Acts 8:17 Cross References - Diaglott

17 Then they placed the hands on them, and they received spirit holy.

Acts 2:4

4 and they were filled all spirit holy, and they began to speak with other tongues, as the spirit gave to them to speak.

Acts 6:6

6 whom they placed in presence of the apostles; and having prayed they put to them the hands.

Acts 8:18

18 Having seen and the Simon, that through the placing of the hands of the apostles was given the spirit the holy, he offered to them money,

Acts 9:17

17 Went away and Ananias and entered into the house; and having placed on him the hands, he said: Saul O brother, the Lord has sent me, (Jesus he having appeared to thee in the way in which thou camest,) that thou mayest receive sight, and mayest be filled of spirit holy.

Acts 13:3

3 Then having fasted and having prayed, and having laid the hands to them, they sent forth.

Acts 19:6

6 And having placed to them the Paul the hands, come the spirit the holy upon them, they spoke and with tongues and prophesied.

Romans 1:11

11 I long for to see you, that some I may impart gift to you spiritual, for the to be established you;

Galatians 3:2-5

2 This thing only I wish to have learned from you; on account of works of law the spirit did you receive, or on account of a hearing of faith? 3 So thoughtless are you? having begun in spirit, now in flesh are you being made perfect? 4 So many things you suffered without cause? If indeed even without cause. 5 The then supplying to you the spirit, and working miracles among you, on account of works of law, or on account of obedience of faith?

1 Timothy 4:14

14 Not be thou neglectful of the in thee endowment, which was given to thee through prophecy, with laying on the hands of the eldership.

1 Timothy 5:22

22 Hands hastily to no one do thou put and not do thou share in sins with others. Thyself pure do thou keep.

2 Timothy 1:6

6 Through which cause I remind thee to kindle up the free gift of the God, which is in thee through the putting on of the hands of me;

Hebrews 6:2

2 of dippings teaching, of laying on and of hands, of a resurrection and of dead ones, and of a judgment age-lasting.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.