2 And murmured the Pharisees and the scribes, saying: That this sinners receives, and eats with them.
Luke 15:2 Cross References - Diaglott
Matthew 9:11
11 And seeing the Pharisees said to the disciples of him: Why with the publicans and sinners eats the teacher of you?
Luke 5:30
30 And murmured the scribes of them and the Pharisees to the disciples of him, saying: Why with the publicans and sinners do you eat and drink?
Luke 7:34
34 Has come the son of the man, eating and drinking; and you say: Lo, a man glutton and wine-drinker, a friend of tax-gatherers and sinners.
Luke 7:39
39 Seeing but the Pharisee that having called him, spoke in himself, saying: This if he was a prophet, would know, who and what the woman, who touches him; that a sinner she is.
Luke 15:29-30
29 He and answering said to the father: Lo, so many years do I slave for thee, and never a command of thee I passed by; and to me never thou gavest a kid, that with the friends of me I might be joyful.
30 When and the son of the this, the having devoured of thee the living with harlots, come, thou has sacrificed for him the calf the fatted.
Luke 19:7
7 And seeing all murmured, saying: That with a sinner a man he went in to lodge.
Acts 11:3
3 saying: That to men uncircumcision having thou wentest in, and thou didst eat with them.
1 Corinthians 5:9-11
9 I wrote to you in the letter, not to be associated with fornicators.
10 And not altogether with the fornicators of the world this, or with the covetous ones, or extortioners, or idolaters; since you are bound indeed from the world to come out.
11 Now but I wrote you, not to be associated, if any one, a brother being named, may be a fornicator, or a covetous person, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with the such like not even to eat;
Galatians 2:12
12 Before of the for to have come some from James, with the Gentiles he was eating; when but they come, he was withdrawing and was separating himself, fearing those of circumcision.