Mark 7:32 Cross References - Diaglott

32 And they bring to him a deaf man a stammerer, and they entreat him that he might place to him the hand.

Matthew 9:32-33

32 These and going away, lo, they brought to him a man dumb, being demonized. 33 And having cast out the demon, spoke the dumb. And were astonished the crowds, saying: Never was it seen thus in to the Israel.

Mark 5:23

23 and besought him much, saying: That the little-daughter of me last end is; that coming thou mayest put to her the hands, so that she may be saved; and she shall live.

Luke 11:14

14 And he was casting out a demon, and it was dumb; it came to pass and of the demon having come out, spake the dumb; and wondered the crowds.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.