20 When and you may see surrounded by encampments the Jerusalem, then you may know, that has come near the desolation of her.
Luke 21:20 Cross References - Diaglott
Matthew 24:15
15 When therefore you may see the abomination of the desolation, the word having been spoken through Daniel the prophet, having stood in place holy; (he reading let him think;)
Mark 13:14
14 When but you may see the abomination of the desolation having stood where not it ought; (he reading let him think); then those in the Judea, let them flee to the mountains;
Luke 19:43
43 For will come days on this, and will throw around the enemies of thee a rampart to thee, and will surround thee, and will press thee on every side;
Luke 21:7
7 They asked and him, saying: O teacher, when then these will be? and what the sign, when may be about these to be done?