And Yischaq calls Yaaqov and blesses him and misvahs him, and says to him, Take not a woman of the daughters of Kenaan. 2 Rise, go to Paddan Aram, to the house of Bethu El the father of your mother; and from there take a woman of the daughters of Laban the brother of your mother: 3 and El Shadday blesses you to bear fruit and abound you and there become a congregation of people; 4 and give you the blessing of Abraham - to you and to your seed with you; to possess the land of your sojournings which Elohim gave to Abraham. 5 And Yischaq sends Yaaqov: and he goes to Paddan Aram to Laban, son of Bethu El the Aramiy the brother of Ribqah the mother of Yaaqov and Esav. 6 And Esav sees that Yischaq blesses Yaaqov and sends him to Paddan Aram to take a woman from there; and as he blesses him, he misvahs him, saying, Take not a woman of the daughters of Kenaan; 7 and that Yaaqov hearkens to his father and his mother and goes to Paddan Aram; 8 and Esav, seeing that the daughters of Kenaan are evil in the eyes of Yischaq his father; 9 Esav goes to Yishma El and takes and adds Machalath the daughter of Yishma El the son of Abraham the sister of Nebayoth to the women he has, to be his woman.
10 And Yaaqov goes out from Beer Sheba and goes toward Haran: 11 and he encounters a certain place and stays there overnight, because the sun had set; and he takes stones of that place and sets them for his headpieces; and lays down in that place: 12 and he dreams, and behold, a ladder stationed on the earth and the top thereof touches the heavens: and behold the angels of Elohim ascending and descending thereon: 13 and behold, Yah Veh stations himself above it and says, I - Yah Veh Elohim of Abraham your father and Elohim of Yischaq: I give the land whereon you lie to you and to your seed; 14 and your seed becomes as the dust of the earth and you break forth to the sea and to the east and to the north and to the south: and in you and in your seed all the families of the soil become blessed. 15 And behold, I am with you and guard you everywhere you go; and return you into this soil; for I leave you not until I work what I word to you. 16 And Yaaqov wakens from his sleep, and he says, Surely Yah Veh is in this place; and I know it not. 17 And he awes and says, How awesome this place! this is none other but Beth Elohim and this is the portal of the heavens. 18 And Yaaqov starts early in the morning and takes the stone he set for his headpieces and sets it for a monolith; and pours oil on the top thereof: 19 and he calls the name of that place Beth El: but the name of that city was Luz at first. 20 And Yaaqov vows a vow, saying, Elohim is with me and guards me in this way I go and gives me bread to eat and clothing to enrobe, 21 so that I return to the house of my father in shalom; then Yah Veh becomes my Elohim: 22 and this stone, which I set for a monolith, becomes Beth Elohim: and of all you give me, in tithing, I tithe to you.
And Yischaq calls Yaaqov and blesses him and misvahs him, and says to him, Take not a woman of the daughters of Kenaan. 2 Rise, go to Paddan Aram, to the house of Bethu El the father of your mother; and from there take a woman of the daughters of Laban the brother of your mother: 3 and El Shadday blesses you to bear fruit and abound you and there become a congregation of people; 4 and give you the blessing of Abraham - to you and to your seed with you; to possess the land of your sojournings which Elohim gave to Abraham. 5 And Yischaq sends Yaaqov: and he goes to Paddan Aram to Laban, son of Bethu El the Aramiy the brother of Ribqah the mother of Yaaqov and Esav. 6 And Esav sees that Yischaq blesses Yaaqov and sends him to Paddan Aram to take a woman from there; and as he blesses him, he misvahs him, saying, Take not a woman of the daughters of Kenaan; 7 and that Yaaqov hearkens to his father and his mother and goes to Paddan Aram; 8 and Esav, seeing that the daughters of Kenaan are evil in the eyes of Yischaq his father; 9 Esav goes to Yishma El and takes and adds Machalath the daughter of Yishma El the son of Abraham the sister of Nebayoth to the women he has, to be his woman.
10 And Yaaqov goes out from Beer Sheba and goes toward Haran: 11 and he encounters a certain place and stays there overnight, because the sun had set; and he takes stones of that place and sets them for his headpieces; and lays down in that place: 12 and he dreams, and behold, a ladder stationed on the earth and the top thereof touches the heavens: and behold the angels of Elohim ascending and descending thereon: 13 and behold, Yah Veh stations himself above it and says, I - Yah Veh Elohim of Abraham your father and Elohim of Yischaq: I give the land whereon you lie to you and to your seed; 14 and your seed becomes as the dust of the earth and you break forth to the sea and to the east and to the north and to the south: and in you and in your seed all the families of the soil become blessed. 15 And behold, I am with you and guard you everywhere you go; and return you into this soil; for I leave you not until I work what I word to you. 16 And Yaaqov wakens from his sleep, and he says, Surely Yah Veh is in this place; and I know it not. 17 And he awes and says, How awesome this place! this is none other but Beth Elohim and this is the portal of the heavens. 18 And Yaaqov starts early in the morning and takes the stone he set for his headpieces and sets it for a monolith; and pours oil on the top thereof: 19 and he calls the name of that place Beth El: but the name of that city was Luz at first. 20 And Yaaqov vows a vow, saying, Elohim is with me and guards me in this way I go and gives me bread to eat and clothing to enrobe, 21 so that I return to the house of my father in shalom; then Yah Veh becomes my Elohim: 22 and this stone, which I set for a monolith, becomes Beth Elohim: and of all you give me, in tithing, I tithe to you.