1 Prayse the LORDE (o my soule) & all that is within me prayse his holy name.
2 Prayse the LORDE o my soule, & forget not all his benefites.
3 Which forgeueth all thy synnes, and healeth all thy infirmities.
4 Which saueth thy life from destruccion, and crowneth the with mercy & louynge kyndnesse.
5 Which satisfieth thy desyre with good thinges, makynge the yonge and lusty as an Aegle.
6 The LORDE executeth rightuousnesse and iudgment, for all them yt suffre wronge.
7 He shewed his wayes vnto Moses, and his workes vnto the children of Israel.
8 The LORDE is full of compassion and mercy, longe sufferinge, and of greate goodnesse.
9 He wil not allwaye be chydinge, nether wil he kepe his anger for euer.
10 He hath not dealt with vs after oure synnes, ner rewarded vs acordinge to oure wickednesses.
11 For loke how hye the heaue is in comparison of the earth, so greate is his mercy also towarde them that feare him.
12 Loke how wyde the east is from the west, so farre hath he set oure synnes from vs.
13 Yee like as a father pitieth his owne children, euen so is the LORDE mercifull vnto the that feare him.
14 For he knoweth wherof we be made, he remembreth that we are but dust.
15 That a man in his tyme is but as is grasse, & florisheth as a floure of the felde.
16 For as soone as the wynde goeth ouer it, it gone, and the place therof knoweth it nomore.
17 But the mercifull goodnesse of ye LORDE endureth for euer and euer, vpon them yt feare him, and his rightuousnesse vpon their childers children.
18 Soch as kepe his couenaunt, and thinke vpon his commaundementes to do them.
19 The LORDE hath prepared his seate in heaue, and his kyngdome ruleth ouer all.
20 O prayse the LORDE ye angels of his, ye that be mightie instregth, fulfillinge his commaundement, that me maye heare the voyce of his wordes.
21 O prayse the LORDE all ye his hoostes, ye seruauntes of his, that do his pleasure.
22 O speake good of the LORDE all ye workes of his, in euery place of his dominion: prayse thou the LORDE, o my soule.
Psalms 103 Cross References - Coverdale
Genesis 3:19
19 In the sweate of thy face shalt thou eate thy bred, tyll thou be turned agayne vnto earth, whece thou art take: for earth thou art, and vnto earth shalt thou be turned agayne.
Genesis 5:24
24 And for so moch as he lyued a godly life, God toke him awaye, & he was nomore sene.
Genesis 17:9-10
Genesis 32:2
2 And whan he sawe them, he sayde: It is Gods hoost, & called the same place Mahanaim.
Genesis 48:16
16 the angell which hath delyuered me fro all euell, blesse these laddes, yt they maye be called after my name, & after ye name of my fathers Abraha & Isaac, yt they maye growe & multiplye vpon earth.
Exodus 15:26
26 and sayde: Yf thou wylt herken vnto the voyce of ye LORDE yi God, & do that which is right in his sighte, and geue eare vnto his commaundementes, & kepe all his statutes, then wyl I laye vpon ye none of the sicknesses, that I layed vpon Egipte, for I am the LORDE thy surgione.
Exodus 19:5
5 Yf ye wyll harken now vnto my voyce, and kepe my couenaunt, ye shalbe myne owne before all people: for the whole earth is myne:
Exodus 19:8
8 And all the people answered together, and sayde: All that the LORDE hath sayde, wyll we do. And Moses tolde the wordes of the people vnto the LORDE agayne.
Exodus 19:20
20 Now whan the LORDE was come downe vpon mount Sinai, euen vpon the toppe of it, he called Moses vp vnto ye toppe of the mount. And Moses wente vp.
Exodus 20:6
6 And do mercye vpo many thousandes, that loue me, and kepe my commaundementes.
Exodus 20:21
21 And the people stode afarre of. But Moses gat him in to the darcke cloude, where in God was.
Exodus 24:2-4
2 But let Moses onely come nye vnto the LORDE, and let not them come nye, and let not the people also come vp with him.
3 Moses came and tolde the people all the wordes of the LORDE, & all the lawes. Then answered all the people with one voyce, and sayde: All ye wordes that the LORDE hath sayde, wyl we do.
4 Then wrote Moses all the wordes of ye LORDE, & gat him vp by tymes in the mornynge, & buylded an altare vnder ye mount with twolue pilers, acordinge to the twolue trybes of Israel:
Exodus 24:8
8 Moses toke the bloude, & sprenkled it vpon the people, & sayde: Beholde, this is ye bloude of the couenaunt that the LORDE maketh wt you vpon all these wordes.
Exodus 33:13
13 Let me knowe thy waye therfore, wherby I maye be certified, yt I fynde grace in thy sight: And consydre yet, that this people is thy people.
Exodus 34:6-7
6 And whan ye LORDE passed by before his face, he cryed: LORDE LORDE, God, mercifull & gracious, & longe sufferinge, and of greate mercy and trueth,
7 thou that kepest mercy in stoare for thousandes, and forgeuest wickednes, trespace and synne (before whom there is no man innocent) thou that visitest the wickednesse of the fathers vpon ye children and childers children, vnto the thirde and fourth generacion.
Exodus 34:7-7
7 thou that kepest mercy in stoare for thousandes, and forgeuest wickednes, trespace and synne (before whom there is no man innocent) thou that visitest the wickednesse of the fathers vpon ye children and childers children, vnto the thirde and fourth generacion.
Numbers 11:12
12 Haue I the coceaued all this people, or begotten them, that thou shuldest saye vnto me: Cary them in thine armes (as a nurse beareth a childe) vnto the londe, that thou hast sworne vnto their fathers?
Numbers 12:7
7 But not so wt my seruaunt Moses, which is faithfull in all my house.
Numbers 12:13
13 But Moses cried vnto the LORDE, & sayde: Oh God, heale her.
Numbers 14:18
18 The LORDE is of longe sufferaunce and of greate mercy, and forgeueth synne and trespace, and leaueth no man innocent, & vysiteth the my?dede of the fathers vpon the children in to the thirde and fourth generacion.
Numbers 21:7-9
7 The came they vnto Moses, and sayde: We haue synned, because we haue spoken agaynst the LORDE and agaynst the. Praye thou vnto the LORDE, that he take awaye the serpentes from vs. And Moses prayed for the people.
8 Then sayde the LORDE vnto Moses: Make the a brasen serpente, and set it vp for a token. Who so euer is bytten, and loketh vpon it, shal lyue.
9 Then made Moses a serpent of brasse, and set it vp for a token: and whan a serpent had bytten eny man, he behelde the brasen serpente, and recouered.
Deuteronomy 3:5
5 All these cities were stroge, with hye walles, gates, and barres, besyde many other vnwalled townes.
Deuteronomy 4:23
23 Take hede therfore vnto youre selues, that ye forget not the conuenaunt of the LORDE youre God, and that ye make no ymages of eny maner of fashion as the LORDE thy God hath commaunded.
Deuteronomy 5:10
10 & shewe mercye vpon many thousandes yt loue me, and kepe my commaundementes.
Deuteronomy 6:6-9
6 And these wordes, which I commaude the this daie, shalt thou take to hert,
7 & shalt whet them vpon yi children, and shalt talke of them, wha thou syttest in thyne house, & whan thou walkest by the waie: whan thou lyest downe, & wha thou rysest vp.
8 And thou shalt bynde them for a signe vpon thine hande, and they shall be a token of remebraunce before thine eyes,
9 and thou shalt wryte them vpon the postes of thine house, and vpon thy gates.
Deuteronomy 6:12
12 then bewarre that thou forget not the LORDE, which brought the out of the londe of Egipte, fro the house of bondage:
Deuteronomy 7:9
9 Thou shalt vnderstonde now therfore, that the LORDE thy God is a mightie and true God, which kepeth couenaunt and mercy vnto them that loue him, and kepe his comaundementes, euen thorow out a thousande generacions:
Deuteronomy 8:2-4
2 and thynke vpon all ye waie thorow the which the LORDE thy God hath led the this fortye yeares in the wyldernesse, that he mighte chasten the, and proue the, to wete whath were in thyne herte, whether thou woldest kepe his comaundemetes or no.
3 He chastened the, and let the hunger, and fed the with Manna (which thou and thy fathers knewe not) to make the knowe, that man lyueth not by bred onely, but by all that proceadeth out of the mouth of the LORDE.
4 Thy clothes are not waxed olde vpon the, and thy fete are not swolle this fortye yeare.
Deuteronomy 8:10-14
10 That wha thou hast eaten and art fylled, thou mayest praise the LORDE thy God, for that good londe, which he hath geuen the.
11 Bewarre now therfore, that thou forget not the LORDE thy God, that thou woldest not kepe his commaundementes, and his ordinaunces, and lawes, which I commaunde the this daye:
12 that (whan thou hast eaten & art fylled, and hast buylded goodly houses, & dwellest therin,
13 and whan thy beestes and shepe, and syluer, and golde, and all yt thou hast, increaseth)
14 thine hert ryse not then, and thou forget the LORDE thy God (which brought the out of the londe of Egipte, fro ye house of bondage,
Deuteronomy 10:15
15 Yeth hath he had a pleasure vnto yi fathers, to loue the: and hath chosen their sede after the, namely you, aboue all nacions, as it is come to passe this daye.
Deuteronomy 24:14-15
14 Thou shalt not withdrawe the hyre of ye nedye and poore amonge thy brethren, or straunger that is in thy londe,
15 or within thy gates, but shalt geue him his hyre the same daye, that the Sonne go not downe theron, for so moch as he is nedye, and his life susteyned therwith: that he call not vpon the LORDE agaynst the, and it be synne vnto the.
Deuteronomy 32:6
6 Thankest thou the LORDE yi God so, thou foolish and vnwyse people? Is not he thy father and thy LORDE? Hath he not made the, and prepared the?
Deuteronomy 32:18
18 Thy rocke that begat ye, hast thou despysed: and hast forgotten God that made the.
Deuteronomy 34:10
10 And there arose no prophet more in Israel, like vnto Moses, whom the LORDE knewe face to face
Joshua 5:14
14 He sayde: No, but I am the prynce of the LORDES hoost, and now am I come. Then fell Iosua downe to the earth vpon his face, & worshipped him, and sayde vnto him: What sayeth my LORDE vnto his seruaunt?
2 Samuel 12:13
13 Then sayde Dauid vnto Nathan I haue synned vnto the LORDE. Nathan sayde vnto Dauid: So hath the LORDE also taken awaye thy synne, thou shalt not dye.
1 Kings 22:19
19 He sayde: Heare now therfore the worde of the LORDE: I sawe the LORDE syt vpon his seate, and all the hoost of heauen stodinge by him at his righte hande & at his lefte.
2 Kings 19:35
35 And in the same nighte wente the angell of the LORDE, and smote in the hoost of the Assyrians, an hundreth and fyue and foure score thousande men. And whan they gatt them vp in the mornynge, beholde, all laye full of deed coarses.
2 Chronicles 18:18
18 And he sayde: Therfore heare ye the worde of the LORDE: I sawe the LORDE syt vpon his seate, and all the hoost of heauen stondinge at his righte hande & at his lefte.
2 Chronicles 32:25
25 But Ezechias recopensed not acordinde as was geuen vnto him, for his hert was lifted vp: therfore came the wrath vpon him, and vpon Iuda and Ierusalem.
2 Chronicles 34:31
31 And ye kynge stode in his place, and made a couenaunt before the LORDE, that they shulde walke after the LORDE, to kepe his comaundementes, his testimonies, and his statutes with all their hert and with all their soule, to do accordinge vnto all the wordes of the couenaunt that are wrytten in this boke.
Ezra 9:13
13 And after all this that is come vpon vs (because of oure euell dedes and greate trespace) thou oure God hast spared oure wickednesses, and hast geuen vs a delyueraunce as it is come to passe.
Nehemiah 9:6
6 LORDE, thou art alone, thou hast made heauen, and the heauen of all heauens, with all their hoost, the earth and all that therin is, the See and all that is therin: thou geuest life vnto all, and ye hoost of heauen bowe themselues vnto the.
Nehemiah 9:14
14 and declared vnto them thy holy Sabbath, and commaunded them preceptes, ordinaunces, and lawes, by Moses thy seruaunt:
Nehemiah 9:17
17 and refused to heare, and were not myndefull of the wonders yt thou dyddest for them: but became obstynate and heady, in so moch that they turned back to their bondage in their dishobedience. But thou my God forgauest, and wast gracious, mercifull, pacient, and of greate goodnesse, and forsokest them not.
Nehemiah 9:31
31 But for thy greate mercies sake thou hast not vtterly cosumed them, nether forsaken them: for thou art a gracious and mercifull God.
Job 7:5-7
Job 7:6-10
Job 7:7-10
7 O remembre, that my life is but a wynde, ad that myne eye shal nomore se the pleasures
8 therof yee and that none other mans eye shall se me eny more. For yf thou fasten thine eyes vpon me, I come to naught like
9 as a cloude is cosumed and vanyshed awaye, euen so he that goeth downe to hell, commeth nomore vp,
10 ner turneth agayne in to his house, nether shall his place knowe him eny more.
Job 7:21
21 Why doest thou not forgeue me my synne? Wherfore takest thou not awaye my wickednesse? Beholde, now must I slepe in the dust: and yff thou sekest me tomorow in the mornynge, I shalbe gone.
Job 8:18-19
Job 10:9
9 O remembre (I beseke the) how that thou madest me of the moulde of the earth, and shalt brynge me to earth agayne.
Job 11:6
6 that he might shewe the (out of his secrete wy?dome) how manyfolde his lawe is: then shuldest thou knowe, that God had forgotten the, because of thy synnes.
Job 13:25
25 Wilt thou be so cruell & extreme vnto a flyenge leaf, and folowe vpon drye stubble?
Job 14:1-3
1 Man that is borne of a woman, hath but a shorte tyme to lyue, and is full of dyuerse miseries.
2 He cometh vp, and falleth awaye like a floure. He flyeth as it were a shadowe, and neuer continueth in one state.
3 Thinkest thou it now well done, to open thine eyes vpon soch one, and to brynge me before the in iudgment?
Job 14:10
10 But as for man, when he is deed, perished and consumed awaye, what becommeth of him?
Job 20:9
9 So that the eye which sawe him before, getteth now no sight of him, & his place knoweth him nomore.
Job 22:12
12 Now because yt God is hyer the the heauens, & because thou seist yt the starres are so hye,
Job 27:13-23
13 sayege: This is the porcion that the wicked shall haue of God, & the heretage that Tyrauntes shal receaue of ye Allmightie.
14 Yf he get many childre, they shal perish wt the swearde, & his posterite shall haue scarcenesse of bred.
15 Loke whom he leaueth behinde him, they shal dye & be buried, & no man shall haue pite of his wyddowes.
16 Though he haue as moch money as the dust of the earth, & raymet as ready as the claye,
17 he maye well prepare it: but the godly shal put it vpon him, and the innocet shal deale out the money.
18 His house shal endure as the moth, & as a bothe that the watch man maketh.
19 When the rich man dyeth, he carieth nothinge with him: he is gone in ye twincklynge of an eye.
20 Destruccion taketh holde vpo him as a water floude, & ye tepest stealeth him awaye in the night season.
Job 27:20-21
Job 27:21-21
Job 33:19-30
19 he chasteneth him with sicknesse, & bringeth him to his bed: he laieth sore punyshmet vpo his bones,
20 so that his life maye awaye wt no bred, & his soule abhorreth to eate eny dayntie meate:
21 In so moch, that his body is clene consumed awaye, & his bones appeare nomore.
22 His soule draweth on to destruccion, & his life to death.
23 Now yf there be an angel (one amonge a thousande) sent for to speake vnto ma, and to shewe him the right waye:
24 the the LORDE is mercifull vnto him, & sayeth: He shalbe delyuered, yt he fall not downe to destruccion, for I am sufficiently recociled.
25 Than his flesh (which hath bene in misery & trouble) shalbe, as it was in his youth.
26 For yf he submitte himself vnto God, he is gracious, & sheweth him his countenaunce ioyfully, & rewardeth man for his rightuousnes.
27 Soch a respecte hath he vnto me. Therfore let a man cofesse, (& saye:) I offended, but he hath chastened & refourmed me: I dyd vnrightuously, neuerthelesse he hath not recopensed me therafter.
28 Yee he hath delyuered my soule from destruccion, & my life, that it seyth ye light.
29 Lo, thus worketh God allwaie with ma,
30 that he kepeth his soule from perishinge, & latteth him enioye the light of ye lyuinge.
Psalms 2:4
4 Neuerthelesse, he that dwelleth in heauen, shall laugh the to scorne: yee euen the LORDE himselff shall haue them in derision.
Psalms 5:12
12 For thou LORDE geuest thy blessinge vnto the rightuous: and with thy fauorable kyndnes thou defendest him, as with a shylde.
Psalms 8:5
5 After thou haddest for a season made him lower the the angels, thou crownedest him with honor & glory.
Psalms 9:7
7 But ye LORDE endureth for euer, he hath prepared his seate vnto iudgmet.
Psalms 9:9
9 The LORDE is a defence for the poore, a defence in the tyme of trouble.
Psalms 10:14-18
14 This thou seist, for thou considrest the mysery and sorowe: The poore geueth himselff ouer in to thy hande, and committeth him vnto the, for thou art the helper of the frendlesse.
15 Breake thou ye arme off the vngodly and malycious, search out the wickednesse which he hath done, that he maye perish.
16 The LORDE is kynge for euer, ye Heithen shal perish out off his londe.
17 LORDE, thou hearest the desyrous longinge off the poore: their herte is sure, that thine eare herkeneth therto.
18 Helpe the fatherlesse and poore vnto their right, that the vngodly be nomore exalted vpon earth.
Psalms 11:4
4 But the LORDE is in his holy temple, the LORDES seate is in heauen: He cosidereth it with his eyes, his eye lyddes beholde the children of men.
Psalms 12:5
5 Now for the troubles sake off the oppressed, & because of the complaynte of the poore, I wil vp (sayeth the LORDE) I wil helpe the, and set the at rest.
Psalms 21:3
3 Sela. For thou hast preueted him wt liberall blessinges, & set a crowne of golde vpon his heade.
Psalms 22:31
31 The sede shall serue him, and preach of the LORDE for euer. They shal come, & declare his rightuousnes: vnto a people that shal be borne, who the LORDE hath made.
Psalms 23:5
5 Thou preparest a table before me agaynst mine enemies: thou anoyntest my heade with oyle, & fyllest my cuppe full.
Psalms 25:6
6 Call to remembraunce, O LORDE, thy tender mercyes & thy louinge kyndnesses, which haue bene euer of olde.
Psalms 25:10
10 All the wayes of the LORDE are very mercy & faithfulnesse, vnto soch as kepe his testament and couenaunt.
Psalms 29:1
1 A scrybe vnto the LORDE (o ye mightie) ascribe vnto the LORDE worshipe and strength.
Psalms 30:2
2 O LORDE my God, I cried vnto the, and thou hast healed me.
Psalms 30:5
5 For his wrath endureth but the twincklinge of an eye, and his pleasure is in life: heuynesse maye well endure for a night, but ioye commeth in the mornynge.
Psalms 32:1-5
1 Blessed are they, whose vnrightuousnesse is forgeuen, and whose synnes are couered.
2 Blessed is the man, vnto whom the LORDE imputeth no synne, in whose sprete there is no gyle.
3 For whyle I helde my tonge, my bones consumed awaye thorow my daylie complaynynges.
4 And because thy hande was so heuy vpon me both daye and night, my moysture was like the drouth in Sommer. Sela.
5 Therfore I confessed my synne vnto the, and hyd not myne vnrightuousnesse.
Psalms 33:6
6 By the worde of the LORDE were the heauens made, & all the hoostes of them by ye breth of his mouth.
Psalms 34:22
22 The LORDE delyuereth the soules of his seruautes, and all they that put their trust in him, shal not offende.
Psalms 36:5
5 Thy mercy (O LORDE) reacheth vnto the heauen, and thy faithfulnesse vnto the cloudes.
Psalms 38:1-7
1 Pvt me not to rebuke (Oh LORDE) in thine anger: Oh chaste me not in thy heuy displeasure.
2 For thy arowes stick fast in me, and thy honde presseth me sore.
3 There is no whole parte in my body, because of thy displeasure: there is no rest in my bones, by reason of my synnes.
4 For my wickednesses are gone ouer my heade, and are like a sore burthen, to heuy forme to beare.
5 My woundes styncke & are corrupte, thorow my folishnesse.
6 I am brought into so greate trouble and misery, that I go mournynge all the daye longe.
7 For my loynes are clene dried vp, and there is no whole parte in my body.
Psalms 41:3-4
Psalms 41:8
8 They haue geuen a wicked sentence vpon me: when he lyeth, he shal ryse vp nomore.
Psalms 47:2
2 For the LORDE the most hyest is to be feared, & he is the greate kynge vpo all ye earth.
Psalms 47:7
7 For God is kynge of all the earth, O synge prayses vnto him with vnderstondinge.
Psalms 50:1
1 The LORDE euen the mightie God hath spoke, & called the worlde from the rysinge vp of the sonne vnto the goinge downe of the same.
Psalms 51:1-3
Psalms 56:13
13 For thou hast delyuered my soule fro death, & my fete fro fallinge, yt I maye walke before God in ye light of ye lyuynge.
Psalms 57:7-11
7 They haue layed a nett for my fete, & pressed downe my soule: they haue dygged a pyt before me, and are fallen in to it them selues.
8 Sela. My hert is ready (o God) my hert is ready, to synge and geue prayse.
9 Awake (o my glory) awake lute and harpe, I my self wil awake right early.
10 I wil geue thakes vnto the (o LORDE) amonge the people, I wil synge prayses vnto the amonge the Heithe.
Psalms 57:10
Psalms 63:5
5 As loge as I liue wil I magnifie the, & lift vp my hondes in thy name.
Psalms 65:4
4 Blessed is the man who thou chosest and receauest vnto the, that he maye dwell in thy courte: he shall be satisfied with the pleasures of thy house, euen off thy holy temple.
Psalms 65:11
11 Thou watrest hir forowes, thou breakest the harde clottes therof, thou makest it soft with ye droppes of rayne, and blessest the increase of it.
Psalms 68:17
17 The charettes of God are many M. tymes a thousande, the LORDE is amoge them in the holy Sinai.
Psalms 71:23
23 My tonge talketh of thy rightuousnesse all the daye longe,
Psalms 72:4
4 He shal kepe the symple folke by their right, defende the childre of the poore, and punysh the wrongeous doer.
Psalms 72:12
12 For he shal deliuer the poore whe he crieth, & the nedy yt hath no helpe.
Psalms 77:20
20 Thou leddest thy people like a flocke of shepe, by the honde of Moses and Aaron.
Psalms 78:5
5 He made a couenaunt with Iacob, and gaue Israel a lawe, which he comaunded oure forefathers to teach their children.
Psalms 78:11
11 They kepte not the couenaut of God, & wolde not walke in his lawe.
Psalms 78:25
25 He rayned downe Manna vpo them for to eate, and gaue them bred from heauen.
Psalms 78:38-39
Psalms 86:5
5 For thou LORDE art good and gracious, & of greate mercy vnto all them that call vpon the.
Psalms 86:12-13
Psalms 86:15
15 But thou (o LORDE God) art full of compassion and mercy, longesuffrynge, greate in goodnesse & trueth.
Psalms 89:1-2
Psalms 89:2-2
2 For I haue sayde: mercy shal be set vp for euer, thy faithfulnesse shalt thou stablish in the heauens.
Psalms 89:47
47 Sela. LORDE, how longe wilt thou hyde thy self? For euer? shal thy wrath burne like fyre?
Psalms 90:5-6
Psalms 90:16
16 Shewe thy seruauntes thy worke, & their children thy glory.
Psalms 99:3
3 O let men geue thakes vnto thy greate & wonderful name, for it is holy.
Psalms 99:7
7 He spake vnto the out of the cloudy piler, for they kepte his testimonies, & the lawe that he gaue them.
Psalms 100:5
5 For the LORDE is gracious, his mercy is euerlastinge, and his treuth endureth from generacion to generacion.
Psalms 103:1
1 Prayse the LORDE (o my soule) & all that is within me prayse his holy name.
Psalms 103:11
Psalms 103:17
17 But the mercifull goodnesse of ye LORDE endureth for euer and euer, vpon them yt feare him, and his rightuousnesse vpon their childers children.
Psalms 103:22-104:1
22 O speake good of the LORDE all ye workes of his, in euery place of his dominion: prayse thou the LORDE, o my soule.
Psalms 104:1
1 Prayse the LORDE o my soule: O LORDE my God, thou art become exceadinge glorious, thou art clothed with maiesty and honoure.
Psalms 104:4
4 Thou makest thine angels spretes, and thy ministers flammes of fyre.
Psalms 104:28
28 Whe thou geuest it them, they gather it: whe thou openest thine honde, they are fylled with good.
Psalms 104:35
35 As for synners, they shalbe cosumed out of the earth, and the vngodly shal come to an ende: but prayse thou the LORDE, o my soule. Halleluya.
Psalms 105:5
5 Remembre the maruelous workes that he hath done, his wonders and the iudgmentes of his mouth.
Psalms 105:26-45
26 Then sent he Moses his seruaunt, and Aaron whom he had chosen.
27 These dyd his tokens amoge them, and wonders in the londe of Ham.
28 He sent darcknesse and it was darcke, for they were not obedient vnto his worde.
29 He turned their waters in to bloude, and slewe their fishe.
30 Their londe brought forth frogges, yee euen in their kynges chambers.
31 He spake the worde, & their came all maner of flies & lise in all their quarters.
32 He gaue them hale stones for rayne, and flammes of fyre in their lode.
33 He smote their vynyardes & fige trees, and destroyed the trees that were in their coastes.
34 He spake ye worde, and their came greshoppers & catirpillers innumerable.
35 These ate vp all the grasse in their lode, and deuoured the frutes of their groude.
36 He smote all ye first borne in their lode, euen the chefe of all their substaunce.
37 He brought them forth wt syluer & golde, there was not one feble personne amoge their trybes.
38 Egipte was glad of their departinge, for they were afraied of the.
39 e spred out a cloude to be a couerynge, and fyre to geue light in the night season.
40 At their desyre, there came quales, and he fylled them with the bred of heaue.
41 He opened the rocke of stone, & the waters flowed out: so that ryuers ranne in the wildernesse.
42 For why, he remembred his holy promyse which he had made vnto Abraham his seruaunt.
43 Thus he brought forth his people with ioye, and his chosen with gladnesse.
44 And gaue them the lodes of the Heithe, where they toke the labours of the people in possession.
45 That they might kepe his statutes, and obserue his lawes. Halleluya. Halleluya.
Psalms 106:7
7 Oure fathers regarded not thy wonders in Egipte, they kepte not thy greate goodnesse in remebraunce: but were dishobediet at the see, eue at the reed see.
Psalms 106:21
Psalms 107:9
9 For he satisfied the emptie soule, & fylled the hongrie soule wt good.
Psalms 107:17-22
17 Foolish me were plaged for their offence, & because of their wickednesse.
18 Their soule abhorred all maner of meate, they were eue harde at deathes dore.
19 So they cried vnto the LORDE in their trouble, & he delyuered the out of their distresse.
20 He sent his worde & healed the, & saued the from destruccion.
21 O that men wolde prayse the goodnesse of the LORDE, & the wonders that he doth for the children of men.
22 That they wolde offre vnto him the sacrifice of thankesgeuynge, and tell out his workes with gladnes.
Psalms 109:31
31 For he stondeth at the right hande of the poore, to saue him from soch as condempne his soule.
Psalms 111:1
1 I wil geue thankes vnto the LORDE with my whole herte: secretly amonge the faithfull, and in the congregacion.
Psalms 113:3
3 The LORDES name is worthy to be praysed, fro the rysinge vp of the Sonne vnto the goinge downe of the same.
Psalms 115:3
3 As for oure God, he is in heauen, he doth what soeuer it pleaseth him.
Psalms 115:15-16
Psalms 116:12
12 What rewarde shal I geue vnto ye LORDE, for all the benefites yt he hath done vnto me?
Psalms 118:1
1 O Geue thankes vnto the LORDE, for he is gracious, and his mercy endureth for euer.
Psalms 119:9-11
Psalms 130:3
3 Yf thou (LORDE) wilt be extreme to marcke what is done amysse, Oh LORDE, who maye abyde it?
Psalms 130:7
Psalms 132:12
12 Of the frute of thy body shal I set vpon thy seate.
Psalms 136:1-26
1 O geue thankes vnto the LORDE, for he is gracious, and his mercy endureth for euer.
2 O geue thakes vnto the God of all goddes, for his mercy endureth for euer.
3 O thanke the LORDE of all lordes, for his mercy endureth for euer.
4 Which only doth greate wonders, for his mercy endureth for euer.
5 Which by his wysdome made the heauens, for his mercy endureth for euer.
6 Which layed out the earth aboue the waters, for his mercy endureth for euer.
7 Which hath made greate lightes, for his mercy endureth for euer.
8 The Sonne to rule the daye, for his mercy endureth for euer.
9 The Moone and the starres to gouerne the night, for his mercy endureth for euer.
10 Which smote Egipte with their firstborne, for his mercy endureth for euer.
11 And brought out Israel from amonge them, for his mercy endureth for euer.
12 With a mightie hade and a stretched out arme, for his mercy endureth for euer.
13 Which deuyded the reed see in to partes, for his mercy endureth for euer.
14 And made Israel to go thorow ye myddest of it, for his mercy endureth for euer
15 But as for Pharao and his hoost, he ouerthrewe them in the reed see, for his mercy endureth for euer.
16 Which led his people thorow the wyldernesse, for his mercy endureth for euer.
17 Which smote greate kynges, for his mercy endureth for euer.
18 Yee and slewe mightie kynges, for his mercy endureth for euer.
19 Sihon kynge of the Amorites, for his mercy endureth for euer.
20 And Og the kynge of Basan, for his mercy endureth for euer.
21 And gaue a waye their londe for an heretage, for his mercy endureth for euer.
22 Euen for an heretage vnto Israel his seruaunt, for his mercy endureth for euer.
23 Which remebreth vs, whe we are in trouble, for his mercy endureth for euer.
24 Which geueth foode vnto all flesh, for his mercy endureth for euer.
25 O geue thankes vnto the God of heauen, for his mercy endureth for euer.
26 (Omitted Text)
Psalms 138:1
1 I wil geue thakes vnto the (o LORDE) with my whole hert, euen before the goddes wil I synge prayses vnto the.
Psalms 145:8
8 The LORDE is gracious and mercifull, longe sufferynge & of greate goodnesse.
Psalms 145:10
10 All thy workes prayse the (o LORDE) and thy sayntes geue thankes vnto the.
Psalms 146:1-2
1 Prayse the LORDE (o my soule:) whyle I lyue wil I prayse the LORDE, yee as loge as I haue eny beynge, I wil synge prayses vnto my God.
Psalms 146:1
Psalms 146:7
7 The LORDE lowseth men out of preson, the LORDE geueth sight to the blynde.
Psalms 147:3
3 He healeth the contrite in herte, and byndeth vp their woundes.
Psalms 147:11
11 But the LORDES delyte is in them that feare him, and put their trust in his mercy.
Psalms 147:19
19 He sheweth his worde vnto Iacob, his statutes & ordinaunces vnto Israel.
Psalms 148:2
2 Prayse him all ye angels of his, prayse hi all his hoost.
3 Prayse him Sonne & Moone, prayse him all ye starres & light.
4 Prayse him all ye heauens, & ye waters yt be vnder the heauens.
5 Let them prayse the name of the LORDE, for he comaunded, & they were made.
6 He hath made the fast for euer and euer, he hath geue them a lawe which shal not be broke.
7 Prayse the LORDE vpon earth, ye whalfishes and all depes.
8 Fyre and hayle, snowe & vapors wynde and storme, fulfillynge his worde.
9 Mountaynes and all hilles, frutefull trees & all Ceders.
10 Beastes and all catell, wormes & fethered foules.
11 Kynges of the earth & all people, princes & all iudges of ye worlde.
12 Yonge men & maydes, olde men and children.
Psalms 150:6
6 Let euery thinge yt hath breth, prayse the LORDE. Halleluya.
Proverbs 3:1
1 My sonne, forget not my lawe, but se yt thine hert kepe my comaundemetes.
Proverbs 3:12
12 For who the LORDE loueth, him he chasteneth: and yet delyteth in him euen as a father in his owne sonne.
Proverbs 14:31
31 He that doth a poore man wroge, blasphemeth his maker: but who so hath pitie of the poore, doth honoure vnto God.
Proverbs 22:22-23
Proverbs 23:10
10 Remoue not ye olde lande marke, and come not within ye felde of the fatherlesse:
Proverbs 25:3
3 The heauen is hie, ye earth is depe, and ye kinges hert is vnsearcheable.
Ecclesiastes 12:7
7 Or dust be turned againe vnto earth from whence it came, and or the sprete returne vnto God, which gaue it.
Isaiah 6:2
Isaiah 14:4-32
4 then shalt thou vse this mockage vpon ye kinge of Babilon, & saye: How happeneth it yt ye oppressour leaueth of? It ye golden tribute come to an ende?
5 Doutles the LORDE hath broken the staff of the vngodly, & the cepter of ye lordly.
6 Which whe he is wroth, smyteth ye people wt durable strokes, & in his woders he persecuteth the, & tameth the cotinually.
7 And therfore ye whole worlde is now at rest and quyetnesse, & men synge for ioye.
8 Yee euen the Fyrre trees and Cedres of Libanus reioyse at thy fall, sayenge: Now yt thou art layde downe, there come no mo vp to destroye vs.
9 Hell also trembleth at thy commynge, All mightie men and prynces of the earth, steppe forth before the. All kynges of the earth stonde vp fro their seates,
10 that they maye all (one after another) synge and speake vnto the. Art thou wounded also as we? art thou become like vnto vs?
11 Thy pompe and thy pryde is gone downe to hell: Mothes shalbe layde vnder the, & wormes shalbe thy coueringe.
12 How art thou fallen from heauen (o Lucifer) thou faire mornige childe? hast thou gotten a fall euen to the grounde, thou that (notwithstondinge) dyddest subdue the people?
13 And yet thou thoughtest in thine harte: I will clymme vp in to heauen, and make my seate aboue the starres of God, I wyll syt vpon the glorious mount toward the North,
14 I wyll clymme vp aboue the cloudes, & wilbe like the highest of all.
15 Yet darre I laye, yt thou shalt be brought downe to the depe of hell.
16 They that se the, shal narowly loke vpo the, and thinke in them selues, sayenge: Is this the man, that brought all londes in feare, and made ye kingdomes afrayde:
17 Is this he that made the worlde in a maner waist, & and layde the cities to the grounde, which let not his prisoners go home?
18 How happeneth it, that the kynges of all people lie, euery one at home in his owne palace, with worshipe,
19 and thou art cast out of thy graue like a wilde braunch: like as dead mens rayment that are shott thorow with the swerde: as they that go downe to the stones of the depe: as a dead coarse that is troden vnder fete:
20 and art not buried wt them? Euen because that thou hast waisted thy lode, and destroyed thy people. For the generacion of the wicked shalbe without honor, for euer.
21 There shal a waye be sought to destroye their childre, for their fathers wickednes: they shal not come vp agayne to possesse the londe, and fyll the worlde ful of castels and townes.
22 I wil stonde vp agaynst them (sayeth the LORDE of hoostes) and root out ye name and generacion of Babilon (saieth the LORDE)
23 & wil geue it to the Otters, and wil make water poddels of it. And I wil swepe them out with the besome of destruccion, sayeth the LORDE of hoostes.
24 The LORDE of hoostes hath sworne an ooth, sayege: It shal come to passe as I haue determined: & shalbe fulfilled as I haue deuysed.
25 The Assirians shalbe destroyed in my londe, and vpon my mountaytaines wyll I treade them vnder fote. Wherthorow his yocke shall come from you, & his burthen shalbe taken from youre shulders.
26 This deuyce hath God taken thorow the whole worlde, and thu s is his honde stretched out ouer all people.
27 For yf the LORDE of hoostes determe a thinge, who wyl dysanulle it? And yf he stretch forth his honde, who wil holde it in agayne?
28 The same yeare that kynge Achas dyed, God threatned by Esay on this maner:
29 Reioyse not (thou whole Palestina) as though ye rod of him yt beateth the were broken: For out of ye serpentes rote, there shal waxe a kockatrice, & the frute shalbe a fyrie worme.
30 But the poore shall fede of the best thinges, and the symple shal dwell in safetie. Thy rotes wil I destroye wt honger, and it shall slaye yi remnaunt.
31 Mourne ye portes, wepe ye Cities And feare thou (o whole Palestina) for there shal come fro the North a smoke, whose power no man maye abyde.
32 Who shall then maynteyne the messages of the Gentyles? But the LORDE stablisheth Syon, & the poore of my people shall put their trust in him.
Isaiah 28:1
1 Wo be to ye crowne of pryde, to ye dronke Ephraemites, and to the faydinge floure, to the glory of his pope, yt is vpo the toppe of the pleteous valley: which me be ouerladen wt wyne.
Isaiah 28:4
4 And as for the faydinge floure, the glory of his pompe, which is vpon the toppe of the plenteous valley: it shal happen vnto him, as to an vntymely frute before the haruest come. Which as soone as it is sene, is by and by deuoured, or euer it come well in a mans honde.
Isaiah 29:16
16 Which ymaginacion of yours is euen as when the potters claye taketh advisemet, as though the worke might saye to ye worke master: make me not, or as when an erthen vessel saieth of the potter: he vnderstondeth not.
Isaiah 33:24
24 There lieth no ma that saieth: I am sick, but all euel is taken awaye from the people, that dwel there.
Isaiah 38:17
17 Neuertheles my couersacion hath so pleased ye, that thou woldest not make an ende of my life, so that thou hast cast all my synnes behynde thy backe.
Isaiah 40:6-8
6 The same voyce spake: Now crie. And I sayde: what shal I crie? Then spake it: that, all flesh is grasse, and that all the bewtie therof, is as the floure of the felde.
7 When the grasse is wytthered, the floure falleth awaye. Euen so is the people as grasse, when the breath of the LORDE bloweth vpon them.
Isaiah 40:7
Isaiah 40:31
31 But vnto them that haue the LORDE before their eyes, shal strength be encreased, Aegles wynges shal growe vpon them: When they runne, they shal not fall: and when they go, they shal not be weery.
Isaiah 41:8
8 And thou Israel my seruaunt: Iacob my electe sede of Abraha my beloued,
Isaiah 42:10-12
10 Synge therfore vnto the LORDE, a new songe of thakes geuynge, blow out his prayse vnto the ende of the worlde. They that be vpon the see, & all that is therin, prayse him, the Iles & they that dwel in them.
11 Let the wildernes with hir cities lift vp hir voyce, the townes also that be in Cedar. Let them be glad that syt vpon rockes of stone, and let them crie downe from the hie mountaynes:
12 ascribinge almightynes vnto the LORDE, & magnifienge him amonge the Getiles.
Isaiah 43:20
20 The wilde beastes shal worshippe me: the dragon, and the Estrich. For I shall geue water in ye wildernesse, and streames in the deserte: that I maye geue drike to my people, whom I chose.
Isaiah 43:25
25 Where as I yet am euen he only, that for myne owne selfes sake do awaye thine offences, & forget thy synnes: so that I wil neuer thinke vpon them.
Isaiah 44:23
23 Be glad ye heauens, whom the LORDE hath made, let all yt is here beneth vpon the earth, be ioyfull. Reioyse ye mountaynes & woddes, with all the trees that are in you: for ye LORDE shal redeme Iacob, & shewe his glory vpon Israel.
Isaiah 45:6
6 that it might be knowne from the risynge of the Sonne to the goinge downe of the same, that all is nothinge without me. For I am the LORDE, & there is els none.
Isaiah 46:13
13 I shal bringe forth my rightuousnesse, It is not farre, and my health shal not tarie longe awaye. I wil laye health in Sio, and geue Israel my glory.
Isaiah 49:13
13 Reioyse ye heauens, and synge prayses thou earth: Talke of ioye ye hilles, for God wil coforte his people, & haue mercy vpon his, yt be in trouble.
Isaiah 51:6
6 Lift vp youre eyes toward heaue, and loke vpon the earth beneth. For the heauens shal vanish awaye like smoke, and the earth shall teare like a clothe, & they that dwel therin, shal perish in like maner. But my health endureth for euer, and my rightuousnes shall not ceasse.
Isaiah 51:12
12 Yee I, I am eue he, that in all thiges geueth you consolacion. What art thou then, that fearest a mortall ma, ye childe of man, which goeth awaye as doeth the floure?
Isaiah 53:5
5 where as he (not withstodinge) shal be wouded for oure offences, & smytten for oure wickednes. For the payne of or punyshmet shalbe layde vpo him, & wt his stripes shal we be healed.
Isaiah 55:7
7 Let the vngodly man forsake his wayes, ad the vnrightuous his ymaginacios, & turne agayne vnto the LORDE, so shal he be merciful vnto him: and to oure God, for he is redy to forgeue.
Isaiah 55:9
9 But as farre as the heauens are hyer then the earth, so farre do my waies exceade yours, & my thoughtes yours
Isaiah 57:16
16 For I chide not euer, & am not wroth wt out ende. But ye blastinge goeth fro me, though I make the breath.
Isaiah 58:6-7
6 But this fastinge pleaseth not me, till ye tyme be thou lowse him out of bondage, that is in thy daunger: that thou breake the ooth of wicked bargaynes, that thou let the oppressed go fre, and take from them all maner of burthens.
7 It pleaseth not me, till thou deale thy bred to the hongrie, & brynge the poore fatherlesse home in to thy house, when thou seist the naked that thou couer him, and hyde not thy face fro thine owne flesh.
Isaiah 63:1
1 What is he this, that cometh from Edom, with stayned reade clothes of Bosra: (which is so costly, cloth) & cometh in so neebly with all his stregth? I am he yt teacheth rightuousnes, & am of power to helpe.
Isaiah 63:7
7 I will declare the goodnesse of the LORDE, yee and the prayse of the LORDE for all that he hath gyuen vs, for the greate good yt he hath done for Israel: which he hath gyuen them of his owne fauoure, & acordinge to the multitude of his louynge kindnesses.
Isaiah 63:11-12
11 Yet remebred he the olde tyme, of Moses & his people: How he brought them from the water of the see, as a shepherde doth with his shepe: how he had geuen his holy sprete amonge them:
12 how he had led Moses by the right honde with his glorious arme: how he had deuyded the water before them (wherby he gat him self an euerlastinge name)
Isaiah 63:15-16
15 Loke downe then from heaue, and beholde the dwellinge place of thy sanctuary & thy glory. How is it, yt thy gelousy, thy strength, the multitude of thy mercies and thy louynge kyndnesse, wyl not be entreated of vs?
16 Yet art thou or father: For Abraham knoweth vs not, nether is Israel acquanted with vs. But thou LORDE art oure father and redemer, and thy name is euer lastinge.
Isaiah 66:1
1 Thus saieth the LORDE: Heaue is my seate, and the earth is my fote stole. Where shal now the house stonde, yt ye will buylde vnto me? And where shal be the place, yt I wil dwel in?
Jeremiah 2:31-32
31 Yf ye be the people of the LORDE, then herke vnto his worde: Am I the become a wildernesse vnto the people of Israel? or a londe that hath no light? Wherfore saieth my people then: we are falle of, and we wil come no more vnto the?
32 Doth a mayden forget hir raymet, or a bryde hir stomacher? And doth my people forget me so loge?
Jeremiah 3:5
5 Wilt thou then put me awaye, and cast me of foreuer? Or wilt thou withdrawe thy self clene fro me? Neuertheles, thou speakest soch wordes, but thou art euer doinge worse, and worse.
Jeremiah 3:12
12 and therfore go preach these wordes towarde the north, & saye: Thou shrenkinge Israel, turne agayne (saieth the LORDE,) and I will not turne my face from you, for I am merciful, saieth the LORDE, & I will not allwaye beare displeasure agaynst the:
Jeremiah 7:6-15
6 yf ye wil not oppresse the straunger, the fatherles & the wyddowe: yf ye will not shed innocent bloude in this place: yf ye wil not cleue to strauge goddes to youre owne destruction:
7 then wil I let you dwell in this place, yee in the londe that I gaue afore tyme vnto youre fathers for euer.
8 But take hede, yee trust in councels, that begyle you and do you no good.
9 For when ye haue stolle, murthured, committed aduoutrie, and periury: Whe ye haue offred vnto Baal, folowinge straunge & vnknowne goddes:
10 Then come ye, and stonde before me in this house (which hath my name geuen vnto it) and saye: Tush, we are absolued quyte, though we haue done all these abhominacions.
11 What? thinke you this house that beareth my name, is a denne of theues? And these thinges are not done priuely, but before myne eyes, saieth the LORDE.
12 Go to my place in Silo, where vnto I gaue my name afore tyme, and loke well what I dyd to the same place, for the wickednes of my people of Israel.
13 And now, though ye haue done all these dedes (saieth the LORDE) and I my self rose vp euer by tymes to warne you and to comon with you: yet wolde ye not heare me: I called, ye wolde not answere.
14 And therfore euen as I haue done vnto Silo, so wil I do to this house, that my name is geuen vnto, (and that ye put youre trust in) yee vnto the place that I haue geuen to you and youre fathers.
15 And I shal thrust you out of my sight, as I haue cast out all youre brethren the whole sede of Ephraim.
Jeremiah 17:14
14 Heale me (o LORDE) and I shall be whole: saue thou me, and I shalbe saued, for thou art my prayse.
Jeremiah 31:3
3 Euen so shal the LORDE now also apeare vnto me from farre, and saye: I loue the with an euerlastinge loue, therfore do I sprede my mercy before the.
Jeremiah 31:9
9 They departed from hence in heuynes, but with ioye will I bringe them hither agayne. I will lede them by the ryuers of water in a straight waye, where they shall not stomble: For I will be Israels father, and Epraim shalbe my firstborne.
Jeremiah 31:20
20 Vpon this complaynte, I thought thus by myself: is not Ephraim my deare sonne? Is he not the childe, with whom I haue had all myrth and pastyme? For sence the tyme that I first comoned with him, I haue him euer in remembraunce: therfore my very herte dryueth me vnto him: gladly and louyngly will I haue mercy vpon him, saieth the LORDE.
Jeremiah 31:34
34 And from thece forth shall no man teach his neghboure or his brother, and saye: knowe the LORDE: But they shall all knowe me, from the lowest vnto the hyest, saieth the LORDE. For I will forgeue their my?dedes, and wil neuer remembre their synnes eny more.
Jeremiah 32:18
18 Thou shewest mercy vpon thousandes, thou recompecest the wickednes of the fathers, in to the besome of the children that come after them.
Jeremiah 33:24-26
24 Cosidrest thou not what this people speaketh? Two kynreddes (saye they) had the LORDE chosen, & those same two hath he cast awaye. For so farre is my people come, yt they haue no hope to come together eny more, and to be one people agayne.
25 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE: Yf I haue made no couenaunt with daye & night, and geue no statute vnto heauen and earth:
26 then will I also cast awaye the sede of Dauid my seruaunt: so that I wil take no prynce out of his sede, to rule the posterite of Abraha, Isaac and Iacob. But yet I will turne agayne their captiuyte, and be mercifull vnto them.
Jeremiah 50:20
20 In those dayes and at the same tyme (saieth the LORDE) yf the offence of Israel be sought for, there shal none be founde: Yf men enquere for the synne of Iuda, there shal be none: for I wil be mercifull vnto them, whom I suffre to remayne ouer.
Lamentations 3:22
22 Namely, that the mercies of the LORDE are not clene gone, & that his louynge kyndnesse ceasseth not.
Ezekiel 22:7
7 In the haue they despised father & mother, in the haue they oppressed the strauger, in the haue they vexed the wyddowe & the fatherlesse.
Ezekiel 22:12-14
12 Yee giftes haue bene receaued in the, to shed bloude. Thou hast taken vsury & encreace, thou hast oppressed thy neghbours by extorcion, and forgotten me, saieth the LORDE God.
13 Beholde, I haue smytten my hondes vpo thy couetousnesse, that thou hast vsed, and vpon the bloude which hath bene shed in the.
14 Is thy herte able to endure it, or maye thy hondes defende them selues, in the tyme that I shall bringe vpon the? Euen I the LORDE that speake it, will bringe it also to passe.
Daniel 4:17
17 This erande of the watcher, is a comaundemet grounded and sought out in the councel off him, that is most holy: to lerne men for to vnderstonde, that the hyest hath power ouer the kyngdomes off men, ad geueth them, to whom it liketh him, and bryngeth the very outcastes off men ouer them.
Daniel 4:25
25 Thou shalt be cast out fro men, and thy dwellinge shalbe with the beestes of the felde: with grasse shalt thou be fed like an oxe. Thou must be wet with the dew of the heauen: yee seuen yeares shall come and go vpon the, till thou knowe, that the hyest hath power vpon the kyngdomes of men, & geueth them, to whom he lyst.
Daniel 4:34-35
34 When this tyme was past, I Nabuchodonosor lift vp myne eyes vnto heauen, and myne vnderstondinge was restored vnto me agayne. Then gaue I thankes vnto the hyest. I magnified and praysed him that lyueth for euermore, whose power endureth allwaye, and his kyngdome from one generacion to another:
35 in comparyson off whom, all they that dwell vpon the earth, are to be reputed as nothinge. He handleth acordinge to his will, amoge ye powers of heauen & amonge the inhabitours of the earth: and there is none that maye resiste his honde, or saye: what doest thou?
Daniel 7:9-10
9 I loked till the seates were prepared, ad till the olde aged sat him downe. His clothinge was as white as snowe, and the hayres of his heade like the pure woll. His trone was like the firie flame, and his wheles as the burnynge fyre.
10 There drew forth a firie streame, & wente out from him. A thousand tymes a thousande serued him, x.M. tymes ten thousande stode before him. The iudgmet was set, and the bokes opened.
Daniel 9:18-19
18 O my God, enclyne thine eare, and herken (at the leest for thine owne sake) open thine eyes: beholde how we be desolated, yee and the cite also, which is called after thy name: For we do not cast oure prayers before the in oure owne rightuousnesse, no: but only in thy greate mercies.
19 O LORDE, heare: O forgeue LORDE: O LORDE considre, tary not ouer longe: but for thine owne sake do it, O my God: for thy cite and thy people is called after thy name.
Daniel 9:24
24 Lxx. wekes are determed ouer thy people, & ouer thy holy cite: that the wickednesse maye be consumed, that the synne maye haue an ende, that the offence maye be reconciled, and to bringe in euerlastinge rightuousnesse, to fulfill ye visions and the prophetes, and to anoynte the most holy one.
Hosea 2:15
15 there wil I geue her hir vynyardes agayne, yee and the valley of Achor also, to shewe hir hope & comforte. Then shal she synge there as in the tyme of hir youth, & like as in the daye when she came out of the londe of Egipte.
Joel 2:11
11 The LORDE shal shewe his voyce before his hoost, for his hoost is greate, stronge & mightie to fulfill his commaundement. This is yt greate and maruelous fearfull daye of the LORDE: And who is able to abyde it?
Joel 2:13
13 rente youre hertes, & not youre clothes. Turne you vnto the LORDE youre God, for he is gracious & mercifull, longe sufferynge & of greate compassion: & redy to pardone wickednes.
Jonah 4:2
2 And he prayed vnto the LORDE, and sayde: O LORDE, was not this my sayenge (I praye the) when I was yet in my countre? therfore I haisted rather to fle vnto Tharsis, for I knowe well ynough that thou art a mercifull God, full of compassion, loge sufferinge, and of greate kyndnesse, and repentest when thou shuldest take punyshment.
Micah 2:1-3
1 Wo vnto them, that ymagyn to do harme, and deuyse vngraciousnesse vpon their beddes, to perfourme it in ye cleare daye: for their power is agaynst God.
2 When they covet to haue londe, they take it by violence, they robbe men off their houses. Thus they oppresse a ma for his house, & euery man for his heretage.
3 Therfore thus sayeth the LORDE: Beholde, agaynst this housholde haue I deuysed a plage, wherout ye shal not plucke youre neckes: Ye shal nomore go so proudly, for it will be a perlous tyme.
Micah 3:2-4
2 But ye hate the good, and loue the euell: ye plucke of mens skynnes, and the flesh from their bones:
3 Ye eate the flesh of my people, ad flay of their skynne: ye breake their bones, ye choppe them in peces as it were in to a cauldron, ad as flesh into a pot.
4 Now the tyme shall come, that when they call vnto the LORDE, he shall not heare them, but hyde his face from them: because that thorow their owne ymaginacios, they haue dealte so wickedly.
Micah 6:5
5 Remembre (o my people) what Balach the kynge of Moab had ymagined agaynst the, ad what answere that Balaam the sonne of Beor gaue him, from Sethim vnto Galgal: yt ye maye knowe the louynge kyndnesses of ye LORDE.
Micah 7:18-19
18 Where is there soch a God as thou? that pardonest wickednes, and forgeuest the offences of the remnaunt of thine heretage? He kepeth not his wrath for euer. And why? his delyte is to haue compassion:
Micah 7:18
18 Where is there soch a God as thou? that pardonest wickednes, and forgeuest the offences of the remnaunt of thine heretage? He kepeth not his wrath for euer. And why? his delyte is to haue compassion:
19 he shal turne agayne, & be mercyfull to vs: he shal put downe oure wickednesses, & cast all oure synnes in to the botome of the see.
Nahum 1:3
3 The LORDE suffreth longe, he is of greate power, & so innocent, that he leaueth no man fautlesse before him. The LORDE goeth forth in tempest and stormy wether, the cloudes are the dust of his fete.
4 Whe he reproueth the see, he dryeth it vp, & turneth all the floudes to drye londe. Basan is desolate, Charmel and the pleasure of Libanus waisteth awaye.
Habakkuk 3:2
2 O Lorde, when I herde speake of ye, I was afrayed. The worke yt thou hast taken in honde, shalt thou perfourme in his tyme, O LORDE: and when thy tyme commeth, thou shalt declare it. In thy very wrath thou thinkest vpon mercy.
Malachi 3:16-17
16 But they that feare God, saye thus one to another: The LORDE cosidreth and heareth it. Yee it is before him a memoriall boke written for soch as feare the LORDE, and remembre his name.
17 And in the daye that I wil make (saieth ye LORDE of hoostes) they shalbe myne owne possession: and I will fauoure them, like as a man fauoureth his owne sonne, that doth him seruyce.
Malachi 4:2
2 But vnto you that feare my name, shall the Sone of rightuousnesse aryse, & health shalbe vnder his winges. Ye shal go forth, & multiplie as ye fat calues.
Matthew 6:9
Matthew 6:32
32 After all soch thynges do the heithen seke. For youre heauenly father knoweth, that ye haue nede of all these thynges.
Matthew 9:2-6
2 And lo, they brought vnto him a man sicke of ye palsie, lyinge in his bed. And when Iesus sawe the faith of the, he sayde to the sicke of ye palsie: my sonne, be of good cheare, thy sinnes are forgeue the.
3 And beholde, certeyne of the scribes sayde in them selues: this man blasphemeth.
4 But when Iesus sawe their thoughtes, he sayde: wherfore thinke ye euill in youre hertes?.
5 Whether ys it easier to saye: thy synnes be forgeue ye, or to saie: arise and walke?
6 But that ye maye knowe, that the sonne of man hath power to forgeue sinnes in earth, the sayde he vnto the sicke of ye palsye: arise, take vp thy bed, and go home.
Matthew 13:41
41 The sonne of man shal sende forth his angels, & they shal gather out of his kingdome all thinges yt offende, & the yt do iniquyte,
Matthew 24:30-31
30 and then shal appeare the token of the sonne of man in heaue: and then shal all the kynreds of the earth mourne, and they shal se the sonne of man come in the cloudes of heauen with greate power and glory.
31 And he shal sende his angels with ye greate voyce of a trompe, & they shal gather together his chosen from the foure wyndes, from one ende of the heauen to the other.
Matthew 26:53
53 Or thinkest thou that I can not praye my father now, to sende me more then twolue legions of angels?
Matthew 28:20
20 and teach them to kepe all thinges, what soeuer I haue commaunded you. And lo, I am with you euery daye vnto the ende of the worlde.
Mark 2:5
5 But when Iesus sawe their faith, he sayde vnto the sicke of the palsye: My sonne, thy synnes are forgeuen the.
Mark 2:10-11
Mark 12:30-33
30 and thou shalt loue the LORDE thy God with all thy hert, with all thy soule, with all thy mynde, and with all thy strength. This is the chefest commaundement,
31 and the seconde is like vnto it: Thou shalt loue thy neghboure as thy self. There is none other greater commaundement then these.
32 And the scrybe sayde vnto him: Master, Verely thou hast sayde right: for there is but one God, & there is none other without him,
33 and to loue him with all the hert, with all the mynde, with all the soule, and with all the strength, and to loue a mans neghboure as himself, is more then brent sacrifices and all offerynges.
Luke 1:6
6 They were both righteous before God, and walked in all the commaundementes and statutes of the LORDE vnreproueably.
Luke 1:19
19 The angell answered, and sayde vnto him: I am Gabriell that stonde before God, and am sent to speake vnto the, and to shewe the these glad tydinges.
Luke 1:46-47
Luke 1:50
50 And his mercy endureth thorow out all generacions, vpon them that feare him.
Luke 2:13-14
13 And straight waye there was by the angell a multitude of heauenly hoostes, which praysed God, and sayde:
Luke 2:13
Luke 7:47-48
Luke 11:11-12
Luke 15:21-22
Luke 17:15-18
15 And one of them wha he sawe that he was clensed, he turned backe agayne, and praysed God with loude voyce,
16 and fell downe on his face at his fete, and gaue him thankes. And the same was a Samaritane.
17 Iesus answered and saide: Are there not ten clensed? But where are those nyne?
18 There were els none founde, that turned agayne, and gaue God the prayse, saue onely this strauger.
John 4:24
24 God is a sprete, and they that worshippe him, must worshippe in sprete and in the trueth.
John 5:45-47
John 20:17
17 Iesus sayde vnto her: Touche me not, for I am not yet ascended vnto my father. But go thou yi waye vnto my brethre & saye vnto the: I ascede vp vnto my father and yor father: to my God, & yor God.
Acts 7:35-60
35 This Moses, whom they refused, and sayde: Who made ye a ruler and iudge ouer vs? him had God sent to be a ruler & delyuerer by the hande of the angell, that appeared vnto him in the busshe.
36 The same broughte them out, and dyd wonders and tokens in Egipte, and in the reed see, and in ye wyldernesse fourtye yeares.
37 This is that Moses, which sayde vnto the children of Israel: A prophet shal the LORDE youre God rayse vp vnto you euen from amonge youre brethren, like vnto me. Him shal ye heare.
38 This is he, that was in the congregacion in the wyldernesse with the angell, which talked with him, vpo mount Sina, and with oure fathers. This man receaued the worde of life to geue vnto vs,
39 vnto whom oure fathers wolde not be obediet, but thrust him fro the, and in their hertes turned backe agayne in to Egipte,
40 and sayde vnto Aaron: Make vs goddes to go before vs, for we can not tell what is become of this Moses, yt broughte vs out of the lande of Egipte.
41 And they made a calfe at the same tyme, and offred sacrifice vnto the ymage, and reioysed in the workes of their awne handes.
42 But God turned himselfe, & gaue them vp, so that they worshipped the hooste of heaue, as it is wrytten in the boke of the prophetes: O ye house of Israel, gaue ye me sacrifices and catel those fortye yeares in the wyldernesse?
43 And ye toke vnto you ye tabernacle of Moloch, and the starre of youre god Remphan, ymages which ye youre selues made to worshippe the. And I wil cast you out beyonde Babilon.
44 Oure fathers had the tabernacle of witnesse in ye wyldernesse, like as he appoynted them, whan he spake vnto Moses, that he shulde make it (acordinge to the patrone, yt he had sene.)
45 which oure fathers also receaued, and brought it with Iosue into the londe that the Heythe had in possession, whom God droue out before the face of oure fathers, vntyll the tyme of Dauid,
46 which founde fauoure with God, and desyred that he might fynde a tabernacle for the God of Iacob.
47 But Salomon buylte hi an house.
48 Howbeit ye Hyest of all dwelleth not in temples that are made with handes: As he sayeth by the prophete:
49 Heaue is my seate, and the earth is my fote stole. What house then wil ye buylde vnto me? sayeth the LORDE: Or which is the place of my rest?
50 Hath not my hande made all these thinges?
51 Ye styffnecked & of vncircumcysed hertes and eares, ye allwaye resiste the holy goost: Eue as yor fathers dyd, so do ye also.
52 Which of the prophetes haue not yor fathers persecuted? And they slewe the, which tolde before of the comynge of ye righteous, whose traytours and murthurers ye are now become.
53 Ye receaued the lawe by the mynistracion of angels, and haue not kepte it.
54 Whan they herde this, it wente thorow ye hertes of the, and they gnasshed vpo him with their tethe.
55 But he beynge full of the holy goost, loked vp towarde heauen, and sawe the glorye of God, and Iesus stodinge on the righte hande of God,
56 and sayde: Beholde, I se the heauens open, and the sonne of ma stondinge on ye righte honde of God.
57 But they cried out with a loude voyce, & stopped their eares, and rane violently vpon him all at once,
58 and thrust him out of the cite, and stoned him. And ye witnesses layed downe their clothes at the fete of a yonge man, which was called Saul.
59 And they stoned Steuen, which cryed, & sayde: LORDE Iesu, receaue my sprete.
60 And he kneled downe, & cried with a loude voyce: LORDE, laye not this synne to their charge. And wha he had thus spoken, he fell a slepe.
Acts 13:26
26 Ye men and brethren, ye children of the generacion of Abraham, and they that feare God amonge you, vnto you is ye worde of this saluacion sent.
Acts 13:32-34
32 And we also declare vnto you ye promes, which was made vnto oure fathers,
33 how that God hath fulfylled the same vnto vs their children, in yt he raysed vp Iesus agayne. As it is wrytten in the seconde Psalme: Thou art my sonne, this daye haue I begotten the.
34 But that he hath raysed him vp fro the deed, now nomore to returne to corrupcion, he sayde on this wyse: The grace promysed to Dauid, wyl I faithfully kepe vnto you.
Acts 24:16
16 Therfore studye I to haue allwaye a cleare conscience towarde God and towarde men.
Romans 1:17
17 for in it ye righteousnes that is of value before God, is opened, which cometh out of faith i to faith.
Romans 3:21-25
21 But now without addinge to of ye lawe is the righteousnes which avayleth before God, declared, hauynge witnesse of ye lawe and the prophetes:
22 but I speake of ye righteousnes before God, which cometh by the faith on Iesus Christ, vnto all, and vpo all them that beleue.For here is no difference.
23 For they are all synners, and wate the prayse that God shulde haue of the,
24 but without deseruynge are they made righteous eue by his grace, thorow the redempcion that is done by Christ Iesu,
25 whom God hath set forth for a Mercyseate thorow faith in his bloude, to shewe the righteousnes which avayleth before him, in that he forgeueth the synnes, which were done before vnder the sufferaunce of God, which he suffred,
Romans 5:20-21
20 But the lawe in the meane tyme entred, that synne shulde increace. Neuertheles where abundaunce of synne was, there was yet more plenteousnes of grace:
21 that, like as synne had reigned vnto death, eue so mighte grace reigne also thorow righteousnes to euerlastinge life by the meanes of Iesus Christ.
Romans 8:28-30
28 But sure we are, that all thinges serue for the best vnto them that loue of God, which are called of purpose.
29 For those whom he knewe before, hath he ordeyned also before, yt they shulde be like fashioned vnto ye shappe of his sonne, yt he mighte be the first begotte amoge many brethre.
30 As for those whom he hath ordeyned before, them hath he called also: and whom he hath called, the hath he also made righteous: and whom he hath made righteous, them hath he glorified also.
Romans 15:8
8 But I saye that Christ Iesus was a mynister of the circumcision for the trueth of God, to cofirme the promyses made vnto the fathers,
1 Corinthians 14:15
15 How shal it be then? Namely thus: I wil praye with ye sprete, and wil praye with the vnderstodinge also: I wil synge psalmes in the sprete, and wil synge spalmes with ye vnderstondinge also.
2 Corinthians 4:16
16 Therfore are we not weery, but though or outwarde man be corrupte, yet the inwarde is renewed daye by daye.
Ephesians 1:4-8
4 acordinge as he had chosen vs by him, or euer the foundacion of the worlde was layed, that we shulde be holy and without blame before him in loue,
5 & ordeyned vs before, to receaue vs as children thorow Iesus Christ, acordinge to the pleasure of his will,
6 vnto the prayse of the glory of his grace, wherby he hath made vs accepted in the Beloued,
7 in whom we haue redempcion thorow his bloude (namely) the forgeuenes of synnes, acordynge to ye riches of his grace,
Ephesians 1:7-8
Ephesians 1:21-22
Ephesians 2:4-7
4 But God which is riche in mercy thorow his greate loue wherwith he loued vs
5 eue wha we were deed in synnes, hath quyckened vs in Christ ( for by grace are ye saued)
6 and hath raysed vs vp with him, and set vs with him in heauely thinges thorow Christ Iesus,
7 yt in tymes to come he mighte shewe the exceadinge riches of his grace, in kyndnesse to vs warde in Christ Iesu.
Ephesians 2:11-13
11 Wherfore remebre, that ye (which afore tyme were Gentyles after the flesh, and were called vn circumcision, of the that are called circumcision after the flesh, which circumcision is made with the hande)
12 that ye at the same tyme were without Christ, and reputed aleauntes from the comen welth of Israel, and were straungers from the Testamentes of promes, therfore had ye no hope, and were without God in this worlde.
13 But now ye that be in Christ Iesu, and afore tyme were farre of, are now made nye by the bloude of Christ.
Ephesians 3:18-19
Philippians 1:9
9 And for the same I praye, yt yor loue maye increace more & more in all maner of knowlege and in all experience,
Philippians 2:9-10
Colossians 3:16
16 Let ye worde of Christ dwell in you plenteously in all wyssdome. Teach and exhorte youre awne selues with psalmes and ymnes, and spirituall songes which haue fauoure with them, synginge in youre hertes to the LORDE.
1 Thessalonians 4:1
1 Fvrthermore we beseke you brethren and exhorte you in the LORDE Iesus, that ye increace more and more, euen as ye haue receaued of vs how ye oughte to walke and to please God.
2 Thessalonians 1:7-8
2 Thessalonians 2:13-14
13 But we are bounde to geue thankes allwaye vnto God for you, brethren be loued of the LORDE, because that God hath from the begynnynge chosen you to saluacion in the sanctifienge of the sprete and in beleuynge of the trueth,
14 whervnto he hath called you by oure Gospell, to optayne the glory of oure LORDE Iesus Christ.
1 Timothy 6:17
17 Charge the which are riche in this worlde, that they be not proude, ner trust in the vncertayne riches, but in the lyuynge God (which geueth vs abundauntly all thinges to enioye them:)
2 Timothy 1:9
9 which hath saued vs, and called vs with an holy callynge: not acordinge to oure dedes, but acordinge to his owne purpose and grace, which was geuen vs in Christ Iesu before the tyme of the worlde,
Hebrews 1:6-7
Hebrews 1:14
14 Are they not all mynistrynge spretes, sent to mynister for their sakes, which shalbe heyres of saluacion?
Hebrews 8:1
1 Of the thinges which we haue spoken, this is the pyth: We haue soch an hye prest, that is set on ye righte hande of the seate of maiestie in heaue:
Hebrews 8:6-13
6 But now hath he optayned a more excellent office, in as moch as he is the mediatour of a better Testament, which was made for better promyses.
7 For yf that first (Testament) had bene fautles, then shulde no place haue bene soughte for the secode.
8 For in rebukynge the he sayeth: Beholde, the dayes wyll come (sayeth the LORDE) that I wyl fynish vpo the house of Israel, and vpon the house off Iuda,
9 a new Testament: not as the Testament which I made with their fathers, in that daye whan I toke them by the handes, to lede them out of the londe of Egipte: for they contynued not in my Testament, and I regarded them not, sayeth the LORDE.
10 For this is the Testament, that I wil make wt the house of Israell after those dayes, sayeth the LORDE. I wyl geue my lawes in their mynde, and in their hertes wyl I wryte them: And I wil be their God, and they shal be my people:
11 and they shal not teach euery ma his neghboure, and euery man his brother, sayenge: knowe ye LORDE, for they shal knowe me from the leest to the most of them:
12 for I wil be mercifull ouer their vnrighteousnesses: And on their synnes & on their iniquyties wyl I not thynke enymore.
13 In that he sayeth: A new, he weereth out ye olde. Now yt which is worne out and waxed olde, is ready to vanish awaye
Hebrews 10:2
2 Els shulde they haue ceassed to haue bene offred, because that the offerers once pourged, shulde haue had nomore conscience of synnes.
Hebrews 12:5-11
5 and haue forgotten the consolacion, which speaketh vnto you as vnto children: My sonne, despyse not the chastenynge off the LORDE, nether faynte whan thou art rebuked of him:
6 for who the LORDE loueth, him he chasteneth, yee and he scourgeth euery sonne that he receaueth.
7 Yf ye endure chastenynge, God offereth himselfe vnto you as vnto sonnes. What sonne is that, whom the father chasteneth not?
8 Yf ye be not vnder correccion (wherof all are partakers) then are ye bastardes and not sonnes.
9 Morouer seyenge we haue had fathers off oure flesh which corrected vs, & we gaue them reuerence, shulde we not then moch rather be in subieccion vnto ye father of spirituall giftes, yt we mighte lyue?
10 And they verely for a few dayes nurtred vs after their awne pleasure: but he lerneth vs vnto yt which is profitable, that we mighte receaue of his holynes.
11 No maner chastisynge for the present tyme semeth to be ioyous, but greuous: neuertheles afterwarde it bringeth the quyete frute of righteousnes, vnto them which are exercysed therby.
James 1:10-11
10 and the rich, in yt he is made lowe. For eue as the flor of ye grasse shal he vanyshe awaye.
11 The Sonne ryseth wt heat and the grasse wydereth, & his floure falleth awaye, and the beautie of the fassion of it perissheth: euen so shal the ryche man perisshe with his abundaunce.
12 Happy is the man that endureth in teptacion, for when he is tryed, he shal receaue the crowne of life, which the LORDE hath promised to them that loue him.
James 2:6
6 But ye haue despised the poore. Are not the rych they which oppresse you: & they which drawe you before iudges?
James 5:1-6
1 Goo to now ye riche men. Wepe, and howle on yor wretchednes that shal come vpon you.
2 Youre riches is corrupte, youre garmetes are motheaten.
3 Youre golde & yor siluer are cancred, & the rust of them shalbe a witnes vnto you, & shal eate youre flesshe, as it were fyre. Ye haue heaped treasure togedder in yor last dayes:
4 Beholde, the hyre of the labourers which haue reped downe youre feldes (which hyer is of you kept backe by fraude) cryeth: and the cryes of the which haue reped, are entred in to the eares of the LORDE Sabaoth.
5 Ye haue liued in pleasure on the earth and in wantannes. Ye haue norysshed youre hertes, as in a daye of slaughter.
6 Ye haue codempned and haue killed the iust, and he hath not resisted you.
James 5:11
11 Beholde we counte them happy which endure. Ye haue hearde of ye paciece of Iob, and haue knowen what ende the LORDE made. For the LORDE is very pitifull and mercifull.
James 5:15
15 and ye prayer of faith shal saue the sicke, and the LORDE shal rayse him vp: and yf he haue comitted synnes, they shalbe forgeuen him.
1 Peter 1:24
24 For all flesh is as grasse, and all the glory of man is as the floure of grasse. The grasse withereth, & the floure falleth awaye
1 Peter 3:22
22 which is on the righte hande of God, and is gone in to heaue, angels, power and mighte subdued vnto him.
1 Peter 5:4
4 & whan the chefe shepherde shal appeare, ye shal receaue the vncorruptible crowne of glory.
2 Peter 1:1
1 Symon Peter a seruaut and an Apostle of Iesus Christ.Vnto the which haue optayned like faith with vs in the righteousnes that commeth of oure God, and Sauioure Iesus Christ.
1 John 1:7
7 But yf we walke in lighte, euen as he is in lighte, then haue we fellishippe together, and the bloude of Iesus Christ his sonne clenseth vs from all synne.
Revelation 4:8
8 And the foure beestes had eche one off them vj. wynges aboute him, and they were full of eyes with in. And they had no rest daye nether night, sayenge: holy, holy, holy, is the LORDE God almyghty, which was, and is, and is to come.
Revelation 5:9
9 and they songe a newe songe saynge: thou art worthy to take the boke & to ope the seales therof: for thou wast kylled, and hast redemed vs by thy bloud, out of all kynreddes, and toges, and people, and nacions,
Revelation 5:12-14
12 sayenge with a loude voyce: Worthy is the lambe that was killed, to receaue power, and riches & wissdome, and strength, and honoure and glory, and blessynge.
13 And all creatures, which are in heaue, & on the earth, & vnder the earth, & in the see, & all yt are in the, herd I sayenge: blessinge, honoure, glory, & power, be vnto him, yt sytteth vpo the seate, and vnto the labe for euermore.
14 And the foure beestes saide: Ame. And ye xxiiij. elders fell vpon their faces, and worshipped him that lyueth for euermore.
Revelation 19:5-6
Revelation 22:8-9
8 I am Ihon, which sawe these thinges and herde them. And whe I had herde and sene the, I fell downe to worshippe before the fete of the angell which shewed me these thinges.
9 And he saide vnto me: se thou do it not, for I am thy felowe seruaunt and the felowe seruaut of thy brethren the prophetes, and of them, which kepe the sayenges of this boke. Worshippe God.