4 petitioning us with much beseeching to receive the charism and the communion and ministry to the holy.
5 And not exactly as we hoped, but first they gave their own selves to Adonay and to us through the will of Elohim.
6 To my beseeching Titus, that exactly as he previously began, thus he also fully completes/shalams this charism in you.
7 Rather, exactly as you superabound in all - in trust and word and knowledge and in all diligence and in your love to us, see that you superabound in this charism also.
8 I word, not by order, but through the diligence of others, and to prove the genuineness of your love.
9 For you know the charism of our Adonay Yah Shua Messiah: that, being rich, for your sakes he impoverished: that through his poverty, you enrich.
10 And herein I give opinion: for this is beneficial for you, who previously began, not only to do, but also to will, from a year ago.
11 So now fully complete/shalam the doing thereof; that exactly as there was an eagerness to will, thus also to fully complete/shalam from what you have.
12 For if you set forth an eagerness, it is well-received - according to whatever anyone has and not according to whatever he has not
13 - not that others relax and you tribulate:
14 but by an equality, that in this present season your abundance becomes to their lack, and also their superabundance becomes to your want so that equality becomes:
15 exactly as scribed, Whoever had much, superabounded not; and whoever had little, lessened not.
Exodus 16:18