43 He trusted in the God; let him rescue now him, if he wishes him; he said for: That of God I am a son.
Matthew 27:43 Cross References - Diaglott
Matthew 27:40
40 and saying: He overthrowing the temple, and in three days building, save thyself; if a son thou art of the God, come down from the cross.
John 3:16-17
16 Thus for loved the God the world, so that the son of himself the only-begotten he gave, that every one who believing into him, not may be destroyed, but may have life age-lasting.
17 Not for sent the God the son of himself into the world, that he might judge the world, but that might be saved the world through him.
John 5:17-25
17 The and Jesus answered them: The father of me till now works, and I work.
18 Through this therefore more sought him the Jews to kill, because not only he was breaking the sabbath, but also a Father his own said the God, equal himself making to the God.
19 Answered then the Jesus and said to them: Indeed indeed I say to you, not is able the son to do of himself nothing, if not anything he may see the Father doing; what for ever he may do, these also the son in like manner does.
20 The for Father loves the son, and all shows to him, what he does; and greater of these shows to him works, so that you may wonder.
21 As for the Father raises the dead ones and makes alive; thus also the son, whom he will, makes alive.
22 Not even for the Father judges any one; but the judgment all has given to the son;
23 so that all may honor the son, even as they honor the Father. He not honoring the son, not honors the Father, that having sent him.
24 Indeed indeed I say to you, that he the word of me hearing, and believing, the having sent me has life age-lasting, and into judgment not comes, but has passed out of the death into the life.
25 Indeed indeed I say to you, that comes an hour, and now is, when the dead ones shall hear the voice of the son of the God; and those having heard will live.
John 10:30
30 I and the Father one are.
John 10:36
36 whom the Father set apart, and sent into the world, you say: That thou blasphemest, because I said, A son of the God I am?
John 19:7
7 Answered him the Jews: We a law have, and according to the law of us he ought to die, because himself, a son of God he made.