Revelation 18:5 Cross References - Coverdale

5 For her synnes are gone vp to heauen, and the LORDE hath remembred her wyckednes.

Genesis 18:20-21

20 And the LORDE sayde: There is a crie at Sodome and Gomorra, which is greate, & their synnes are exceadinge greuous: 21 therfore will I go downe & se, whether they haue done all together, acordinge to that crye, which is come before me, or not, that I maye knowe.

2 Chronicles 28:9

9 But eue there was there a prophet of ye LORDE, whose name was Obed, which wete out to mete ye hoost that came to Samaria, and sayde vnto them: Beholde, because the LORDE God of youre fathers is wroth at Iuda, therfore hath he geuen them ouer in to youre handes: but ye haue slayne them so abhominably, that it is come vnto heaue.

Ezra 9:6

6 and sayde: My God, I am ashamed, and darre not lifte vp mine eies vnto the my God: for oure wickednesses are growne ouer oure heade, & oure trespaces are waxen greate vnto ye heaue.

Jeremiah 51:9

9 We wolde haue made Babilon whole (saye they) but she is not recouered. Therfore wil we let her alone, & go euery ma in to his owne countre. For hir iudgmet is come in to heauen, & is gone vp to the cloudes.

Jonah 1:2

2 Aryse, and get the to Niniue that greate cite: and preach vnto them, how yt their wickednesse is come vp before me.

Revelation 16:19

19 And the greate cite was deuyded in to thre parties. And the cities of nacions fell. And greate Babilon came in remembraunce before God, to geue vnto hyr the cuppe of wyne of the fearcenes of his wrath.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.