Acts 24:22 Cross References - Diaglott

22 Put off but them the Felix, more accurately knowing the things concerning the way, saying: When Lysias the commander may come down, I will inquire into the things about you.

Acts 18:20

20 Asking and them for longer a time to remain with them, not he consented;

Acts 24:6

6 who also the temple attempted to profane; whom also we apprehended, and according to the our law we wished to judge.

Acts 24:10

10 Answered and the Paul, nodding to him the governor to speak: From many years being thee a judge to the nation this knowing, more cheerfully the things concerning myself I defend;

Acts 24:14

14 I confess but this to thee, that according to the way, which they called a sect, so I serve the patriarchal God, believing all things those according to the law and those in the prophets having been written:

Acts 24:24

24 After and days some having come the Felix with Drusilia the wife, being a Jewess, he sent for the Paul, and heard him concerning the into Anointed faith.

Acts 25:26

26 Concerning whom certain any thing to write to the lord, not I have, therefore I led forth him before you, and especially before thee, O king Agrippa, so that the examination having taken place I may have something to write.

Acts 26:3

3 especially acquainted being thee of all of the among Jews customs and also questions. Therefore I entreat thee, patiently to hear of me.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.