Song of Songs 8:13 Cross References - Coverdale

13 Thou that dwellest in the gardens, O let me heare thy voyce, that my companyons maye herken to the same.

Judges 11:38

38 He sayde: Go thy waye. And he let her go two monethes. Then wente she with her playefeeres, and bewayled hir mayden heade vpon the mountaynes.

Judges 14:11

11 And whan they sawe him, they gaue him thirtie companyons to be with him.

Psalms 45:14

14 The kynges doughter is all glorious within, hir clothinge is of wrought golde.

Psalms 50:15

15 And call vpo me in the tyme of trouble, so wil I heare the, that thou shalt thanke me.

Song of Songs 1:7

7 Tell me (o thou whom my soule loueth) where thou fedest, where thou restest at the noone daye: lest I go wronge, and come vnto the flockes of thy companyons,

Song of Songs 2:13-14

13 The fyge tre bryngeth forth hir fyges, the vynes beare blossoms, and haue a good smell. O stode vp my loue, my beutyfull, and come 14 (my doue) out of the caues of the rockes, out of the holes of the wall: O let me se thy countenaunce and heare thy voyce, for swete is thy voyce and fayre is thy face.

Song of Songs 3:7-11

7 Beholde, aboute Salomos bedsteade there stonde LX. valeauut men of the mightie in Israel. 8 They holde swerdes euery one, & are experte in warre. Euery man hath his swerde vpo his thee, because of feare in the night. 9 Kynge Salomon hath made himself a bedsteade of the wodd of Libanus, 10 the pilers are of syluer, the coueringe of golde, ye seate of purple, ye grounde pleasauntly paued for the doughters of Ierusalem. 11 Go forth (o ye doughters of Sion) and beholde kynge Salomon in the crowne, wherwith his mother crowned him in the daye of his mariage, and in the daye of the gladnesse of his hert.

Song of Songs 4:16

16 Vp thou northwynde, come thou southwynde, and blowe vpo my garde, that the smell therof maye be caried on euery syde: Yee that my beloued maye come in to my garden, & eate of the frutes and apples that growe therin.

Song of Songs 5:9-16

9 Who is thy loue aboue other louers, O thou fayrest amonge wemen? Or, what can thy loue do, more then other louers, that thou chargest vs so straitly? 10 As for my loue, he is whyte and reade coloured, a synguler personne amonge many thousandes: 11 his heade is the most fyne golde, the lockes of his hayre are bu?shed, browne as the euenynge: 12 His eyes are as the eyes of doues by the water brokes, washen with mylck, and remaynynge in a plenteous place: 13 His chekes are like a garden bedd, where in the Apotecaryes plate all maner of swete thinges: His lippes droppe as the floures of the most pryncipall Myrre, 14 his hades are full of golde rynges and precious stones. His body is as the pure yuery, decte ouer with Saphyres: 15 His legges are as the pilers of Marbell, sett vpon sokettes of golde: His face is as Libanus, and as the bewty of the Cedre trees: 16 His throte is swete, yee he is alltogether louely. Soch one is my loue (o ye doughters of Ierusalem) soch one is my loue.

Song of Songs 6:2

2 My loue is gone downe in to his garden, vnto ye swete smellinge beddes, that he maye refresh himself in the garden, and gather floures.

Song of Songs 6:11

11 I wente downe in to the nutt garden, to se what grew by the brokes, to loke yf the vynyarde florished, and yf the pomgranates were shot forth.

Song of Songs 7:11-12

11 O come on my loue, let vs go forth in to the felde, and take oure lodginge in the vyllages. 12 In the mornynge wil we ryse by tymes, and go se the vynyarde: yf it be spronge forth, yf the grapes be growne, & yf the pomgranates be shott out. There wil I geue the my brestes:

Matthew 18:20

20 For where two or thre are gathered together i my name, there am I in the myddest amonge them.

Matthew 28:20

20 and teach them to kepe all thinges, what soeuer I haue commaunded you. And lo, I am with you euery daye vnto the ende of the worlde.

John 14:13-14

13 And what soeuer ye axe ye father in my name, that wyl I do, that the father maye be praysed in the sonne. 14 Yf ye axe eny thinge in my name, I wyl do it.

John 14:21-23

21 He that hath my comaundementes, and kepeth them, the same is he that loueth me: and he that loueth me, shalbe loued of my father: & I wyl loue him, and wyl shewe myne awne self vnto him. 22 Iudas sayde vnto hi: (not that Iscarioth) LORDE, What is the cause the, that thou wilt shewe thy self vnto vs, and not vnto the worlde? 23 Iesus answered, and sayde vnto him: He that loueth me, wyl kepe my worde, and my father wyl loue him: and we wyl come vnto him, and wyll make oure dwellynge with him.

John 15:7

7 Yf ye abyde in me, and my wordes abyde in you, ye shal axe what ye wyl, & it shal be done vnto you.

John 16:24

24 Hither to haue ye axed nothinge in my name. Axe, and ye shal receaue, yt youre ioye maye be perfecte.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.