Malachi 3:18 Cross References - Coverdale

18 Turne you therfore, and considre what difference is betwixte the rightuous and vngodly: betwixte him that serueth God, ad him that serueth him not.

Genesis 18:25

25 That be farre fro the, yt thou shuldest do this, and to slaye the righteous with the vngodly, and that the righteous shulde be as the vngodly. That be farre from the. Shulde not the iudge of all the worlde do acordinge to right?

Joshua 24:15

15 But yf ye like not to serue the LORDE, the chose you this daye whom ye wyll serue: the God whom youre fathers serued beionde ye water, or ye goddes of the Amorites, in whose lode ye dwell. As for me and my house, we wyll serue the LORDE.

Job 6:29

29 Turne into youre owne selues (I praye you) be indifferent iudges, and considre myne vngyltinesse:

Job 17:10

10 As for you, turne you, & get you hence, for I can not se one wyse ma amonge you.

Psalms 58:10-11

10 The rightuous shal reioyse when he seyth the vengeaunce, and shal wash his fete in the bloude of the vngodly. 11 So that men shal saye: verely, there is a rewarde for ye rightuous: doutles, there is a God that iudgeth the earth.

Isaiah 3:10-11

10 Then shal they saye: O happie are the godly, for they maye enioye the frutes of their studies. 11 But wo be to ye vngodly and vnrightuous for they shalbe rewarded after their workes.

Jeremiah 12:15

15 And whe I haue rooted the out, I wilbe at one with the agayne, and wil haue mercy vpon them: and brynge them agayne, euery man to his owne heretage, and in to his lode.

Daniel 3:17-26

17 oure God whom we serue, is able to kepe vs from the hote burnynge ouen (O kynge) and can right wel delyuer vs out off thy hondes. 18 And though he wil not, yet shalt thou knowe (o kynge) that we will not serue thy goddes, ner do reuerece to the ymage, which thou hast set vp. 19 Then was Nabuchodonosor full off indignacion, so that ye countenaunce of his face chaunged vpo Sidrac, Misac & Abdenago. Therfore he charched and commaunded, that the ouen shulde be made seuen tymes hoter, then it was wote to be: 20 and spake vnto the strongest worthies that were in his hooste, for to bynde Sidrac, Misac and Abdenago, and to cast them in to the hote burnynge ouen. 21 So these men were bounde in their cotes, hosen, shues with their other garmentes, ad cast in to the hote burnynge ouen: 22 for the kinges commaundement was so strate, and the ouen was exceadynge hote. As for the men that put in Sydrac, Misac and Abdenago, the flame off the fyre destroyed them. 23 And these thre men Sydrac, Misac and Abdenago fell downe in ye hote burnynge ouen, beinge fast bounde. 24 Then Nabuchodonosor the kynge marueled, and stode vp in all haist: he spake vnto his councel and sayde: dyd not ye cast these thre men bounde in to the fyre? They answered, and sayde vnto the kynge: Yee o kynge. 25 He answered and sayde: lo, for all that, yet do I se foure men goinge lowse in the myddest off the fyre, and nothinge corrupte: and the fourth is like an angel to loke vpon. 26 Vpon this wete Nabuchodonosor vnto the mouth of the hote burnynge ouen: he speake also, & sayde: O Sydrac, Misac and Abdenago, ye seruauntes of the hye God: go forth, and come hither. And so Sydrac, Misac, and Abdenago wente out of the fyre.

Daniel 12:1-3

1 The tyme wil come also, that the greate prynce Michael, which stondeth on thy peoples syde, shal aryse vp, for there shal come a tyme of trouble, soch as neuer was, sens there begane to be eny people, vnto that same tyme. Then shal thy people be delyuered, yee all those that be foude written in the boke. 2 Many of them that slepe in the dust of the earth, shal awake: some to euerlastinge life, some to perpetuall shame & reprofe. 3 The wyse (soch as haue taught other) shal glister, as the shyninge of heauen: and those that haue instructe the multitude vnto godlynesse, shalbe as the starres, worlde without ende.

Joel 2:14

14 Then (no doute) he also shal turne, & forgeue: & after his chastenynge, he shal let youre increase remayne, for meat & drynck offerynges vnto the LORDE youre God?

Zechariah 1:6

6 But dyd not my wordes & statutes (which I comaunded by my seruauntes ye prophetes) touch yor forefathers? Vpo this, they gaue answere & sayde: like as ye LORDE of hoostes deuysed to do vnto vs, acordinge to or owne wayes & ymaginacions, euen so hath he dealte with vs.

Malachi 1:4

4 And though Edom sayde: well, we are destroyed, we wil go buylde vp agayne the places that be waisted: yet (sayeth ye LORDE of hoostes) what they buylded, that brake I downe: so that it was called a cursed londe, and a people, whom the LORDE hath euer bene angrie withall.

Malachi 3:14-15

14 Ye haue sayed: It is but lost laboure, to serue God: What profit haue we for kepynge his commaundementes, and for walkinge humbly before the LORDE off hoostes? 15 Therfore maye we saye, that the proude are happie, and that they which deale with vngodlynesse, are set vp: for they tempte God, and yet escape.

Matthew 25:46

46 And these shal go in to euerlastinge payne, but the righteous in to euerlastinge life.

John 12:26

26 He that wyl serue me, let him folowe me. And where I am, there shal my seruaunt be also: and he that serueth me, him shal my father honoure.

Acts 16:17

17 ye same folowed Paul and vs, and cryed, and sayde: These men are the seruauntes of the most hye God, which shewe vs ye waye of saluacion.

Acts 27:23

23 For this night stode by me the angell off God (whose I am, & who I serue)

Romans 1:9

9 For God is my witnesse ( whom I serue in my sprete in the Gospell of his sonne) that without ceassynge I make mencion of you besekinge allwayes in my prayers,

Romans 2:5-6

5 But thou after thine harde and impenitent hert, heapest vnto thy selfe a treasure of wrath, agaynst the daye of wrath and of the openynge of the righteous iudgment of God, 6 which shal rewarde euery man acordinge to his dedes:

1 Thessalonians 1:9

9 For they them selues shewe of you, what maner of entrynge in we had vnto you, and how ye are turned vnto God from ymages, for to serue the lyuynge and true God,

2 Thessalonians 1:5-10

5 which is a token of the righteous iudgment of God, that ye are counted worthy of the kyngdome of God, for the which ye also suffre. 6 For it is a righteous thinge with God, to recopence tribulacion vnto the yt trouble you: 7 but vnto you which are troubled, rest with vs, wha the LORDE Iesus shal shewe himselfe from heauen, with the angels of his power, 8 and with flammynge fyre, to geue vengeauce vnto them that knowe not God, and to them that obeye not the Gospell of oure LORDE Iesus Christ. 9 Which shalbe punyshed with euerlastinge damnacion, from ye presence of the LORDE, and from the glory of his power, 10 whan he shal come to be glorified in his sayntes, and to become maruelous in all them that beleue: because ye haue beleued oure testimony vnto you of the same daye.

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