4 The paynes of hell came aboute me, the snares of death toke holde vpo me.
Psalms 18:4 Cross References - Coverdale
2 Samuel 22:5-6
Psalms 22:12-13
Psalms 22:16
16 For dogges are come aboute me, the coucell of ye wicked hath layed sege agaynst me.
Psalms 116:3
3 The snares of death copased me rounde aboute, the paynes of hell gat holde vpon me,
Psalms 124:4
4 The depe waters of the proude had gone eue vnto oure soule.
Isaiah 13:8
8 they shal stonde in feare, carefulnesse and sorowe shal come vpo them, and they shal haue payne, as a woman that traueleth with childe. One shall euer be aba?shed of another, & their faces shal burne, like ye flame.
Isaiah 53:3-4
3 He shalbe the most symple & despised of all, which yet hath good experience of sorowes & infirmities. We shal reken him so symple & so vyle, that we shal hyde oure faces fro him.
4 Howbeit (of a treuth) he only taketh awaye oure infirmite, & beareth oure payne: Yet we shal iudge him, as though he were plaged and cast downe of God:
Jonah 2:2-7
2 and sayed: In my trouble I called vnto ye LORDE, and he herde me: out off the bely off hell I cried, and thou herdest my voyce.
3 Thou haddest cast me downe depe in ye middest off the see, and the floude compased me aboute: yee all thy wawes and rowles of water went ouer me,
4 I thought that I had bene cast awaye out of thy sight: but I wil yet agayne loke towarde thy holy temple.
5 The waters compased me, euen to the very soule: the depe laye aboute me, and the wedes were wrapte aboute myne heade.
6 I wente downe to the botome of the hilles, & was barred in with earth for euer. But thou (o LORDE my God) hast brought vp my lyfe agayne out of corrupcion.
7 When my soule faynted within me, I thought vpon the LORDE: and my prayer came in vnto the, euen in to thy holy temple.
Matthew 26:38-39
Matthew 26:47
47 Whyle he yet spake, lo, Iudas one of the twolue came, and with him a greate multitude with swerdes and staues, sent fro the hye prestes and elders of the people.
Matthew 26:55
55 In the same houre sayde Iesus vnto the multitude: Ye are come out as it were to a murthurer with swerdes and staues for to take me. I sat daylie teachinge in the temple amonge you, and ye toke me not.
Matthew 27:24-25
24 So whan Pilate sawe, that he coude not helpe, but that there was a greater vproure, he toke water, and wasshed his handes before the people, and sayde: I am vngiltie of ye bloude of this righteous man. Se ye therto.
25 Then answered all the people, and sayde: His bloude come vpon vs, and vpon oure children.
Matthew 27:39-44
39 They that wente by, reuyled him, and wagged their heades
40 and sayde: Thou that breakest downe the teple of God, and buyldest it in thre dayes, helpe thyself. Yf thou be the sonne of God, come downe from the crosse.
41 The hye prestes also in like maner with the scrybes & elders, laughed him to scorne, and sayde:
42 he hath helped other, and can not helpe himself: Yf he be the kynge of Israel, let him come downe now from the crosse, and we wil beleue him
43 He trusted in God, let him delyuer him now, yf he wil haue him. For he hath sayde: I am the sonne of God.
44 The murtherers also that were crucified with him, cast the same in his tethe.
Mark 14:33-34
Acts 21:30
30 And all the cite was moued, and the people ranne together. And they toke Paul, and drue him out off the temple, and forth with the dores were shut to.
2 Corinthians 1:9
9 and had concluded in oure selues yt we must nedes dye. But this was done, because we shulde not put oure trust in oure selues, but in God, which rayseth vp the deed to life agayne: