1 Let God aryse, so shal his enemies be scatered, and they that hate him, shal fle before him.
Psalms 68:1 Cross References - Coverdale
Exodus 20:5
5 Worshipe them not, and serue them not: for I the LORDE thy God am a gelouse God, vysitinge ye synne of the fathers vpon the children, vnto ye thirde and fourth generacion, of them that hate me:
Numbers 10:35
35 And whan the Arke wente forth, Moses sayde: Aryse LORDE, let thine enemies be scatered, and let them that hate the, flye before the.
Deuteronomy 7:10
10 And rewardeth them that hate him, before his face, that he maye destroye them: and wyll not be longe in tarienge to rewarde them (before his face) that hate him.
2 Chronicles 6:41
41 Aryse now O LORDE God vnto thy restinge place, thou and the Arke of thy strength. Let thy prestes O LORDE God be clothed with health, and let thy sayentes reioyse ouer this good.
Psalms 7:6-7
Psalms 21:8
8 Let all thine enemies fele thy honde, let thy right honde fynde out all the yt hate the.
Psalms 44:26
26 Arise o LORDE, helpe vs, and delyuer vs for thy mercie sake.
Psalms 59:11
11 Slaye the not, lest my people forget it: but scatre the abrode with thy power & put the downe, o LORDE oure defence.
Psalms 68:14
14 When the Allmightie setteth kynges vpo the earth, it shalbe cleare euen in the darcknesse.
Psalms 68:30
30 Reproue the beestes amonge the redes, the heape of bulles with the calues: those that dryue for money. Oh scatre the people that delyte in batayle.
Psalms 78:65-68
65 Their prestes were slayne with the swerde, and there were no wyddowes to make lamentacion.
66 So the LORDE awaked as one out of slepe, and like a giaunte refreshed with wyne.
67 He smote his enemies in ye hynder partes, and put them to a perpetuall shame.
68 He refused the tabernacle of Ioseph, and chose not the trybe of Ephraim.
Psalms 89:10
10 Thou rulest the pryde of the see, thou stillest the wawes therof, whe they arise.
Psalms 132:8-9
Isaiah 33:3
3 Graute that the people maye fle at the anger of thy voyce, & that at thy vpstondinge the Gentiles maye be scatred abrode,
Isaiah 41:15-16
15 Beholde, I wil make the a treadinge cart & a new flale, yt thou mayest throsshe & grynde the mountaynes, and bringe the hilles to poulder.
16 Thou shalt fanne them, & the wynde shal carie them awaye, & the whyrlwynde shal scatre the. But thou shalt reioyse in the LORDE, and shalt delite in praysinge the holyone of Israel.
Isaiah 42:13-14
13 The LORDE shal come forth as a gyaunte, and take a stomacke to him like a fresh man of warre. He shal roare and crie, and ouercome his enemies.
14 I haue longe holden my peace (saieth the LORDE) shulde I therfore be still, and kepe sylence for euer? I will crie like a trauelinge woman, and once wil I destroye, and deuoure.
Isaiah 51:9-10
9 Wake vp, wake vp, & be stronge: O thou arme of the LORDE: wake vp, lyke as in tymes past, euer and sence the worlde beganne.
10 Art not thou he, that hast wounded that proude lucifer, and hewen the dragon in peces? Art not thou euen he, which hast dried vp the depe of the see, which hast made playne the see grounde, that the delyuered might go thorow?
Ezekiel 5:2
2 And burne the thirde parte therof in the fyre in the myddest off the cite, and cut the other thirde parte in peces with a knyfe. As for the thirde parte that remayneth, cast it in the wynde, and then shewe the bare knyfe.
Ezekiel 12:14-15
Daniel 2:35
35 then was the yron, the earth, the copper, the syluer and golde broken altogether in peces: and became like the chaffe off corne, that the wynde bloweth awaye from ye somer floores, that they ca nomore be foude. But the stone that smote the ymage, became a greate mountayne, which fulfylleth the whole earth:
John 14:23-24
23 Iesus answered, and sayde vnto him: He that loueth me, wyl kepe my worde, and my father wyl loue him: and we wyl come vnto him, and wyll make oure dwellynge with him.
24 But he that loueth me not, kepeth not my sayenges. And the worde that ye heare, is not myne, but the fathers which hath sent me.