9 And the kynges of the earth shal bewepe her and wayle ouer her, which haue committed fornicacion and lyued wantanly with her, when they shal se the smoke of her burnynge,
Revelation 18:9 Cross References - Coverdale
Genesis 19:28
28 and turned his face towarde Sodoma and Gomorra, and all ye londe of that countre, and loked. And beholde, there rose vp a smoke from ye countre, as it had bene ye smoke of a fornace.
Deuteronomy 29:23
23 that he hath brent vp all their londe with brymstone and salt, so yt it cannot be sowne, ner is frutefull, nether groweth there eny grasse therin, Like as Sodom, Gomor, Adama and Zeboim are ouerthrowne, which the LORDE ouerthrewe in his wrath and anger.
Psalms 58:10
10 The rightuous shal reioyse when he seyth the vengeaunce, and shal wash his fete in the bloude of the vngodly.
Isaiah 13:19
19 And Babilo (yt glory of kigdomes and bewtie of the Caldees honor) shalbe destroyed, eue as God destroyed Sodom & Gomorra.
Isaiah 30:33
33 For he hath prepared the fyre of payne from the begynnynge, yee euen for kynges also. This hath he made depe & wyde, ye norishinge therof is fyre and wodde innumerable, which the breath ofte LORDE kyndleth, as it were a match of brymstone.
Isaiah 34:9-10
Jeremiah 50:40
40 Like as God destroyed Sodom & Gomorre, with the cities that laye there aboute, saieth the LORDE: So shal noman dwell there also, nether shal eny ma haue there his habitacion.
Jeremiah 50:46
46 The noyse at ye wynnynge of Babilon shal moue the earth, & the crie shalbe herde amonge the Getiles.
Ezekiel 26:16-17
16 All kynges off the see shall come downe from their seates regall: they shal laye awaye their roabes, and put off their costly clothinge: Yee with tremblinge shal they be clothed, they shall syt vpo the grounde: they shal be afrayed at thy sodane fall, and be abasshed at the.
17 They shal mourne for the, and saye vnto the: O thou noble cite, yt hast bene so greatly occupyed off olde, thou that hast bene the strongest vpon the see wt thine inhabitours off whom all men stode in feare: How art thou now so vtterly destroyed?
Ezekiel 32:9-10
9 I wil trouble the hertes off many people, when I bringe thy destruccion amoge the Heithen and countrees, whom thou knowest not.
10 Yee I will make many people with their kynges so afrayed thorow ye, that their hayre shal stonde vp, whe I shake my swearde at their faces. Sodenly shal they be astonnyed, euery man in him self, at ye daye of thy fall.
Daniel 4:14
14 and cryed mightely, sayenge: Hew downe the tre, breake off his braunches, shake of his leaues, and scatre his frute abrode: that all the beestes maye get them awaye from vnder him, and the foules from his braunches.
Zechariah 11:2-3
2 Howle ye Fyrre trees, for the Cedre is falle, yee all ye proude are waisted awaye Howle (o ye oke trees of Baasan) for ye mightie stronge wod is cut downe.
3 Men maye heare the shepherdes mourne, for their glory is destroyed. Me maye heare the lyons whelpes roare, for the pryde off Iordane is waisted awaye.
Revelation 14:11
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth vp euermore. And they haue no rest daye ner nyght, which worshippe the beast and his ymage, and whosoeuer receaueth the prynt of his name.
Revelation 17:2
2 with whom the kynges of the earth haue commytted whordome, and the inhabiters of the earth are dronken with the wyne of her fornicacion.
Revelation 17:12-13
Revelation 18:3
3 for all nacios haue dronken of the wyne of the wrath of her whordome. And the kynges of the earth haue committed fornicacion with her, and her marchauntes are wexed ryche of the abundaunce of her pleasures.
Revelation 18:7
7 And as moche as she gloryfied her selfe and lyued wantanly, so moch poure ye in for her of punysshmet, and sorowe, for she sayeth in her herte: I syt beinge a quene, and am no wyddowe, and shall se no sorowe.
Revelation 18:18
18 and cryed, when they sawe the smoke of her burnynge, and sayde: what cite is like vnto this greate cite?
Revelation 18:20
20 Reioyce ouer her thou heaue, and ye holy Apostles, and prophetes: for God hath geuen youre iudgmet on her.
Revelation 19:3
3 And agayne they sayde: Alleluia. And smoke rose vp for euermore.