Psalms 104 Cross References - Coverdale

1 Prayse the LORDE o my soule: O LORDE my God, thou art become exceadinge glorious, thou art clothed with maiesty and honoure. 2 Thou deckest thy self with light, as it were wt a garment, thou spredest out the heauen like a curtayne. 3 Thou voltest it aboue with waters, thou makest the cloudes thy charet, and goest vpon the wynges of the wynde. 4 Thou makest thine angels spretes, and thy ministers flammes of fyre. 5 Thou hast layed ye earth vpon hir foundacion, that it neuer moueth at eny tyme. 6 Thou couerest it with the depe like as with a garmet, so that the waters stonde aboue the hilles. 7 But at thy rebuke they fle, at the voyce of thy thonder they are afrayed. 8 Then are the hilles sene alofte, & the valleys beneth in their place which thou hast appoynted for the. 9 Thou hast set them their boundes, which they maie not passe, that they turne not agayne to couer ye earth. 10 Thou causest the welles to sprynge vp amonge the valleys, and the waters runne amonge ye hilles. 11 That all the beastes of the felde maye haue drynke, & that the wylde asses maye quench their thyrste. 12 Aboue vpon the hilles haue the foules of the ayre their habitacion, and synge amonge the braunches. 13 Thou watrest the hylles from aboue, the erth is fylled with ye frutes of thy workes. 14 Thou bryngest forth grasse for the catell, and grene herbe for the seruyce of men. 15 Thou bryngest fode out of the earth: wyne to make glad ye herte of ma, oyle to make him a chearfull countenaunce, & bred to strength mans herte. 16 The trees of the LORDE are full of sappe, euen the trees of Libanus which he hath planted. 17 There make the byrdes their nestes, and the fyrre trees are a dwellinge for the storcke. 18 The hilles are a refuge for the wylde goates, and so are the stony rockes for ye conyes. 19 Thou hast appoynted the Moone for certayne seasons, the Sonne knoweth his goinge downe. 20 Thou makest darcknesse, that it maye be night, wherin all the beastes of the forest do moue. 21 Yee and the yonge lyons which roare after the praye, and seke their meate at God. 22 But when the Sonne ariseth, they get them awaye together, and lye them downe in their dennes. 23 Then goeth man forth to his worke, and to till his londe vntill the euenynge. 24 O LORDE, how manifolde are thy workes, right wysely hast thou made the all: yee the earth is full of thy riches. 25 So is this greate and wyde see also, wherin are thinges crepinge innumerable, both small and greate beastes. 26 There go the shippes ouer, and there is that Leuiathan, whom thou hast made, to take his pastyme therin. 27 They wayte all vpo the, that thou mayest geue them meate in due season. 28 Whe thou geuest it them, they gather it: whe thou openest thine honde, they are fylled with good. 29 But when thou hydest thy face, they are soroufull: yf thou takest awaye their breth, they dye, & are turned agayne to their dust. 30 Agayne, when thou lattest thy breth go forth, they are made, and so thou renuest the face of the earth. 31 The glorious magesty of the LORDE endureth for euer, and the LORDE reioyseth in his workes. 32 The earth trebleth at the loke of him, he doth but touch ye hilles and they smoke. 33 I will synge vnto the LORDE as longe as I lyue, I wil prayse my God whyle I haue my beinge. 34 O that my wordes might please him, for my ioye is in the LORDE. 35 As for synners, they shalbe cosumed out of the earth, and the vngodly shal come to an ende: but prayse thou the LORDE, o my soule. Halleluya.

Genesis 1:2-10

2 and ye earth was voyde and emptie, and darcknes was vpon the depe, & ye sprete of God moued vpo the water. 3 And God sayde: let there be light, & there was light. 4 And God sawe the light that it was good. Then God deuyded ye light from the darcknes,

Genesis 1:4-5

4 And God sawe the light that it was good. Then God deuyded ye light from the darcknes, 5 and called the light, Daye: and the darcknes, Night Then of the euenynge and mornynge was made the first daye.

Genesis 1:5-5

5 and called the light, Daye: and the darcknes, Night Then of the euenynge and mornynge was made the first daye. 6 And God sayde: let there be a firmament betwene the waters, and let it deuyde ye waters a sunder. 7 Then God made ye firmamet, and parted the waters vnder the firmamet, from the waters aboue the firmament: And so it came to passe. 8 And God called ye firmament, Heauen. Then of the euenynge & mornynge was made the seconde daye. 9 And God sayde: let the waters vnder heauen gather theselues vnto one place, yt the drye londe maye appeare. And so it came to passe. 10 And God called ye drye londe, Earth: and the gatheringe together of waters called he, ye See. And God sawe yt it was good. 11 And God sayde: let ye earth bringe forth grene grasse and herbe, that beareth sede: & frutefull trees, that maye beare frute, euery one after his kynde, hauynge their owne sede in them selues vpon the earth. And so it came to passe. 12 And the earth brought forth grene grasse and herbe, yt beareth sede euery one after his kynde, & trees bearinge frute, & hauynge their owne sede in them selues, euery one after his kynde. And God sawe that it was good.

Genesis 1:14-18

14 And God sayde: let there be lightes in ye firmament of heauen, to deuyde the daye fro the night, that they maye be vnto tokes, seasons, dayes, and yeares. 15 And let them be lightes in ye firmament of heauen, to shyne vpon the earth: And so it came to passe. 16 And God made two greate lightes: one greater light to rule the daye, and a lesse light to rule the night, and (he made) starres also. 17 And God set them in the firmament of heauen, yt they might shyne vpo earth, 18 and to rule the daye and the night, and to deuyde the light from darcknes. And God sawe that it was good.

Genesis 1:20-22

20 And God sayde: let the waters brynge forth creatures that moue and haue life, & foules for to flye aboue the earth vnder the firmamet of heauen. 21 And God created greate whalles, and all maner of creatures that lyue and moue, which the waters brought forth euery one after his kynde: and all maner of fethered foules, euery one after his kynde. And God sawe that it was good, 22 and blessed them, sayenge: Growe, and multiplie, and fyll the waters of the sees, and let the foules multiplie vpon the earth.

Genesis 1:24-25

24 And God sayde: let ye earth brynge forth lyuynge soules, euery one after his kynde: catell, wormes & what as hath life vpon earth, euery one after his kynde. And so it came to passe. 25 And God made ye beastes of the earth euery one after his kynde, and catell after their kynde, and all maner wormes of the earth after their kynde. And God sawe that it was good.

Genesis 1:28

28 And God blessed them, and sayde vnto them: Growe, and multiplie, and fyll the earth, and subdue it, & haue domynion ouer the fish of the see, and ouer the foules of the ayre, and ouer all the beastes that crepe vpo the earth. 29 And God sayde: lo, I haue geuen you all maner herbes that beare sede vpon the whole earth, and all maner frutefull trees that beare sede, to be meate for you. 30 And to all beastes of the earth, and to all foules vnder the heauen, and to euery worme that hath life (vpon earth) all maner grene herbes to eate. And so it came to passe. 31 And God behelde all yt he had made, and lo, they were exceadinge good. Then of the euenynge and mornynge was made the sixte daye.

Genesis 2:5

5 before there was eny twygg vpon earth, and or euer there grew eny grene herbe vpon the felde. For the LORDE God had yet sent no rayne vpon ye earth, nether was there eny man to tylle the earth.

Genesis 2:9

9 And the LORDE God caused to sprynge out of the earth all maner trees, pleasaut to loke vpo, and good to eate: and the tre of life in the myddest of the garden, and the tre of knowlege of good and euell.

Genesis 3:1

1 Bvt the serpent was sotyller then all the beastes of the felde (which ye LORDE God had made) and sayde vnto the woman: Yee, hath God sayde indede: Ye shall not eate of all maner trees in the garden?

Genesis 3:18

18 Thornes and thistles shalt it beare vnto the, and thou shalt eate the herbes of the felde. 19 In the sweate of thy face shalt thou eate thy bred, tyll thou be turned agayne vnto earth, whece thou art take: for earth thou art, and vnto earth shalt thou be turned agayne.

Genesis 4:12

12 Whan thou tyllest ye grounde, she shall hensforth not geue hir power vnto the. A vagabunde and a rennagate shalt thou be vpon ye earth.

Genesis 7:19

19 Yee the waters preuayled and increased so sore vpon earth, that all the hye mountaynes vnder the whole heauen were couered.

Genesis 8:1

1 Then God remembred Noe and all the beastes, and all the catell that were with him in the Arcke, and caused a wynde to come vpon the earth: and ye waters ceassed,

Genesis 8:5

5 And the waters wete awaye and decreased vntyll the tenth moneth: for the first daye of the tenth moneth, the toppes of the mountaynes appeared.

Genesis 8:22

22 Nether shall sowynge tyme and haruest, colde and heate Sommer and wynter, daye and night ceasse so longe as the earth endureth.

Genesis 9:3

3 All that moueth and hath life, be youre meate. Euen as the grene herbe, so haue I geue you all.

Genesis 9:11-15

11 And thus I make my couenaunt with you, that hence forth all flesh shal not be destroyed with the waters of eny floude, and from hence forth there shall come no floude to destroye the earth. 12 And God sayde: This is the token of my couenaunt which I haue made betwene me and you, and all lyuynge creatures amonge you for euermore: 13 My bowe will I set in the cloudes, and it shal be the token of my couenaunt betwene me and ye earth: 14 so that wha I brynge cloudes vpon the earth, the bowe shal appeare in the cloudes. 15 And then wyll I thynke vpon my couenaunt betwixte me and you and all lyuynge creatures in all maner of flesh: so that from hence forth there shall nomore come eny floude of water to destroye all flesh.

Genesis 18:5

5 And I wyll fet you a morsell of bred, to comforte youre hertes withall, and then shall ye go youre wayes, for therfore are ye come to youre seruaunt. They sayde: do euen so as thou hast spoken:

Genesis 49:13

13 Zabulon shal dwell in the hauen of the see, and in the porte of shippes, and shal border vpon Sydon.

Exodus 19:18

18 But all mount Sinai smoked, because ye LORDE came downe vpo it with fyre. And the smoke therof wente vp as the smoke of a fornace, so that the whole mount was exceadinge terrible.

Exodus 31:17

17 An euerlastynge token is it betwixte me and the children of Israel. For in sixe dayes made the LORDE heaue & earth, but vpon ye seuenth daye he rested, and was refreshed.

Leviticus 11:5

5 The Conyes chewe cud, but they deuyde not the hoffe in to two clawes, therfore are they vncleane vnto you.

Leviticus 11:19

19 the Heron, ye Iaye with his kynde, the Lapwynge, and ye Swalowe.

Leviticus 26:26

26 For I wil destroye youre prouysion of bred, so yt ten wemen shall bake youre bred in one ouen, and youre bred shal be delyuered out by weight. And whan ye eate, ye shall not haue ynough.

Numbers 24:6

6 Euen as the brode valleys, as the gardens by the waters syde, as ye tentes which the LORDE hath plated, & as the Ceder trees vpon ye water.

Deuteronomy 4:19

19 yt thou lifte not vp thine eyes towarde heauen, and se the Sonne and the Moone & the starres, and the whole hoost of heaue, and be disceaused, and worsh ppe, and serue them: which the LORDE yi God hath made to serue all nacios vnder ye whole heaue.

Deuteronomy 8:3

3 He chastened the, and let the hunger, and fed the with Manna (which thou and thy fathers knewe not) to make the knowe, that man lyueth not by bred onely, but by all that proceadeth out of the mouth of the LORDE.

Deuteronomy 8:7

7 For the LORDE thy God bryngeth the in to a good londe: A londe where in are ryuers of water, fountaynes and sprynges, which flowe by the hilles and valleys:

Deuteronomy 11:11

11 but it hath hilles and valleys, which drynke water of the rayne of heauen,

Deuteronomy 14:7

7 Neuertheles these shal ye not eate of them that chewe cudd, and deuyde not the hoffe in to two clawes: The Camell, the hayre, & the conye, for though they chewe cudd, yet deuyde they not the hoffe, therfore shal they be vncleane vnto you.

Deuteronomy 28:40

40 Thou shalt haue Olyue trees in all yi coastes, but shalt not be anoynted with the oyle: for thyne Oliue trees shalbe roted out.

Deuteronomy 31:17

17 And then shall my wrath waxe whote agaynst them, at the same tyme, & I shal forsake the, and hyde my face fro them, that they maye be consumed. And so whan moch aduersite & trouble commeth vpo the, they shal saye: Is not all this euell come vpo me, because God is not with me?

Deuteronomy 33:14-16

14 There are noble frutes of the increase of the Sonne, and noble rype frutes of ye monethes: 15 And of ye toppes of the mountaynes of olde, and of the hilles allwaye, 16 and of the noble frutes of ye earth, and of the fulnesse therof. The good will of him that dwelleth in the busshe, come vpon the heade of Ioseph, and vpon ye toppe of his heade that was separated fro amonge his brethren.

Deuteronomy 33:19

19 They shall call the people vnto ye hyll, and there shal they offre ye offeringes of righteousnes. For they shal sucke the abundaunce of the see, and the treasures hyd in the sonde.

Judges 5:31

31 Thus all thine enemies must perishe O LORDE: but they that loue the, shal be euen as the Sonne rysinge vp in his mighte. And the londe had peace fortye yeares.

Judges 9:9

9 But the Olyue tre answered them: Shall I go and leaue my fatnesse (which both God and men commende in me) and go to be puft vp aboue the trees?

Judges 9:13

13 But the vyne sayde vnto them: Shal I leaue my swete wyne, which reioyseth God and men, and go to be puft vp aboue the trees?

Judges 19:16

16 And beholde, then came there an olde ma from his worke out of the felde in the eueninge: and he was also of mount Ephraim, and a strauger at Gibea: but ye me of that place were ye childre of Iemini.

1 Samuel 24:2

2 And Saul toke thre thousande chosen men out of all Israel, and wente to seke Dauid with his men vpon the stony rockes of the wylde goates.

2 Samuel 22:11

11 He sat vpon Cherub and dyd flye, and appeared vpon the fethers of the wynde.

1 Kings 18:5

5 Achab now sayde vnto Abdia: Go thorow the londe vnto all the welles of water & ryuers, yf happlye we maye finde hay, & to saue ye horses & mules, yt all the catell perishe not.

2 Kings 2:11

11 And as they were goinge together, and he talked, there came a fyrie charet with horses of fyre, and parted the both asunder. And so wente Elias vp to heauen in the storme.

2 Kings 6:17

17 And Eliseus prayed & sayde: LORDE open his eyes, yt he maye se. Then the LORDE opened ye childes eyes, yt he sawe, & beholde, ye mount was full of fyrie horses & charettes roude aboute Eliseus.

Nehemiah 9:6

6 LORDE, thou art alone, thou hast made heauen, and the heauen of all heauens, with all their hoost, the earth and all that therin is, the See and all that is therin: thou geuest life vnto all, and ye hoost of heauen bowe themselues vnto the.

Job 3:8

8 geue it their curse also, euen those that be ready to rayse vp Leuiathan.

Job 5:9

9 which doth thinges, that are vnsearcheable, and marueles without nobre:

Job 10:9

9 O remembre (I beseke the) how that thou madest me of the moulde of the earth, and shalt brynge me to earth agayne.

Job 13:24

24 Wherfore hydest thou thy face, and holdest me for thine enemye?

Job 24:13-17

13 where as they (not wt stodinge) are rebellious and disobedient enemies: which seke not his light and waye, ner turne agayne in to his path. 14 Tymely in the mornynge do they aryse, to murthur the symple and poore, & in the night they go a stealinge. 15 The eye of the vngodly is like the aduouterer, that wayteth for the darcknesse, and sayeth thus in him self: Tush, there shal no ma se me, & so he disgyseth his face. 16 In the night season they search the houses, and hyde them selues in the daye tyme, but wil not knowe ye light 17 For as soone as the daye breaketh, the shadowe of death commeth vpo them, and they go in horrible darcknesse.

Job 26:7

7 He stretcheth out ye north ouer the emptie, & hageth ye earth vpo nothinge.

Job 26:10

10 He hath copased the waters wt certayne boundes, vntill the daye & night come to an ende.

Job 26:13

13 With his sprete hath he garnished the heaues, & with his hande hath he wounded the rebellious serpet.

Job 28:5

5 He bryngeth foode out of the earth, & yt which is vnder, consumeth he with fyre.

Job 31:26-28

26 Dyd I euer greatly regarde the rysinge of the Sonne? Or, had I the goinge downe of ye Moone in greate reputacion? 27 Hath my hert medled priuely wt eny disceate? Or, dyd I euer kysse myne owne honde 28 (that were a wickednesse worthy to be punyshed, for then shulde I haue denyed the God that is aboue.)

Job 33:4

4 The sprete of God hath made me, & the breth of the Allmightie hath geue me my life.

Job 34:14-15

14 To whom hath he geuen his herte, for to drawe his sprete and breth vnto him? 15 All flesh shal come together vnto naught, & all me shal turne agayne vnto earth.

Job 34:29

29 Yf he delyuer & graunte pardo, who will iudge or condemne? But yf he hyde awaye his countenaunce, who wil turne it aboute agayne, whether it be to the people or to eny man?

Job 36:31

31 By these thinges gouerneth he his people, and geueth the abundaunce of meate.

Job 37:8

8 The beestes crepe in to their dennes, & take their rest.

Job 38:4-7

4 Where wast thou, when I layed ye foundacions of the earth? Tell planely yff thou hast vnderstondinge. 5 Who hath measured it, knowest thou? Or, who hath spred ye lyne vpon it? 6 Where vpon stode the pilers of it? Or, who layed ye corner stone? 7 where wast thou when the mornynge starres gaue me prayse, ad when all the angels of God reioysed?

Job 38:10-11

10 when I gaue it my comaundement, makynge dores & barres for it, 11 sayenge: Hither to shalt thou come, but no further, and here shalt thou laye downe thy proude and hye wawes. 12 Hast thou geue the mornynge his charge (as soone as thou wast borne) and shewed the dayespringe his place,

Job 38:25-28

25 Who deuydeth the abundauce of waters in to ryuers, or who maketh a waye for the stormy wether, 26 yt it watereth & moystureth ye drye & baren grounde: 27 to make the grasse growe in places where no body dwelleth, & in the wildernes where no ma remayneth?

Job 38:27

27 to make the grasse growe in places where no body dwelleth, & in the wildernes where no ma remayneth? 28 Who is the father of rayne? Or, who hath begotten the droppes of dew?

Job 38:37

37 who nombreth the cloudes in wisdome? who stilleth ye vehement waters of the heaue?

Job 38:39

39 Huntest thou the praye fro the Lyon, or fedest thou his whelpes

Job 38:41

41 who prouydeth meate for the rauen, whe his yonge ones crie vnto God, ad fle aboute for want of meate?

Job 39:1

1 Knowest thou the tyme when the wilde gotes brige forth their yoge amoge the stony rockes? Or layest thou wayte when the hindes vse to fawne?

Job 39:5-8

5 who letteth the wilde asse go fre, or who lowseth the bodes of the Moole? 6 Vnto who I haue geuen the wyldernes to be their house, & the vntilled londe to be their dwellinge place. 7 That they maye geue no force for the multitude off people in the cities, nether to regarde the crienge of the dryuer: 8 but to seke their pasture aboute the moutaynes, & to folowe vpon the grene grasse.

Job 41:1-34

1 Darrest thou drawe out Leuiathan with an angle, or bynde his tonge with a snare? 2 Canst thou put a rynge in the nose of him, or bore his chaftes thorow with a naule? 3 Wyll he make many fayre wordes with the (thynkest thou) or flatre the: 4 Wyll he make a couenaunt with the? Or, art thou able for to compell him to do the contynuall seruyce? 5 Wilt thou take thy pastyne wt him as with a byrde, or geue him vnto thy maydens, 6 that thy companyons maye hew him in peces, to be parted amonge the marchaunt men? 7 Canst thou fyll the nett wt his skynne, or ye fysh panyer with his heade? 8 Darrest thou laye honde vpon him? It is better for the to considre what harme might happe the there thorow and not to touch him. 9 For when thou thynkest to haue holde vpon him, he shall begyle the: Euery man also that seyth him, shall go backe. And why? 10 There darre none be so bolde, as to rayse him vp. Who is able to stonde before me? 11 Or, who hath geuen me eny thynge afore hande, that I am bounde to rewarde him agayne? All thinges vnder heauen are myne. 12 I feare him not, whether he threaten or speake fayre. 13 Who lifteth him vp and stripeth him out of his clothes, or who taketh him by the bytt of his brydle? 14 Who openeth the dore of his face? for he hath horrible tethe rounde aboute. 15 His body is couered with scales as it were with shyldes, lockte in, kepte, and well copacte together. 16 One is so ioyned to another, that no ayre can come in: 17 Yee one hangeth so vpon another, and sticke so together, that they can not be sundered. 18 His nesinge is like a glisteringe fyre, and his eyes like the mornynge shyne. 19 Out of his mouth go torches and fyre brandes, 20 out off his nostrels there goeth a smoke, like as out off an hote seetinge pott. 21 His breth maketh the coales burne, the flame goeth out of his mouth. 22 In his necke remayneth strength, and before his face sorowe is turned to gladnesse. 23 The membres of his body are ioyned so strayte one to another, and cleue so fast together, that he can not be moued. 24 His hert is as harde as a stone, ad as fast as the styth ye that the hammer man smyteth vpon. 25 When he goeth: the mightiest off all are afrayed, and the wawes heuy. 26 Yff he drawe out the swearde, there maye nether speare ner brest plate abyde him. 27 He setteth as moch by a strawe as by yro, and as moch by a rotten stocke as by metall. 28 He starteth not awaye for him that bendeth the bowe, & as for slynge stones, he careth as moch for stubble as for them 29 He counteth the hammer no better then a strawe, he laugheth him to scorne that shaketh the speare. 30 He treadeth the golde in the myre like ye sharpe potsherdes. 31 He maketh the depe to seeth and boyle like a pott, and stereth the see together like an oyntment. 32 The waye is light after him, the depe is his walkynge place. 33 Vpon earth is there no power like vnto his, for he is so made, that he feareth not. 34 Yff a man will cosidre all hye thinges, this same is a kynge ouer all the children off pryde.

Psalms 1:2

2 But delyteth in the lawe of ye LORDE, & exercyseth himself in his lawe both daye and night.

Psalms 1:4

4 As for the vngodly, it is not so with them: but they are like the dust, which ye wynde scatereth awaye from of the grounde.

Psalms 7:1

1 O Lorde my God, in ye do I trust: saue me fro all the yt persecute me, & delyuer me.

Psalms 8:3

3 For I considre thy heauens, euen the worke off thy fyngers: the Moone and the starres which thou hast made.

Psalms 9:2

2 I wil be glad & reioyse in the, yee my songes wil I make of thy name, o thou most hyest.

Psalms 18:10-11

10 He rode vpo the Cherubins & dyd fle: he came flyenge with the wynges of the wynde. 11 He made darcknesse his pauylion rounde aboute hi, with darcke water & thicke cloudes to couer him.

Psalms 18:15

15 The springes of waters were sene, & the foundacios of the roude worlde were discouered at yi chiding (o LORDE) at the blastinge & breth of thy displeasure.

Psalms 19:6

6 It goeth forth fro the one ende of the heauen, and runneth aboute vnto the same ende agayne, & there maye no ma hyde himself fro the heate therof.

Psalms 23:5

5 Thou preparest a table before me agaynst mine enemies: thou anoyntest my heade with oyle, & fyllest my cuppe full.

Psalms 24:1

1 The earth is the LORDES, & all that therin is: the copase of the worlde, ad all yt dwell therin. 2 For he hath fouded it vpo the sees, & buylded it vpon the floudes.

Psalms 29:1-4

1 A scrybe vnto the LORDE (o ye mightie) ascribe vnto the LORDE worshipe and strength. 2 Geue the LORDE the honoure of his name, bowe youre selues to the holy magesty of the LORDE 3 It is the LORDE that commaundeth the waters: It is the glorious God that maketh ye thonder: 4 it is the LORDE yt ruleth the see. 5 The voyce of the LORDE is mightie in operacion, the voyce of the LORDE is a glorious voyce

Psalms 30:7

7 But as soone as thou turnedest thy face fro me, I was brought in feare.

Psalms 32:11

11 Greate plages shall ye vngodly haue, but who so putteth his trust in the LORDE, mercy shall compasse him on euery syde. Be glad (o ye rightuous) and reioyse in the LORDE, be ioyfull all ye that are true of herte.

Psalms 33:6

6 By the worde of the LORDE were the heauens made, & all the hoostes of them by ye breth of his mouth. 7 He gathereth ye waters together as it were in a bottell, & laieth vp the depe in secrete.

Psalms 33:9

9 For loke what he sayeth, it is done: and loke what he comaudeth, it stondeth fast.

Psalms 34:10

10 The rich shal want and suffre hunger, but they which seke the LORDE, shal wat no maner of thinge, that is good.

Psalms 36:6

6 Thy rightuousnesse stondeth like the stronge mountaynes, & thy iudgment like the greate depe.

Psalms 37:38

38 Kepe innocency, and take hede vnto the thinge that is right, for that shall brynge a man peace at the last.

Psalms 40:5

5 O LORDE my God, greate are yi wonderous workes which thou hast done: & in thy thoughtes towarde vs there maye none be lickened vnto the.

Psalms 50:3

3 Oure God shal come, and not kepe sylence: there goeth before him a consumynge fyre, and a mightie tempest rounde aboute him.

Psalms 50:10

10 For all the beestes of the felde are myne, and thousandes of catell vpon the hilles.

Psalms 50:10-12

10 For all the beestes of the felde are myne, and thousandes of catell vpon the hilles. 11 I knowe all the foules vpon the mountaynes, and the wilde beastes of the felde are in my sight.

Psalms 50:11-12

11 I knowe all the foules vpon the mountaynes, and the wilde beastes of the felde are in my sight. 12 Yf I be hongrie, I wil not tell the: for ye whole worlde is myne, and all that therin is.

Psalms 59:13

13 Cosume them in yi wrath, cosume the yt they maye perish, & knowe yt it is God, which ruleth in Iacob and in all the worlde.

Psalms 63:4

4 For thy louynge kyndnesse is better then life, my lyppes shal prayse the. 5 As loge as I liue wil I magnifie the, & lift vp my hondes in thy name. 6 My soule is satisfied eue as it were with marry & fatnesse, when my mouth prayseth the with ioyfull lippes.

Psalms 65:9-13

9 Thou visetest the earth, thou watrest it, and makest it very plenteous. 10 The ryuer of God is full of waters, thou preparest man his corne, ad thus thou prouydest for the earth. 11 Thou watrest hir forowes, thou breakest the harde clottes therof, thou makest it soft with ye droppes of rayne, and blessest the increase of it.

Psalms 65:11

11 Thou watrest hir forowes, thou breakest the harde clottes therof, thou makest it soft with ye droppes of rayne, and blessest the increase of it. 12 Thou crownest the yeare with thy good, and thy fotesteppes droppe fatnesse. 13 The dwellinges of the wildernes are fatt also, yt they droppe withall, & the litle hilles are pleasaunt on euery syde. The foldes are full of shepe, the valleys stonde so thicke with corne yt they laugh and synge.

Psalms 68:1-2

1 Let God aryse, so shal his enemies be scatered, and they that hate him, shal fle before him. 2 Like as the smoke vanisheth, so shalt thou dryue them awaye: and like as waxe melteth at the fyre, so shall the vngodly perish at the presence off God.

Psalms 69:34

34 For the LORDE heareth the poore, & despyset not his presoners.

Psalms 73:27

27 For lo, they that forsake the, shal perishe, thou destroyest all them that committe fornicacion agaynst the.

Psalms 74:14

14 Thou denydest ye see thorow thy power, thou breakest the heades of the dragos in the waters.

Psalms 74:16

16 Thou dyggest vp welles & brokes, thou dryest vp mightie waters.

Psalms 77:12

12 I wil speake of all thy workes, and my talkynge shalbe of thy doinges.

Psalms 77:16

16 Sela. The waters sawe ye (o God) ye waters sawe ye, & were afrayed: ye depthes were moued.

Psalms 77:18

18 Thy thonder was herde rounde aboute, the lighteninges shone vpon the grounde, the earth was moued and shoke withall.

Psalms 84:3

3 For the sparow hath founde hir an house, & the swalowe a nest, where she maye laye hir yoge: eue yi aulters O LORDE of hoostes, my kynge & my God.

Psalms 90:3

3 Thou turnest man to destruccion, Agayne, thou sayest: come agayne ye children of men.

Psalms 92:2

2 To tell of thy louynge kyndnesse early in the mornynge, and of thy trueth in the night season.

Psalms 92:10

10 But my horne shalbe exalted like the horne of an Vnicorne, & shal be anoynted with fresh oyle.

Psalms 93:1

1 The LORDE is kynge, and hath put on glorious apparell, the LORDE hath put on his apparell, & gyrded himself with stregth:

Psalms 95:4-5

4 In his honde are all ye corners of the earth, and the strength of the hilles is his also. 5 The see is his, for he made it, and his hondes prepared the drie lode.

Psalms 96:6

6 Thankesgeuynge and worshipe are before him, power and honoure are in his Sanctuary.

Psalms 96:10

10 Tell it out amonge the Heithe, that the LORDE is kynge: and that it is he which hath made the rounde worlde so fast, that it cannot be moued, and how that he shal iudge the people rightuously.

Psalms 97:4-5

4 His lightenynges geue shyne vnto the worlde, the earth seyth it & is afraied. 5 The hilles melt like wax at the presence of ye LORDE, at the presence of the LORDE of the whole earth.

Psalms 101:8

8 I shal soone destroye all the vngodly of the londe, that all wicked doers maye be roted out of the cite of the LORDE.

Psalms 102:16

16 For the LORDE shal buylde vp Sion, and shal apeare in his glory.

Psalms 103:1-2

1 Prayse the LORDE (o my soule) & all that is within me prayse his holy name. 2 Prayse the LORDE o my soule, & forget not all his benefites.

Psalms 103:22

22 O speake good of the LORDE all ye workes of his, in euery place of his dominion: prayse thou the LORDE, o my soule.

Psalms 103:22-104:1

22 O speake good of the LORDE all ye workes of his, in euery place of his dominion: prayse thou the LORDE, o my soule.

Psalms 104:3

3 Thou voltest it aboue with waters, thou makest the cloudes thy charet, and goest vpon the wynges of the wynde.

Psalms 104:12

12 Aboue vpon the hilles haue the foules of the ayre their habitacion, and synge amonge the braunches. 13 Thou watrest the hylles from aboue, the erth is fylled with ye frutes of thy workes.

Psalms 104:16-17

16 The trees of the LORDE are full of sappe, euen the trees of Libanus which he hath planted. 17 There make the byrdes their nestes, and the fyrre trees are a dwellinge for the storcke.

Psalms 104:35

35 As for synners, they shalbe cosumed out of the earth, and the vngodly shal come to an ende: but prayse thou the LORDE, o my soule. Halleluya.

Psalms 105:16

16 Morouer he called for a derth vpon the lode, and destroyed all the prouysion of bred.

Psalms 105:45

45 That they might kepe his statutes, and obserue his lawes. Halleluya. Halleluya.

Psalms 106:9

9 He rebuked the reed see, and it was dried vp: so he led the thorow the depe as in a wildernesse.

Psalms 106:48

48 Blessed be the LORDE God of Israel from euerlastinge and worlde without ende, and let all people saye: Amen, Amen. Halleluya.

Psalms 107:23

23 They that go downe to the see in shippes, & occupie their busynesse in greate waters.

Psalms 107:31

31 O that men wolde prayse the goodnes of the LORDE, and the wonders that he doth for the children of men.

Psalms 107:35

35 Agayne, he maketh the wildernes a stondinge water, and water sprynges of a drye grounde.

Psalms 114:3-7

3 The see sawe that, and fled, Iordan turned backe. 4 The mountaynes skipped like rammes, & the litle hilles like yonge shepe. 5 What ayled the (o thou see) that thou fleddest? and thou Iordan, that thou turnedest backe? 6 Ye mountaynes, that ye skipped like rammes? and ye litle hilles, like yonge shepe? 7 The earth trembled at the presence of the LORDE, at the presence of the God of Iacob.

Psalms 114:7

7 The earth trembled at the presence of the LORDE, at the presence of the God of Iacob.

Psalms 119:15-16

15 I wil exercise my self in thy comaundementes, & haue respecte vnto thy fotepathes. 16 My delite shalbe in thy statutes, I will not forget thy wordes.

Psalms 119:111

111 Thy testimonies haue I claymed as myne heretage for euer: & why? they are the very ioye of my herte.

Psalms 119:127-128

127 For I loue thy comaundemetes aboue golde and precious stone. 128 Therfore holde I straight all thy commaundemetes, and all false wayes I vtterly abhorre.

Psalms 119:167

167 My soule kepeth thy testimonies, & loueth the exceadingly.

Psalms 136:5

5 Which by his wysdome made the heauens, for his mercy endureth for euer. 6 Which layed out the earth aboue the waters, for his mercy endureth for euer. 7 Which hath made greate lightes, for his mercy endureth for euer. 8 The Sonne to rule the daye, for his mercy endureth for euer. 9 The Moone and the starres to gouerne the night, for his mercy endureth for euer.

Psalms 136:25

25 O geue thankes vnto the God of heauen, for his mercy endureth for euer.

Psalms 139:9

9 Euen there also shal thy honde lede me, and thy right hande shal holde me. 10 Yf I saye: peradueture the darcknesse shal couer me, then shal my night be turned to daye. 11 Yee the darcknesse is no darcknesse with the, but the night is as cleare as the daye, the darcknesse & light are both alike. 12 For my reynes are thyne, thou hast couered me in my mothers wombe.

Psalms 139:17-18

17 How deare are yi coucels vnto me o God? O how greate is the summe of them? 18 Yf I tell them, they are mo in nombre then the sonde: when I wake vp, I am present with the.

Psalms 144:5

5 Bowe thy heaues (o LORDE) & come downe, touch the mountaynes, yt they maye smoke withall.

Psalms 145:1-2

1 I wil magnifie the (o my God & kynge) I wil prayse yi name for euer & euer. 2 Euery daye wil I geue thankes vnto the, and prayse yi name for euer and euer. 3 Greate is the LORDE, & maruelous worthy to be praysed, there is no ende of his greatnesse.

Psalms 145:15-16

15 The eyes of all wayte vpon the, and thou geuest them their meate in due season.

Psalms 145:15

15 The eyes of all wayte vpon the, and thou geuest them their meate in due season. 16 Thou openest thine hade, and fyllest all thinges lyuynge with plenteousnesse.

Psalms 145:16-16

16 Thou openest thine hade, and fyllest all thinges lyuynge with plenteousnesse.

Psalms 146:2

2 O put not yor trust in prynces, ner in the childe of man, for there is no helpe in the.

Psalms 146:4

4 Blessed is he that hath ye God of Iacob for his helpe, and whose hope is in the LORDE his God.

Psalms 147:8

8 Which couereth ye heauen wt cloudes, prepareth rayne for ye earth, & maketh ye grasse to growe vpon the mountaynes.

Psalms 147:8-9

8 Which couereth ye heauen wt cloudes, prepareth rayne for ye earth, & maketh ye grasse to growe vpon the mountaynes. 9 Which geueth foder vnto ye catell, & fedeth ye yonge rauens yt call vpo him.

Psalms 147:9-9

9 Which geueth foder vnto ye catell, & fedeth ye yonge rauens yt call vpo him.

Psalms 148:8

8 Fyre and hayle, snowe & vapors wynde and storme, fulfillynge his worde.

Psalms 148:10

10 Beastes and all catell, wormes & fethered foules.

Proverbs 2:22

22 but the vngodly shalbe roted out of ye londe, and the wicked doers shalbe taken out of it.

Proverbs 3:19-20

19 With wy?dome hath ye LORDE layed the foudacion of ye earth, & thorow vnderstondinge hath he stablished ye heaues. 20 Thorow his wi?dome ye depthes breake vp, & ye cloudes droppe downe the dew.

Proverbs 8:22-36

22 The LORDE himself had me in possessio in the begynnynge of his wayes, or euer he begame his workes aforetyme. 23 I haue bene ordened fro euerlastige, & fro ye beginnynge or euer the earth was made. 24 When I was borne, there were nether depthes ner springes of water. 25 Before the foundacions of ye mountaynes were layed, yee before all hilles was I borne. 26 The earth and all that is vpon the earth was not yet made, no not the grounde it self. 27 For when he made the heauens, I was present: wha he set the depthes in ordre: 28 whan he hanged the cloudes aboue: whan he fastened the sprynges of the depe:

Proverbs 8:28-36

28 whan he hanged the cloudes aboue: whan he fastened the sprynges of the depe: 29 Whan he shutt the see within certayne bowndes, that ye waters shulde not go ouer their marckes. When he layed the foundacions of the earth, 30 I was with him, ordringe all thinges, delytinge daylie & reioysynge allwaye before him. 31 As for the roude copase of his worlde, I make it ioyfull, for my delyte is to be amoge the children of men. 32 Therfore harken vnto me (o ye children) for blessed are they that kepe my wayes. 33 O geue eare vnto nurtoure, be wyse, and refuse it not. 34 Blessed is ye man that heareth me, watchinge daylie at my gates, & geuynge attendaunce at the postes of my dores. 35 For who so fyndeth me, fyndeth life, and shal optayne fauoure of the LORDE. 36 But who so offendeth agaynst me, hurteth his owne soule. All they that hate me, are the louers of death.

Proverbs 24:14

14 Euen so shall ye knowlege of wysdome be vnto yi soule, as soone as thou hast gotte it. And there is good hope, yee yi hope shal not be in vayne.

Proverbs 30:26

26 The conyes are but a feble folke, yet make they their couches amonge the rockes.

Proverbs 31:6

6 Geue stronge drynke vnto soch as are condempned to death, & wyne vnto those yt mourne:

Ecclesiastes 1:4

4 One generacio passeth awaye, another commeth, but the earth abydeth still.

Ecclesiastes 5:12

12 A labouringe man slepeth swetely, whether it be litle or moch that he eateth: but the abundaunce of the riche wil not suffre him to slepe.

Ecclesiastes 8:1

1 where as no man hath wy?dome & vnderstodinge, to geue answere there vnto. Wy?dome maketh a mas face to shyne, but malice putteth it out of fauoure.

Ecclesiastes 9:7

7 Go thou yi waye then, eate thy bred with ioye, & drynke yi wyne wt gladnesse, for thy workes please God.

Ecclesiastes 10:19

19 Meate maketh men to laugh, and wyne maketh them mery: but vnto money are all thinges obedient.

Ecclesiastes 12:7

7 Or dust be turned againe vnto earth from whence it came, and or the sprete returne vnto God, which gaue it.

Song of Songs 1:2-4

2 O that thy mouth wolde geue me a kysse, for yi brestes are more pleasaunt then wyne, 3 & that because of the good and pleasaunt sauoure. Thy name is a swete smellynge oyntment, therfore do the maydens loue the: 4 yee that same moueth me also to renne after the. The kynge hath brought me into his preuy chambre. We wil be glad & reioyce in the, we thynke more of thy brestes then of wyne: well is them that loue the.

Isaiah 3:1

1 Euen so shal ye LORDE of hoostes take awaye fro Ierusale & Iuda, all possessios & power, all meat and drinke,

Isaiah 19:1

1 This is the heuy burthen vpon Egipte: Beholde, the LORDE wil ryde vpon a swifte cloude, and come in to Egipte. And the goddes of Egipte shal trymble at his comynge, and the hert of Egipte shal quake within her.

Isaiah 27:1

1 Then the LORDE with his heuye, great and loge swearde shal vyset Leuiatha, that invincible serpet: eue Leuiatha yt croked serpent, and shal slaye the Wallfish in ye see.

Isaiah 31:4

4 For thus hath the LORDE spoke vnto me: Like as the Lyon or lyos whelpe roareth vpon the pray that he hath gotten, and is not afrayde, though ye multitude of shepardes crie out vpon him, nether abashed for all the heape of them: So shal the LORDE of hoostes come downe from the mount Sion, and defende his hill.

Isaiah 32:14-15

14 The palaces also shalbe broken, and the greatly occupide cities desolate. The towers and bulwerckes shalbe become dennes for euermore, the pleasure of Mules shalbe turned to pasture for shepe: 15 Vnto the tyme that ye sprete be poured vpon vs from aboue. Then shal the wildernesse be a fruteful felde & the plenteous felde shalbe rekened for a wodde.

Isaiah 35:7

7 The drie grounde shal turne to ryuers, and the thurstie to springes of water. Where as dragons dwelt afore, there shal growe swete floures and grene russhes.

Isaiah 40:22

22 That he sytteth vpon the Circle of the worlde, and that all the inhabitours of the worlde are in coparison of him, but as greshoppers: That he spredeth out the heaues as a coueringe, that he stretcheth them out, as. a tent to dwell in:

Isaiah 41:18

18 I bringe forth floudes in the hilles, & welles in the playne feldes. I turne ye wildernes to ryuers, and the drie londe to condytes of water.

Isaiah 45:7

7 It is I yt created the light and darcknes, I make peace and trouble: Yee euen I the LORDE do all these thinges.

Isaiah 45:12

12 I haue made the earth, and created ma vpon it. With my hondes haue I spred forth heauen, and geuen a commaundment for all the hooste therof.

Isaiah 54:9

9 And this must be vnto me, as the water of Noe: For like as I haue sworne yt I wil not bringe the water off Noe eny more vpo the worlde: So haue I sworne, yt I wil neuer be angrie wt the, ner reproue the:

Isaiah 59:17

17 He put rightuousnes vpo him for a brest plate, & set the helmet of health vpo his heade. He put on wrath in steade of clothige, & toke gelousy aboute him for a cloke:

Isaiah 62:5

5 And like as yonge ma taketh a doughter to mariage, so shal God mary himself vnto yi sonnes. And as a brydegrome is glad of his bryde, so shal God reioyse ouer the.

Isaiah 64:1-2

1 O that thou woldest cleue the heauen in sonder, & come downe: that the mountaynes might melt awaye at thy presence, 2 like as at an hote fyre: and that the malicious might boyle, as the water doth vpon the fyre: Wherby thy name might be knowne amoge thine enemies, & yt the Getiles might treble before ye.

Isaiah 65:17

17 For lo, I shal make a new heaue, & a new earth. And as for the olde, they shall neuer be thought vpo, ner kepte in mynde: 18 but me shalbe glad and euermore reioyse, for the thinges, that I shall do. For why: Beholde, I shal make a ioyfull Ierusale, 19 yee I myself will reioyse with Ierusalem, & be glad with my people: And the voyce of wepinge and waylinge shall not be herde in her from thece forth.

Isaiah 66:22

22 For like as the new heaue and the new earth which I wil make, shalbe fast stablished by me: (saieth the LORDE) So shal youre sede and youre name contynue,

Jeremiah 4:23-26

23 I haue loked vpon the earth, and se, it is wayst and voyde. I loked towarde heauen, and it had no shyne. 24 I behelde the mountaynes, and they trembled, and all the hilles were in a feare. 25 I loked aboute me, and there was no body, and all the byrdes of the ayre were awaye. 26 I marked well, and the plowed felde was become waist: yee all their cities were broken downe at the presence of the LORDE, and indignacion of his wrath.

Jeremiah 5:22

22 Feare ye not me, saieth the LORDE? Are ye not ashamed, to loke me in the face? which bynde the see with the sonde, so that it can not passe his boundes: For though it rage, yet can it do nothinge: and though the wawes therof do swell, yet maye they not go ouer.

Jeremiah 8:7

7 The Storke knoweth his apoynted tyme, the Turtledoue, ye Swalow and the Crane, cosidre the tyme of their trauayle: but my people will not knowe the tyme of the punyshment of the LORDE.

Jeremiah 10:12

12 But (as for oure God) he made the earth with his power, and with his wisdome hath he fynished the whole compasse of the worlde, with his discrecion hath he spred out the heauens, 13 At his voyce the waters gather together in the ayre, he draweth vp ye cloudes from the vttemost partes of ye earth: he turneth lighteninge to rayne, and brigeth forth the wyndes out of their treasuries:

Jeremiah 14:5-6

5 The Hynde shal forsake the yonge fawne, that se brigeth forth in ye felde, because there shalbe no grasse. 6 The wilde Asses shall stonde in the Mosse, and drawe in their wynde like the Dragos, their eyes shal fayle for wat of grasse.

Jeremiah 14:22

22 Are there eny amonge the goddes of the Gentiles, that sende rayne, or geue the showers of heauen? Dost not thou it o LORDE oure God, in who we trust? Yee LORDE, thou dost all these thinges.

Jeremiah 22:23

23 thou that dwellest vpon Libanus, ad makest thy nest in the Cedre trees. O how greate shal yi mournynge be, when thy sorowes come vpon the, as a woman trauelinge with childe?

Jeremiah 23:24

24 Maye eny man hyde him self so, that I shal not se him? saieth the LORDE. Do not I fulfill heauen and earth? saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 31:12

12 And they shal come, & reioyce vpon the hill of Sion, & shall haue plenteousnes of goodes, which the LORDE shall geue them: Namely, wheate, wyne, oyle, yonge shepe and calues. And their conscience shalbe as a well watred garden, for they shall nomore be hongrie.

Jeremiah 31:35

35 Thus saieth the LORDE which gaue the sonne to be a light for the daye, and the Moone and starres to shyne in the night: which moueth the see, so that the floudes therof waxe fearce: his name is the LORDE of hoostes.

Jeremiah 32:17-19

17 O LORDE God, It is thou that hast made heauen and earth with thy greate power and hie arme, and there is nothinge to harde for ye. 18 Thou shewest mercy vpon thousandes, thou recompecest the wickednes of the fathers, in to the besome of the children that come after them. 19 Thou art the greate and mightie God, whose name is the LORDE of hoostes: greate in councell, and infinite in thought: Thine eyes loke vpon all the wayes of mens children, to rewarde euery one after his waye, and acordinge to the frutes of his inuencions:

Jeremiah 32:41

41 Yee I will haue a lust and pleasure to do them good, and faithfully to plante them in this londe, with my whole herte, and with all my soule.

Ezekiel 1:13

13 The fashion and countenauce of the beestes was like hote coales off fyre, euen as though burnynge cresshettes had bene amonge the beestes: and the fyre gaue a glistre, and out off the fyre there wente lighteninge.

Ezekiel 4:16

16 And he sayde vnto me: Beholde thou sonne off man, I will mynishe all the prouysion of bred in Ierusalem, so that they shall weye their bred, and eate it with scarcenesse. But as for water, they shall haue a very litle measure theroff, to drynke.

Ezekiel 5:16

16 when I shute amonge them the perlous dartes of hoger, which shalbe but death: Yee therfore shall I shute them, because I will destroye you. I will encrease hunger, and mynish all the prouysion off bred amonge you.

Ezekiel 14:13

13 Thou sonne of man, when the londe synneth agaynst me, and goeth forth in wickednesse: I will stretch out myne hode vpon it, and destroye all the prouysion of their bred, and sende derth vpon them, to destroye man & beest in the londe.

Ezekiel 17:23

23 Namely, vpon the hie hill of Sion will I plante it: that it maye bringe forth twygges, and geue frute, and be a greate Cedre tre: so that all maner of foules maye byde in it, and make their nestes vnder the shadowe of his braunches.

Ezekiel 19:2-14

2 & saye: Wherfore laye thy mother that lyonesse, amoge the lyons? & norished hir yonge ones amoge the lyons whelpes? 3 to spoyle, and to deuoure folke. 4 The Heithen herde of him, & toke him in their nettes, & brought him in chaynes vnto the londe of Egipte. 5 Now when the damme sawe, that all hir hope & comforth was awaye, she toke another of hir whelpes, and made a lyon of him: 6 which wente amonge the lyons, & became a fearce lyon: lerned to spoyle and to deuoure folcke: 7 he destroyed their palaces, and made their cities waist: In so moch that the whole londe and euery thinge therin, were vtterly desolate, thorow the very voyce of his roaringe. 8 Then came the Heithen together on euery syde out of all countrees agaynst him, layed their nettes for him, and toke him in their pytte. 9 So they bounde him with chaynes, and brought him to the kinge of Babilon: which put him in preson, that his voyce shulde nomore be herde vpon the mountaynes of Israel. 10 As for thy mother, she is like a vyne in thy bloude, planted by the watersyde: hir frutes and braunches are growen out of many waters: 11 hir stalkes were so stronge, that men might haue made staues therof for officers: she grew so hie in hir stalkes. So when men sawe that she exceaded ye heith and multitude of hir braunches, 12 she was roted out in displeasure, and cast downe to the grounde. The East wynde dryed vp hir frute, hir stronge stalkes were broken of, wythered and brent in the fyre. 13 But now she is planted in the wildernesse, in a drye and thurstie grounde. 14 And there is a fyre gone out of hir stalkes, which hath bret vp hir braunches and hir frute: so that she hath no mo stronge stalkes, to be staues for officers. This is a piteous and miserable thinge.

Ezekiel 27:9

9 The eldest and wysest at Gebal were they, that mended & stopped thy shippes. All shippes off the see with their shipme occupied their marchaundies in the.

Ezekiel 31:6

6 All foules of the ayre made their nestes in his brauches, vnder his bowes gedred all the beastes of ye felde, & vnder his shadow dwelt all people.

Ezekiel 37:9

9 Then sayde he vnto me: Thou sonne of man, prophecie thou towarde the wynde: prophecy, and speake to the wynde: Thus saieth the LORDE God: Come (o thou ayre) from the foure wyndes, & blowe vpon these slayne, that they maye be restored to life.

Daniel 4:21

21 whose leaues were fayre, ad the frute moch: vnder the which the beastes of the felde had their habitacion, and vpon whose braunches the foules of the ayre dyd syt:

Daniel 7:9

9 I loked till the seates were prepared, ad till the olde aged sat him downe. His clothinge was as white as snowe, and the hayres of his heade like the pure woll. His trone was like the firie flame, and his wheles as the burnynge fyre.

Daniel 9:4

4 I prayed before the LORDE my God, and knowleged, sayenge: O LORDE, thou greate & fearfull God, thou that kepest couenaunt and mercy with them, which loue the, and do thy commaundementes:

Joel 1:18

18 O what a sighinge make the catell? the bullockes are very euel likynge, because they haue no pasture: and the shepe are fame?shed awaye.

Joel 1:20

20 Yee the wylde beestes crie also vnto the: for the water ryuers are dryed vp, and the fyre hath consumed the pastures of the wyldernesse.

Joel 2:22

22 Be not ye afrayed nether (o ye beastes of the felde) for the pastures shal be grene, and the trees shal beare their frute: the fygetrees & vinyardes shal geue their increase.

Amos 1:13

13 Thus sayeth the LORDE: For thre ad foure wickednesses of the children off Ammon, I will not spare them: because they rypte vp the wome greate with childe in Galaad, to make the borders of their londes the wyder.

Amos 3:4

4 Doth a lyon roare in the wodde, excepte he haue a pray? Or crieth a lyons whelpe out of his denne, excepte he haue gotten somthige?

Amos 8:8

8 Shal not the londe tremble, and all they that dwell therin, mourne for this? Shal not their destruccion come vpon them like a water streame, & flowe ouer the, as the floude of Egipte?

Amos 9:6

6 He that hath his dwellinge in heauen, ad groundeth his tabernacle in the earth: He that calleth the waters of the see, and poureth them out vpon the playne grounde: his name is the LORDE.

Obadiah 1:4

4 But though thou wentest vp as hye as the Aegle, and maydest thy nest aboue amonge the starres: yet wolde I plucke the downe from thece.

Nahum 1:3

3 The LORDE suffreth longe, he is of greate power, & so innocent, that he leaueth no man fautlesse before him. The LORDE goeth forth in tempest and stormy wether, the cloudes are the dust of his fete.

Nahum 1:5-6

5 The mountaynes tremble for him, the hilles consume. At the sight of him, the earth quaketh: yee the whole worlde, and all that dwell therin. 6 Who maye endure before his wrath? Or who is able to abyde his grymme displeasure? His anger taketh on like fyre, and the harde rockes burst in sunder before him.

Nahum 3:17

17 Thy lordes are as the greshoppers, & thy captaynes as the multitude of greshoppers: which whe they be colde, remayne in ye hedges: but when the Sonne is vp, they fle awaye, and no ma can tell where they are become.

Habakkuk 1:12

12 But thou o LORDE my God, my holy one, thou art from the begynnynge, therfore shal we not dye. O LORDE, thou hast ordened them for a punyshmet, and set them to reproue the mightie.

Habakkuk 3:5-6

5 Destruccio goeth before him, and burnynge cressettes go from his fete. 6 He stondeth, & measureth the earth: He loketh, & the people consume awaye, the moutaynes of ye worlde fall downe to powlder, and the hilles are fayne to bowe them selues, for his goinges are euerlastinge and sure.

Habakkuk 3:10

10 When the mountaynes saw the, they were afrayed, ye water streame wete awaye: the depe made a noyse at the liftinge vp of thine honde.

Habakkuk 3:17-18

17 For the fyge trees shal not be grene, & the vynes shal beare no frute. The laboure of ye olyue shalbe but lost, and the londe shall bringe no corne: the shepe shalbe taken out of ye folde, and there shalbe no catell in ye stalles. 18 But as for me, I wil be glad in the LORDE, and will reioyce in God my Sauioure.

Zephaniah 3:17

17 for the LORDE thy God is with the, it is he that hath power to saue: he hath a special pleasure in the, and a maruelous loue towarde the: yee he reioyseth ouer the wt gladnesse.

Zechariah 9:15-17

15 The LORDE of hoostes shall defende the, they shall consume and deuoure, and subdue them with slynge stones. They shal drynke & rage, as it were thorow wyne. They shalbe fylled like ye basens, & as ye hornes of ye aulter. 16 The LORDE their God shal delyuer the in ye daye, as the flock off his people: for the stones off his Sanctuary shalbe set vp in his lade. 17 O how prosperous and goodly a thynge shall that be? The corne shall make the yongemen chearefull, and the new wyne the maydens.

Zechariah 12:1

1 The heuy burthen which ye LORDE hath deuysed for Israel. Thus saieth the LORDE, which spred the heaues abrode, layde the foundacion of the earth, and geueth man ye breath of life:

Matthew 5:45

45 that ye maye be the chyldern of youre father which is in heauen: for he maketh his sonne to aryse on the euel and on the good, and sendeth his rayne on the iust and vniuste.

Matthew 6:26

26 Beholde the foules of ye ayer: for they sowe not, nether reepe, nor yet cary in to the barnes: and yet youre heauely father fedeth the. Are ye not moch better the they?

Matthew 8:20

20 And Iesus sayde vnto him: the foxes haue holes, and the byrddes of the ayer hane nestes, but ye sonne of ma hath not wheron to rest his heede.

Matthew 13:32

32 Which is the leest amonge all sedes. But whan it is growne, it is the greatest amonge herbes, and is a tre: so that the byrdes vnder the heauen come and dwell in the braunches of it.

Matthew 17:2

2 and was transfigured before the: & his face shone as ye Sonne, and his clothes were as white as the light.

Matthew 26:64

64 Iesus spake: Thou hast sayde it. Neuerthelesse I saye vnto you: From this tyme forth it shal come to passe, that ye shal se the sonne of man syttinge vpon the right hande of the power (of God) and commynge in the cloudes of the heauen.

Mark 4:39

39 And he arose, and rebuked ye wynde, and sayde vnto the see: Peace, and be styll, And the wynde was layed, & there folowed a greate calme.

Mark 14:23

23 And he toke the cuppe, thaked, and gaue it the, and they all dranke therof.

Luke 1:47

47 And my sprete reioyseth i God my Sauioure.

Luke 7:46

46 Thou hast not anointed my heade wt oyle, but she hath anoynted my heade with oyntment.

Luke 12:24-28

24 Consydre the rauens, they nether sowe ner reape, they haue also nether stoare house ner barne, and yet God fedeth them. But how moch better are ye then the foules? 25 Which of you (though he toke thought therfore) coulde put one cubyte vnto his stature? 26 Seinge then ye be not able to do that which is least, why take ye thought for the other? 27 Considre the lilies vpo the felde, how they growe: they laboure not, they spynne not. But I saye vnto you: that euen Salomen in all his royalte was not clothed like one of these. 28 Wherfore yf God so cloth the grasse, yt is to daye in ye felde, and tomorow shalbe cast in to the fornace, how moch more shal he clothe you, o ye of litle faith?

Luke 15:5-6

5 And whan he hath founde it, he layeth it vpon his shulders with ioye: 6 and whan he commeth home, he calleth his fredes and neghbours, and sayeth vnto the: Reioyce with me, for I haue founde my shepe, yt was lost.

Luke 15:22-24

22 But the father sayde vnto his seruauntes: Brynge forth the best garment, and put it vpon him, and geue him a rynge vpon his hande, and shues on his fete, 23 and brynge hither a fed calfe, and kyll it, lat vs eate and be mery: 24 for this my sonne was deed, and is alyue agayne: he was lost, and is founde. And they beganne to be mery.

John 3:20

20 Whosoeuer doth euell, hateth the light, and cometh not to the light, that his dedes shulde not be reproued.

Acts 14:17

17 Neuertheles he hath not left hi selfe without wytnesse, in yt he hath shewed his benefites, and geuen vs rayne from heauen, and frutefull seasons, fyllynge oure hertes with fode and gladnesse.

Acts 17:25

25 nether is he worshipped with mens handes, as though he had nede of eny man, seynge he himself geueth life and breth vnto all men euery where:

Acts 23:8

8 for the Saduces saye that there is no resurreccion, nether angell, ner sprete: but the Pharises graute both.

Acts 28:5

5 But he shoke of ye beest in to the fyre, and and felt no harme.

Romans 8:20-22

20 because the creature is subdued vnto vanyte agaynst hir will, but for his wyll that hath subdued her vpon hope. 21 For the creature also shal be fre from the bondage of corrupcion, vnto the glorious libertye of the childre of God. 22 For we knowe, that euery creature groneth, and trauayleth with vs in payne vnto the same tyme.

Romans 11:33

33 O the depenesse of the riches, both of the wyssdome and knowlege of God? How incomprehensible are his iudgmentes, and his wayes vnsearcheable?

Romans 11:36

36 For of him, and thorow him, and in him are all thinges. To him be prayse for euer, Amen.

1 Corinthians 3:7

7 So then nether is he that planteth, eny thinge, nether he that watreth, but God which geueth the increase.

Galatians 1:5

5 to whom be prayse for euer and euer. Amen.

Ephesians 1:8

8 which he hath shed vpon vs abundauntly in all wyssdome and prudece:

Ephesians 2:1

1 And quyckened you also, whan ye were deed thorow trespaces and synnes,

Ephesians 2:4-5

4 But God which is riche in mercy thorow his greate loue wherwith he loued vs 5 eue wha we were deed in synnes, hath quyckened vs in Christ ( for by grace are ye saued)

Ephesians 3:10

10 to the intent that now vnto the rulers and powers in heaue mighte be knowne by the congregacion the manifolde wyssdome off God,

Ephesians 3:21

21 be prayse in the congregacion, which is in Christ Iesu, at all tymes for euer and euer, Amen.

Ephesians 4:28

28 He that hath stollen, let him steale nomore: but let him laboure rather, and do some good with his hondes, that he maye haue to geue vnto him that nedeth.

Ephesians 5:18

18 and be not dronken with wyne, wherin is excesse: but be full of the sprete

Philippians 4:4

4 Reioyce in the LORDE allwaye, & agayne I saye, Reioyse.

2 Thessalonians 3:8-12

8 nether toke we bred of eny man for naughte but wrought wt laboure and trauayle night and daye, lest we shulde be chargeable to eny of you. 9 Not but that we had auctorite, but to geue oure selues for an ensample vnto you to folowe vs. 10 And whan we were wt you, this we warned you of, that yf there were eny which wolde not worke, ye same shulde not eate. 11 For we heare saye, that there are some which walke amonge you inordinatly, and worke not at all, but are busy bodies. 12 But them that are soche, we commaunde and exhorte by oure LORDE Iesus Christ, that they worke with quyetnes, and eate their awne bred.

1 Timothy 6:16

16 which onely hath immortalite, and dwelleth in a lighte, that no man can attayne: whom no man hath sene, nether can se. Vnto whom be honoure and empyre euerlastinge, Amen. 17 Charge the which are riche in this worlde, that they be not proude, ner trust in the vncertayne riches, but in the lyuynge God (which geueth vs abundauntly all thinges to enioye them:)

2 Timothy 4:18

18 And the LORDE shal delyuer me from all euell doynge, and shal kepe me vnto his heauenly kyngdome. To whom be prayse for euer and euer, Amen.

Titus 3:5

5 not for ye dedes of righteousnes which we wroughte, but after his mercy he saued vs by the fountayne of the new byrth, and renuynge of the holy goost,

Hebrews 1:7

7 And of the angels he sayeth: He maketh his angels spretes, & his mynisters flames of fyre.

Hebrews 1:9

9 Thou hast loued righteousnes, & hated iniquyte: wherfore God (which is thy God) hath anoynted the with the oyle of gladnesse aboue yi felowes. 10 And thou LORDE in ye begynnynge hast layed the foundacion of the earth, and ye heaues are the workes of thy handes, 11 they shal perishe, but thou shalt endure: they all shal waxe olde as doth a garmet, 12 and as a vesture shalt thou chaunge them, and they shalbe chaunged. But thou art ye same, and thy yeares shal not fayle.

Hebrews 1:14

14 Are they not all mynistrynge spretes, sent to mynister for their sakes, which shalbe heyres of saluacion?

Hebrews 13:21

21 make you perfecte in all good workes, to do his wyll, workynge in you that which is pleasaunt in his sighte thorow Iesus Christ, to whom be prayse for euer and euer Amen.

1 Peter 5:11

11 To him be prayse and domynion for euer and euer, Amen.

2 Peter 3:5

5 This they knowe not (and that wylfully) how that the heauens were afore tyme also, and the earth out of the water, & was in the water by the worde of God,

2 Peter 3:10

10 Neuertheles the daye of the LORDE shal come euen as a thefe in the night: in the which (daye) the heauens shal perishe with a greate noyse, and the Elementes shal melte with heate, and the earth and ye workes that are therin, shal burne.

2 Peter 3:18

18 But growe in grace, and in the knowlege of oure LORDE and Sauioure Iesus Christ. To him be prayse now and for euer, Amen.

1 John 1:5

5 And this is the tydinges which we haue herde of him, & declare vnto you, that God is lighte, and in him is no darknes at all.

1 John 2:20

20 But ye haue the anoyntinge of him yt is holy, & ye knowe all thiges.

Revelation 1:7

7 Beholde, he commeth with cloudes, and all eyes shall se him: & they also which peersed him. And all kinredes of the earth shal wayle. Euen so. Amen.

Revelation 1:13-20

13 and in the myddes of the candelstyckes, one like vnto the sonne of man clothed with a lynnin garmet downe to the ground, and gyrd aboute the brest with a golden gyrdle. 14 His heed, and his heares were whyte, as whyte woll, & as snowe: and his eyes were as a flamme of fyre: 15 and his fete like vnto brasse, as though they bret in a fornace: and his voyce as the sounde of many waters. 16 And he had in his right honde seue starres. And out of his mouth went a sharpe two edged swearde. And his face shone euen as the sonne in his strength. 17 And when I sawe him, I fell at his fete, euen as deed. And he layde his right honde vpon me, sayenge vnto me: feare not. I am the fyrst, and the laste, 18 and am alyue, and was deed. And beholde, I am alyue for euer more and haue the kayes of hell & of deth. 19 Wryte therfore the thinges which thou hast sene, and the thinges which are, and ye thinges which shalbe fulfylled here after: 20 & the mistery of the seuen starres which thou sawest in my right honde, and the seuen golden candelstickes. The seuen starres are the angels of the seue congregacions: And the seuen candelstyckes which thou sawest, are the seuen congregacions.

Revelation 5:12-13

12 sayenge with a loude voyce: Worthy is the lambe that was killed, to receaue power, and riches & wissdome, and strength, and honoure and glory, and blessynge. 13 And all creatures, which are in heaue, & on the earth, & vnder the earth, & in the see, & all yt are in the, herd I sayenge: blessinge, honoure, glory, & power, be vnto him, yt sytteth vpo the seate, and vnto the labe for euermore.

Revelation 6:14

14 And heauen vanysshed awaye, as a scroll when it is rolled togedder. And all mountayns and yles, were moued out of their places.

Revelation 19:1-2

1 And after that, I herde the voyce of moch people in heauen, sayenge: Alleluia. Saluacion and glory and honour, and power be ascribed to the LORDE or God, 2 for true and righteous are his iudgmentes, because he hath iudged the greate whore (which did corrupt ye earth with her fornicacion) and hath auenged the bloud of his seruautes of her hond. 3 And agayne they sayde: Alleluia. And smoke rose vp for euermore.

Revelation 20:11

11 And I sawe a gret whyte seate, and him that sat on it, from whose face fled awaye both the earth and heauen, and their place was nomore founde.

Revelation 21:5

5 And he that sat vpon the seate, sayde: Beholde, I make all thinges newe. And he sayde vnto me: wryte for these wordes are faithfull and true,

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