Luke 12:1 Cross References - Coverdale

1 There were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, in so moch that they trode one another: Then beganne he, and sayde first vnto his disciples: Bewarre of the leuen of the Pharises, which is ypocrisye.

2 Kings 7:17

17 But the kynge appoynted the knyghte (vpon whose hande he leened) to be at the gate, & the people trode vpon him, so that he dyed, euen as the man of God sayde, whan the kynge came downe vnto him.

Job 20:5

5 the prayse of the vngodly hath bene shorte, and that the ioye of Ypocrytes continued but ye twincklinge of an eye?

Job 27:8

8 What hope hath ye Ypocrite, though he haue greate good, and though God geue him riches after his hertes desyre?

Job 36:13

13 As for soch as be fayned, dyssemblers and ypocrytes, they heape vp wrath for them selues: for they call not vpon him, though they be his presoners.

Isaiah 33:14

14 The synners at Sion are afrayde, a sodane fearfulnesse is come vpon the ypocrytes. What is he amonge us (saye they) that will dwell by that consumynge fyre? which of vs maye abyde that euerlastinge heate?

Matthew 16:6-12

6 Iesus sayde vnto the: Take hede & bewarre of the leue of ye Pharises & of the Saduces. 7 The thought they in the selues, sayege: We haue take no bred wt us. 8 Whe Iesus perceaued yt, he sayde to the: O ye of litle faith, why are ye combred (in yor mindes (because ye haue take no bred wt you? 9 Do ye not yet perceaue? Remembre ye not those fyue loaues, whe there were fyue thousande me, and how many basskettes toke ye vp? 10 Nether ye seue loaues whan there were foure thousande men, & how many baskettes toke ye vp? 11 Why perceaue ye not then, yt I spake not to you of bred, whe I saide: bewarre of ye leue of ye Pharises & of ye Saduces? 12 The vnderstode they, how yt he had not the bewarre of the leue of bred, but of ye doctryne of the Pharises and of the Saduces.

Mark 8:15-21

15 And he comaunded them, and sayde: Take hede, and bewarre of the leuen of the Pharises, and of the leuen of Herode. 16 And their myndes wauered here and there, and sayde amonge them selues: This is it, that we haue no bred. 17 And Iesus vnderstode that, and sayde vnto them: Why trouble ye youre selues, that ye haue no bred? Are ye yet without vnderstondinge? Haue ye yet a blynded hert in you? 18 Haue ye eyes, & se not? and haue ye eares, and heare not? and remebre ye not, 19 that I brake fyue loaues amonge fyue thousande, how many basskettes full of broken meate toke ye then vp? They sayde: twolue. 20 And whan I brake the seuen amonge the foure thousande, how many baskettes full of broken meate toke ye then vp? They sayde: Seuen. 21 And he sayde vnto the: Why are ye then without vnderstondinge?

Luke 5:1

1 It came to passe, yt the people preassed vpon him to heare the worde of God, and he stode by the lake of Genazereth,

Luke 5:15

15 But ye fame of hi wete out farther abrode, & there came moch people together, to heare him, & to be healed by hi fro their sicknesses.

Luke 6:17

17 And he wente downe with them, and stode vpon a playne in the felde, and the company of his disciples, and a greate multitude of people, from all Iewry, and Ierusale, and from Tyre and Sydon by the see coast, which were come to heare him, and to be healed of their diseases,

Luke 11:44

44 Wo vnto you scrybes and Pharyses, ye ypocrites, for ye are like couered sepulcres, where ouer men walke, and are not awarre of them.

Luke 12:56

56 O ye ypocrytes, ye can discerne the fashion of the skye and of the earth: Why can ye not discerne this tyme also?

Acts 21:20

20 Whan they herde that, they praysed the LORDE, and sayde vnto him: Brother, thou seyst how many thousande Iewes there are which beleue, and are all Zelous ouer ye lawe.

1 Corinthians 5:7-8

7 Pourge out therfore the olde leuen, that ye maye be new dowe, like as ye are swete bred. For we also haue an Easter lambe, which is Christ, that is offred for vs. 8 Wherfore let vs kepe Easter, not in ye olde leuen, ner in the leuen of maliciousnes, and wickednes, but in the swete bred of purenesse and of the trueth.

1 Corinthians 15:3

3 For first of all I delyuered vnto you that which I also receaued, how that Christ dyed for oure synnes acordinge to the scriptures,

James 3:17

17 But the wissdom that is fro aboue, is fyrst pure, the peasable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good frutes, without iudgynge, and without simulacion:

1 Peter 2:1

1 Wherfore laye asyde all maliciousnes and all gyle, and ypocrisye, and envye, and all bacbytinge,

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.