6 and the seuen angelles came out of the temple, which had the seuen plages, clothed in pure and bryght lynne, and hauynge their brestes gyrded with golden gerdelles.
Revelation 15:6 Cross References - Coverdale
Exodus 28:5-8
5 They shal take therto golde, yalow silke, scarlet, purple, and whyte sylke.
6 The ouerbody cote shal they make of golde, yalow sylke, scarlet, purple, & whyte twyned sylke of broderd worke,
7 that it maye be festened together vpon both the sydes by ye edges therof.
8 And his gyrdell vpo it shall be of ye same wormashippe & stuff, euen of golde yalowe sylke, scarlet, purple, & whyte twyned sylke.
Ezekiel 44:17-18
17 Now whe they go in at the dores of the ynnermer courte, they shal put on lynnynge clothes, so that no wollyne come vpon them: whyle they do seruyce vnder the dores of ye ynnermer courte, and within.
18 They shal haue fayre lynnynge bonettes vpon their heades, and lynnynge breches vpon their loynes, which in their laboure they shal not put aboute them:
Luke 24:4
4 And it happened as they were amased therat, beholde, there stode by them two men in shyninge garmentes.
Revelation 1:13
13 and in the myddes of the candelstyckes, one like vnto the sonne of man clothed with a lynnin garmet downe to the ground, and gyrd aboute the brest with a golden gyrdle.
Revelation 14:15
15 And another angell came out of the temple, cryenge with a loude voyce to him that sat on the cloude: Thruste in thy sycle and reepe: for the tyme is come to reepe, for the corne of the earth is rype.
Revelation 15:1
1 And I sawe another signe in heuen grett & mervellous .vii. angells havinge the seven laste plages, for in the is fulfylled the wrath of god.