Leviticus 20:24 Cross References - Coverdale

24 But I saye vnto you: Ye shall possesse their londe. For I wyll geue you to enheritaunce a lode, that floweth with mylke and hony. I am the LORDE youre God, which haue separated you from the nacions,

Exodus 3:8

8 and am come downe to delyuer them from the power of the Egipcians, and to carye them out of that lode, in to a good and wyde londe, euen in to a londe that floweth with mylke and hony: namely, vnto the place of the Cananites, Hethites, Amorites, Pheresites, Heuytes & Iebusites.

Exodus 3:17

17 and haue sayde: I wil brynge you out of the trouble of Egipte, in to ye lande of ye Cananites, Hethites, Amorites, Pheresites, Heuites & Iebusites: in to a lode yt floweth with mylke and hony.

Exodus 6:8

8 and will brynge you into the lande, ouer the which I haue lift vp my hande, to geue it vnto Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, ye same wil I geue vnto you for a possession. I the LORDE.

Exodus 13:5

5 Now wha ye LORDE hath brought ye in to ye lande of ye Cananites, Hethites, Amorites, Heuites & Iebusites, which he sware vnto yi fathers to geue ye (euen a londe that floweth wt mylke & hony) then shalt thou kepe this seruyce in this moneth.

Exodus 19:5-6

5 Yf ye wyll harken now vnto my voyce, and kepe my couenaunt, ye shalbe myne owne before all people: for the whole earth is myne: 6 and ye shall be vnto me a presterly kingdome, and an holy people. These are the wordes that thou shalt saye vnto the children of Israel.

Exodus 33:3

3 in to the londe that floweth with mylke and hony, for I wyll not go vp with the: for thou art an hardnecked people, I might consume the by the waye.

Exodus 33:16

16 for wherby shal it be knowne, yt I and thy people haue founde fauoure in thy sight, but in yt thou goest with vs? that I & thy people maye haue some preemynence before all people that are vpon the face of the earth.

Leviticus 20:26

26 Therfore shall ye be holy vnto me: for I the LORDE am holy, which haue separated you fro the nacions, that ye shulde be myne.

Numbers 23:9

9 For fro ye toppe of ye stonye rockes I se him, & from the hilles I beholde him. Beholde, ye people shal dwell by theselues, & shal not be rekened amoge the Heithe.

Deuteronomy 7:6

6 For thou art an holy people vnto the LORDE thy God. The hath the LORDE thy God chosen, that thou shuldest be his awne peculier people, from amonge all nacions that are vpon the earth.

Deuteronomy 14:2

2 For thou art an holy people vnto the LORDE thy God. And the LORDE hath chosen the to be his awne peculier people, from amoge all the nacions that are vpon the earth.

1 Kings 8:53

53 (for thou O LORDELORDE) hast sundered them out to be an inheritaunce vnto thy selfe, from amoge all the nacions vpon earth, acordinge as thou saydest by Moses thy seruaunt, whan thou broughtest oure fathers out of Egipte.

John 15:19

19 Yf ye were of the worlde, the worlde wolde loue his awne. Howbeit because ye are not of the worlde, but I haue chosen you from the worlde, therfore the worlde hateth you.

2 Corinthians 6:17

17 Wherfore come out from amoge them, and separate youre selues (sayeth the LORDE) and touche no vncleane thinge, so wyl I receaue you,

1 Peter 2:9

9 But ye are that chosen generacion, that kyngly presthode, that holy nacion, that peculier people, yt ye shulde shewe the vertues of him, which hath called you out of darknesse in to his maruelous lighte:

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