Job 28 Cross References - Coverdale

1 There are places where syluer is molte, & where golde is tryed: 2 where yron is dygged out of the grounde, & stones resolued to metall. 3 The darcknes shal once come to an ende, he can seke out the grounde of all thinges: the stones, the darcke, & the horrible shadowe, 4 wt the ryuer of water parteth he a sunder the straunge people, yt knoweth no good neghbourheade: soch as are rude, vnmanerly & boysteous. 5 He bryngeth foode out of the earth, & yt which is vnder, consumeth he with fyre. 6 There is founde a place, whose stones are clene Saphirs, and where ye clottes of the earth are golde. 7 There is a waye also that the byrdes knowe not, that no vulturs eye hath sene: 8 wherin ye proude & hye mynded walke not, & where no lyon commeth. 9 There putteth he his honde vpon the stony rockes, & ouerthroweth the mountaynes. 10 Ryuers flowe out of the rockes, & loke what is pleasaunt, his eye seyth it. 11 Out of droppes bryngeth he greate floudes together, & the thinge that is hyd bryngeth he to light. 12 How commeth a man then by wy?dome? Where is the place that men fynde vnderstondinge? 13 Verely no man can tell how worthy a thinge she is, nether is she foude in the lode of the lyuynge. 14 The depe sayeth: she is not in me. The see sayeth: she is not with me. 15 She can not be gotten for the most fyne golde, nether maye the pryce of her be bought with eny moneye. 16 No wedges of golde of Ophir, no precious Onix stones, no Saphirs maye be compared vnto her. 17 No, nether golde ner Christall, nether swete odours ner golden plate. 18 There is nothinge so worthy, or so excellet, as once to be named vnto her: for parfecte wy?dome goeth farre beyonde the all. 19 The Topas that cometh out of Inde, maye in no wyse be lickened vnto her: yee no maner of apparell how pleasaunt and fayre so euer it be. 20 From whece then commeth wy?dome? & where is the place of vnderstondinge? 21 She is hyd from the eyes of all men, yee & fro the foules of the ayre. 22 Destruccion & death saie: we haue herde tell of her wt oure eares. 23 But God seyth hir waie, & knoweth hir place. 24 For he beholdeth the endes of the worlde, and loketh vpon all that is vnder the heaue. 25 When he weyed the wyndes, & measured ye waters: 26 when he set the rayne in ordre, and gaue the mightie floudes a lawe: 27 Then dyd he se her, the declared he her, prepared her and knewe her. 28 And vnto man he sayde: Beholde, to feare the LORDE, is wy?dome: & to forsake euell, is vnderstondinge.

Genesis 1:11-12

11 And God sayde: let ye earth bringe forth grene grasse and herbe, that beareth sede: & frutefull trees, that maye beare frute, euery one after his kynde, hauynge their owne sede in them selues vpon the earth. And so it came to passe. 12 And the earth brought forth grene grasse and herbe, yt beareth sede euery one after his kynde, & trees bearinge frute, & hauynge their owne sede in them selues, euery one after his kynde. And God sawe that it was good.

Genesis 1:29

29 And God sayde: lo, I haue geuen you all maner herbes that beare sede vpon the whole earth, and all maner frutefull trees that beare sede, to be meate for you.

Genesis 2:11-12

11 The first is called Phison, which renneth aboute all the londe of Heuyla. 12 And there is founde golde, (& the golde of that countre is precious,) and there is founde Bedellion, and the precious stone Onix.

Genesis 4:22

22 And Zilla she also bare Tubalcain, a worker in all connynge poyntes of metall & yron. And Tubalcains sister was called Naema.

Genesis 23:15

15 Heare me my lorde: The felde is worth foure hundreth Sycles of syluer: but what is that betwixte me and the? Burye thy deed.

Genesis 24:22

22 Now whan the Camels had all dronken, he toke a golde earynge of half a Sycle weight, and two bracelettes for hir handes, weynge ten Sycles of golde,

Exodus 24:10

10 & sawe ye God of Israel. Vnder his fete it was like a stone worke of Saphyre, & as the fashion of heaue, wha it is cleare,

Exodus 28:17

17 And thou shalt fill it with foure rowes full of stones. Let the first rowe be a Sardis, a Topas, and a Smaragde.

Exodus 28:20

20 The fourth: a Turcas, an Onix, and a Iaspis. In golde shall they be sett in all the rowes,

Exodus 39:10

10 and fylled it with foure rowes of stones. The first rowe was: a Sardis, a Topas, and a Smaragde.

Numbers 31:22

22 Golde, siluer brasse, yron, tynne and leed,

Deuteronomy 4:6

6 Kepe them now therfore and do them: for that is youre wysdome and vnderstondinge in the sight of all nacions, which wha they haue herde all these ordinaunces, shall saye: O what a wyse and vnderstondinge folke is this? and how excellent a people?

Deuteronomy 8:9

9 A londe where thou shalt not eate bred in scarcenes, and where thou shalt lacke nothinge: A lode where ye stones are yron, where thou shalt dygge brasse out of hilles:

Deuteronomy 29:29

29 These are the secretes of the LORDE oure God, which are opened vnto vs and oure children for euer, yt we shulde do all the wordes of this lawe.

1 Kings 3:9

9 Geue thy seruaunt therfore an obedient hert, that he maye iudge thy people, & vnderstonde what is good & bad: for who is able to iudge this thy mightie people?

1 Kings 7:48-50

48 Morouer Salomon made all the apperell that belonged vnto the house of the LORDE: namely a golden altare, a golden table that the shewbred laye on, 49 fyue candelstickes on the righte hande, and fyue candelstickes on the lefte (before the quere) of pure golde, wt floures, 50 lampes and snoffers of golde, therto flat peces, charges, basens, spones and censours of pure golde. And the hokes of ye dores on the insyde of the house in the most holy, and in the dores of the house of the teple of the LORDE were of golde.

1 Kings 10:21

21 All kynge Salomos drynkynge vessels were of golde, and all the vessels in the house of ye wod of Libanus were of pure golde also: for syluer was not regarded in Salomons tyme.

1 Chronicles 22:14

14 Beholde, I haue in my pouerte prouyded for the house of the LORDE, an hundreth thousande talentes of golde, and a thousande tymes a thousande talentes of syluer, and brasse and yron without nombre: for there is so moch of it. And tymbre and stone haue I prepared, thou mayest get more therof.

1 Chronicles 29:2-5

2 Yet haue I after all my abilite prepared vnto the house of God, golde for the vessels of golde, syluer for them of syluer, brasse for them of brasse, yron for the of yron, wod for them of wod, Onix stones, set Rubyes, & stones of dyuerse coloures, & all precious stones, & Marble stones in multitude. 3 Besydes this, for the good wyl yt I haue to the house of God, 4 I haue of myne awne proper good thre M. taletes of golde of Ophir, & seuen M. taletes of pure syluer, which I geue vnto the holy house of God, besyde all yt I haue prepared, to ouerlaye ye walles of the house,

1 Chronicles 29:4

4 I haue of myne awne proper good thre M. taletes of golde of Ophir, & seuen M. taletes of pure syluer, which I geue vnto the holy house of God, besyde all yt I haue prepared, to ouerlaye ye walles of the house, 5 yt the same which ought to be of golde, maye be of golde: & that it which ought to be of syluer, maye be of syluer: and for all maner of worke by the hande of the craftesmen. And who is now fre wyllinge, to fyll his hande this daye vnto the LORDE?

2 Chronicles 16:9

9 for the eyes of the LORDE loke rounde aboute all londes, to strength them yt are in him with all their hert. Thou hast done vnwysely, therfore shalt thou haue warre from hece forth.

Job 10:21-22

21 afore I go thyther, from whence I shal not turne agayne: Namely, to that londe of darcknesse & shadowe of death: 22 yee into that darck clowdy londe & deadly shadowe, where as is no ordre, but terrible feare as in the darcknesse.

Job 11:6

6 that he might shewe the (out of his secrete wy?dome) how manyfolde his lawe is: then shuldest thou knowe, that God had forgotten the, because of thy synnes.

Job 12:15

15 Beholde, yf he witholde the waters, they drye vp: Yf he let the go, they destroye the earth.

Job 12:22

22 Loke what lyeth hyd in darcknesse, he declareth it opely: and the very shadowe of death bringeth he to light.

Job 26:6

6 yee & all they which dwell beneth in the hell are not hyd fro him, & the very destruccion it self ca not be kepte out of his sight.

Job 26:8

8 He byndeth ye water in his cloudes, that they fall not downe together.

Job 28:12

12 How commeth a man then by wy?dome? Where is the place that men fynde vnderstondinge?

Job 28:14

14 The depe sayeth: she is not in me. The see sayeth: she is not with me. 15 She can not be gotten for the most fyne golde, nether maye the pryce of her be bought with eny moneye. 16 No wedges of golde of Ophir, no precious Onix stones, no Saphirs maye be compared vnto her.

Job 28:16-19

16 No wedges of golde of Ophir, no precious Onix stones, no Saphirs maye be compared vnto her. 17 No, nether golde ner Christall, nether swete odours ner golden plate. 18 There is nothinge so worthy, or so excellet, as once to be named vnto her: for parfecte wy?dome goeth farre beyonde the all.

Job 28:18

18 There is nothinge so worthy, or so excellet, as once to be named vnto her: for parfecte wy?dome goeth farre beyonde the all. 19 The Topas that cometh out of Inde, maye in no wyse be lickened vnto her: yee no maner of apparell how pleasaunt and fayre so euer it be. 20 From whece then commeth wy?dome? & where is the place of vnderstondinge? 21 She is hyd from the eyes of all men, yee & fro the foules of the ayre.

Job 28:21-22

21 She is hyd from the eyes of all men, yee & fro the foules of the ayre. 22 Destruccion & death saie: we haue herde tell of her wt oure eares.

Job 28:22-22

22 Destruccion & death saie: we haue herde tell of her wt oure eares. 23 But God seyth hir waie, & knoweth hir place.

Job 28:23

23 But God seyth hir waie, & knoweth hir place.

Job 28:28

28 And vnto man he sayde: Beholde, to feare the LORDE, is wy?dome: & to forsake euell, is vnderstondinge.

Job 36:26

26 Beholde, so greate is God, that he passeth oure knowlege, nether are we able to come to ye experiece of his yeares.

Job 36:32

32 In ye turnynge of a hande he hydeth the light, & at his commaundement it commeth agayne.

Job 37:3

3 He gouerneth euery thinge vnder the heauen, and his light reacheth vnto the ende of the worlde.

Job 37:11

11 The cloudes do their laboure in geuynge moystnesse, the cloudes poure downe their rayne.

Job 38:16-17

16 Camest thou euer into the groude of the see, Or, hast thou walked in ye lowe corners of ye depe? 17 Haue the gates of death bene opened vnto the or hast thou sene the dore of euerlastige treasure?

Job 38:19

19 the shewe me where light dwelleth, and where darcknes is:

Job 38:24

24 By what waye is the light parted, & the heate dealt out vpon earth? 25 Who deuydeth the abundauce of waters in to ryuers, or who maketh a waye for the stormy wether,

Job 38:27

27 to make the grasse growe in places where no body dwelleth, & in the wildernes where no ma remayneth?

Psalms 12:6

6 The wordes of the LORDE are pure wordes: eue as ye syluer, which from earth is tried and purified vij. tymes in the fyre.

Psalms 19:1

1 The very heaues declare the glory off God, ad the very firmamet sheweth his hadye worke.

Psalms 19:7

7 The lawe of the LORDE is a perfecte lawe, it quickeneth the soule. The testimony of ye LORDE is true, & geueth wisdome euen vnto babes.

Psalms 19:10

10 More pleasunt are they then golde, yee then moch fyne golde: sweter then hony & the hony combe.

Psalms 29:3-10

3 It is the LORDE that commaundeth the waters: It is the glorious God that maketh ye thonder: 4 it is the LORDE yt ruleth the see. 5 The voyce of the LORDE is mightie in operacion, the voyce of the LORDE is a glorious voyce 6 The voyce of the LORDE breaketh the Cedre trees: yee the LORDE breaketh the Ceders of Libanus. 7 He maketh them to skippe like a calfe: Libanus and Sirion like a yonge vnycorne. 8 The voyce of the LORDE deuideth the flames of fyre: the voyce of the LORDE shaketh the wildernesse, yee the LORDE shaketh the wildernesse of Cades. 9 The voyce of the LORDE moueth ye hyndes & discouereth the thicke bu?shes: in his temple shal euery man speake of his honoure. 10 The LORDE stilleth the water floude, & ye LORDE remayneth a kynge for euer.

Psalms 33:13-14

13 The LORDE loketh downe from heauen, & beholdeth all the children of men: 14 from his stronge seate he considreth all them yt dwell in the worlde.

Psalms 34:14

14 Let him eschue euell, and do good: Let him seke peace & ensue it.

Psalms 45:9

9 All thy garmentes are like myrre, Aloes & Cassia, when thou comest out of thine yuerie palaces in thy beutifull glory.

Psalms 49:3-4

3 My mouth shal speake of wy?dome, and my hert shal muse of vnderstondinge. 4 I wil encline myne eare to the parable, & shewe my darcke speach vpon the harpe.

Psalms 51:6

6 But lo, thou hast a pleasure in the treuth, and hast shewed me secrete wy?dome.

Psalms 52:5

5 Sela. Thou louest to speake all wordes yt maye do hurte, O thou false toge.

Psalms 83:10-12

10 Which perished at Endor, & became as the doge of ye earth. 11 Make their prynces like Oreb and Zeeb: Yee make all their prynces like as Zebea and Salmana. 12 Which saye: we wil haue the houses of God in possession?

Psalms 104:14-15

14 Thou bryngest forth grasse for the catell, and grene herbe for the seruyce of men. 15 Thou bryngest fode out of the earth: wyne to make glad ye herte of ma, oyle to make him a chearfull countenaunce, & bred to strength mans herte.

Psalms 111:10

10 The feare of the LORDE is the begynnynge of wy?dome, a good vnderstondinge haue all they that do therafter: the prayse of it endureth for euer.

Psalms 119:72

72 The lawe of thy mouth is dearer vnto me, the thousandes of golde & syluer.

Psalms 135:7

7 He bryngeth forth the cloudes from the endes of the worlde, he turneth ye lighteniges vnto rayne, bringige the wyndes out of their treasuries.

Psalms 147:5

5 Greate is or LORDE, and greate is his power, yee his wy?dome is infinite.

Psalms 148:8

8 Fyre and hayle, snowe & vapors wynde and storme, fulfillynge his worde.

Proverbs 1:7

7 The feare of the LORDE is the begynnynge of wysdome. But fooles despyse wysdome and nurtoure.

Proverbs 2:4

4 yf thou sekest after her as after money, and dyggest for her as for treasure:

Proverbs 2:4-6

4 yf thou sekest after her as after money, and dyggest for her as for treasure: 5 The shalt thou vnderstonde ye feare of the LORDE, and fynde ye knowlege of God. 6 For it is the LORDE that geueth wy?dome, out of his mouth commeth knowlege and vnderstondinge.

Proverbs 2:6

6 For it is the LORDE that geueth wy?dome, out of his mouth commeth knowlege and vnderstondinge.

Proverbs 3:7

7 Be not wyse in thine owne conceate, but feare ye LORDE and departe from euell:

Proverbs 3:13-15

13 Well is him that fyndeth wy?dome, & opteyneth vnderstondinge, 14 for the gettinge of it is better then eny marchaundise of syluer, & the profit of it is better then golde. 15 Wy?dome is more worth the precious stones, & all ye thinges yt thou canst desyre, are not to be compared vnto her.

Proverbs 3:15

15 Wy?dome is more worth the precious stones, & all ye thinges yt thou canst desyre, are not to be compared vnto her.

Proverbs 3:19

19 With wy?dome hath ye LORDE layed the foudacion of ye earth, & thorow vnderstondinge hath he stablished ye heaues.

Proverbs 8:4-5

4 It is you, o ye men (sayeth she) whom I call. Unto you (o ye childre of me) lift I vp my voyce. 5 Take hede vnto knowlege o ye ignoraut, be wyse in herte o ye fooles.

Proverbs 8:10-11

10 Receaue my doctryne therfore and not syluer, & knowlege more then fyne golde. 11 For wysdome is more worth then precious stones, yee all the thinges that thou cast desyre, are not to be compared vnto it.

Proverbs 8:11-11

11 For wysdome is more worth then precious stones, yee all the thinges that thou cast desyre, are not to be compared vnto it.

Proverbs 8:14

14 I can geue councell, and be a gyde: I haue vnderstondinge, I haue strength.

Proverbs 8:17

17 I am louynge vnto those that loue me, and they that seke me early, shal fynde me. 18 Riches & honoure are wt me, yee excellent goodes & rightuousnes. 19 My frute is better the golde & precious stone, & myne encrease more worth then fyne syluer.

Proverbs 8:19

19 My frute is better the golde & precious stone, & myne encrease more worth then fyne syluer.

Proverbs 8:22-31

22 The LORDE himself had me in possessio in the begynnynge of his wayes, or euer he begame his workes aforetyme.

Proverbs 8:22-29

22 The LORDE himself had me in possessio in the begynnynge of his wayes, or euer he begame his workes aforetyme. 23 I haue bene ordened fro euerlastige, & fro ye beginnynge or euer the earth was made.

Proverbs 8:23-29

23 I haue bene ordened fro euerlastige, & fro ye beginnynge or euer the earth was made. 24 When I was borne, there were nether depthes ner springes of water.

Proverbs 8:24-29

24 When I was borne, there were nether depthes ner springes of water. 25 Before the foundacions of ye mountaynes were layed, yee before all hilles was I borne.

Proverbs 8:25-29

25 Before the foundacions of ye mountaynes were layed, yee before all hilles was I borne. 26 The earth and all that is vpon the earth was not yet made, no not the grounde it self.

Proverbs 8:26-29

26 The earth and all that is vpon the earth was not yet made, no not the grounde it self.

Proverbs 8:26-32

26 The earth and all that is vpon the earth was not yet made, no not the grounde it self. 27 For when he made the heauens, I was present: wha he set the depthes in ordre:

Proverbs 8:27-29

27 For when he made the heauens, I was present: wha he set the depthes in ordre:

Proverbs 8:27-32

27 For when he made the heauens, I was present: wha he set the depthes in ordre: 28 whan he hanged the cloudes aboue: whan he fastened the sprynges of the depe:

Proverbs 8:28-29

28 whan he hanged the cloudes aboue: whan he fastened the sprynges of the depe:

Proverbs 8:28-32

28 whan he hanged the cloudes aboue: whan he fastened the sprynges of the depe: 29 Whan he shutt the see within certayne bowndes, that ye waters shulde not go ouer their marckes. When he layed the foundacions of the earth,

Proverbs 8:29-29

29 Whan he shutt the see within certayne bowndes, that ye waters shulde not go ouer their marckes. When he layed the foundacions of the earth,

Proverbs 8:29-32

29 Whan he shutt the see within certayne bowndes, that ye waters shulde not go ouer their marckes. When he layed the foundacions of the earth, 30 I was with him, ordringe all thinges, delytinge daylie & reioysynge allwaye before him.

Proverbs 8:30-32

30 I was with him, ordringe all thinges, delytinge daylie & reioysynge allwaye before him. 31 As for the roude copase of his worlde, I make it ioyfull, for my delyte is to be amoge the children of men.

Proverbs 8:31-32

31 As for the roude copase of his worlde, I make it ioyfull, for my delyte is to be amoge the children of men. 32 Therfore harken vnto me (o ye children) for blessed are they that kepe my wayes.

Proverbs 9:10

10 The feare of the LORDE is the begynnynge of wysdome, & the knowlege of holy thinges is vnderstondinge.

Proverbs 13:14

14 The lawe is a wel of life vnto the wyse, that it maye kepe him from the snares of death.

Proverbs 14:23

23 Diliget labor bryngeth riches, but where many vayne wordes are, truly there is scarcenesse.

Proverbs 15:3

3 The eyes of the LORDE loke in euery place, both vpon ye good and badd.

Proverbs 16:16

16 To haue wy?dome in possession is better then golde, and to get vnderstondynge, is more worth then syluer. 17 The path of ye righteous eschueth euell, & who so loketh well to his wayes, kepeth his owne soule.

Proverbs 17:3

3 Like as syluer is tried in the fyre and golde in the fornace, euen so doth the LORDE proue the hertes.

Proverbs 23:23

23 Labor for to get ye treuth: sell not awaye wy?dome, nourtor & vnderstodinge

Proverbs 24:4

4 Thorow discrecion shal ye chabers be fylled wt all costly & pleasaunt riches.

Proverbs 27:21

21 Syluer is tryed in the moulde, & golde in the fornace, & so is a man, whan he is openly praysed to his face.

Proverbs 31:10

10 Who so fyndeth an honest faithful woma, she is moch more worth the perles.

Ecclesiastes 1:13

13 applyed my mynde to seke out & search for the knowlege of all thiges yt are done vnder heaue. Soch trauayle & labor hath God geue vnto ye childre of me, to exercyse the selues theri.

Ecclesiastes 7:23-25

23 All these thinges haue I proued because of wy?dome: for I thought to be wyse, but she wente farther fro me

Ecclesiastes 7:23-24

23 All these thinges haue I proued because of wy?dome: for I thought to be wyse, but she wente farther fro me 24 then she was before, yee & so depe that I might not reach vnto her.

Ecclesiastes 7:24-24

24 then she was before, yee & so depe that I might not reach vnto her. 25 I applied my mynde also vnto knowlege, and to seke out sciece, wisdome and vnderstondinge: to knowe the foolishnesse of the vngodly, and the erroure of dotinge fooles.

Ecclesiastes 8:16-17

16 When I applied my mynde to lerne wy?dome, and to knowe the trauayle that is in the worlde (and that of soch a fashion, yt I suffred not myne eyes to slepe nether daye ner night) 17 I vnderstode of all ye workes of God, that it is not possible for a man, to attayne vnto ye workes that are done vnder ye Sonne: and though he bestowe his laboure to seke them out, yet can he not reach vnto the: yee though a wyse man wolde vndertake to knowe them, yet might he not fynde them.

Ecclesiastes 12:13

13 Lat vs heare the conclucion of all thinges: Feare God, and kepe his comaundementes, for that toucheth all men:

Song of Songs 5:14

14 his hades are full of golde rynges and precious stones. His body is as the pure yuery, decte ouer with Saphyres:

Isaiah 1:16

16 Wash you, make you clene, put awaye yor euell thoughtes out of my sight, cease from doinge of euell and violence.

Isaiah 13:12

12 I will make a man dearer the fyne golde, and a man to be more worth, the a golden wedge of Ophir.

Isaiah 28:25-29

25 And whe he hath made it playne, he soweth it with fitches or comyn. He soweth ye wheate and Barlye in their place, Milium and Rye also in their place. 26 And yt he maye do it right, his God teacheth him and sheweth him. 27 For he treadeth not the fitches out with a wayne, nether bringeth he the cart here and there ouer the comyn, but he throssheth ye fitches out with a flale, and the comyn with a rod. 28 As for the wheate, he gryndeth it to make bred therof, In as moch as he can not bringe it to passe wt treadinge out. For nether the brussinge that the cart wheles make, ner his beastes can grynde it. 29 This and soch like thinges come of the LORDE of hostes which is maruelous in councel, and greate in rightuousnesse.

Isaiah 37:25

25 Yf there be no water, I wil graue & drynke. And as for waters of defence, I shal drie them vp with the fete of myne hooste.

Isaiah 38:11

11 I spake within my self: I shal neuer viset the LORDE God in this life: I shal neuer se man, amonge the dwellers of the worlde

Isaiah 40:12

12 Who hath holden the waters in his fist? Who hath measured heauen with his spanne, and hath comprehended all the earth of ye worlde in thre fyngers? Who hath weyed the mountaynes and hilles?

Isaiah 44:27

27 I saye to the grounde: be drie. And I drie vp thy water floudes.

Isaiah 45:2-3

2 I wil go before the, and make the croked straight. I shal breake the brasen dores, & burst the yron barres. 3 I shall geue the the hyd treasure, & the thinge which is secretly kepte: that thou mayest knowe, yt I the God of Israel haue called the by thy name:

Isaiah 48:10

10 Beholde I haue pourged the, and not for moneye. I haue chosen the in the fyre of pouerte,

Isaiah 53:8

8 He shal be had awaye, his cause not herde, & wtout eny iudgment: Whose generacion yet no man maye nombre, when he shalbe cut of fro the grounde of the lyvinge: Which punyshment shal go vpon him, for the transgression of my people.

Isaiah 54:11

11 Beholde, thou poore, vexed & despised: I wil make thy walles of precious stones, & yi foundacio of Saphires,

Jeremiah 14:22

22 Are there eny amonge the goddes of the Gentiles, that sende rayne, or geue the showers of heauen? Dost not thou it o LORDE oure God, in who we trust? Yee LORDE, thou dost all these thinges.

Lamentations 4:7

7 Hir absteyners (or Nazarees) were whyter then ye snowe or mylke: their coloure was fresh read as the Corall, their beutie like the Saphyre.

Ezekiel 1:22

22 Aboue ouer ye heades of the beestes there was a firmament, which was fashioned as it had bene off the most pure Christall, & that was spred out aboue vpon their heades:

Ezekiel 27:16

16 The Sirians occupied with the, because of thy dyuerse workes, and increased thy marchaundies, with Smaragdes, with scarlet, with nedle worke, wt whyte lynninge cloth, with sylcke and with Christall.

Ezekiel 28:13-14

13 Thou hast bene in ye pleasaut garde off God: thou art decte with all maner of precious stones: with Ruby, Topas, Christall, Iacyncte, Onyx, Iaspis, Saphir, Smaragde, Carbucle, & golde. Thy beuty & ye holes yt be in ye were set forth in the daye of yi creacion.

Ezekiel 28:13

13 Thou hast bene in ye pleasaut garde off God: thou art decte with all maner of precious stones: with Ruby, Topas, Christall, Iacyncte, Onyx, Iaspis, Saphir, Smaragde, Carbucle, & golde. Thy beuty & ye holes yt be in ye were set forth in the daye of yi creacion. 14 Thou art a fayre Cherub, stretched wyde out for to couer. I haue set the vpon the holy mount off God, there hast thou bene, and walked amoge the fayre glisteringe stones.

Amos 4:7

7 Whe there were but thre monethes vnto ye haruest, I withelde the rayne from you: yee I rayned vpo one cite, and not vpo another one pece off grounde was moystured with rayne, and the grounde that I rayned not vpon, was drye.

Nahum 1:4-6

4 Whe he reproueth the see, he dryeth it vp, & turneth all the floudes to drye londe. Basan is desolate, Charmel and the pleasure of Libanus waisteth awaye. 5 The mountaynes tremble for him, the hilles consume. At the sight of him, the earth quaketh: yee the whole worlde, and all that dwell therin. 6 Who maye endure before his wrath? Or who is able to abyde his grymme displeasure? His anger taketh on like fyre, and the harde rockes burst in sunder before him.

Habakkuk 2:13

13 Shal not the LORDE of hoostes bringe this to passe, that the laboures of the people shal be brent with a greate fyre, and that the thinge wher vpon the people haue weeried them selues, shall be lost?

Habakkuk 3:9

9 Thou shewdest thy bowe opely, like as thou haddest promised with an ooth vnto the trybes. Sela. Thou didest deuyde the waters of the earth.

Zechariah 4:10

10 For he that hath bene despysed a litle season, shal reioyce, whe he seyth the tynne weight in Zorobabels honde. The vij. eyes are the LORDES, which go thorow the hole worlde.

Zechariah 10:1

1 Praye the LORDE then by tymes to geue you the latter rayne, so shall the LORDE make cloudes, and geue you rayne ynough for all the increase off the felde:

Zechariah 13:9

9 And the same thirde parte wil I brynge thorow the fyre, and will clense them, as the syluer is clensed: Yee and trye them, like as golde is tryed. Then shall they call vpon my name, and I wil heare them: I wil saye: it is my people. And they shal saye: LORDE, my God.

Malachi 3:2-3

2 But who maye abyde the daye of his commynge? Who shalbe able to endure, when he appeareth? For he is like a goldsmythes fyre, ad like wasshers sope. 3 He shall syt him downe to trye and to clense ye syluer, he shal pourge the children of Leui, and purifie them like as golde and syluer: that they maye brynge meatofferinges vnto the LORDE in rightuousnes.

Matthew 6:33

33 Seke ye fyrst the kyngdome of heauen and the righteousnes therof, so shal all these thynges be ministred vnto you.

Matthew 7:6

6 Geue not that which is holy, to dogges: nether cast ye youre pearles before swyne, lest they treade them vnder their fete, & the other turne agayne and all to rente you.

Matthew 11:25

25 At ye same tyme Iesus answered, and sayde: I prayse the (O father and LORDE of heauen and earth) that thou hast hid these thinges from the wyse and prudent, and opened the vnto babes.

Matthew 11:27

27 All thinges are geuen ouer vnto me of my father: and no ma knoweth the sonne, but the father: nether knoweth eny man the father, saue the sonne, and he to whom the sonne wil open it.

Matthew 13:17

17 Verely I saye vnto you: Many prophetes & righteous men haue desyred to se ye thinges that ye se, and haue not sene the: and to heare the thinges that ye heare, and haue not herde the.

Matthew 13:35

35 yt the thinge might be fulfilled, which was spoke by ye prophet, sayenge: I wil open my mouth in parables, and wil speake out the secretes from the begynnynge of the worlde.

Matthew 13:44-46

44 Agayne, the kingdome of heauen is like vnto a treasure hyd in the felde, which a ma founde and hid it, and for ioye therof he wete & solde all yt he had, and bought yt felde. 45 Agayne, the kyngdome of heauen is like vnto a marchaut, yt sought good pearles: 46 & wha he had founde a precious pearle, he wete and solde all that he had, & bought it.

Luke 10:21-22

21 At the same houre reioysed Iesus in sprete, and sayde: I prayse the (O father and LORDE of heauen and earth) that thou hast hyd these thinges from the wyse and prudent, and hast opened them vnto babes. Euen so father, for so it pleased the. 22 All thinges are geuen ouer vnto me of my father: and no man knoweth who the sonne is, but onely the father: nether who the father is, saue onely the sonne, and he to who the sonne wil open it.

Luke 16:8

8 And the lorde comended the vnrighteous stewarde, because he had done wysely. For the children of this worlde are in their kynde wyser, the the children of light.

Acts 15:18

18 Knowne vnto God are all his workes from the begynnynge of ye worlde.

Romans 11:33

33 O the depenesse of the riches, both of the wyssdome and knowlege of God? How incomprehensible are his iudgmentes, and his wayes vnsearcheable?

Romans 11:33-34

33 O the depenesse of the riches, both of the wyssdome and knowlege of God? How incomprehensible are his iudgmentes, and his wayes vnsearcheable? 34 For who hath knowne the mynde of the LORDE? Or who hath bene his councell geuer?

1 Corinthians 1:19-20

19 For it is wrytte: I wyl destroye the wyssdome of the wyse, & wil cast away the vnderstondinge of ye prudet. 20 Where are the wyse? Where are ye scrybes? where are ye disputers of this worlde?

1 Corinthians 1:30

30 Of the same are ye also in Christ Iesu, which of God is made vnto vs wyssdome and righteousnes, and sanctifienge and redepcion,

1 Corinthians 2:6-15

6 That we speake of, is wyssdome amonge the yt are perfecte: not ye wyssdome of this worlde, nether of the rulers of this worlde which go to naughte: 7 but we speake of the wyssdome of God, which is in secrete and lyeth hyd: which God ordeyned before the worlde vnto oure glorye:

1 Corinthians 2:7-10

7 but we speake of the wyssdome of God, which is in secrete and lyeth hyd: which God ordeyned before the worlde vnto oure glorye: 8 which none of ye rulers of this worlde knewe. For yf they had knowne it, they had not crucified the LORDE of glorye,

1 Corinthians 2:8-10

8 which none of ye rulers of this worlde knewe. For yf they had knowne it, they had not crucified the LORDE of glorye, 9 but as it is wrytten: The eye hath not sene, and the eare hath not herde, nether hath it entred in to the hert of man that God hath prepared for them that loue him.

1 Corinthians 2:9-10

9 but as it is wrytten: The eye hath not sene, and the eare hath not herde, nether hath it entred in to the hert of man that God hath prepared for them that loue him. 10 But God hath opened it vnto vs by his sprete. For the sprete searcheth out all thinges, yee euen the depenesses of the God heade.

1 Corinthians 2:10-10

10 But God hath opened it vnto vs by his sprete. For the sprete searcheth out all thinges, yee euen the depenesses of the God heade. 11 For what ma knoweth what is in man, saue the sprete of ma which is in him? Euen so no man knoweth what is in God, saue ye sprete of God. 12 As for vs, we haue not receaued the sprete of this worlde, but the sprete which cometh of God, so that we ca knowe what is geue vs of God: 13 which we also speake, not with connynge wordes of mas wyssdome, but with the conynge wordes of the holy goost, and iudge spirituall matters spiritually. 14 Howbeit the naturall man perceaueth nothinge of ye sprete of God. It is foolishnes vnto him, and he can not perceaue it: for it must be spiritually discerned. 15 But he that is spirituall, discusseth all thinges, and he is iudged of no man.

1 Corinthians 4:5

5 Therfore iudge ye nothinge before ye tyme, vntyll the LORDE come, which shal brynge it to lighte that is hyd in darknesse, and ope the councels of ye hertes, and the shal euery one haue prayse of God.

Colossians 2:3

3 in whom are hyd all the treasures of wyssdome and knowlege.

1 Timothy 2:9

9 Likewyse also the wemen, that they araye them selues in comly apparell with shamfastnes and discrete behaueor, not with broyded heer, or golde, or perles, or costly araye:

2 Timothy 2:19

19 But ye sure grounde of God stondeth fast, and hath this seale: The LORDE knoweth them that are his, and let euery ma that calleth vpon the name of Christ, departe from iniquyte.

James 1:5

5 Yf eny of you lacke wyssdome, let him axe of God, which geueth to all men indifferentlie, and casteth no man in the teth: and it shal be geue him.

James 1:17

17 Euery good gifte, & euery parfait gift, is from aboue, and cometh downe from ye father of light, with whom is no variablenes, nether is he chaunged vnto darcknes.

James 3:13-17

13 So can no fountayne geue bothe salt water and fresshe also. If eny man be wyse and endued with learnynge amonge you, let him shewe the workes of his good couersacion in meknes that is coupled with wissdome. 14 But yf ye haue bitter enuyenge and stryfe in yor hertes, reioyce not: nether be lyars agaynst the trueth. 15 This wissdome descendeth not from aboue: but is erthy, and naturall, and dyuelishe. 16 For where enuyenge and stryfe is, there is vnstablenes and all maner of euell workes. 17 But the wissdom that is fro aboue, is fyrst pure, the peasable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good frutes, without iudgynge, and without simulacion:

1 Peter 1:7

7 that youre faith once tryed (beynge moch more precious then the corruptible golde that is tryed thorow the fyre) might be founde vnto laude, glory and honoure at the appearynge of Iesus Christ:

1 Peter 3:11

11 Let him eschue euell, & do good: Let him seke peace and ensue it.

Jude 1:25

25 yt is to saye, to God oure saueoure which only is wyse, be glory, maiestie, dominion, & power, now and for euer. Amen.

Revelation 4:6

6 And before the seate there was a see of glasse like vnto crystall, and in the mydes off the seate, and rounde aboute the seate, were foure beastes full of eyes before and behynde.

Revelation 5:6

6 And I behelde, & lo, in the myddes of the seate, and of ye foure beastes, and in the myddes of ye elders, stode a lambe as though he had bene kylled, which had seuen hornes and seue eyes, which are the seue spretes of God, sent in to all the worlde.

Revelation 17:4

4 And ye woman was arayed in purple and rose color, and decked with golde, precious stone, and pearles, and had a cupp of golde in her honde, full of abhominacions, and fylthines of her wordome.

Revelation 18:12

12 the ware of golde, and syluer, and of precious stones, off pearle, & sylke, and purple, and skarlet, & all Thynen wod, and all manner vessels of yuery, and all manner vessels of most precious wod, and of brasse, and of yron,

Revelation 21:11

11 hauynge the brightnes of God. And her shynynge was lyke vnto a stone most precious, euen a Iaspar cleare as cristall:

Revelation 21:19

19 and ye foundacios of the walles and of ye cite were garnysshed with all maner of precious stones. The fyrst foundacion was a Iasper, the seconde a Saphyre, ye thyrde a Calcedony, the fourth a Smaragde: 20 the fyft a Sardonix: the sixt a Sardeos: the seuenth a Crysolite, the eyght berall: the nynth a Topas: the tenth a Crysoprasos: the eleueth a Iacyncte: the twelfte an Amatist. 21 And the twolue gates were twolue pearles, and euery gate was of one pearle, and ye strete of the cite was pure golde, as a thoroweshyninge glasse.

Revelation 22:1

1 And he shewed me a pure ryuer of water of life clere as cristall: proceadinge out of the seate of God and of ye lambe

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