1 A softe aswere putteth downe displeasure, but frowarde wordes prouoke vnto anger.
Proverbs 15:1 Cross References - Coverdale
Judges 8:1-3
1 And the men of Ephraim sayde vnto him: Wherfore hast thou done this vnto vs, that thou hast not called vs, wha thou wentest forth to fight agaynst ye Madianites? and they chode sore with him.
2 But he sayde vnto them: What haue I done now that is like youre acte? Is not the aftergadderynge of Ephraim better then the whole haruest of Abieser?
3 God hath delyuered ye prynces of the Madianites Oreb and Zeb in to youre hande, how coulde I do that ye haue done? Whaa he had sayde this, their blast was swaged from him.
Judges 12:3-6
3 Now whan I sawe yt there was no helper, I put my soule in my honde, and wente agaynst the children of Ammon, and the LORDE delyuered them in to my hande. Wherfore come ye vp to me, to fighte agaynst me?
4 And Iephthae gathered all the men in Gilead, & foughte agaynst Ephraim. And the men in Gilead smote Ephraim, because they sayde: Ye Gileadites are as they yt fle awaye before Ephraim, (and dwell) amoge Ephraim & Manasse.
5 And the Gileadites toke ye ferye of Iordane from Ephraim. Now wha one of ye fugityue Ephraites dyd saye: Let me go ouer, ye men of Gilead sayde: Art thou an Ephraite? yf he answered: No,
6 they bad him saye: Schiboleth, & he sayde: Siboleth, & coulde not speake it righte: then they toke him, & slew him at ye ferye of Iordane, so yt the same tyme there fell of Epraim two & fortye M.
1 Samuel 25:10-13
10 But Nabal answered Dauids seruauntes, & sayde: What is he yt Dauid? & who is the sonne of Isai? There are many seruauntes now yt runne awaye from their masters.
11 Shulde I take my bred, water and flesh, that I haue slayne for my clyppers, & geue it vnto me whom I knowe not whence they are?
12 The Dauids yonge me turned their waye agayne. And whan they came agayne vnto him, they tolde him all these wordes.
13 The sayde Dauid vnto his men: Euery man gyrde his swerde aboute him. And euery one gyrde his swerde aboute him. And Dauid gyrde his swerde aboute him also, and there wete vp after him vpon a foure hundreth men, but two hundreth remayned wt the stuffe.
1 Samuel 25:21-33
21 But Dauid sayde: Wel, all that this man had in ye wyldernes, haue I kepte for naughte, so that there wanted nothinge of all that he had, and he rewardeth me euell for good.
22 God do this and yet more vnto the enemies of Dauid, yf vntyll tomorow in the mornynge I leaue this man (of all that he hath) so moch as one that maketh water agaynst ye wall.
23 Now whan Abigail sawe Dauid, she lighte downe from the asse in all the haist, and fell vpo hir face before Dauid, and worshiped him to the grounde,
24 and fell at his fete, and sayde: Oh my lorde, let this trespace be myne, and let thy handmayde speake before thine eares, and heare the wordes of thy handmayden:
25 Let not my lorde set his hert agaynst this Nabal the man of Belial, for he is a foole, acordinge as his name is called: his name is foole, and foolishnes is with him. As for me thy handmayde, I sawe not my lordes yonge men, whom thou dyddest sende.
26 But now my lorde, as truly as the LORDE lyueth, and as truly as thy soule lyueth, the LORDE hath kepte the backe, yt thou shuldest not come agaynst bloude, and he hath delyuered thine hande. Thine enemyes be now as Nabal, and so be they that wolde my lorde euell.
27 Here is ye blessynge, yt thy handmayde hath brought my lorde, take it, and geue it vnto the yonge men, that walke vnder my lorde.
28 For a sure house shal ye LORDE make my lorde, which fighteth the fighte of the LORDE, and no euell shall be founde in the all thy life longe.
29 And yf eny man ryse vp to persecute ye, and to laye wayte for thy soule, then shal the soule of my lorde be bounde in the bundell of ye lyuynge, euen with the LORDE thy God. But ye soule of thine enemies shalbe turned backe wt the slynge.
30 Whan the LORDE therfore doth all this good for my lorde (which he hath promysed the) and commaundeth ye to be his Duke ouer Israel,
31 then shal it be no stomblinge blocke ner occasiion of fallynge vnto my lordes hert, that thou hast not shed bloude without a cause, and auenged thy selfe, then shal ye LORDE do good vnto my lorde, and thou shalt thynke vpon thy handmayden.
32 Then saide Dauid vnto Abigail: Blessed be the LORDE God of Israel, which hath sent the to mete me this daye:
33 and blessed be thy speach, and blessed be thou, which hast kepte me backe this daye, that I am not come agaynst bloude, to auenge me with myne awne hande.
2 Samuel 19:43
43 Then answered they of Israel vnto them of Iuda, & sayde: We haue ten tymes more with the kynge and with Dauid, the thou, why hast thou regarded me then so lightly, that oures were not the first to fetch oure kynge agayne? But they of Iuda spake harder then they of Israel.
1 Kings 12:13-16
13 And the kynge gaue the people an harde rough answere, and forsoke the coucell that the Elders had geuen him,
14 and talked with them after the councell of the yonge men, and sayde: My father made youre yock sore, but I wyll make it yet sorer vpon you. My father correcte you with scourges, but I wil nourtoure you with scorpios.
15 Thus the kynge folowed not the peoples mynde, for he was turned so fro the LORDE, that he mighte stablish his worde which he spake by Ahias of Silo vnto Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat.
16 But whan all Israel sawe that the kynge wolde not heare them, the people gaue ye kynge an answere and sayde: What porcion haue we then in Dauid or inheritaunce in the sonne of Isai? Get the to thy tentes O Israel. Loke thou now to thy house thou Dauid. So Israel wente vnto their tentes.
Proverbs 10:12
12 Euell will stereth vp strife, but loue couereth ye multitude of synnes.
Proverbs 15:18
18 An angrie man stereth vp strife, but he yt is pacient stilleth discorde.
Proverbs 25:15
15 With pacience maye a prynce be pacified, & wt a soft tonge maye rigorousnes be broke.
Proverbs 28:25
25 He that is of a proude stomacke, stereth vp strife: but he that putteth his trust in ye LORDE, shalbe well fedd.
Proverbs 29:22
22 An angrie man stereth vp strife, and he that beareth euell wyll in his mynde, doth moch euell.