11 Say to them who daub it with slime, It falls! There becomes an overflowing downpour; and you, O great hailstones, fall: and a stormy wind splits:
Ezekiel 13:11 Cross References - ECB
Job 27:21
21 the easterly lifts him and he goes - whirls him from his place:
Psalms 11:6
6 On the wicked he rains snares - fire and sulphur and a raging wind/spirit; - the allotment of their cup.
Psalms 18:13-14
Psalms 32:6
6 For this all the mercied pray to you in a time of finding you; surely in the overflowing of great waters they touch him not.
Isaiah 25:4
4 for you are a stronghold to the poor; a strength to the needy in his tribulation; a refuge from the flood; a shadow from the parchedness when the wind of the tyrants is as a flood against the wall.
Isaiah 28:2
2 Behold, might and strength to Adonay - as a tempest of hail and a ruinous whirling; as a flood of many waters overflowing set to the earth with the hand.
Isaiah 28:15-18
15 because you say, We cut a covenant with death and with sheol we work seers: when the overflowing whip passes through, it comes not to us: for we set lies our refuge, and under falsehood we hide ourselves.
16 So Adonay Yah Veh says thus, Behold, I lay a stone in Siyon for a foundation - a proofed stone; an esteemed corner; a founded foundation: he who trusts, hastens not.
17 And I set judgment to the line and justness to the plumb line: and the hail snatches away the refuge of lies, and the waters overflow the covert:
18 and your covenant with death is kapared/atoned and your vision with sheol rises not; when the overflowing whip passes through, then you become trampled thereby.
Isaiah 29:6
6 Yah Veh Sabaoth visits you with thunder and with quake and great voice; with hurricane and storm and the flame of devouring fire:
Isaiah 32:19
19 though it hails, descending on the forest and the city lowers into a lowland.
Ezekiel 38:22
22 and I judge against him with pestilence and with blood; and I rain on him and on his bands and on the many people with him, an overflowing downpour and great hailstones, fire and sulphur.
Nahum 1:3
3 Yah Veh is slow to wrath and great in force; and in exonerating, Yah Veh exonerates not: his way is in the hurricane and in the whirling and clouds are the dust of his feet:
Nahum 1:7-8
Matthew 7:25
25 and the rain descends and the streams come and the winds puff and beat on that house; and it falls not: for it is founded on a rock.
Matthew 7:27
27 and the rains descend and the streams come and the winds puff and dash on that house; and it falls: and mega is the downfall.
Luke 6:48-49
48 he is likened to a human who builds a house and digs deep and places the foundation on a rock: and a flood becomes and the stream bursts on that house and cannot shake it for it is founded on a rock.
49 And whoever hears, and does not, is likened to a human who builds a house on the earth apart from a foundation - upon which the stream bursts and straightway it falls; and the fragmentation of that house becomes mega.