21 And a mighty angell toke vp a greate stone lyke a mylstone, and cast it in to the see, sayenge: with suche violece shal that greate cite Babylon be cast, and shalbe founde no more.
Revelation 18:21 Cross References - Coverdale
Exodus 15:5
5 ye depe hath couered them: they fell to the grounde as a stone.
Nehemiah 9:11
11 And the reed See partedst thou in sunder before them, so that they wete thorow the myddes of the See drye shod: & their persecuters threwest thou in to the depe as a stone, in the mightie waters,
Job 20:8
8 He vanysheth as a dreame, so that he can nomore be founde, & passeth awaye as a vision in ye night.
Psalms 37:36
36 I myself haue sene the vngodly in greate power, & florishinge like a grene baye tre:
Jeremiah 51:63-64
63 and when thou hast redde out the boke, bynde a stone to it, and cast it in the myddest of Euphrates,
64 and saye: Euethus shal Babilon syncke, & be thrust downe with the burthen of trouble, that I will bringe vpon her: so that she shal neuer come vp agayne. Thus farre are ye preachinges of Ieremy.
Ezekiel 26:21
21 I wil make an ende off the, ad thou shalt be gone. Though thou be sought for, yet shalt thou not be founde for euermore, saieth ye LORDE God.
Daniel 11:19
19 Thus shal he turne agayne to his owne londe, stomble, & fall, and be nomore founde:
Revelation 5:2
2 And I sawe a stroge angell preachinge with a loude voyce: Who is worthy to open the boke, and to loose the seales therof?
Revelation 10:1
1 And I sawe another mightye angell come doune fro heauen, clothed with a cloude, and the rayne bowe vpon his heed. And his face as it were ye Sonne, and his fete as it were pyllars of fyre:
Revelation 12:8
8 and preuayled not, nether was their place founde eny more in heauen.
Revelation 16:20
20 And euery yle fled awaye, and the mountaynes were not founde.
Revelation 18:10
10 and shal stonde a farre of for feare of her punysshment, sayenge: Alas, Alas, that greate cite Babylon, that mighty cite: For at one houre is thy iudgment come.
Revelation 18:22
22 And the voyce of harpers, and musicions, and of pypers, and trompetters, shalbe herde no more in the: and no craftes man (of what soeuer craft he be) shalbe founde eny more in the: and the sounde of a myll shalbe herde no more in the:
Revelation 20:11
11 And I sawe a gret whyte seate, and him that sat on it, from whose face fled awaye both the earth and heauen, and their place was nomore founde.