6 Iesse begat Dauid the kynge: Dauid the kynge begat Salomon, of her that was the wyfe of Vry:
Matthew 1:6 Cross References - Coverdale
Ruth 4:22
22 Obed begat Isai. Isai begat Dauid.
1 Samuel 16:1
1 And ye LORDE sayde vnto Samuel: How longe mournest thou for Saul, whom I haue refused, that he shulde not be kynge ouer Israel? Fyll thine horne with oyle, go thy waye, I wyll sende the to Isai the Bethleemite: for amonge his sonnes haue I prouyded me a kynge.
1 Samuel 16:11-13
11 And Samuel sayde vnto Isai: Are here all the childre? He sayde: There is yet one ye leest of all, and beholde, he kepeth the shepe. The sayde Samuel vnto Isai: Sende & cause him to be fetched, for we will not syt downe at the table, vntyll he come.
12 Then sent he, & caused him be broughte. And he was well coloured wt fayre eyes & of a beutyfull countenaunce. And the LORDE saide: Aryse, and anoynte him, that is he.
13 The toke Samuel his oyle horne, & anoynted him amonge his brethre. And the sprete of the LORDE came vpo Dauid fro ye daye forth. As for Samuel, he gat him vp, & wente vnto Ramath.
1 Samuel 17:12
12 But Dauid was the sonne of a man of Ephrata of Bethleem Iuda, whose name was Isai, which had eight sonnes, and was an olde man in Sauls tyme, and was well strycken in age amonge men.
1 Samuel 17:58
58 And Saul sayde vnto him: Whose sonne art thou, thou yonge man? Dauid sayde: I am a sonne of thy seruaunt Isai the Bethleemite.
1 Samuel 20:30-31
30 Then was the kynge wroth at Ionathas, and sayde vnto him: Thou wicked and vnthrifte, I knowe how that thou hast chosen the sonne of Isai, to the shame of thy selfe and of yi shamefull mother.
31 For as longe as ye sonne of Isai lyueth vpo earth nether thou ner thy kingdome shal prospere. Sende now therfore, and cause him to be fetched vnto me, for he is a childe of death.
1 Samuel 22:8
8 that ye haue all conspyred agaynst me, and there is no ma that sheweth it before myne eares, for so moch as my sonne also hath made a couenaunt with the sonne of Isai? There is no man amonge you that letteth it for my sake, or yt openeth it vnto myne eares: for my sonne hath stered vp my seruauntes against me, that he maye laye wayte for me, as it is manifest.
2 Samuel 11:3
3 And Dauid sent, and caused to axe what woman it was, and sayde: Is not that Bethseba the doughter of Eliam the wife of Vrias the Hethite?
2 Samuel 11:26-27
2 Samuel 12:24-25
2 Samuel 23:1
1 These are the last wordes of Dauid: Dauid the sonne of Isai sayde. The man, that was set vp to be ye anoynted of the God of Iacob, & a pleasaunt dyter of songes of Israel, sayde:
2 Samuel 23:39
39 Vrias the Hethite. These are alltogether seuen and thirtie.
1 Kings 1:11-17
11 Then sayde Nathan vnto Bethseba Salomons mother: Hast thou not herde yt Adonias is kynge, and oure lorde Dauid knoweth not therof?
12 Come now therfore, I wyll geue the councell, that thou mayest delyuer thy soule and the soule of thy sonne Salomon.
13 Come now and go in to kinge Dauid and saye vnto him: Hast not thou my lorde the kynge sworne and sayde vnto thy handmayden: Salomon thy sonne shall be kynge after me, and he shall sytt vpon my seate? Why is then Adonias made kynge?
14 Beholde, while thou art yet there, and talkest with the kynge, I wyll come in after the, and tell forth thy tayle.
15 And Bethseba wente in to the kynge to ye chamber. And the kynge was very olde. And Abisag of Sunem serued the kynge.
16 And Bethseba bowed hirselfe, and worshipped the kynge.The kynge sayde: What wilt thou?
17 She sayde vnto him: My lorde, Thou hast sworne vnto thy handmayde by the LORDE thy God: Thy sonne Salomon shall be kynge after me and syt vpon my seate.
1 Kings 1:28-31
28 The kinge answered and saide: Call Bethseba vnto me. And she came in before the kinge. And whan she stode before the kynge,
29 the kynge sware and sayde: As truly as the LORDE lyueth (which hath delyuered my soule out of trouble,)
30 I wyl do vnto the this daye, euen as I sware vnto the by the LORDE the God of Israel, so that Salomon thy sonne shalbe kynge after me, and he shal sit pon my seate in my steade.
31 Then Bethseba bowed hir selfe with hir face to the grounde, and thanked the kynge and sayde: God saue my lorde kynge Dauid for euermore.
1 Kings 15:5
5 because Dauid dyd the thinge yt was righte in ye sighte of the LORDE, and departed not from all that he commaunded him as longe as he lyued (sauynge in the matter with Vrias ye Hethite).
1 Chronicles 2:15
15 Ozem ye sixte, Dauid ye vij.
1 Chronicles 3:5
5 And these were borne vnto him at Ierusalem: Simea, Sobab, Nathan, Salomo: these foure of Bethseba ye doughter of Ammiel.
1 Chronicles 11:41
41 Vrias the Hethite, Sabad the sonne of Ahalai,
1 Chronicles 14:4
4 And the names of them yt were borne vnto him at Ierusalem, are these: Sammua, Sobab, Nathan, Salomon,
1 Chronicles 28:5
5 and amoge all my sonnes (for the LORDE hath geuen me many sonnes) he hath chosen Salomon my sonne, to syt vpon the seate of the kyngdome of the LORDE ouer Israel,
Psalms 72:20
20 And blessed be the name of his maiesty for euer, and all londes be fulfilled with his glory. Amen, Amen.
Isaiah 11:1
1 After this there shal come a rod forth of ye Kynrede of Iesse, and a blossome out of his rote.
Acts 13:22-23
22 And whan he had put him downe, he set vp Dauid to be their kynge, of whom he reported, sayenge: I haue founde Dauid the sonne of Iesse, a man after my hert, he shal fulfyll all my wyll.
23 Of this mans sede hath God ( acordinge to the promesse) broughte forth vnto the people of Israel, ye Sauioure Iesus:
Romans 8:3
3 For what vnpossible was vnto ye lawe (in as moch as it was weake because of the flesh) yt perfourmed God, & sent his sonne in ye similitude of synfull flesh,