1 Concerning but the times and the seasons, brethren, no need you have to you to be written;
2 yourselves for accurately you know, that the day of Lord, as a thief in night, so comes.
3 When they may say: Peace and safety; then sudden to them is at hand destruction, just as the birth-pang to her in womb having; and not not can they escape.
4 You but, brethren, not are in darkness, that the day you as a thief should come upon;
5 all for you sons of light are and sons of day; not we are of night, nor of darkness.
6 So then not we may sleep, as even the others, but we should watch and we should not drink;
7 those for sleeping, of night they sleep; and those getting drunk, of night they get drunk.
8 We but, of day being, should not drink, having put on a breastplate of faith and of love, and a helmet, a hope of salvation;
9 because not did set us the God for wrath, but for attaining of salvation by means of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed,
10 of that having died on behalf of us; so that, whether we may be awake or we may be asleep, together with him we may live.
11 Wherefore comfort you each other, and build you up one the other, as even you do.
12 We entreat but you, brethren, to know those toiling among you, and presiding over you in Lord, and admonishing you,
13 and to esteem them superabundantly in love, on account of the work of them; be you at peace among yourselves.
14 We exhort but you, brethren, admonish you the disorderly ones, encourage you the desponding ones, hold you on to the feeble ones, be you long-suffering towards all.
15 See you, no one evil in place of evil to any one should render; but always the good pursue you both towards each other and towards all.
16 Always rejoice you.
17 Unceasingly pray you;
18 in every thing give you thanks; this for will of God in Anointed Jesus concerning you.
19 The spirit not quench you;
20 prophecies not disregard you;
21 all things but try you; the good thing hold you fast;
22 from every form of evil do you abstain.
23 Himself but the God of the peace may sanctify you entirely; and whole of you the spirit and the life and the body blameless in the presence of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed may be preserved.
24 Faithful the one calling you, who also will perform.
25 Brethren, pray you for us.
26 Salute you the brethren all with a kiss holy.
27 I adjure you the Lord, to be read the letter to all the holy brethren.
28 The favor of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed with you.
1 Thessalonians 5 Cross References - Diaglott
Matthew 24:3
3 Sitting and of him upon the mountain of the olive tree, came to him the disciples privately saying: Tell to us, when these (things) shall be? and what the sign of the thy presence and of the end of the age?
Matthew 24:36
36 About and the day that and hour no one knows, nor the messengers of the heavens, except the Father alone.
Mark 13:30-32
30 Indeed I say to you, that not not may pass away the generation this, till of whom all these may be done.
31 The heaven and the earth shall pass away; the nut words of me not not may pass away.
32 Concerning but the day that or the hour no one knows, nor the messengers, those in heaven, nor the son, if not the Father.
Acts 1:7
7 He said and to them: Not for you it is to know times or seasons, which the Father placed in the own authority.
2 Corinthians 9:1
1 Concerning indeed for the service of that for the saints superfluous for me it is the to write to you.
1 Thessalonians 4:9
9 Concerning but the brotherly love, no need you have to write to you; yourselves for you God taught are into the to love each other;
Jude 1:3
3 Beloved ones, all haste making to write to you, concerning the common salvation a necessity I had to have written to you exhorting to earnestly contend for the once having been delivered to the saints faith.
Matthew 24:42-44
42 Watch you therefore, because not you know, in what hour the lord of you comes.
43 This but know you, that if had known the householder in what watch the thief comes, he would have watched, and not would have allowed to be dug-through the house of him.
44 On account of this also you be ready; because in which hour not you think, the son of the man comes.
Matthew 25:13
13 Watch you therefore, because not you know the day, nor the hour.
Mark 13:34-35
34 As a man going abroad leaving the house of himself, and having given to the slaves of himself the authority, and to each one the work of himself and to the porter he commanded that he should watch.
35 Watch you therefore; not you know for, when the lord of the house comes, evening, or midnight, or cock-crowing, or morning;
Luke 12:39-40
1 Corinthians 1:8
8 who also will confirm you to an end irreproachable ones in the day of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed.
2 Peter 3:10
10 Will come but the day of Lord as a thief, in which the heavens with a rushing sound will pass away, elements and burning intensely will be dissolved, and earth and all in her works will be burned up.
Revelation 3:3
3 Remember thou therefore how thou hast received and thou didst hear, and observe, and reform. If therefore not thou shouldst have watched, I may have come on thee as a thief, and not not thou mayest have known what hour I may have come on thee.
Revelation 16:15
15 (Lo, I come as a thief; blessed the one watching, and keeping the garments of himself, so that not naked he may walk, and they may see the shame of him.)
Matthew 23:33
33 O serpents, O broods of vipers; how can you flee from the judgment of the Gehenna?
Matthew 24:37-39
37 As and the days of the Noah, even so will be also the presence of the son of the man.
38 As for they were in the days the before the flood eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, till of which day entered Noah into the ark,
39 and not they knew, till came the flood and took away all; even so will be also the presence of the son of the man.
Luke 17:26-30
26 And as it happened in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the son of the man.
27 They ate, they drank, they married, they were given in marriage, till of which day entered Noah into the ark; and came the flood, and destroyed all.
28 In like manner also as it happened in the days of Lot; they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built;
29 in the but day went out Lot from Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed all;
30 according to these it will be in the day the son of the man is revealed.
Luke 21:34-35
Acts 12:22-23
Acts 13:41
41 behold you the despisers, and wonder you, and disappear you; because a work I work in the days of you, a work, which not not you would believe, if one should narrate to you.
2 Thessalonians 1:9
9 who a just penalty shall pay, destruction age-lasting, from face to the Lord and from the glory of the strength of him,
Hebrews 2:3
3 how we shall escape so great having disregarded a salvation? which a beginning having received to be spoken through the Lord, by those having heard for us was confirmed,
Hebrews 12:23
23 and to a congregation of first-borns, having been enrolled in heavens; and to a judge God of all; and to spirits of just ones having been perfected;
2 Peter 2:4
4 If for the God messengers having sinned not spared, but with chains of think darkness having confined Tartarus he delivered up for a judgment being kept;
Revelation 18:7-8
7 how much she glorified herself and lived luxuriously, so much give you to her torment and mourning. Because in the heart of herself she says: I sit a queen, and a widow not I am, and mourning not not I may see;
8 on account of this in one day will come the plagues of her, death and mourning and famine; and with fire will be burnt up; because strong Lord the God the one having judged her.
Acts 26:18
18 to open eyes of them, of the to have turned from darkness to light, and of the authority of the adversary to the God, of the to receive them forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among those having been sanctified, faith by the into me.
Romans 13:11-13
11 And this, knowing the season, that an hour us already out of sleep to be aroused; (now for nearer of us the salvation, than when we believed;
12 the night is far advanced, the and day has approached;) we should put off therefore the works of the darkness, and should put on the weapons of the light.
13 As in day, decently we should walk, not in revelings and in drinkings, not in whoredoms and in debaucheries, not in strife and envyings;
Colossians 1:13
13 who delivered us from the authority of the darkness, and caused a change of sides for the kingdom of the son of the love of himself;
1 Peter 2:9-10
9 You but, a race chosen, a royal priesthood, a nation holy, a people for a purpose, so that the virtues you may declare of the out of darkness you one having called into the wonderful of himself light;
10 those once not a people, now but a people of God; those not having obtained mercy, now but having obtained mercy.
1 John 2:8
8 Again a commandment new I write to you, which is true in him and in you; because the darkness is passing away, and the light the true now shines.
Luke 16:8
8 And praised the lord the steward the unjust, because prudently he had done; for the sons of the age this more prudent above the sons of the light for the generation that of themselves are.
John 12:36
36 While the light you have, believe into the light, that sons of light you may become. These things spoke the Jesus, and going away he was hid from them.
Ephesians 5:8
8 You were indeed once darkness, now but light in Lord; as children of light walk you;
Matthew 13:25
25 In and the to sleep the men, came of him the enemy, and sowed darnel through midst of the wheat; and went forth.
Matthew 24:42
42 Watch you therefore, because not you know, in what hour the lord of you comes.
Matthew 25:5
5 Delaying and the bridegroom, nodded all, and did sleep.
Matthew 26:38
38 Then he says to them: Extremely sorrowful is the soul of me to death; remain you here and watch you with me.
Matthew 26:40-41
Mark 13:37
37 What and to you I say, to all I say: Watch you.
Mark 14:37-38
Luke 12:37
37 Blessed the salves those, whom having come the lord shall find watching; indeed i say to you, that he will grid himself, and will make to recline them, and going forth he will minister to them.
Luke 12:39
39 This and know you, that, if had known the householder, in what hour the thief comes, he would watch, and not would allow to dig through the house of himself.
Luke 21:36
36 Watch you then in every season, praying, that you may be accounted worthy to escape these all the things being about to occur, and to stand in presence of the son of the man.
Luke 22:46
46 Why sleep you? having stood up pray you, that not you may enter into temptation.
Acts 20:31
31 Therefore watch you, remembering, that three years night and day not I ceased with tears admonishing one each.
Romans 13:11-14
11 And this, knowing the season, that an hour us already out of sleep to be aroused; (now for nearer of us the salvation, than when we believed;
12 the night is far advanced, the and day has approached;) we should put off therefore the works of the darkness, and should put on the weapons of the light.
13 As in day, decently we should walk, not in revelings and in drinkings, not in whoredoms and in debaucheries, not in strife and envyings;
14 but put you on the Lord Jesus Anointed, and of the flesh provision not make you for lusts.
1 Corinthians 15:34
34 Awake you as it is fit, and not sin you; ignorance for of God some have; for shame to you I speak.
1 Corinthians 16:13
13 Watch you, stand you firm in the faith, be you manly, be you strong;
Ephesians 5:14
14 Therefore it says: Awake thou the one sleeping, and arise thou out of the dead ones, and will shine on thee the Anointed.
Ephesians 6:18
18 by means of every prayer and supplication praying in every season in spirit; and for it this watching with all perseverance and supplication for all of the holy ones,
Philippians 4:5
5 The gentleness of you let be known to all men. The Lord near;
Colossians 4:2
2 To the prayer attend you constantly, watching in it, with thankfulness;
1 Thessalonians 5:8
8 We but, of day being, should not drink, having put on a breastplate of faith and of love, and a helmet, a hope of salvation;
1 Timothy 2:9
9 In the same way and the women in apparel becoming, with modesty and soundness of mind, to adorn themselves, not with wreaths, of gold, or pearls or garment expensive,
1 Timothy 2:15
15 she will be preserved but through the child-bearing, if they abide in faith and love and holiness with sobriety of mind.
1 Timothy 3:2
2 It behooves then the overseer unblamable to be, of one wife a husband, vigilant, sedate, orderly, hospitable, fit to teach;
1 Timothy 3:11
11 Women in like manner serious, not accusers, vigilant, faithful in all things.
2 Timothy 4:5
5 Thou but be sober in all things, suffer thou evil, work do thou of a proclaimer of glad tidings, the service of thee do thou fully perform.
Titus 2:6
6 The younger men in like manner do thou exhort to be prudent;
Titus 2:12
12 admonishing us, so that having renounced the impiety and the worldly desires, prudently and righteously and piously we may live in the present age;
1 Peter 1:13
13 Therefore having girded up the loins of the minds of you, being vigilant, perfectly do you hope for the being brought to you gift in a revelation of Jesus Anointed;
1 Peter 4:7
7 All things but the end has approached; be you of same mind therefore, and be you vigilant in the prayers.
1 Peter 5:8
8 Be you sober, be you watchful; the opponent of you an accuser, like a lion roaring, walks about seeking whom he may gulp down,
Revelation 3:2
2 Become thou vigilant, and strengthen the things remaining which were about to die; not for I have found of thee the works having been complete in presence of the God of me.
Acts 2:15
15 Not for, as you suppose, these are drunk; it is for hour third of the day;
Romans 13:13
13 As in day, decently we should walk, not in revelings and in drinkings, not in whoredoms and in debaucheries, not in strife and envyings;
2 Peter 2:13
13 receiving a reward of unrighteousness; a pleasure esteeming the in day luxury, spots and stains, revelling in the deceptions of themselves, feasting together with you,
Romans 5:2-5
2 through whom also the introduction we have (by the faith) into the favor this, in which we have stood; and we boast in hope of the glory of the God.
3 Not alone and, but also we boast in the afflictions, knowing that the affliction endurance works out,
4 the and endurance approbation, the and approbation hope,
5 the and hope not is put to shame, because the love of the God has been poured out in the hearts of us through spirit holy of that having been given to us.
Romans 8:24-25
1 Corinthians 13:13
13 Now but abides faith, hope, love, the three these; greater but of these the love.
2 Corinthians 6:7
7 in a word of truth, in power of God; through the arms of the righteousness of the rights and of lefts,
Galatians 5:5
5 We for in spirit from faith a hope of righteousness we wait for.
Ephesians 5:8-9
Ephesians 6:11
11 Put you on the complete armor of the God, for that to enable you to stand against the crafty ways of the accuser;
Ephesians 6:13-18
13 Because of this take you up the complete armor of the God, so that you may be able to stand against in the day the evil, and all things having worked out to stand.
14 Stand you therefore having girded the loins of you with truth, and having put on the breastplate of the righteousness,
15 and having shod the feet with a preparation of the glad tidings of the peace;
16 besides all having taken up the shield of the faith, by which you will be able all the darts of the evil one the having been kindled to quench;
17 also the helmet of the salvation take you, and the sword of the spirit, which is a word of God;
18 by means of every prayer and supplication praying in every season in spirit; and for it this watching with all perseverance and supplication for all of the holy ones,
Ephesians 6:23
23 Peace to the brethren and love with faith from God a Father and Lord Jesus Anointed.
1 Thessalonians 5:5
5 all for you sons of light are and sons of day; not we are of night, nor of darkness.
2 Thessalonians 2:16
16 Himself but the Lord of us Jesus Anointed, and the God and Father of us he having loved us and having given a consolation age-lasting and a hope good by favor,
Hebrews 6:19
19 which as an anchor we have of the life sure both and firm, and entering into the within the vail,
Hebrews 10:35-36
1 Peter 1:3-5
3 Blessed the God and Father of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed, that according to the great of himself mercy having begotten us to a hope of life through a resurrection of Jesus Anointed, out of dead ones,
4 to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and unfading, having been kept in heavens for you,
5 those by power of God being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in season last;
1 Peter 2:9
9 You but, a race chosen, a royal priesthood, a nation holy, a people for a purpose, so that the virtues you may declare of the out of darkness you one having called into the wonderful of himself light;
1 John 1:7
7 if but in the light we should walk, as he is in the light, fellowship we have with each other, and the blood of Jesus Anointed the son of him cleanses us from all sin.
1 John 3:1-3
1 See you, what love has given to us the Father, so that children of God we should be called. On account of this the world not knows us, because not it knew him.
2 Beloved ones, now children of God we are, and not yet was it brought to light, what we shall be; we know but, that if he should appear, like to him we shall be; because we shall see him, as he is.
3 And every one the having the hope this in him, purifies himself, as he pure is.
Matthew 26:24
24 The indeed son of the man goes as it has been written about him; Woe but to the man that, through whom the son of the man is delivered up; good it was to him, if not was born the man that.
Acts 1:20
20 It is written for in book of psalms: Let be the dwelling of him desolate, and not let be the dwelling in her; and, The charge of him let take another.
Acts 1:25
25 to take the lot of the service this and apostleship, from which stepped aside Judas, to go into the place the own.
Acts 13:48
48 Having heard and the Gentiles rejoiced, and glorified the word of the Lord; and believed as many as were having been disposed for life age-lasting.
Romans 9:11-23
11 Not yet for they having been born, nor having done anything good or bad, (so that the according to an election purpose of the God might abide, not from works, but from the one calling.)
12 it was said to her: That the greater shall be subject to the lesser;
13 as it has been written: The Jacob I loved, the but Esau I hated.
14 What then shall we say? not injustice with the God? Not let it be.
15 To the for Moses he says: I will pity whom I pity, and compassionate whom I should compassionate.
16 So then not of the one willing, nor of the one running, but of the pitying God.
17 Says for the writing to the Pharaoh: That for same this I raised up thee, that I might show in thee the power of me, and that may be declared the name of me in all the earth.
18 So then whom he wills, he pities; whom and he wills, he hardens.
19 Thou wilt say then to me: Why still does he find fault? to the for will of him who has been opposed?
20 But indeed, O man, thou who art, the one answering again to the God? Not shall say the thing formed to the one having formed: Why me madest thou thus?
21 Or not has authority the potter of the clay, out of the same mixture to make, this indeed for honor a vessel, that and for dishonor?
22 If but wishing the God to show the wrath, and make known the power of himself, bore in much long-suffering vessels of wrath having been fitted for destruction;
23 and that he might make known the wealth of the glory of himself on vessels of mercy, which were previously prepared for glory;
Romans 11:7
7 What then? What seeks Israel, this not he obtained, the but chosen obtained; the and remaining ones were hardened,
Romans 11:30
30 As for you once disobeyed the God, now but obtained mercy by the of these disobedience;
1 Thessalonians 1:10
10 and to wait for the son of him from the heavens, whom he raised out of the dead ones, Jesus, the one delivering us from the wrath of that coming.
1 Thessalonians 3:3
3 that no one to be shaken by the afflictions these; (yourselves, for you know, that for this we are placed;
2 Thessalonians 2:13-14
13 We but are bound to give thanks to the God always concerning you, brethren being beloved by Lord, because chose you the God from a beginning for salvation in sanctification of spirit and belief of truth;
14 into which he called you by means of the glad tidings of us, for obtaining glory of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed.
1 Timothy 1:13
13 him formerly being a defamer and a persecutor and a violent person; but I received mercy, because being ignorant I acted in unbelief,
1 Timothy 1:16
16 but through this I received mercy, that in me first might show forth Jesus Anointed the all forbearance, for an example of those being about to believe on him for life age-lasting;
2 Timothy 2:10
10 On account of this all things I undergo on account of the chosen ones, so that also they salvation may obtain of that in Anointed Jesus, with glory age-lasting.
2 Timothy 2:19-20
19 The however firm foundation of the God stands, having the zeal this: Knew Lord the being of himself; and: Let depart from injustice every one who is naming the name of Lord.
20 In great but a house not is only vessels golden and made of silver, but also wooden and earthen; and some indeed for honor, some and for dishonor.
1 Peter 2:8
8 those stumbling, to the word being disobedient, for which even they were appointed.
1 Peter 2:10
10 those once not a people, now but a people of God; those not having obtained mercy, now but having obtained mercy.
2 Peter 1:1
1 Simon Peter, a bondman and and an apostle of Jesus Anointed, to those equally precious to us having obtained faith by righteousness of the God of us and a savior Jesus Anointed;
2 Peter 2:3
3 and by covetousness deceitful words you they will make gain of; to whom the judgment of old not lingers, and the destruction of them not slumbers.
Jude 1:4
4 Privily entered for some men, those of old having been previously designated for this the judgment, impious ones, the of the God of us favor changing into licentiousness, and the holy sovereign and Lord of us Jesus Anointed denying.
Matthew 20:28
28 even as the son of the man not came to be served but to serve, and to give the life of him a ransom for many.
John 10:11
11 I am the shepherd the good; the shepherd the good the life of himself lays down in behalf of the sheep.
John 10:15
15 as knows me the Father, and I know the Father; and the life of me I lay down in behalf of the sheep.
John 10:17
17 Through this the Father me loves, because I lay down the life of me, that again I may receive her;
John 15:13
13 Greater of this love no one has, that any one the life of himself may lay down in behalf of the friends of himself.
Romans 5:6-8
6 Yet for an Anointed one, being of us without strength still, according to a season in behalf of impious ones he died.
7 Scarcely for in behalf of a just person any one will die; in behalf of though the good possibly some one even might dare to die;
8 recommends but the of himself love to us the God, because, still sinners being of us, Anointed one in behalf of us died.
Romans 8:34
34 Who he condemning? Anointed that having died, still more and also having been raised, who also is on right of the God, who and intercedes on behalf of us.
Romans 14:8-9
1 Corinthians 15:3
3 I delivered for to you among first things what also I received; that Anointed died on behalf of the sins of us, according to the writings;
2 Corinthians 5:15
15 having judged this, that if one on behalf of all died, then they all died; and on behalf of all he died, that the living no longer to themselves should live, but to him on behalf of them having died and having been raised up.
2 Corinthians 5:21
21 Him for not having known sin, on behalf of us sin was made, that we might become righteousness of God in him.
Ephesians 5:2
2 walk you in love, even as also the Anointed loved us, and delivered up himself on behalf of us an offering and a sacrifice, to the God for an odor of a sweet smell.
1 Thessalonians 4:13
13 Not we wish but you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those having fallen asleep, so that not you may grieve, as even the others those not having a hope.
1 Thessalonians 4:17
17 afterwards we the living ones those being left over at the same time with them shall be caught away in clouds for a meeting of the Lord into air; and so always with Lord shall we be.
1 Timothy 2:6
6 he having given himself a ransom in behalf of all; the testimony for seasons own,
Titus 2:14
14 who gave himself on behalf of us, so that he might redeem us from all lawlessness, and might purify for himself a people peculiar, zealous of good works.
1 Peter 2:24
24 who the sins of us himself carried up in the body of himself to the tree, that to the sins having died, to the righteousness we may live; of whom by the scars of him you were healed.
1 Peter 3:18
18 because even Anointed once concerning sins suffered, a just one on behalf of unjust ones, so that us he might lead to the God, being put to death indeed in flesh, being made alive but in spirit;
Romans 14:19
19 So then the things of the peace we should pursue, and the things of the building up of that for each other.
Romans 15:2
2 each one of us to the neighbor let please for the good to building up.
Romans 15:14
14 I have been persuaded but, brethren of me, and myself I concerning you, that also yourselves full you are of goodness, having been filled all of knowledge, being able also reach other to admonish.
1 Corinthians 10:23
23 All things it is lawful, but not all things are beneficial; all things it is lawful, but not all things builds up.
1 Corinthians 14:5
5 I wish and all you to speak with tongues, rather but that you may prophesy; greater for the one prophesying than the one speaking with tongues, unless if not he should interpret, so that the congregation edification may receive.
1 Corinthians 14:12
12 So also you, since zealots you are for spirits, for the building up of the congregation seek you that you may abound.
1 Corinthians 14:29
29 Prophets but two or three let speak, and the others discern;
2 Corinthians 12:19
19 Again do you think, that to you we apologize? In presence of the God, in Anointed, we speak. But all things, beloved ones, on behalf of the you build up.
Ephesians 4:12
12 for the complete qualification of the holy ones for a work of service, for a building up of the body of the Anointed;
Ephesians 4:16
16 from whom all the body, (being fitly joined together and being compacted by means of every joint of the supply according to inworking,) by a measure of one of each part the growth of the body makes, for a building up of itself in love.
Ephesians 4:29
29 Every word rotten out of the mouth of you not let go forth, but, if anything good for a building up of the use, that it may give benefit to those hearing;
1 Thessalonians 4:10
10 also for you do it to all the brethren those in whole the Macedonia. We exhort but you, brethren, to abound more;
1 Thessalonians 4:18
18 Therefore comfort you each other in the words these.
1 Timothy 1:4
4 nor to hold to fables and genealogies endless, which disputes occasion rather than an administration of God that by faith;
Hebrews 3:13
13 but do you exhort yourselves in each day, till of which the to-day it is called, so that not may be hardened from of you any one by a delusion of the sin.
Hebrews 10:25
25 not leaving off the assembling together of ourselves, as a custom with some, but exhorting; and by much more, by so much you see drawing near the day.
2 Peter 1:12
12 Therefore not I will neglect always you to remind concerning these things, although knowing, and being established in the present truth.
Jude 1:20
20 You but beloved ones, in the most holy of you faith building up yourselves, in spirit holy praying,
Matthew 9:37-38
Luke 10:1-2
1 After but these things appointed the Lord also others seventy, and sent them each two before face of himself into every city and place, where was about he to go.
2 He said then to them: The indeed harvest great, the but laborers few; implore therefore the lord of the harvest, that he would send out laborers into the harvest of himself.
Luke 10:7
7 In this and the house remain, eating and drinking the things with them; worthy for the laborer if the reward of himself is. Not go you from house to house.
John 4:38
38 I sent you to reap what you have labored; others labored, and you into the labor of them are entered.
Acts 20:28
28 Take heed therefore to yourselves and to all the flock, in which you the spirit the holy placed overseers, to feed the congregation of the Lord, which he purchased through the blood of the own.
Acts 20:35
35 All these I pointed out to you, that so laboring it is necessary to aid those being weak, to remember and the words of the Lord Jesus, that he said: Blessed it is more to give than to receive.
1 Corinthians 3:9
9 Of God for we are fellow-workers; of God a farm, of God a building you are.
1 Corinthians 12:28
28 And these indeed placed the God in the congregation first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that powers, then gracious gifts of cures, helpers, directors, kinds of tongues.
1 Corinthians 15:10
10 By favor but of God I am what I am; and the favor of him that to me, not vain was made, but more abundantly of them all I labored; not I but, but the favor of the God that with me.)
1 Corinthians 16:16
16 that also you should be submissive to the such like persons, and to every one to the one working with and laboring with.
1 Corinthians 16:18
18 they refreshed for the my spirit and that of you. Acknowledge therefore the such like persons.
2 Corinthians 5:9
9 wherefore also we are very ambitious, whether being at home, or being from home, well-pleasing to him to be.
2 Corinthians 6:1
1 Working together but also we exhort, not in vain the favor of the God to receive you;
2 Corinthians 11:23
23 servants of Anointed are they? (being a very fool I speak,) above I; in labors more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequently, in deaths often;
Galatians 4:11
11 I am afraid you, lest perhaps in vain I labored hard for you.
Philippians 2:16
16 a word of life holding out; for a boast to me in a day of Anointed, that not in vain I ran, nor in vain I toiled.
Philippians 2:19
19 I hope but in Lord Jesus, Timothy shortly to send to you, that also I may be animated having ascertained the things concerning you.
Colossians 1:29
29 for which also I labor, ardently contending according to the strong-working of him that working strongly in me in power.
1 Thessalonians 2:9
9 You remember for, brethren, the labor of us and the toil; night and day working for the not to burden any one of you, we published to you the glad tidings of the God.
1 Thessalonians 5:14
14 We exhort but you, brethren, admonish you the disorderly ones, encourage you the desponding ones, hold you on to the feeble ones, be you long-suffering towards all.
1 Timothy 5:1
1 An elderly man not thou mayest chide, but exhort as a father; younger men, as brothers;
1 Timothy 5:17-18
1 Timothy 5:20
20 The sinning ones, in presence of all reprove thou, so that also the remainder fear may have.
2 Timothy 2:6
6 The toiling husbandman it behooves first of the fruits to partake.
Titus 1:3
3 manifested but in seasons own the word of himself, by a proclamation which was entrusted with I according to an appointment of the saviour of us God,)
Titus 1:5
5 Of this cause I left thee in Crete so that the things wanting thou mightest rectify, and thou mightest constitute in each city elders, as I to thee have orders;
Titus 2:15
15 There speak thou and exhort thou and reprove thou with all strictness; no one of thee let disregard.
Hebrews 13:7
7 Remember you of those leading of you, who spoke to you the word of the God; of whom viewing attentively the result of the mode of life, imitate you the faith.
Hebrews 13:17
17 Be you obedient to those leading you, and he you subject; they for watch on behalf of the souls of you, as an account going to render; so that with joy this they may do, and not groanings; disastrous for to you this.
1 Peter 5:2-3
Revelation 1:20-2:1
20 the secret of the seven stars which thou sawest on the right of me, and the seven lampstands the golden. The seven stars, messengers of the seven congregations are; and the lampstands the seven, seven congregations are.
Revelation 2:3
3 and patient endurance thou hast, and thou hast suffered on account of the name of me, and not thou hast wearied.
Revelation 2:8
8 And by the messenger of the in Smyrna congregation do thou write: These things says the first and the last, who became dead, and lived;
Revelation 2:12
12 And by the messenger of the in Pergamos congregation do thou write: These things says the one having the broad sword that two-mouthed the sharp.
Revelation 2:18
18 And by the messenger of the in Thyatira congregation write: These things says the son of the God, the one having the eyes of himself as a flame of fire, and the feet of him like to fine white brass.
Revelation 3:1
1 And by the messenger of the in Sardis congregation write: These things says the one having the seven spirits of the God, and the seven stars. I know of thee the works, that a name thou hast that thou livest, and dead thou art.
Revelation 3:7
7 And by the messenger of the in Philadelphia congregation write: These things says the holy one, the true one, the one having the key of the David; the one opening, and no one shuts; and shuts, and no one opens.
Revelation 3:14
14 And by the messenger of the in Laodicea congregation write: These things says the Amen, the witness the faithful and true, the beginning of the creation of the God.
Matthew 10:40
40 He receiving you, me receives; and he me receiving, receives him sending me.
Mark 9:50
50 Good the salt; if but the salt without taste may become, with what it will you season? Have you in yourselves salt, and be you at peace with one another.
Luke 7:3-5
3 Having heard about the Jesus, he sent to him elders of the Jews, asking him, that coming he would save the slave of himself.
4 They and having come to the Jesus, they besought him earnestly, saying: That worthy he is, for whom thou wilt confer this;
5 he loves for the nation of us, and the synagogue he built for us.
John 13:34-35
John 15:17
17 These things I command you, that you may love each other.
Romans 4:17-19
17 even as it has been written: That a father of many nations I have placed thee;) in presence of whom he believed of God, of that making alive the dead ones, and calling the things not being as being.
18 Who contrary to hope in hope believed, in order that to have become him a father of many nations, (according to that having been spoken: Thus shall be the seed of thee;)
19 and not having grown weak in the faith, not he regarded the of himself body already having been deadened, an hundred years old thereabouts being, and the deadness of the womb of Sarah;
1 Corinthians 4:1-2
1 Corinthians 9:7-11
7 Who serves in war with his own wages any time? who plants a vineyard, and from of the fruit of it not eats? or who tends a flock, and from of the milk of the flock not eats?
8 Not according to man these things I speak? or not and the law these things says?
9 In for the Moses law it has been written: Not thou shalt muzzle an ox threshing. Not for the oxen cares the God?
10 or on account of us altogether he says? On account of us for it was written, because in hope it is right he plowing to plow; and he threshing, in hope of that to partake.
11 If we to you the spiritual things sowed, a great thing, if we of you the fleshly things shall reap?
2 Corinthians 13:11
11 Lastly, brethren, rejoice you, be you restored, be you comforted, the same think you, be you at peace; and the God of the love and peace shall be with you.
Galatians 4:14
14 and the temptation of me that in the flesh of me not you despised nor did you spit out; but as a messenger of God you received me, even as Anointed Jesus.
Galatians 5:22
22 The but fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, fidelity, meekness, self control;
Galatians 6:6
6 Let him communicate but the one being taught the world, to the one teaching, in all good things.
Ephesians 4:3
3 using diligence to keep the oneness of the spirit by the uniting bond of the peace.
Colossians 3:15
2 Timothy 2:22
22 The now youthful desires flee thou; pursue thou but righteousness, faith, love, peace with those calling on the Lord out of pure a heart.
Hebrews 12:14
14 Peace do you pursue with all, and the holiness, which without no one shall see the Lord.
James 3:18
18 Fruit and of righteousness in peace is sown by those making peace.
Matthew 12:20
20 a reed having been bruised not he shall break, and flax smoking not shall quench; till he bring forth to a victory the judgment.
Luke 22:32
32 I but prayed for thee, that not may fail the faith of thee. And thou when having been turned, strengthen the brethren of thee.
John 21:15-17
15 When therefore they had breakfasted, says to the Simon Peter the Jesus: Simon of Jona, lovest thou me more of these? He says to him: Yes, O lord, thou knowest, that I dearly love thee. He says to him: Feed the lambs of me.
16 He says to him again a second time: Simon of Jona, lovest thou me? He says to him: Yes, O lord, thou knowest, that I dearly love thee. He says to him: Tend thou the sheep of me.
17 He says to him the third: Simon of Jona, dearly lovest thou me? Was grieved the Peter, because he said to him the third, Dearly lovest me thou? and he said to him: O lord, thou all things knowest; thou knowest, that i dearly love thee. Says to him the Jesus: Feed the sheep of me.
Acts 20:27
27 not for I kept back of the not to declare to you all the will of the God.
Romans 12:1
1 I entreat therefore you, brethren, through the tender compassion of the God, to present the bodies of you a sacrifice living, holy, well-pleasing to the God, the rational religious service of you;
Romans 14:1
1 The but weak to the faith, take to yourselves, not for differences of reasoning.
Romans 15:1-3
1 Are bound and we the strong ones the infirmities of those without strength to bear, and not ourselves to please;
2 each one of us to the neighbor let please for the good to building up.
3 Also for the Anointed one not himself pleased, but, as it has been written: The reproaches of those reproaching thee, fell on me.
1 Corinthians 4:14
14 Not shaming you I write these things, but as children of me beloved I admonish.
1 Corinthians 13:4-5
Galatians 6:1-2
Ephesians 4:2
2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience; bearing with each other in love,
Ephesians 4:32-5:2
32 become you and towards each other kind ones, tender hearted ones, showing favor to others, even as also the God in Anointed showed favor to you.
Colossians 1:28
28 whom we announce, admonishing every man, and teaching, every man with all wisdom, so that we may present man perfect in Anointed;
Colossians 3:12-13
12 Be you clothed therefore, as chosen ones of God holy ones and beloved ones, bowels of mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, patient endurance;
13 (bearing with each other, and freely forgiving each other, if any one for some things should have a cause of complaint; as even the Anointed freely forgave you, so also you;)
1 Thessalonians 2:7-12
7 but we were gentle in midst of you. As would cherish a nursing-mother the of herself children,
8 so, being very desirous of you, we were well-pleased to have imparted to you not only the glad tidings of the God, but also the of yourselves lives, because beloved ones to us you have become.
9 You remember for, brethren, the labor of us and the toil; night and day working for the not to burden any one of you, we published to you the glad tidings of the God.
10 You witnesses and the God, how piously and justly and blamelessly with you the believers we were;
11 as also you know, how one each of you, as a father children of himself, exhorting you and consoling,
12 and testifying in order that to walk you worthily of the God, of the one calling you for the of himself kingdom and glory.
2 Thessalonians 3:6-7
2 Thessalonians 3:11-13
11 We hear for some are walking, among you out of order, nothing working, but being above work.
12 To the now such like we command and we exhort through the Lord of us Jesus Anointed, that with quietness working the of themselves bread they may eat.
13 You but, brethren, not should be remiss doing well.
1 Timothy 3:3
3 not a wine drinker, not a striker, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money;
1 Timothy 6:11
11 Thou but, O man of the God, these things flee; pursue thou and righteousness, piety, faith, love, patience, meekness;
2 Timothy 2:24-25
2 Timothy 4:2
2 publish thou the word, be thou urgent seasonably unseasonably, confute thou, rebuke thou, exhort thou with all long suffering and teaching.
Titus 1:6
6 if any one is irreproachable, of one wife a husband, children having believing, not under an accusation of profligacy, or of insubordination.
Titus 1:10
10 Are for many and unruly ones, foolish talkers and deceivers, especially those of circumcision,
Hebrews 5:2-3
Hebrews 12:12
12 Therefore the having been wearied hands and the having been enfeebled knees do you brace up;
Hebrews 13:3
3 Be you mindful of the prisoners, as if having been bound together; of those being ill-treated, as also yourselves being in body.
Matthew 5:39
39 I but say to you, not resist the evil; but whoever thee shall slap upon the right of thee cheek, turn to him also the other;
Matthew 5:44-45
Luke 6:35
35 But love you the enemies of you, and do you good and lend you nothing departing; and shall be the reward of you great, and you shall be sons of highest; for he kind is to the unthankful and evil.
Romans 12:9
9 The love, unfeigned detesting the evil, adhering to the good;
Romans 12:17-21
17 To no one evil in return for evil giving back; providing honorable things in presence of all men;
18 if able that from of you, with all men being at peace;
19 not yourself avenging, beloved ones; but give you a place to the wrath; it has been written for: To me vengeance; I will repay, says Lord.
20 If therefore may hunger the enemy of thee, do thou feed him; if he may thirst give drink to him. This for doing, coals of fire thou wilt pile on the head of him.
21 Not be overcome by the evil, but overcome by the good the evil.
1 Corinthians 6:7
7 Already indeed then certainly a fault to you it is, that law-suits you have with yourselves. Why not rather suffer injustice? why not rather be defrauded?
1 Corinthians 14:1
1 Pursue you the love; earnestly desire but the spirituals, rather but that you may prophesy.
1 Corinthians 16:10
10 If and should have come Timothy, see you, that without fear he may be to you; the for work of Lord he works as even I;
Galatians 6:10
10 So then, as opportunity we have, we should work the good to all, especially but to the family-members of the faith.
Ephesians 5:15
15 See you then, how accurately you walk; not as unwise ones, but as wise ones;
Ephesians 5:33
33 But also you the every one, each one the of himself wife thus let love as himself; the and wife so that she may reverence the husband.
1 Thessalonians 2:12
12 and testifying in order that to walk you worthily of the God, of the one calling you for the of himself kingdom and glory.
2 Timothy 2:24
24 a bondman but of lord not it behooves to quarrel, but gentle to be to all, fit to teach, enduring evil,
Titus 3:2
2 no one to speak evil of, not quarrelsome to be, gentle, all showing mildness to all men.
1 Peter 1:22
22 The lives of you having been purified in the obedience of the truth through spirit to brotherly kindness unfeigned, out of a pure heart each other love you intensely;
1 Peter 2:17
17 All do you honor; the brotherhood do you love; the God do you fear; the king do you honor.
1 Peter 2:22-23
1 Peter 3:9
9 not returning evil on account of evil, or reviling on account of of reviling; on the contrary but invoking blessings; knowing, that for this you were called, so that a blessing you may inherit.
1 Peter 3:11-13
11 let him turn away from evil, and let him do good; let him seek peace, and let him pursue her.
12 Because the eyes of Lord on just ones, and ears of him towards prayer of them; a face but of Lord against those doing evil.
13 And who the one will be injuring you if of the good imitators you become?
3 John 1:11
11 O beloved one, not do thou imitate the evil thing, but the good thing. The one doing good, of the God is; the one doing evil, not has seen the God.
Revelation 19:10
10 And I fell before the feet of him to worship him; and he says to me: See not; a fellow-bondservant of thee I am, and of the brethren of thee of those having the testimony of the Jesus; to the God do thou give worship. (The for testimony of the Jesus, is the spirit of the prophecy.)
Revelation 22:9
9 And he says to me: See not; a fellow-bondservant of thee I am, and of the brethren of thee of the prophets, and of those keeping the words of the scroll this; to the God give thou reverence.
Matthew 5:12
12 Rejoice ye and exult ye, for the reward of you great in the heavens; in this way for they persecuted the prophets those before you.
Luke 10:20
20 But in this not rejoice, that the spirits to you are subject; rejoice you but, that the names of you are written in the heavens.
Romans 12:12
12 in the hope rejoicing; in the affliction being patient; in the prayer constantly attending;
2 Corinthians 6:10
10 as being grieved, always but rejoicing; as poor, many but making rich; as nothing having; and all things possessing.
Philippians 4:4
4 Rejoice you in Lord always; again I say, rejoice you.
Luke 18:1
1 He spoke and also a parable to them, in order that ought always to pray, and not to be weary,
Ephesians 5:20
20 giving thanks at all times on behalf of all, in name the Lord of us Jesus Anointed, to the God and Father;
Philippians 4:6
6 nothing be you over-careful, but in everything by the prayer and by the supplication with thanksgiving the requests of you let be made known to the God;
Colossians 3:17
17 and every thing, whatever you may do, in word or in work, all in name of Lord Jesus, giving thanks to the God and Father through him.
1 Thessalonians 4:3
3 This for is will of the God, the sanctification of you; to abstain you from the fornication;
Hebrews 13:15
15 Through him therefore may we offer a sacrifice of praise continually to the God, this is, fruit of lips ascribing praise to the name of him.
1 Peter 2:15
15 (because thus it is the will of the God, well-doing to muzzle the of the unwise of men ignorance;)
1 Peter 4:2
2 in order that no longer of men to desire, but to will of God the remaining in flesh to live time.
1 John 2:17
17 And the world passes away, and the lust of it; the but one doing the will of the God, abides for the age.
Acts 7:51
51 O stiff-necked, and uncircumcised in the heart and the ears; you always the spirit the holy fight against, like the fathers of you also you.
1 Corinthians 14:30
30 if but to another may be revealed sitting by, the first let be silent.
Ephesians 4:30
30 and not grieve you the spirit the holy of the God, by which you were sealed for a day of redemption.
Ephesians 6:16
16 besides all having taken up the shield of the faith, by which you will be able all the darts of the evil one the having been kindled to quench;
1 Timothy 4:14
14 Not be thou neglectful of the in thee endowment, which was given to thee through prophecy, with laying on the hands of the eldership.
2 Timothy 1:6
6 Through which cause I remind thee to kindle up the free gift of the God, which is in thee through the putting on of the hands of me;
Acts 19:6
6 And having placed to them the Paul the hands, come the spirit the holy upon them, they spoke and with tongues and prophesied.
1 Corinthians 11:4
4 Every man praying or prophesying upon head having, disgraces the head of himself.
1 Corinthians 12:10
10 to another and inworkings of powers, to another and prophecy, to another and discernings of spirit, to another and kinds of tongues, to another and an interpretation of tongues.
1 Corinthians 13:2
2 And if I have prophecy, and I know the secrets all and all the knowledge, and id I have all the faith, so that mountains to remove, love but not have, nothing I am.
1 Corinthians 13:9
9 From parts for we know, and from parts we prophesy;
1 Corinthians 14:3-6
3 the but one prophesying, to men speaks edification and exhortation and consolation.
4 The one speaking with a tongue, himself build ups; the but one prophesying, a congregation builds up.
5 I wish and all you to speak with tongues, rather but that you may prophesy; greater for the one prophesying than the one speaking with tongues, unless if not he should interpret, so that the congregation edification may receive.
6 Not but, brethren, if I should come to you with tongues speaking, what you shall I profit, if not to you I shall speak either in a revelation, or in knowledge, or in a prophesy, or in teaching?
1 Corinthians 14:22-25
22 So that the tongues for a sign are, not to those believing, but to the unbelievers; the but prophesies not to the unbelieving, but to those believing.
23 If therefore should come together the congregation whole to the same, and all with tongues should speak, should come in and unlearned ones, or unbelievers, not will they say, that you are mad?
24 If but all should prophesy, should come in and any one unbelieving, or unlearned, he is convinced by all, he is examined by all,
25 the secrets of the heart of him manifest become; and so falling on a face he will worship the God, announcing, that the God really among you is.
1 Corinthians 14:29-32
1 Corinthians 14:37-39
Ephesians 4:11-12
1 Thessalonians 4:8
8 Therefore the one setting aside, not man sets aside, but the God, that also having given the spirit of himself the holy to us.
Revelation 11:3-11
3 And I will give to the two witnesses of me, and they shall prophesy days a thousand two hundred sixty, having been clothed with sackcloth.
4 These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands those in presence of the Lord of the earth standing.
5 And if any one them wills to injure, fire proceeds out of the mouth of them, and eats up the enemies of them; and if any one them wills to injure, thus it behooves him to be killed.
6 These have the heaven authority to shut, so that not rain it may rain the days of the prophesy of them; and authority they have over the waters, to turn them into blood, and to smite the earth, as often as if they should will, with every plague.
7 And when they may finish the testimony of themselves, the wild-beast that rising up out of the deep will make with them war, and will conquer them, and will kill them.
8 And the dead body of them into the street city of the great, which is called spiritually Sodom and Egypt, where also the Lord of them was crucified.
9 And they took of the peoples and of the tribes and of tongues and of nations the dead body of them days three and a half, and the dead bodies of them not will suffer, to be put into a tomb.
10 And those dwelling on the earth rejoice over them, and will be glad, and gifts will send to each other, because these the two prophets tormented those dwelling on the earth.
11 And after the three days and a half, breath of life from the God entered in them; and they stood on the feet of themselves, and fear great fell on those beholding them.
Matthew 7:15-20
15 Beware ye and of the false prophets, who come to you in clothing of sheep, within but they are wolves ravenous.
16 By the fruits of them you shall know them. What do they gather from thorns a cluster of grapes, or from thistles figs?
17 So every tree good fruits good bears; the but corrupt tree fruits evil bears.
18 Not is possible tree good fruits evil to bear, neither tree corrupt fruits good to bear.
19 Every tree, not bearing fruit good, is cut down and into a fire is cast.
20 Therefore by the fruits of them you shall know them.
Mark 7:14-15
Luke 12:57
57 Why and even of yourselves not judge you the right?
John 8:31
31 Said then the Jesus to those having believed him Jews: If you may abide in the word the my, truly disciples of me you are,
John 15:4
4 Abide you in me, and I in you. As the branch not is able fruit to bear of itself, if not it may abide in the vine; so neither you, if not in me you abide.
Acts 11:23
23 Who having come and having seen the favor of the God, rejoiced, and called on all, with the purpose of the heart to adhere to the Lord;
Acts 14:22
22 confirming the souls of the disciples, exhorting to abide in the faith, and that through many afflictions it behooves us to enter into the kingdom of the God.
Acts 17:11
11 These and were more candid of those in Thessalonica, who received the word with all promptness, that every day closely scrutinizing the writings, if was these things thus.
Romans 12:2
2 and not conform yourselves to take age this, but transform yourselves by the renovation of the mind of you, in order that to prove you, what the will of the God, the good and well-pleasing and perfect.
1 Corinthians 2:11
11 Who for knows of men the things of the men, if not the spirit of the man that in him? so also the things of the God no one knows, if not the spirit of the God.
1 Corinthians 2:14-15
1 Corinthians 14:28-29
1 Corinthians 15:58
58 Wherefore, brethren of me beloved, steadfast be you, unmovable, abounding in the work of the Lord at all times, knowing, that the labor of you not is vain in Lord.
Ephesians 5:10
10 searching out what is well-pleasing to the Lord;
Philippians 1:10
10 for the to examine you the things differing, so that you may be sincere ones and inoffensive ones for a day of Anointed,
Philippians 3:16
16 but to what we attained, by the same to walk in line.
Philippians 4:8
8 The remaining, brethren, what things is, true, what things honorable, what things just, what things pure, what things amiable, what things of good report, if any virtue and if any praise, these things attentively consider;
2 Thessalonians 2:15
15 So then, brethren, stand you, and hold you fast the traditions, which you were taught, whether through a word or by a letter of us.
2 Timothy 1:15
15 Thou knowest this, that turned away me all those in the Asia, of whom is Phygellus and Hermogenes.
2 Timothy 3:6
6 Out of these for are those entering into the houses and leading captive little women having been laden with sins, being led away by inordinate desires various,
2 Timothy 4:14
14 Alexander the coppersmith many to me evil things openly showed; may give to him the Lord according to the works of him;
Hebrews 10:23
23 and having been bathed the body in water pure, we should hold fast the confession of the hope without declining; (faithful for the one having promised;)
1 John 4:1
1 Beloved ones, not every spirit do you believe, but do you prove the spirits, if from of the God is; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
Revelation 2:2
2 I know the works of thee, and the toil of thee, and the patient endurance of thee, and that not thou art able to bear with bad ones; and thou hast tried those declaring themselves apostles to be, and not they are; and thou hast found them liars;
Revelation 2:25
25 but what you have, hold fast till of which I may have come.
Revelation 3:11
11 I come speedily; hold thou fast what thou hast, so that no one may have taken the crown of thee.
Matthew 17:26-27
Romans 12:17
17 To no one evil in return for evil giving back; providing honorable things in presence of all men;
1 Corinthians 8:13
13 Wherefore if food ensnares the brother of me, not I may eat flesh to the age, so that not the brother of me I may ensnare.
1 Corinthians 10:31-33
31 Whether then you eat, or you drink, or anything you do, all things for glory of God do you.
32 Not causes of stumbling become you both to Jews and Greeks and to the congregation of the God;
33 even as also I all things all men please, not seeking that of myself being profitable, but that of the many, that they may be saved.
2 Corinthians 6:3
3 No one in any thing giving offence, so that not may be blamed the service;
2 Corinthians 8:20-21
1 Thessalonians 4:12
12 so that you walk becomingly towards those outside, and of nothing need may have.
Jude 1:23
23 some but in fear do you save, out of the fire snatching; hating even the from the flesh having been spotted garment.
Luke 1:46
46 And said Mary: Magnifies the soul of me the Lord,
John 17:19
19 And in behalf of them I sanctify myself, so that also they may be sanctified in truth.
Acts 20:32
32 And now I commend you, brethren, to the God and to the word of the favor of him, to that being able to build up, and to give you an inheritance among those having been sanctified all.
Romans 15:5
5 The and God of the patience and of the consolation may give to you the same to be minded among each other, according to Anointed Jesus;
Romans 15:13
13 The and God of the hope to fill you all of joy and of peace in the believing, in order that to abound, you in the hope, in power of spirit holy.
Romans 15:33
33 The and God of the peace with all of you. So be it.
Romans 16:20
20 The and God of the peace will crush the adversary under the feet of you in a short time. The favor of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed with you.
1 Corinthians 1:2
2 to the congregation of the God to that being in Corinth, having been sanctified in Anointed Jesus, called saints with all those calling upon the name of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed in every place, of them both and of us;
1 Corinthians 1:8-9
1 Corinthians 14:33
33 not for is of confusion the God, but of peace. As in all the congregation of the saints,
2 Corinthians 5:19
19 Namely that God was in Anointed a world reconciling to himself, not reckoning to them the fruits of them, and having placed in us the world of the reconciliation.
Ephesians 5:26-27
Philippians 1:6
6 having been persuaded same this thing, that the one having begun in you a work good, will complete till a day of Jesus Anointed;
Philippians 2:15-16
15 that you may be blameless ones and harmless ones, children of God irreproachable in midst of a generation perverse and having been misguided; to which you appear as luminaries in world,
16 a word of life holding out; for a boast to me in a day of Anointed, that not in vain I ran, nor in vain I toiled.
Philippians 4:9
9 what things also you learned and you received, and you heard and you saw in me, these things perform you; and the God of the peace shall be with you.
Colossians 1:22
22 in the body of the flesh of himself by means of the death, to present you holy ones and blameless ones and irreproachable ones in presence of him;
1 Thessalonians 2:19
19 What for of us hope or joy or crown of boasting, or not also you, in presence of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed in the of him presence?
1 Thessalonians 3:13
13 in order that to be established of you the hearts blameless in holiness in presence of the God even a Father of us, at the coming of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed with all of the holy ones of himself.
Hebrews 2:11
11 He both for sanctifying and those being sanctified out of one all; for which cause not he is ashamed brethren them to call,
Hebrews 4:12
12 Living for the word of the God, and energetic, and more cutting beyond every sword two-mouthed, even cutting through to a division of life both and of breath, of joints both and of marrows, and able to judge of thoughts and of intentions of heart;
Hebrews 13:20
20 The now God of the peace, the one having led up out of dead ones the shepherd of the sheep the great by blood of a covenant age-lasting, the Lord of us Jesus,
1 Peter 1:2
2 according to foreknowledge of God a Father, in sanctification of spirit, for obedience and sprinkling of blood of Jesus Anointed; favor to you and peace may be multiplied.
1 Peter 5:10
10 The and God of all favor that one having called us into the age-lasting of himself glory by Anointed Jesus, a little having suffered, himself to complete you, he will confirm, he will strengthen, he will establish.
2 Peter 3:14
14 Therefore, beloved ones, these things looking for, do you diligently endeavor spotless and blameless by him to be found in peace,
Jude 1:1
1 Judas, of Jesus Anointed a bond-servant, a brother and of James, to those in God a Father sanctified one and of Jesus Anointed preserved ones called ones;
Jude 1:24
24 To the now one being powerful to guard you from stumbling, and to place in presence of the glory of himself blameless with exceeding joy,
Matthew 24:35
35 The heaven and the earth shall pass away; the but words of me not not may pass away.
John 1:17
17 For the law through Moses was given; the favor and the truth through Jesus Anointed came.
John 3:33
33 He receiving of him the testimony, has set his seal, that the God true is.
Romans 8:30
30 Whom and he before marked out, those also he called; and whom he called, those also he justified whom and he justified, those also he glorified.
Romans 9:24
24 whom even he called us, not only from Jews, but also from Gentiles.
1 Corinthians 1:9
9 Faithful the God, through whom you were called into fellowship of the son of him Jesus Anointed, the Lord of us.
1 Corinthians 10:13
13 A temptation you not has taken if not being belonging to man; faithful but the God, who not will permit you to be tempted above what you are able, but will make you with the temptation also the way out, that you may be able to bear up under.
Galatians 1:15
15 When but it pleased the God, that having set apart me from womb of mother of me, and having called through the favor of himself,
2 Thessalonians 2:14
14 into which he called you by means of the glad tidings of us, for obtaining glory of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed.
2 Thessalonians 3:3
3 Faithful but is the Lord, who will establish you and will guard from the evil one.
2 Timothy 1:9
9 of the one having saved us and having called with a calling holy, not according to the works of us, but according to own purpose and favor that having been given to us in Anointed Jesus before times age-lasting,
2 Timothy 2:13
13 if faithless, he faithful remains; to deny himself not he is able.
Titus 1:2
2 in hope of life age-lasting, which promised the not false God before times age-lasting,
Hebrews 6:17-18
17 In which more abundantly wishing the God to show to the heirs of the promise the unchangeableness of the purpose of himself, interposed with an oath,
18 so that by two transactions unalterable, in which impossible to deceive God, strong consolation we might have those having fled away to lay hold of the being placed before hope;
2 Peter 1:3
3 As all to us of the divine power of him the things in respect to life and piety having been granted, through the knowledge of the one having called us by means of glory and virtue;
Revelation 17:14
14 These with the lamb will make war; and the lamb will overcome them, because a Lord of lords he is and a king of kings; and those with him, called ones and chosen ones and faithful ones.
Romans 15:30
30 I entreat and you, brethren, by the Lord of us Jesus Anointed, and by the love of the spirit to strive together with me in the prayers on behalf of me to the God;
2 Corinthians 1:11
11 cooperating also you on behalf of us in the prayer, that from many faces the for us gift through many might be given thanks on behalf of us.
Ephesians 6:18-20
18 by means of every prayer and supplication praying in every season in spirit; and for it this watching with all perseverance and supplication for all of the holy ones,
19 and on behalf of me, that to me may be given a word in opening of the mouth of me, with boldness to make known the secret of the glad tidings,
20 on account of which I am on an embassy in a chain, that in it I may speak boldly, as it behooves me to speak.
Philippians 1:19
19 I know for, that this to me will result for deliverance through the of you, entreaty, and a supply of the spirit of Jesus Anointed,
Colossians 4:3
3 praying at the same time also for us, that the God may open to us a door for the word, to speak the secret of the Anointed, on account of which even I have been bound;
2 Thessalonians 3:1-3
1 The remainder, pray you, brethren, for of us, that the word of the Lord may run and may be glorified, as even among you,
2 and that we may be delivered from the out of place and evil men; not for of all the faith.
3 Faithful but is the Lord, who will establish you and will guard from the evil one.
Philemon 1:22
22 At the same time but also prepare thou for me a lodging; I hope for, that through the prayers of you I shall be imparted to you.
Hebrews 13:18-19
Romans 16:16
16 Salute you each other with a kiss holy. Salute you the congregations all of the Anointed.
1 Corinthians 16:20
20 Salute you the brethren all. Salute you each other with a kiss holy.
Matthew 26:63
63 The but Jesus was silent. And answering the high-priest said to him: I adjure thee by the God of the living, that to us thou tell, if thou art the Anointed, the son of the God.
Mark 5:7
7 and crying out with voice great, said: what to me and to thee, Jesus, O son of the God of the highest? I will adjure thee the God, not me thou mayest torment.
Acts 19:13
13 Took in hand and some from those going about Jews exorcists to name on those having the spirits the evil the name of the Lord Jesus, saying: I adjure you the Jesus, whom the Paul preaches.
Colossians 4:16
16 And when may have been read among you the letter, make you, that also in the Laodiceans congregation it may be read, and that from Laodicea that also you may read.
1 Thessalonians 2:11
11 as also you know, how one each of you, as a father children of himself, exhorting you and consoling,
2 Thessalonians 3:14
14 If but any one not hearkens to the word of us by means of the letter, him point you out; and not mix you together with him, so that he may be put to shame;
1 Timothy 1:3
3 As I entreated thee to remain in Ephesus, departing for Macedonia, that thou mayest charge some not other to teach,
1 Timothy 1:18
18 This the charge I commit to thee, child O Timothy, according to the preceding in respect to thee prophecies that thou mayest war by them the good warfare,
1 Timothy 5:7
7 And these things enjoin, so that unblamable ones they may be.
1 Timothy 5:21
21 I solemnly enjoin in presence of the God and Lord Jesus Anointed and of the chosen messengers, that these things thou mayst keep without prejudice nothing doing by partiality.
1 Timothy 6:13
13 I charge thee in presence of the God, of that making alive the things all, and Anointed Jesus, of that one testifying before Pontius Pilate the good confession,
1 Timothy 6:17
17 To those rich ones in the present age do thou charge not to be high-mined, nor to have confidence in wealth uncertain, but in the God the living, in that offering to us all things richly for enjoyment;
2 Timothy 4:1
1 I solemnly charge in presence of the God, and Jesus Anointed of that one being about to judge living ones and dead ones, and the appearing of himself and the kingdom of himself;
Hebrews 3:1
1 Whence, brethren holy, of a calling heavenly partakers do you attentively regard the apostle and high-priest of the profession of us, Jesus;
Romans 1:7
7 to all those who are in Rome beloved ones of God called saints; favor to you and peace from God Father of us, and Lord Jesus Anointed.
Romans 16:23
23 Salute you Gaius, the host of me and of the congregation whole. Salute you Erastus, the treasurer of the city, and Quartus the brother.
2 Thessalonians 3:18
18 the favor of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed with all of you. So be it.