, hear my voice; and rise, flee to Laban my brother to Haran;

Genesis 27:46

46 And Ribqah says to Yischaq, I abhor my life at the face of the daughters of Heth: if Yaaqov takes a woman of the daughters of Heth, such as these of the daughters of the land, why live?

Genesis 28:1

And Yischaq calls Yaaqov and blesses him and misvahs him, and says to him, Take not a woman of the daughters of Kenaan.

Genesis 28:3-4

3 and El Shadday blesses you to bear fruit and abound you and there become a congregation of people; 4 and give you the blessing of Abraham - to you and to your seed with you; to possess the land of your sojournings which Elohim gave to Abraham.

Genesis 28:4

4 and give you the blessing of Abraham - to you and to your seed with you; to possess the land of your sojournings which Elohim gave to Abraham. 5 And Yischaq sends Yaaqov: and he goes to Paddan Aram to Laban, son of Bethu El the Aramiy the brother of Ribqah the mother of Yaaqov and Esav.

Genesis 28:15

15 And behold, I am with you and guard you everywhere you go; and return you into this soil; for I leave you not until I work what I word to you.

Genesis 28:17

17 And he awes and says, How awesome this place! this is none other but Beth Elohim and this is the portal of the heavens. 18 And Yaaqov starts early in the morning and takes the stone he set for his headpieces and sets it for a monolith; and pours oil on the top thereof:

Genesis 28:20-21

20 And Yaaqov vows a vow, saying, Elohim is with me and guards me in this way I go and gives me bread to eat and clothing to enrobe, 21 so that I return to the house of my father in shalom; then Yah Veh becomes my Elohim: 22 and this stone, which I set for a monolith, becomes Beth Elohim: and of all you give me, in tithing, I tithe to you.

Genesis 29:1

Then Yaaqov lifts his feet and goes into the land of the sons of the east:

Genesis 31:3

3 And Yah Veh says to Yaaqov, Return to the land of your fathers and to your kindred; and I AM with you.

Genesis 31:13

13 I - El of Beth El - where you anointed the monolith and where you vowed a vow to me: now rise, get from this land and return to the land of your kindred.

Genesis 31:18

18 and he drives all his chattel and all the acquisitions he acquired - the chattel he chatteled which he acquired in Paddan Aram, to go to Yischaq his father in the land of Kenaan.

Genesis 31:42

42 Unless Elohim of my father - Elohim of Abraham and the fear of Yischaq were with me, surely you had now sent me away empty. Elohim sees my humiliation and the labour of my palms; and reproved you yesternight.

Genesis 31:45

45 And Yaaqov takes a stone and lifts it for a monolith: 46 and Yaaqov says to his brothers, Glean stones! - and they take stones and work a heap: and they eat there on the heap.

Genesis 32:1-2

And Yaaqov goes on his way and the angels of Elohim encounter him: 2 and when Yaaqov sees them, he says, This is Camp Elohim! - and he calls the name of that place Machanayim/Double Camp.

Genesis 32:9

9 And Yaaqov says, O Elohim of my father Abraham and Elohim of my father Yischaq, Yah Veh who says to me, Return to your land and to your kindred and I well-please you: 10 I am less than the least of all the mercies and of all the truth, you worked to your servant; for with my staff I passed over this Yarden; and now I become two camps:

Genesis 32:12

12 And you - you say, In well-pleasing, I well-please you and set your seed as the sand of the sea which cannot be scribed for abundance.

Genesis 33:20

20 And there he stations a sacrifice altar and calls it El Elohe Yisra El.

Genesis 34:9

9 and intermarry with us and give your daughters to us and take our daughters to you:

Genesis 34:16

16 then we give you our daughters and we take your daughters to us and we settle with you and we become one people:

Genesis 35:1

And Elohim says to Yaaqov, Rise, ascend to Beth El and settle there: and work there a sacrifice altar to El; who was seen by you when you fled the face of Esav your brother.

Genesis 35:1-13

And Elohim says to Yaaqov, Rise, ascend to Beth El and settle there: and work there a sacrifice altar to El; who was seen by you when you fled the face of Esav your brother. 2 And Yaaqov says to his household and to all with him, Turn aside the strange elohim among you and purify and change your clothes: 3 and we rise and ascend to Beth El; and I work there a sacrifice altar to El, who answers me in the day of my tribulation and is with me in the way I go. 4 And they give Yaaqov all the strange elohim in their hand and all their noserings in their ears; and Yaaqov buries them under the oak by Shechem: 5 and they pull stakes: and the terror of Elohim on the cities surrounding them; and they pursue not after the sons of Yaaqov. 6 So Yaaqov comes to Luz in the land of Kenaan - Beth El - he and all the people with him:

Genesis 35:6-13

6 So Yaaqov comes to Luz in the land of Kenaan - Beth El - he and all the people with him: 7 and he builds there a sacrifice altar and calls the place El Beth El: because there Elohim exposed himself to him, when he fled the face of his brother.

Genesis 35:7-13

7 and he builds there a sacrifice altar and calls the place El Beth El: because there Elohim exposed himself to him, when he fled the face of his brother.

Genesis 35:7

7 and he builds there a sacrifice altar and calls the place El Beth El: because there Elohim exposed himself to him, when he fled the face of his brother. 8 And Deborah the suckler of Ribqah dies and they entomb her beneath Beth El under an oak: and they call the name thereof Allon Bachuth. 9 And Elohim appears to Yaaqov again, when he comes from Paddan Aram, and blesses him.

Genesis 35:9-13

9 And Elohim appears to Yaaqov again, when he comes from Paddan Aram, and blesses him. 10
And Elohim says to him, Your name is Yaaqov: your name is no more called Yaaqov, but Yisra El is your name: and he calls his name Yisra El. 11 And Elohim says to him, I - El Shadday: bear fruit and abound; a goyim and a congregation of goyim become from you; and sovereigns come from your loins:

Genesis 35:11-12

11 And Elohim says to him, I - El Shadday: bear fruit and abound; a goyim and a congregation of goyim become from you; and sovereigns come from your loins:

Genesis 35:11-13

11 And Elohim says to him, I - El Shadday: bear fruit and abound; a goyim and a congregation of goyim become from you; and sovereigns come from your loins: 12 and the land I gave Abraham and Yischaq, I give to you and to your seed after you I give the land.

Genesis 35:12-12

12 and the land I gave Abraham and Yischaq, I give to you and to your seed after you I give the land.

Genesis 35:12-13

12 and the land I gave Abraham and Yischaq, I give to you and to your seed after you I give the land. 13 And Elohim ascends from him from the place he worded with him: 14 and Yaaqov stations a monolith in the place he worded with him - even a monolith of stone: and he libates a libation thereon and he libates oil thereon:

Genesis 35:14-15

14 and Yaaqov stations a monolith in the place he worded with him - even a monolith of stone: and he libates a libation thereon and he libates oil thereon: 15 and Yaaqov calls the name of the place Elohim worded with him, Beth El.

Genesis 35:15-15

15 and Yaaqov calls the name of the place Elohim worded with him, Beth El.

Genesis 35:17

17 And so be it, in her hard birthing, the accoucheuse says to her, Awe not; you have this son also.

Genesis 35:20

20 and Yaaqov stations a monolith on her tomb - the monolith of the tomb of Rachel to this day.

Genesis 36:3

3 and Bosmath the daughter of Yishma El the sister of Nebayoth.

Genesis 36:13

13 And these are the sons of Reu El: Nachath and Zerach, Shammah and Mizzah - these are the sons of Bosmath the woman of Esav.

Genesis 36:18

18 And these are the sons of Oholi Bamah the woman of Esav: chiliarch Yeush, chiliarch Yalam, chiliarch Qorach: these are the chiliarchs of Oholi Bamah the daughter of Anah, the woman of Esav.

Genesis 37:5-11

5 And Yoseph dreams a dream and he tells his brothers: and they hate him yet again. 6 And he says to them, Hear, I beseech you, this dream I dreamed: 7 that behold, we are tying sheaves midst the field, and behold, my sheaf rises and also stations itself; and behold, your sheaves turn around and prostrate to my sheaf. 8 And his brothers say to him, In reigning, reign you over us? - in reigning, reign over us? - and they hate him yet again for his dreams and for his words. 9 And he dreams yet another dream and describes it to his brothers and says, Behold, I dreamed a dream again; and behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars prostrate to me. 10 And he describes it to his father and to his brothers: and his father rebukes him and says to him, What is this dream you dreamed? In coming, come we - I and your mother and your brothers to prostrate to you to the earth? : 11 And his brothers envy him; and his father guards the word:

Genesis 39:2

2 And Yah Veh is with Yoseph and he is a prosperous man; and he is in the house of his adoni the Misrayim.

Genesis 39:21

21 And Yah Veh is with Yoseph and spreads him mercy; and gives him charism in the eyes of the governor of the tower house:

Genesis 40:1-23

And so be it, after these words, the butler of the sovereign of Misrayim and his baker sin against their adoni the sovereign of Misrayim: 2 and Paroh rages against two of his eunuchs - against the governor of the butlers and against the governor of the bakers: 3 and he gives them under guard in the house of the governor of the slaughterers - in the tower house the place where Yoseph is bound: 4 and the governor of the slaughterers musters Yoseph with them and he ministers to them: and they continue a day under guard. 5 And they dream a dream, the two of them - each man his dream in one night - each man according to the interpretation of his dream; the butler and the baker of the sovereign of Misrayim who are bound in the tower house. 6 And Yoseph comes in to them in the morning and sees them and behold, they are wroth: 7 and he asks the eunuchs of Paroh who are with him under the guard of the house of his adoni, saying, Why are your faces evil today? 8 And they say to him, We dreamed a dream, and there is no interpreter thereof. And Yoseph says to them, Are not interpretations from Elohim? Describe me them, I beseech you. 9 And the governor of the butlers describes his dream to Yoseph and says to him, In my dream, behold, a vine at my face; 10 and in the vine, three tendrils as blossoming; and her blossoms ascend: and the clusters thereof ripen grapes: 11 and the cup of Paroh is in my hand: and I take the grapes and press them into the cup of Paroh and I give the cup into the palm of Paroh. 12 And Yoseph says to him, This is the interpretation thereof: The three tendrils are three days: 13 yet within three days Paroh lifts your head and restores you to your station: and you give the cup of Paroh into his hand, as the first judgment when you were his butler. 14 But remember me when you are well-pleased; and work mercy, I beseech you, to me and remember me to Paroh and bring me from this house: 15 for in stealing, I was stolen from the land of the Hebrews: and here also I worked naught that they put me into the well. 16 When the governor of the bakers sees the interpretation is good, he says to Yoseph, I also - in my dream, and behold, three perforated baskets on my head: 17 and in the uppermost basket are the works of a baker for Paroh; and the flyers eat them from the basket on my head. 18 And Yoseph answers and says, This is the interpretation thereof: The three baskets are three days: 19 again within three days Paroh lifts your head from off you and hangs you on a tree; and the flyers eat your flesh from you. 20 And so be it, the third day, the birthday of Paroh, he works a banquet to all his servants: and he lifts the head of the governor of the butlers and the head of the governor of the bakers among his servants: 21 and he restores the governor of the butlers to his butlership again; and he gives the cup into the palm of Paroh: 22 and he hangs the governor of the bakers: as Yoseph interprets to them. 23 Yet the governor of the butlers remembers not Yoseph, but forgets him.

Genesis 41:52

52 And he calls the name of the second Ephrayim: for Elohim has me to bear fruit in the land of my humiliation.

Genesis 43:14

14 and El Shadday give you mercies at the face of the man, that he send away your other brother and Ben Yamin. - in bereaving, I am bereaved.

Genesis 46:3

3 And he says, I - El - Elohim of your father: awe not to descend into Misrayim; for there I set of you a great goyim: 4 I descend with you into Misrayim; and in ascending, I also ascend you: and Yoseph puts his hand on your eyes.

Genesis 46:15

15 These are the sons of Leah, whom she birthed to Yaaqov in Paddan Aram with his daughter Dinah. - all the souls of his sons and his daughters are thirty-three.

Genesis 48:3

3 And Yaaqov says to Yoseph, El Shadday appeared to me at Luz in the land of Kenaan and blesses me,

Genesis 48:15

15 And he blesses Yoseph and says, Elohim, at whose face my fathers Abraham and Yischaq walked, Elohim who tends me all my life long to this day, 16 the Angel who redeems me from all evil, bless the lads: and call my name on them and the name of my fathers Abraham and Yischaq: and that they spawn as fish into a multitude midst of the earth.

Genesis 48:21

21 And Yisra El says to Yoseph, Behold, I die: and Elohim be with you and return you to the land of your fathers.

Genesis 49:28

28 All these: the twelve scions of Yisra El: and this is it what their father words to them; and he blesses them - every man according to his blessing he blesses them.

Exodus 3:5

5 And he says, Approach not here: put your shoes off your feet; for the place whereon you stand is holy soil. 6 And he says, I - Elohim of your father; Elohim of Abraham; Elohim of Yischaq and Elohim of Yaaqov. And Mosheh hides his face; for he awes to look on Elohim.

Exodus 3:12

And he says, For this cause I AM with you; and this is your sign, that I sent you: In bringing the people from Misrayim, you serve Elohim on this mountain.

Exodus 3:15-16

15 And again Elohim says to Mosheh, Say thus to the sons of Yisra El, Yah Veh Elohim of your fathers, Elohim of Abraham, Elohim of Yischaq and Elohim of Yaaqov, sends me to you: this is my name eternally and this is my memorial generation to generation. 16 Go and gather the elders of Yisra El and say to them, Yah Veh Elohim of your fathers, Elohim of Abraham, of Yischaq and of Yaaqov, was seen by me, saying, In visiting, I visit you, - what is worked to you in Misrayim:

Exodus 6:3

3 and I was seen by Abraham, by Yischaq and by Yaaqov as El Shadday; but I was not known to them by my name Yah Veh:

Exodus 15:2

2 Yah becomes my strength and song and he becomes my salvation: my El; and I rest in his habitation: Elohim of my father; and I exalt him.

Exodus 15:11

11 Who is like you, O Yah Veh, among the el? Who is like you, mighty in holiness? - awesome in halals, working marvels?

Exodus 20:12

12 Honor your father and your mother: that your days be prolonged on the soil which Yah Veh your Elohim gives you.

Exodus 34:16-16

16 and you take of their daughters to your sons and their daughters whore after their elohim and make your sons whore after their elohim.

Leviticus 8:10-12

10 And Mosheh takes the anointing oil and anoints the tabernacle and all therein and hallows them: 11 and he sprinkles thereof on the sacrifice altar seven times and anoints the sacrifice altar and all its instruments, both the laver and its base, to hallow them: 12 and he pours of the anointing oil on the head of Aharon and anoints him to hallow him.

Leviticus 19:3

3 Every man, awe his mother and his father and guard my shabbaths: I - Yah Veh your Elohim.

Leviticus 27:1-34

And Yah Veh words to Mosheh, saying, 2 Word to the sons of Yisra El and say to them, When a man marvels a vow, the souls are to Yah Veh by your appraisal. 3 And your appraisal, if a male, a son of twenty years even to a son of sixty years, your appraisal, fifty shekels of silver after the shekel of the holies. 4 And if a female, your appraisal, thirty shekels. 5 And if a son, of five years even to a son of twenty years, your appraisal of the male, twenty shekels and for the female, ten shekels. 6 And if a son, of a month to a son of five years, then your appraisal of the male, five shekels of silver and your appraisal for the female, three shekels of silver. 7 And if a son, sixty years and above, if a male, your appraisal, fifteen shekels and for the female, ten shekels. 8 And if he impoverishes beyond your appraisal, then he stands at the face of the priest; and the priest appraises him; according to his mouth who vows what his hand attained the priest appraises him. 9 And if an animal, whereof they oblate a qorban to Yah Veh, all of such that he gives to Yah Veh becomes holy: 10 he neither changes nor exchanges a good for an evil or an evil for a good: and if in exchanging, he exchanges animal for animal, then it and the exchange thereof become holy. 11 And if any foul animal, of which they oblate not a qorban to Yah Veh, then he stands the animal at the face of the priest: 12 and the priest appraises, whether good or evil: and as the appraisal of the priest, so be it. 13 And if in redeeming, he redeems it, then he adds a fifth to your appraisal. 14 And if a man hallows his house to become holy to Yah Veh, then the priest appraises, whether good or evil: as the priest appraises, so be it raised. 15 And if he who hallows redeems his house, then he adds the fifth of the silver of your appraisal and it becomes his. 16 And if a man hallows a field of his possession to Yah Veh, then your appraisal, according to the mouth of the seed thereof - a chomer of barley seed at fifty shekels of silver. 17 If he hallows his field from the year of jubilee, according to your appraisal, so be it raised. 18 And if he hallows his field after the jubilee, then the priest fabricates to him the silver according to the mouth of the years remaining to the year of the jubilee and it diminishes from your appraisal. 19 And if in redeeming, he who hallows the field redeems it, then he adds the fifth of the silver of your appraisal: and so be it raised to him. 20 And if he redeems not the field, or if he sells the field to another man, it is not redeemed any more: 21 and the field, when it goes out in the jubilee, becomes holy to Yah Veh, a field devoted; the possession thereof becomes to the priest. 22 And if one hallows a field of his chattel to Yah Veh, not of the fields of his possession; 23 then the priest fabricates to him the value of your appraisal to the year of the jubilee: and he gives your appraisal in that day as a holies to Yah Veh. 24 In the year of the jubilee the field returns to him of whom it was chatteled - to whom the possession of the land was. 25 And all your appraisals become according to the shekel of the holies - twenty gerahs be the shekel. 26 Only the firstling of the animals - the firstling of Yah Veh, no man hallows - whether ox, or lamb - it becomes to Yah Veh. 27 And if of a foul animal, then he redeems it according to your appraisal and adds a fifth: or if not redeemed, then it is sold according to your appraisal. 28 Only naught devoted - that a man devotes to Yah Veh of all he has - from human to animal and of the field of his possession is ever sold or redeemed: all that is devoted becomes a holy of holies to Yah Veh. 29 Naught devoted - devoted by humanity, is redeemed: but in deathifying, is deathified. 30 And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, becomes to Yah Veh - holy to Yah Veh.

Leviticus 27:30-33

30 And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, becomes to Yah Veh - holy to Yah Veh. 31 And if in redeeming, he redeems of his tithes, he adds the fifth.

Leviticus 27:31-33

31 And if in redeeming, he redeems of his tithes, he adds the fifth. 32 And all the tithe of the oxen and of the flock, - whatever passes under the scion, the tenth becomes holy to Yah Veh.

Leviticus 27:32-33

32 And all the tithe of the oxen and of the flock, - whatever passes under the scion, the tenth becomes holy to Yah Veh. 33 He neither searches whether good or evil, nor exchanges: and if in exchanging, he exchanges it, then both it and the exchange become holy; - not redeemed.

Leviticus 27:33-33

33 He neither searches whether good or evil, nor exchanges: and if in exchanging, he exchanges it, then both it and the exchange become holy; - not redeemed. 34 These are the misvoth, Yah Veh misvahed Mosheh for the sons of Yisra El in mount Sinay.

Numbers 6:1-20

And Yah Veh words to Mosheh, saying, 2 Word to the sons of Yisra El and say to them, When either man or woman separate to vow a vow - the vow of a Separatist, to marvel to Yah Veh: 3 he separates from wine and intoxicants and he drinks not fermented wine or fermented intoxicants, neither drinks steepings of grapes, nor grapes - dried or fresh: 4 all the days of his separatism he eats naught worked of the wine of the vine - from the kernels even to the husk. 5 All the days of the vow of his separatism no razor passes on his head: until the days fulfill wherein he separates to Yah Veh, he becomes holy and the locks of the hair of his head grow. 6 All the days of his vow of separatism to Yah Veh he comes at no soul who died: 7 he fouls not himself for his father or for his mother, for his brother or for his sister, when they die: because the separatism of his Elohim is on his head. 8 All the days of his separatism he becomes holy to Yah Veh. 9 And if in dying, any one by him dies in a blink and he fouls the head of his separatism; then he shaves his head in the day of his purifying - on the seventh day he shaves it: 10 and on the eighth day he brings two turtledoves, or two sons of doves, to the priest, to the opening of the tent of the congregation: 11 and the priest works the one for the sin and the one for the holocaust and kapars/atones for him, for he sinned by the soul; and hallows his head that same day. 12 And he separates the days of his separatism to Yah Veh; and brings a lamb - a yearling son for his guilt: but the first days are fallen, because his separatism became defiled. 13 And this is the torah of the Separatist, in the days of his separatism wherein the days fulfill: bring him to the opening of the tent of the congregation: 14 to oblate his qorban to Yah Veh - one he lamb, an integrious yearling son, for the holocaust and one ewe lamb, an integrious yearling daughter, for the sin and one integrious ram for shelamim, 15 and a basket of matsah - cakes of flour mixed with oil and wafers of matsah anointed with oil and their offering and their libations. 16 And the priest oblates them at the face of Yah Veh and works for his sin and his holocaust: 17 and he works the ram for a sacrifice of shelamim to Yah Veh, with the basket of matsah: and the priest works his offering and his libation. 18 And the Separatist shaves the head of his separatism at the opening of the tent of the congregation; and takes the hair of the head of his separatism and gives it in the fire under the sacrifice of the shelamim. 19 And the priest takes the stewed foreleg of the ram and one matsah cake and one matsah wafer from the basket and gives them on the palms of the Separatist after his separatism is shaven: 20 and the priest waves them for a wave at the face of Yah Veh: - it is holy for the priest with the wave breast and hindleg of the exaltment: and after that the Separatist drinks wine.

Numbers 7:1

And so be it on the day Mosheh finishes raising the tabernacle, he anoints it and hallows it and all the instruments thereof - the sacrifice altar and all the instruments thereof and anoints them and hallows them;

Numbers 12:6

6 and he says, Hear I beseech, my words: If your prophet is of Yah Veh I make myself known to him in a vision and word to him in a dream.

Numbers 21:2-3

2 And Yisra El vows a vow to Yah Veh and says, If in giving, you give this people into my hand, then I devote their cities. 3 - and Yah Veh hearkens to the voice of Yisra El and gives the Kenaaniy; and they devote them and their cities: and he calls the name of the place Hormah.

Numbers 23:10

10 Who numbers the dust of Yaaqov? And the number of the fourth of Yisra El? Let my soul die the death of the straight and let my finality be like his!

Numbers 23:19

19 El is neither a man, that he lies; nor the son of humanity, that he sighs: Says he ever, and not work? Or words he ever, and it not rise?

Deuteronomy 12:20

20 When Yah Veh your Elohim widens your border as he worded to you, and you say, I eat flesh, because your soul desires to eat flesh; eat flesh - whatever your soul desires!

Deuteronomy 14:22-23

THE TORAH ON TITHING In tithing, tithe all the produce of your seed, that the field brings forth year by year: 23 and eat at the face of Yah Veh your Elohim, in the place he chooses to tabernacle his name there - the tithe of the crop of your juice and of your oil, and the firstlings of your oxen and of your flocks; that you learn to awe Yah Veh your Elohim all days.

Deuteronomy 26:17

17 You say this day for Yah Veh to become your Elohim and to walk in his ways; and to guard his statutes and his misvoth and his judgments; and to hearken to his voice.

Deuteronomy 31:6

6 In strenthening, strengthen; neither awe them nor awe their face; for Yah Veh your Elohim - he goes with you; he neither lets you loose nor forsakes you.

Deuteronomy 33:1

THE BLESSINGS OF MOSHEH ON THE SONS OF YISRA EL And this is the blessing, wherewith Mosheh the man of Elohim blessed the sons of Yisra El at the face of his death:

Joshua 1:5

5 No man is able to stand at your face all the days of your life: as I became with Mosheh, I become with you: I neither let you down nor forsake you.

Joshua 5:15

15 And the governor of Yah Veh Sabaoth says to Yah Shua, Pluck your shoe from your foot; for the place whereon you stand is holy. - and thus Yah Shua works.

Joshua 22:7

7 And Mosheh gives to the half scion of Menash Sheh in Bashan: and Yah Shua gives to the half among their brothers beyond Yarden seaward: and Yah Shua sends them to their tents and blesses them,

Joshua 23:14-16

14 And behold, this day I go the way of all the earth: and you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one word falls of all the good words Yah Veh your Elohim worded concerning you; all comes to you; not one word thereof falls. 15 So be it, as all good words come on you, which Yah Veh your Elohim words you; thus Yah Veh brings on you all evil words, until he desolates you from off this good soil which Yah Veh your Elohim gives you; 16 in trespassing the covenant of Yah Veh your Elohim which he misvahed you; and go and serve other elohim and bow yourselves to them; then Yah Veh kindles his wrath against you and you destruct quickly from off the good land he has given to you.

Joshua 24:26-27

26 and Yah Shua inscribes these words in the scroll of the torah of Elohim and takes a great stone and raises it there under an oak by the holies of Yah Veh. 27 And Yah Shua says to all the people, Behold, this stone becomes a witness to us; for it hears all the sayings Yah Veh words to us: it becomes a witness to you lest you deny your Elohim.

Judges 1:22-26

22 And the house of Yoseph ascends against Beth El: and Yah Veh is with them. 23 And the house of Yoseph sends to explore Beth El - the former name of the city is Luz. 24 And the guards see a man leave the city and they say to him, Have us see, we beseech you, the entrance to the city and we work you mercy. 25 And he has them see the entrance into the city, and they smite the city with the mouth of the sword; and send away the man and all his family: 26 and the man goes to the land of the Hethiy and builds a city; and calls the name thereof Luz - the name thereof to this day.

Judges 6:16

16 And Yah Veh says to him, Because I am with you; and you, smite the Midyaniy as one man.

Judges 11:30-31

And Yiphtach vows a vow to Yah Veh and says, If in giving you give the sons of Ammon into my hands, 31 then so be it, whatever comes from the doors of my house to meet me when I return in shalom from the sons of Ammon becomes to Yah Veh; and I holocaust it for a holocaust.

Judges 11:31

31 then so be it, whatever comes from the doors of my house to meet me when I return in shalom from the sons of Ammon becomes to Yah Veh; and I holocaust it for a holocaust.

Judges 13:22

22 And Manoach says to his woman, In dying, we die; because we saw Elohim.

1 Samuel 1:11

11 and she vows a vow, and says, O Yah Veh Sabaoth, if in seeing, you see the humiliation of your maid, and remember me, and forget not your maid, but give your maid a man seed, then I give him to Yah Veh all the days of his life, and no razor ascends on his head.

1 Samuel 1:28

28 and also I lend him to Yah Veh; all the days he lives he becomes lent to Yah Veh. - and he prostrates to Yah Veh there.

1 Samuel 3:4-7

4 Yah Veh calls Shemu El: and he says, Behold, I! 5 - and he runs to Eli and says, Behold, I; for you call me. And he says, I called not; turn back; lie down. And he goes and lies down. 6 And Yah Veh adds to call, Shemu El! And Shemu El rises and goes to Eli and says, Behold, I; for you call me. And he says, I called not, my son; turn back; lie down. 7 Now Shemu El neither knows Yah Veh yet nor is the word of Yah Veh exposed to him yet.

1 Samuel 7:12

12 And Shemu El takes one stone and sets it between Mispeh and Shen and calls the name of it Eben Ezer, saying, Hitherto Yah Veh helps us.

1 Samuel 8:6

6 And the word is evil in the eyes of Shemu El, when they say, Give us a sovereign to judge us. - and Shemu El prays to Yah Veh.

1 Samuel 14:24

24 and that day the men of Yisra El exact. And Shaul oaths the people, saying, Cursed is the man who eats bread until evening, and I become avenged on my enemies. - and none of the people taste bread.

2 Samuel 15:8

8 for your servant vowed a vow while I settled at Geshur in Aram, saying, If in returning, Yah Veh returns me to Yeru Shalem, then I serve Yah Veh.

2 Samuel 18:18

18 And in his lifetime Abi Shalom takes and stations a monolith for himself in the Valley of the Sovereign: for he says, I have no son to memorialize my name: and he calls the monolith after his own name: and it is called to this day, The Hand of Abi Shalom.

2 Samuel 19:24

24 And Mephi Bosheth the son of Shaul descends to meet the sovereign; and has neither worked his feet nor worked his upper lip nor laundered his clothes from the day the sovereign went until the day he came in shalom.

2 Samuel 19:30

30 And Mephi Bosheth says to the sovereign, Yes, have him take all - since my adoni the sovereign comes again in shalom to his own house.

1 Kings 8:57

57 Yah Veh our Elohim is with us as he was with our fathers: he neither leaves us nor forsakes us:

1 Kings 12:29

29 And he sets the one in Beth El and gives the one in Dan:

2 Kings 5:17

17 And Naaman says, If not, I beseech you, O that I give your servant a load of soil of a pair of mules? For your servant works neither holocaust nor sacrifice to other elohim, except to Yah Veh:

2 Chronicles 5:14

14 and the priests cannot stand to minister at the face of the cloud: for the honor of Yah Veh fills the house of Elohim.

2 Chronicles 16:9

9 As for Yah Veh, - his eyes flit throughout the whole earth, strengthened in behalf of them whose heart is at shalom toward him. Herein you folly: from this time on you have wars.

Nehemiah 9:1-10

Now in the twenty-fourth day of this month the sons of Yisra El gather with fasting and with saqs and soil on them: 2 and the seed of Yisra El separate from all sons of strangers; and stand and spread hands for their sins and the perversities of their fathers: 3 and they rise in their station and call out in the scroll of the torah of Yah Veh their Elohim a fourth of the day; and a fourth they spread hands and prostrate to Yah Veh their Elohim. 4 And on the ascent of the Leviym, Yah Shua and Bani, Qadmi El, Sheban Yah, Bunni, Shereb Yah, Bani and Kenani rise and cry with a great voice to Yah Veh their Elohim: 5 and of the Leviym, Yah Shua and Qadmi El, Bani, Hashabne Yah, Shereb Yah, Hodi Yah, Sheban Yah and Pethach Yah say, Rise and bless Yah Veh your Elohim eternally and eternally: and blessed - the name of your honor - exalted above all blessing and halal. 6 You are he, Yah Veh alone; you worked the heavens - the heavens of the heavens and all their host; the earth and all thereon; the seas and all therein; and you enliven them all; and the host of the heavens prostrates to you. 7 You - Yah Veh Elohim, who chose Abram and brought him from Ur of the Kasdiy and set on him the name, Abraham; 8 and found his heart amenable at your face and cut a covenant with him to give the land of the Kenaaniy, the Hethiy, the Emoriy and the Perizziy and the Yebusiy and the Girgashiy - to give to his seed; and to raise your words; for you are just: 9 and see the humiliation of our fathers in Misrayim and hear their cry by the Reed sea; 10 and give signs and omens on Paroh and on all his servants and on all the people of his land: for you knew they seethed against them: and you worked yourself a name, as this day:

Job 4:12-21

12 And by stealth, a word is brought to me and my ear takes an inkling. 13 In sentiments from the visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, 14 dread and trembling confront me - which my abundant bones dread. 15 And a spirit passes in front of my face; the hair of my flesh stands on end; 16 it stands: but I recognize not the visage; a manifestation in front of my eyes: stillness - and I hear a voice, 17 Is mortal man more just than Elohah? The mighty more pure than his Worker? 18 Behold, he puts no trust in his servants; and he sets his angels with braggadocio; 19 yes, they who tabernacle in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust crush at the face of the moth 20 - crushed from morning to evening; they destruct in perpetuity without setting: 21 those remaining pull stakes - they die, even without wisdom.

Job 9:11

11 Behold, he passes by me and I see him not; and he passes on, and I discern him not.

Job 33:14

14 For El words once; yes, twice; he observes not. 15 In a dream - in a vision of the night when deep sleep falls on men in drowsiness on the bed; 16 then he exposes the ears of men and seals their discipline;

Psalms 22:25

25 My halal is of you in the great congregation; I shalam my vows in front of them who awe him.

Psalms 39:12

12 Hear my prayer, O Yah Veh; hearken to my cry; hush not at my tears; for I am a sojourner with you - a settler, as all my fathers.

Psalms 46:7

7 Yah Veh Sabaoth is with us; the Elohim of Yaaqov is our secure loft. Selah.

Psalms 46:11

11 Yah Veh Sabaoth is with us; Elohim of Yaaqov is our secure loft. Selah.

Psalms 56:12

12 Your vows are on me, O Elohim; I shalam spread hands to you:

Psalms 61:5

5 For you, O Elohim, hear my vows; you give me the possession of them who awe your name.

Psalms 61:8

8 Thus I psalm to your name eternally; day by day I shalam my vows.

Psalms 66:13

13 I enter your house with holocausts; I shalam you my vows:

Psalms 68:35

35 Awesome, O Elohim, from your hallowed refuge; El of Yisra El is he who gives strength and might to the people. Blessed - Elohim.

Psalms 72:17

17 His name, Eternal; his name perpetuates at the face of the sun; and they bless themselves in him: all goyim call him blithesome.

Psalms 76:11

11 vow and shalam to Yah Veh your Elohim all you who surround him: bring presents to the awesome one.

Psalms 105:6-12

6 O you seed of Abraham his servant, you sons of Yaaqov his chosen. 7 He - Yah Veh our Elohim; his judgments are in all the earth: 8 he remembers his covenant eternally - the word he misvahed to a thousand generations 9 - which he cut with Abraham and his oath to Yischaq: 10 and stood the same to Yaaqov for a statute and to Yisra El for an eternal covenant: 11 saying, I give you the land of Kenaan the cord of your inheritance

Psalms 105:11

11 saying, I give you the land of Kenaan the cord of your inheritance 12 - when they were few in number - yes, very few and sojourned therein:

Psalms 116:14

14 I shalam my vows to Yah Veh in the presence of all his people.

Psalms 116:18

18 I shalam my vows to Yah Veh in the presence of all his people

Psalms 119:60

60 I hasten, and linger not to guard your misvoth.

Psalms 119:106

106 I oath and I raise to guard your judgments of justness:

Psalms 121:5-8

5 Yah Veh - your guard; Yah Veh - your shade at your right; 6 neither the sun smites you by day nor the moon by night. 7 Yah Veh guards you from all evil - guards your soul: 8 Yah Veh guards your going and your coming from this time and even eternally.

Psalms 127:1

1 A Song of Degrees: By Shelomoh. Except Yah Veh build the house the builders toil in vain; except Yah Veh guard the city the guards guard in vain:

Psalms 127:3-128:6

3 Behold, sons are an inheritance of Yah Veh; the fruit of the belly is his hire: 4 as arrows in the hand of a mighty man thus are sons of the youth. 5 Blithe - the mighty who fills his quiver with them; they shame not, for they word with the enemies in the portal.

Psalms 128:3-6

3 - your woman as a fruitbearing vine by the flanks of your house: your sons as olive transplants surrounding your table. 4 Behold, thus are the mighty; blessed - who awe Yah Veh. 5 Yah Veh blesses you from Siyon; and you see the good of Yeru Shalem all the days of your life. 6 Yes, you see the sons of your sons. Shalom on Yisra El!

Psalms 132:2

2 who oathed to Yah Veh and vowed to the Almighty of Yaaqov.

Proverbs 1:8

8 My son, hear the discipline of your father and abandon not the torah of your mother:

Proverbs 30:17

17 The eye that derides father and disrespects to obey mother; the ravens of the wadi bore through and the sons of eagles eat.

Ecclesiastes 5:1

1 Guard your foot when you go to the house of Elohim; and approach to hear, rather than to give the sacrifice of fools: for they know not that they work evil.

Ecclesiastes 5:1-7

1 Guard your foot when you go to the house of Elohim; and approach to hear, rather than to give the sacrifice of fools: for they know not that they work evil. 2 Neither terrify with your mouth nor hasten with your heart to utter a word at the face of Elohim; for Elohim is in the heavens - and you on earth; so be of few words. 3 The dream comes by the abundance of drudgery; and the voice of a fool by the abundance of words. 4 When you vow a vow to Elohim, defer not to shalam; for he delights not in fools: shalam your vow. 5 Better not to vow, than to vow and not shalam. 6 Neither give your mouth that your flesh sin; nor say at the face of the angel, An inadvertent error! Why enrage Elohim at your voice and despoil the work of your hands? 7 For in the abundance of dreams words and vanities abound; but awe Elohim.

Ecclesiastes 9:10

10 Whatever your hand finds to work, work with your force; for there is no work, or machination, or knowledge, or wisdom in sheol, where you go.

Isaiah 7:14

14 So Adonay himself gives you a sign: Behold, a virgin conceives and births a son and calls his name Immanu El:

Isaiah 8:10

10 in counselling, counsel; and it breaks; word the word, and it rises not: for El is with us.

Isaiah 8:13

13 Hallow Yah Veh Sabaoth himself to be your awe and to be your dread.

Isaiah 19:19

19 In that day, there is a sacrifice altar to Yah Veh monolith beside the border to Yah Veh:

Isaiah 19:21

21 And Yah Veh is known to Misrayim; and the Misrayim know Yah Veh in that day, and serve sacrifice and offerings; yes, they vow a vow and shalam to Yah Veh:

Isaiah 41:10

10 awe not; for I am with you: look not around; for I am your Elohim: I strengthen you; yes, I help you; yes, I uphold you with the right of my justness.

Isaiah 43:2

2 When you pass through the waters, I am with you; and through the rivers, they overflow you not: when you walk through the fire, you neither blister, nor the flame burn on you.

Jeremiah 1:19

19 and they fight against you; but they prevail not against you; for I am with you - an oracle of Yah Veh to rescue you.

Ezekiel 37:24-25

And David my servant is sovereign over them; and their is one tender: and they walk in my judgments and guard my statutes and work them: 25 and they dwell in the land I gave to Yaaqov my servant, wherein your fathers settled: and they settle therein - they and their sons, and the sons of their sons eternally: and my servant David is their hierarch eternally.

Daniel 2:1-49

And in the second year of the sovereigndom of Nebukadnets Tsar, Nebukadnets Tsar dreams dreams which agitate his spirit; and his sleep breaks from him: 2 and the sovereign says to call the horoscopists and the enchanters and the sorcerers and the Kesediym to tell the sovereign his dreams. And they come and stand at the face of the sovereign: 3 and the sovereign says to them, I dreamed a dream and my spirit agitates to know the dream. 4 And the Kesediym word to the sovereign in Aramaic, O sovereign, live eternally: say the dream to your servants and we show the interpretation. 5 The sovereign answers and says to the Kesediym, The utterance is gone from me: if you make not known to me the dream with the interpretation, they serve you in pieces, and set your houses a cesspool: 6 and if you show the dream and the interpretation, you take from in front of me gifts and largess and great esteem: so show me the dream and the interpretation. 7 They answer secondly and say, May the sovereign say the dream to his servants and we show the interpretation thereof. 8 The sovereign answers and says, I know for certain that you are gaining time, because you see the utterance is gone from me: 9 and if you not make known to me the dream - one decree for you: for you prepare false and ruinous utterances to say in front of me, until the change of time: so say to me the dream, so that I know you show me the interpretation. 10 The Kesediym answer in front of the sovereign, and say, There is not a man on the dry who can show the utterance of the sovereign: because no sovereign, great, or dominator, asks utterances as these of any horoscopist or enchanter or Kesediym: 11 and it is an esteemed utterance the sovereign asks; and there is no one other who can show it in front of the sovereign - except the elahim who whirl not with flesh. 12 So the sovereign rages - very enraged; and says to destroy all the magi of Babel: 13 and the decree emerges to sever the magi; and they request to sever Dani El and his companions. 14 Then Dani El responds with counsel and taste to Aryoch the great of the slaughterers of the sovereign - who emerges to sever the magi of Babel. 15 He answers Aryoch the dominator of the sovereign, and says, Why is the decree in front of the sovereign so severe? Then Aryoch makes the utterance known to Dani El: 16 and Dani El enters, and requests of the sovereign to give him an appointment, to show the sovereign the interpretation. 17 Then Dani El goes to his house, and makes the utterance known to Hanan Yah, Misha El, and Azar Yah his companions: 18 to request mercies in front of Elah of the heavens concerning this mystery; so that Dani El and his companions not destruct with the remainder of the magi of Babel. 19
Then in a night vision the mystery is exposed to Dani El; and Dani El blesses Elah of the heavens: 20 Dani El answers and says, Blessed - the name of Elah from eternity to eternity: for wisdom and might are his: 21 and he changes the times and the seasons: he passes sovereigns by, and raises sovereigns: he gives wisdom to the magi, and perception to them who know discernment: 22 he exposes the profound and the hidden: he knows what is in the darkness, and releases the light. 23 I thank you, and laud you, O you, Elah of my fathers, who gives me wisdom and might and now makes known to me what we request of you: that you make known to us the utterance of the sovereign. 24 So Dani El enters to Aryoch, whom the sovereign numbered to destroy the magi of Babel: he goes and says thus to him: Destroy not the magi of Babel: enter me in front of the sovereign and I show the interpretation to the sovereign. 25 Then Aryoch hastily enters Dani El in front of the sovereign, and says thus to him, I found a mighty one of the sons of the exiles of Yah Hudah to make known the interpretation to the sovereign. 26 The sovereign answers and says to Dani El - whose name is Belte Shats Tsar, Are you able to make known to me the dream I saw? - and the interpretation? 27 Dani El answers in front of the sovereign, and says, The mystery the sovereign asks the magi, the enchanters, the horoscopists, the discerners, cannot show to the sovereign; 28 but there is an Elah in the heavens who exposes mysteries, and makes known to sovereign Nebukadnets Tsar what becomes in the final days. Your dream and the visions of your head on your bed are these: 29 As for you, O sovereign, the intentions that ascended on your bed, What becomes after this? - and he who exposes mysteries makes known to you what becomes. 30 As for me, this mystery is not exposed to me for wisdom that I have in me any more than for any one living, but for words to make the interpretation known to the sovereign, so that you know the intentions of your heart. 31
You, O sovereign, saw, and behold, one great image - this great image whose excellent cheerfulness rises in front of you: and the appearance terrifies. 32 This head of the image, of fine gold; his breast and his arms, of silver; his inwards and his flanks, of copper; 33 his legs, of iron; his feet, of iron and of clay: 34 you see until a stone is cut - not by hands which strikes the image on his feet of iron and clay and pulverizes them: 35 then the iron, the clay, the copper, the silver and the gold pulverize as one, and become as the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind bears them, and no place is found for them: and the stone that strikes the image becomes a great rock and fills the whole earth. 36
This is the dream and we say the interpretation in front of the sovereign: 37 You, O sovereign, are a sovereign of sovereigns: for Elah of the heavens gives you a sovereigndom - power and empowerment and esteem: 38 and everywhere the sons of men whirl; and he gives the live beings of the field and the flyers of the heavens into your hand, and has you dominate over them all: you are this head of gold. 39 And in your stead rises another sovereigndom of earth and another, a third sovereigndom of copper who dominates over all the earth. 40 And the fourth sovereigndom becomes mighty as iron: because as iron pulverizes and crushes all: and as iron shatters all these, it pulverizes and shatters. 41 And as to what you saw - the feet and digits, of clay of the potters, and of iron, the sovereigndom becomes divided; for the strength of the iron becomes therein just as you saw the iron comingled with miry clay. 42 And the digits of the feet, of iron and of clay, thus the sovereigndom - becomes mighty, and becomes partly broken. 43 And as you saw iron comingled with miry clay, they become comingled with the seed of men: but they become not this with that - behold, as iron is not comingled with clay. 44 And in the days of these sovereigns Elah of the heavens raises a sovereigndom, which despoils not eternally: and the sovereigndom is not left to other people, it pulverizes and consumes all these sovereigndoms and it is raised eternally. 45 Because, as you saw, the stone cut from the rock, not by hands, and it pulverizes the iron, the copper, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great Elah makes known to the sovereign what becomes after this: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation trustworthy. 46
Then sovereign Nebukadnets Tsar falls on his face, and prostrates to Dani El, and says for them to libate an offering and savour of rest to him. 47 The sovereign answers Dani El, and says, Of a truth, your Elah is an Elah of elahim, and a master of sovereigns, and an exposer of mysteries, that you can expose this mystery. 48 Then the sovereign greatens Dani El and gives him many great gifts; and has him dominate over the whole jurisdiction of Babel and the great of the prefects - over all the magi of Babel. 49 And Dani El requests of the sovereign, and he numbers Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed Nego over the service of the jurisdiction of Babel: and Dani El in the portal of the sovereign.

Daniel 4:1-37

THE PROCLAMATION OF NEBUKADNETS TSAR Nebukadnets Tsar the sovereign: to all people, nations, and tongues whirling in all the earth: Shalom be increased to you. 2 It is glorifying in front of me to show the omens and marvels Elyon Elah serves toward me. 3 How great his omens! And how mighty his marvels! His sovereigndom is an eternal sovereigndom, and his dominion from generation to generation. 4
I Nebukadnets Tsar being serene in my house and verdant in my manse: 5 I see a dream which terrifies me; and the conceptions on my bed and the visions of my head terrify me: 6 and I set a decree to have all the magi of Babel enter in front of me, to make known to me the interpretation of the dream: 7 then the horoscopists, the enchanters, the Kesediym and the discerners enter: and I say the dream in front of them; and they make not known to me the interpretation: 8 until finally Dani El comes in front of me - whose name is Belte Shats Tsar according to the name of my elah - and in whom is the spirit of the holy elahim: and I say the dream in front of him, 9 O Belte Shats Tsar, great of the horoscopists, because I know the spirit of the holy elahim is in you, and no mystery distresses you, say to me the visions of the dream I saw, and the interpretation. 10 Thus are the visions of my head in my bed; I see, and behold, a tree midst the earth, and the height is great: 11 the tree greatens and empowers; and the height spreads to the heavens, and the sight to the consummation of all the earth: 12 the foliage is beautiful and the fruit much, and food therein for all: the live beings of the field shade under it and the birds of the heavens whirl in its branches and all flesh nourishes thereof. 13 I see, in the visions of my head on my bed, and behold, a waker and a holy one descend from the heavens; 14 he calls out with valour, and says thus: Cut the tree and chop his branches; shake its foliage and scatter its fruit: so that the live beings flee from under it and the birds from his branches: 15 but leave the stump of its roots in the earth, even with a band of iron and copper in the sprouts of the field - dyed with the dew of the heavens; and his portion with the live beings in the herbage of the earth: 16 change his heart from that of a man and give him a heart of a live being; and seven times pass over him. 17 This decision is by the decree of the wakers; and the mandate by the edict of the holy ones: to the word so that the living know Elyon is dominator in the sovereigndom of men, and gives it to whomever he wills; and raises the lowliest of men over it. 18 This dream, I sovereign Nebukadnets Tsar saw: and you, O Belte Shats Tsar, say the interpretation; because all the magi of my sovereigndom are not able to have me know the interpretation: and you can; for the spirit of the holy elahim is in you. 19
Then Dani El, whose name is Belte Shats Tsar, is astonished for one blink and his intentions terrify him. The sovereign answers and says, Belte Shats Tsar, terrify not at the dream or the interpretation. Belte Shats Tsar answers and says, My master, the dream is to them who hate you; and the interpretation to your enemies. 20 The tree you saw, which greatens, and empowers, whose height spreads to the heavens, and the sight to all the earth; 21 whose foliage is beautiful, and the fruit much, with food therein for all; under which the live beings of the field whirl, and on whose branches the birds of the heavens tabernacle: 22 it is you, O sovereign, who greatens and empowers: for your greatness greatens and spreads to the heavens, and your dominion to the consummation of the earth. 23 And whereas the sovereign saw a waker and an holy one descend from the heavens, and saying, Cut the tree, and despoil it; but leave the stump of the roots in the earth even with a band of iron and copper in the sprouts of the field; and dyed with the dew of the heavens, and his portion with the live beings of the field, until seven times pass over him. 24 This is the interpretation, O sovereign, and this is the decree of the Elyon which happens to my master the sovereign: 25 and they expel you from men and you whirl with the live beings of the field; and they have you feed on herbage as bulls and they dye you with the dew of the heavens and seven times pass over you, until you know that Elyon dominates in the sovereigndom of men, and gives it to whomever he wills. 26 And whereas they say to leave the stump of the tree roots; your sovereigndom is permanent to you; after you know that the heavens dominate. 27 Therefore, O sovereign, my ruling is glorious to you; and break off your sins by justness, and your perverseness by granting charism to the humble; 28
And all this happens on sovereign Nebukadnets Tsar. 29 At the end of twelve months he walks in the manse of the sovereigndom of Babel: 30 the sovereign answers and says, Is not this great Babel, which I built, for the house of the sovereigndom by the empowerment of my power, and for the esteem of my majesty? 31 While the utterance is still in the mouth of the sovereign, a voice falls from the heavens, O sovereign Nebukadnets Tsar, to you they are saying; the sovereigndom passes from you; 32 and they expel you from men; and you whirl with the live beings of the field; and feed on herbage as bulls: and seven times pass over you; until you know that the Elyon is dominator in the sovereigndom of men, and gives it to whomever he wills. 33 The same blink the utterance consummates on Nebukadnets Tsar: and he is expelled from men and feeds on herbage as bulls; and his body is dyed with the dew of the heavens, until his hairs greaten as eagles and his nails as birds. 34 And at the end of the days, I, Nebukadnets Tsar, lift my eyes to the heavens, and perception returns to me, and I bless Elyon, and I laud and esteem him who lives eternally - whose dominion is an eternal dominion and his sovereigndom from generation to generation: 35 and all who whirl on the earth are machinated as nought: and he does as he wills among the valiant of the heavens and they who whirl on the earth: and no one can strike his hand, or say to him, What serve you? 36 At the same appointment my perception returns to me; and for the esteem of my sovereigndom, my majesty and cheerfulness return to me; and my counsellors and my nobles request to me; and I am restored in my sovereigndom and excellent greatness is added to me. 37 Now I, Nebukadnets Tsar, laud and exalt and esteem the Sovereign of the heavens all whose acts are truth, and his ways plead: and they who walk in arrogance, he is able to abase.

Daniel 7:1

In the first year of Bel Shats Tsar sovereign of Babel Dani El sees a dream and visions of his head on his bed: then he inscribes the dream and says the sum of the utterances:

Hosea 4:15

15 Though you, Yisra El, whore, and you, O Yah Hudah, neither guilt nor come to Gilgal; neither ascend to Beth Aven nor oath, Yah Veh lives.

Hosea 12:4-5

4 Yes, he dominated over the angel and prevailed by weeping and was granted charism: he found him in Beth El and there he worded with us; 5 even Yah Veh Elohim Sabaoth; Yah Veh is his memorial.

Hosea 12:12

12 And Yaaqov flees into the field of Aram, and Yisra El serves for a woman: yes, for a woman he guards.

Matthew 1:20

20 And pondering these, behold, the angel of Yah Veh manifests to him in a dream, wording, Yoseph, you son of David, awe not to take Miryam your woman to yourself: for that birthing in her is of the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 2:12-13

12 And in a dream being oracled to not return to Herod they depart to their own region through another way. 13
And they depart, and behold, the angel of Yah Veh manifests to Yoseph in a dream, wording, Rise; take the young child and his mother and flee to Misrayim, and be there until I say to you: for Herod seeks to destroy the young child.

Matthew 2:19

And Herod dies; and behold, an angel of Yah Veh manifests in a dream to Yoseph in Misrayim,

Matthew 8:11

11 and I word to you, that many come from the rising and the lowering and recline with Abraham and Yischaq and Yaaqov in the sovereigndom of the heavens:

Matthew 8:20

20 And Yah Shua words to him, The foxes have burrrows, and the flyers of the heavens nests; but the Son of humanity has nowhere to recline his head.

Matthew 17:6

6 - and the disciples hear and they fall on their face and are extremely awestricken.

Matthew 18:20

20 for where two or three gather together in my name, I am there midst them.

Matthew 22:32

32 I AM the Elohim of Abraham and the Elohim of Yischaq and the Elohim of Yaaqov? Elohim is not the Elohim of the dead; but of the living.

Matthew 24:35

35 the heavens and earth pass but my words never no way pass:

Matthew 28:20

20 doctrinating them to guard all - as much as ever I misvahed you: and behold, I am with you all days - even to the completion/shalom of the eon. Amen. *name: Exodus 3:3-15, Isaiah 42:8, John 8:58

Luke 2:9

9 and behold, the angel of Yah Veh stands over them and the glory of Yah Veh haloes them: and they awe a mega awe.

Luke 8:35

35 And they go to see what became; and come to Yah Shua and find the human from whom the demons departed sitting at the feet of Yah Shua, clothed, and sound minded: and they are awestricken:

John 1:16

16 and we all take of his fulness - and charism for charism.

John 1:51

51 And he words to him, Amen! Amen! I word to you, From now on you see the heavens opened, and the angels of Elohim ascending and descending on the Son of humanity.

John 10:28-29

28 and I give them eternal life; and they neither destruct to the eons, nor anyone seize them from my hand. 29 My Father who gave them to me, is greater than all; and no one can seize them from the hand of my Father.

Acts 3:25

25 You are the sons of the prophets and of the covenant which Elohim covenanted with your fathers; wording to Abraham, And in your sperma all the patriarchies of the earth eulogize.

Acts 7:2

2 And he says, Men, brothers and fathers, hearken; the Elohim of glory appeared to our father Abraham being in Mesopotamia, ere he settled in Haran,

Acts 7:5

5 and he gave him no inheritance therein - no, not even a foot bamah: yet he pre-evangelized to give it to him for a possession, and to his sperma after him - he having no child.

Acts 18:18

And Paulos still abides a long day; and bids bye bye to the brothers and sails to Syria with Priscilla and Aquila; and in Cenchrea he shears his head: for he has a vow:

Acts 23:12-15

And being day, some of the Yah Hudiym make a coalition and anathematize themselves, wording to neither eat nor drink until they slaughter Paulos: 13 and more than forty make this conspiracy. 14 And they come to the archpriests and elders, and say, We anathematized ourselves under a great anathema, to taste naught until we slaughter Paulos: 15 so now you and the sanhedrim manifest to the chiliarch to bring him down to you tomorrow - as though to know more exactly about him: and ere he approaches, we are prepared to take him out.

Acts 25:13

13 And some days having passed, sovereign Agrippa and Bernice arrive in Kaisaria to salute Phestus.

Romans 4:7-8

7 Blessed - they whose torah violations are forgiven and whose sins are covered. 8 Blessed - the man to whom Adonay no way reckons sin. Psalm 32:1, 2

Romans 8:31-32

So what say we to these? If Elohim is for us, who is against us? 32 - Who indeed spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how indeed, with him, grants he us not also charism with all?

2 Corinthians 1:5

5 For exactly as the sufferings of the Messiah superabound in us, thus our consolation also superabounds through Messiah.

2 Corinthians 6:14-16

Yoke not unequally with the trustless! For what partaking has justness with torah violations? And what communion has light with darkness? 15 And what symphony has Messiah with Beli Yaal? Or what part has the trusting with the trustless? 16 And what togetherness has the nave of Elohim with idols? For you are the nave of the living Elohim; exactly as Elohim says, I indwell them and walk among them; and I become their Elohim; and they become my people. Leviticus 26:12, Jeremiah 31:33, Ezekiel El 36:28, Zechariah 13:9

2 Corinthians 6:18

18 and become to you, Father and you become to me, sons and daughters, words Yah Veh Sabaoth. Isaiah 52:11, Jeremiah 31:9

Galatians 3:8

8 And the scripture, foreseeing that Elohim justifies the goyim by trust pre-evangelized to Abraham, In you all the goyim are eulogized.

Galatians 3:14

14 that the blessing of Abraham becomes to the goyim in Yah Shua Messiah; to take the pre-evangelism of the Spirit through trust. Deuteronomy 21:23

Galatians 3:16

16 And the pre-evangelisms were rhetorized to Abraham and his sperma. He words not, And to spermas - as of many; but as of one, And to your sperma, who is Messiah. Genesis 13:15, 25:5, 6

Ephesians 1:3

3 Blessed be the Elohim and Father of our Adonay Yah Shua Messiah, who blessed us in all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Messiah:

Ephesians 6:1

1 Children, obey your parents in Adonay: for this is just.

Ephesians 6:3

3 that it be well with you and you be long lived on the earth. Exodus 20:12

Colossians 3:20

20 Children, obey your parents in all - for this is well-pleasing to Yah Veh.

1 Timothy 3:15

15 but whenever I delay, you know how you must behave yourself in the house of El - the ecclesia of the living Elohim the pillar and ground of the truth.

1 Timothy 4:8

8 For bodily exercise benefits little: but reverence is to all, having pre-evangelism of the life that now is, and is to come.

1 Timothy 6:8

8 And having sustenance and covering, be satisfied.

2 Timothy 4:16-17

16 In my first pleading no one convened with me, but all forsook me: so be it not reckoned to them. 17 And Adonay stood by me and dynamized me; to fully bear the preaching through me; and that all the goyim hear: and I was rescued from the mouth of the lion:

Hebrews 1:1

In many portions and in many manners, long ago, Elohim spoke to the fathers in the prophets,

Hebrews 1:14

14 Are they not indeed all liturgizing spirits apostolized to minister for them who inherit salvation?

Hebrews 10:21

21 and having a mega priest over the house of El;

Hebrews 11:9-13

9 By trust he settled in the land of pre-evangelism, as in anothers, settling in tabernacles with Yischaq and Yaaqov - co-heirs of the same pre-evangelism: 10 for he awaited a city having foundations, whose artificer and public worker is Elohim. 11 By trust Sara also took dynamis to conceive sperma - and birthed when she was beyond the season of maturescence; since she deemed him who had pre-evangelized trustworthy. 12 So even of one and him as good as dead birthed a multitude exactly as the stars of the sky and innumerable as the sand by the sea shore. 13 These all died in trust not taking the pre-evangelisms; but seeing them afar: and were convinced and saluted and professed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

Hebrews 11:16

16 But now they reach for a better - that is, the heavenlies: so Elohim shames not to be called their Elohim: for he prepared them a city.

Hebrews 13:5-6

5 Your manner, unavaricious; being satisfied with the present. For he said, I neither no way let loose of you nor no way forsake. 6 So courageously we word, Yah Veh my helper: and I awe not what humanity does to me. Psalm 118:6

1 Peter 4:17

17 Because this is the season that judgment must begin from the house of El: and if first from us, what is the completion/shalom of them who distrust the evangelism of Elohim?

Jude 1:1

Yah Hudah, the servant of Yah Shua Messiah and brother of Yaaqovos: To the hallowed in Elohim the Father and guarded in Yah Shua Messiah - called:

Revelation 1:17

17 And when I see him, I fall toward his feet as dead. And he places his right hand on me, wording to me, Awe not - I AM the first and the final:

Revelation 7:4

4 And I hear the number sealed: - sealed one hundred and forty-four thousand of all the scions of the sons of Yisra El:

Revelation 7:9

After these I perceive, and behold, a vast multitude, which no one could number, of all goyim and scions and peoples and tongues, standing in sight of the throne and in sight of the Lamb arrayed with white stoles and phoinix in their hands;

Revelation 21:22

And I see no nave therein; for Yah Veh El Sabaoth and the Lamb are the nave thereof:

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