Job 27:14 Cross References - Coverdale

14 Yf he get many childre, they shal perish wt the swearde, & his posterite shall haue scarcenesse of bred.

Deuteronomy 28:32

32 Thy sonnes and thy doughters shalbe geuen vnto another nacion, and thine eyes shal se it, and dase vpon them all the daye longe, and thy hande shal not be able to delyuer them.

Deuteronomy 28:41

41 Thou shalt get sonnes and doughters, and yet not haue them: for they shal be caried awaye captiue.

1 Samuel 2:5

5 They that were fylled afore, are solde for bred: and they that were hongrie, are satisfied: vntyll the baren bare seuen, and tyll she that had many childre, was become weake.

2 Kings 9:7-8

7 and thou shalt smyte thy lorde Achabs house, that I maye auenge the bloude of my seruauntes the prophetes, and the bloude of all the LORDES seruauntes, from the hande of Iesabel, 8 that all the house of Achab maye peri?she. And I wyl rote out from Achab, euen him that maketh water agaynst the wall, and the closed vp and the desolate in Israel:

2 Kings 10:6-10

6 Then wrote he the seconde letter vnto them with these wordes: Yf ye be myne, and herken vnto my voyce, then take the heades of the men youre lordes sonnes, and brynge me them tomorow by this tyme vnto Iesrael. The kynges sonnes were thre score men and ten, and ye chefemen of the cite broughte the vp. 7 Now whan this letter came they toke the kynges sonnes, and slewe them euen thre score men and ten, and layed their heades in ba?kettes, and sent them to him vnto Iesrael. 8 And whan the messaunger came, & tolde him, and sayde: They haue broughte the heades of the kynges children, he sayde: Laye them vpon two heapes at the dore of the porte tyll tomorow. 9 And on the morow whan he wente forth, he stode, and sayde vnto all the people: Are ye righteous? Beholde, I haue made an appoyntmet against my lorde, and slayne him, who hath slayne all these then? 10 Vnderstonde ye now therfore, that there is not fallen vpon the earth one worde of the LORDE, which he spake agaynst the house of Achab: and the LORDE hath done, euen as he sayde by his seruaunt Elias.

Esther 5:11

11 and tolde them of the glory of his riches, and the multitude of his children, all together how the kynge had promoted him so greatly, and how that he was taken aboue the prynces and seruauntes of the kynge.

Esther 9:5-10

5 Thus the Iewes smote all their enemies with a sore slaughter, and slewe and destroyed, & dyd after their wyll vnto soch as were their aduersaries. 6 And at ye castell of Susan slewe the Iewes and destroied fyue hudreth men: 7 & slewe Parsandatha, Dalphon, Aspatha, 8 Poratha, Adalia, Aridatha, 9 Parmastha Arissai, Aridai, Vaiesatha, 10 the ten sonnes of Aman ye sonne of Amadathi ye enemie of the Iewes: but on his goodes they layed no handes.

Job 15:22

22 He beleueth neuer to be delyuered out of darcknesse, the swearde is allwaye before his eyes.

Job 20:10

10 His childre go a begginge, their handes bringe the to sorow and heuynesse.

Job 21:11-12

11 They sende forth their children by flockes, and their sonnes lede the daunce. 12 They beare with them tabrettes and harpes, and haue instrumentes of musick at their pleasure.

Psalms 109:13

13 Let the wickednesse of his fathers be had in remembraunce in the sight of the LORDE, and let not the synne of his mother be done awaye.

Hosea 9:13-14

13 Ephraim (as me thinke) is planted in welthinesse, like as Tyrus, but now must she bringe hir owne children forth to the manslayer. 14 O LORDE thou shalt geue them: what shalt thou geue them? geue them an vnfrutefull wombe and drye brestes.

Luke 23:29

29 For beholde, the tyme wil come, wherin it shal be sayde: Blessed are the baren, and the wombes that haue not borne, and the pappes that haue not geuen sucke.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.