Psalms 17:3 Cross References - Coverdale

3 Thou hast proued & visited myne herte in the night season: thou hast tried me in the fyre, & hast founde no wickednes in me: for I vtterly purposed, that my mouth shulde not offende.

1 Samuel 24:10

10 Beholde, thine eyes se this daye that the LORDE gaue the into my hande in the caue, and I was counceled to slaye the: Neuertheles thou wast fauoured, for I sayde: I wil not laye my hande vpon my lorde, for he is the LORDES anoynted.

1 Samuel 24:12

12 The LORDE shal be iudge betwene me and the, and auenge me on the, but my hade shal not be vpon the,

1 Samuel 26:11

11 the LORDE let it be farre fro me, that I shulde laye my hande on the LORDES anoynted. Take ye speare now therfore at his heade, & the cuppe of water, & let vs go.

1 Samuel 26:23

23 But the LORDE shal rewarde euery one acordinge to his righteousnes and faith, for ye LORDE delyuered ye this daye in to my hande: neuertheles I wolde not laie my hande vpo the LORDES anoynted.

Job 23:10

10 But as for my waye, he knoweth it: & trieth me as ye golde in ye fyre.

Job 24:14

14 Tymely in the mornynge do they aryse, to murthur the symple and poore, & in the night they go a stealinge.

Psalms 7:4

4 Yff I haue rewarded euell vnto the yt dealt frendly wt me or hurte the yt wt out eny cause are myne enemies:

Psalms 11:5

5 The LORDE seith both the rightuous and vngodly, but who so deliteth in wickednes, him his soule abhorreth.

Psalms 16:7

7 The lott is fallen vnto me in a fayre grounde, yee I haue a goodly heretage.

Psalms 26:2

2 Examen me O LORDE, and proue me: trie out my reynes and my hert.

Psalms 39:1

1 I sayde: I wil kepe my waies, that I offended not in my tonge.

Psalms 44:17-21

17 For the voyce of the slaunderer & blasphemer, for the enemie and auenger. 18 All this is come vpon vs, & yet haue we not forgotten the, ner behaued oure selues vnfaithfully in thy couenaunt. 19 Oure hert is not turned backe, nether oure steppes gone out of thy waye. 20 That thou smytest vs so in the place of the serpet, & couerest vs with ye shadowe of death. 21 Yf we had forgotten the name of oure God, & holde vp oure hondes to eny straunge God: Shulde not God fynde it out? for he knoweth the very secretes of the hert.

Psalms 66:10

10 Thou hast brought vs in to captiuyte, and layed trouble vpon or loynes.

Psalms 119:106

106 I haue sworne & am sted fastly purposed, to kepe the iudgmetes of thy rightuousnesse.

Psalms 139:1

1 O Lorde, thou searchest me out, and knowest me. Thou knowest my downe syttinge & my vprisynge, thou vnderstodest my thoughtes a farre of.

Proverbs 13:3

3 He that kepeth his mouth, kepeth his life: but who so speaketh vnaduysed, fyndeth harme.

Jeremiah 50:20

20 In those dayes and at the same tyme (saieth the LORDE) yf the offence of Israel be sought for, there shal none be founde: Yf men enquere for the synne of Iuda, there shal be none: for I wil be mercifull vnto them, whom I suffre to remayne ouer.

Hosea 7:6

6 They with the ymaginacion of their herte are like an oue, their slepe is all ye night like the slepe of a baker, in the mornynge is he as hote as the flame of fyre:

Micah 2:1

1 Wo vnto them, that ymagyn to do harme, and deuyse vngraciousnesse vpon their beddes, to perfourme it in ye cleare daye: for their power is agaynst God.

Zechariah 13:9

9 And the same thirde parte wil I brynge thorow the fyre, and will clense them, as the syluer is clensed: Yee and trye them, like as golde is tryed. Then shall they call vpon my name, and I wil heare them: I wil saye: it is my people. And they shal saye: LORDE, my God.

Malachi 3:2

2 But who maye abyde the daye of his commynge? Who shalbe able to endure, when he appeareth? For he is like a goldsmythes fyre, ad like wasshers sope.

Acts 11:23

23 Which whan he was come thither, & sawe the grace of God, he was glad, and exorted them all, that with purpose of hert they wolde contynue in the LORDE.

Acts 16:9

9 and there appeared a vision vnto Paul by night, that there was a man of Macedonia which stode and prayed him, and sayde: Come downe to Macedonia, and helpe vs.

Acts 18:9-10

9 The LORDE spake vnto Paul by a vision in ye nighte: Be not afrayed, but speake, and holde not thy peace, 10 for I am with the: and no man shal inuade the that shal hurte the, for I haue moch people in this cite.

1 Corinthians 4:4

4 I knowe noughte by my selfe, yet am I not therby iustified. It is the LORDE that iudgeth me.

2 Corinthians 1:12

12 For oure reioysinge is this, euen the testimony of oure conscience, that in synglenes & godly purenesse, not in fleshlye wyssdome, but in the grace of God, we haue had oure conuersacion in the worlde, but most of all with you.

James 3:2

2 for in many thinges we synne all. Yf a man synne not in worde, the same is a parfecte man, & able to tame all the body.

1 Peter 1:7

7 that youre faith once tryed (beynge moch more precious then the corruptible golde that is tryed thorow the fyre) might be founde vnto laude, glory and honoure at the appearynge of Iesus Christ:

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.