2 Speake vnto Aaron, & his sonnes, yt they absteyne from ye halowed thinges of the childre of Israel, which they haue halowed vnto me, & yt they vnhalowe not my holy name: for I am ye LORDE.
Leviticus 22:2 Cross References - Coverdale
Exodus 13:12
12 then shalt thou sunder out vnto the LORDE all that breaketh the Matrice, and firstborne amonge thy catell, soch as is male.
Exodus 28:38
38 vpon Aarons fore heade, yt Aaron maie so beare ye synne of the holy thinges, which the childre of Israel halowe in all their giftes and Sanctuary. And it shall be allwaye vpon his fore heade, that he maye reconcyle them before the LORDE.
Leviticus 15:31
31 Thus shal ye se that the childre of Israel kepe them selues from their vnclenesse, that they dye not in their vnclennesse, whan they defyle my habitacion, which is amoge you.
Leviticus 18:21
21 Thou shalt not geue of thy sede also, to be burnt vnto Moloch, lest thou vnhalowe the name of thy God, for I am the LORDE.
Leviticus 19:12
12 Ye shal not sweare falsely by my name, & so to vnhalowe the name of thy God: for I am the LORDE.
Leviticus 20:3
3 & I wyll set my face agaynst that man, and wyll rote him out from amoge his people, because he hath geuen of his sede vnto Moloch, and defyled my Sanctuary, & vnhalowed my holy name.
Leviticus 21:6
6 They shalbe holy vnto their God, and not vnhalowe ye name of their God: for they offre the sacrifice of the LORDE, the bred of their God, therfore shal they be holy.
Leviticus 22:3-6
3 Saie now vnto them & their posterities: Who so euer he be of yor sede, yt commeth nye vnto the holy thinges, which the childre of Israel halowe vnto the LORDE, & so defyleth him self vpon the same, his soule shal perishe before my face: for I am the LORDE.
4 Who so euer of the sede of Aaron is a leper, or hath a runnynge yssue, shall not eate of the holy thinges, tyll he be clensed. Who so toucheth eny vncleane thinge, or whose sede departeth from him by night,
5 or who so toucheth eny worme that is vncleane vnto him, or a ma yt is vncleane vnto him,
6 & what so euer defyleth hi, loke what soule toucheth eny soch, is vncleane vntyll the euen, & shall not eate of the holy thinges, but shall first bath his flesh with water.
Leviticus 22:32
32 yt ye vnhalowe not my holy name, & that I maye be halowed amonge the children of Israel. For I am he that halowe you, eue ye LORDE,
Numbers 6:3-8
3 he shal absteyne from wyne and stroge drynke. Vyneger of wyne & of stronge drynke shal he not drynke, ner that is pressed out of grapes: he shall nether eate fresh ner drye grapes, so longe as his abstinence endureth.
4 Morouer he shall eate nothinge that is made of the vyne tre, from the wyne cornels vnto the hulle.
5 As longe as the vowe of his abstynence endureth, there shall no rasoure come vpon his heade, tyll the tyme be out which he absteyneth vnto the LORDE, for he is holy. And he shall let the heer of his heade growe, and stonde bare openly.
6 All the tyme ouer yt he absteyneth vnto the LORDE, shal he go to no deed.
7 Nether shal he defyle him self at ye death of his father, of his mother, of his brother, or of his sister. For the abstinence of his God is vpon his heade,
8 and ye whole tyme of his abstinence shall he be holy vnto the LORDE.
Numbers 18:32
32 and ye shal not lade synne vpon you in the same, whan ye Heue the fat therof, and vnhalowe not the halowed thinges of the children of Israel, and ye shal not dye.
Deuteronomy 15:19
19 All the first borne that come of thine oxen and shepe, yt are males, shalt thou halowe vnto the LORDE thy God. Thou shalt not plowe with the firstborne of thine oxe, and shalt not clyppe the firstborne of thy shepe: