4 As for you, ye are workmasters of lyes: and vnprofitable Phisicians alltogether.
Job 13:4 Cross References - Coverdale
Exodus 20:16
16 Thou shalt beare no false wytnesse agaynst thy neghboure.
Job 4:7-11
7 Considre (I praye the) who euer peryshed, beynge an innocent? Or, when were the godly destroyed?
8 As for those that plowe wickednesse (as I haue sene myself) and sowe myschefe, they reape ye same.
9 For whe God bloweth vpon them, they perysh, and are destroyed thorow the blast of his wrath.
10 The roaringe of the lyon, the cryenge off the lyonesse, & ye teth off ye lyos whelpes are broke.
11 The greate lyon perysheth, because he ca get no pray and the lyons whelpes are scatred abrode.
Job 5:1-5
1 Name me one els, yf thou canst fynde eny: yee loke aboute the, vpon eny of the holy men.
2 As for the foolish man displeasure kylleth him, and anger slayeth ye ignoraunt.
3 I haue sene my self, when the foolish was depe roted, that his bewty was sodely destroyed:
4 that his children were without prosperite or health: that they were slayne in the dore, and no ma to delyuer them:
5 that his haruest was eaten vp off the hungrie: that the weapened man had spoyled it, and that the thurstie had droncke vp his riches. It is not the earth that bryngeth forth trauayle,
Job 6:21
21 Eue so are ye also come vnto me: but now that ye se my mysery, ye are afrayed.
Job 8:3-4
Job 16:2
2 I haue oft tymes herde soch thinges. Miserable geuers of comforte are ye, all the sorte of you.
Job 18:5-21
5 Shal not the light of the vngodly be put out? yee the flame of his fyre shal not burne.
6 The light shalbe darcke in his dwellinge, & his candle shalbe put out with him.
7 His presumptuous goinges shal be kepte in, and his owne councell shal cast him downe.
8 For his fete shalbe taken in the nett, and he shal walke in the snare.
9 His fote shalbe holden in the gilder, and the thurstie shal catch him.
10 The snare is layed for him in the grounde, and a pytfall in the waye.
11 Fearfulnesse shal make him afrayed on euery syde, that he shall not knowe, where to get out.
12 Honger shalbe his substaunce, and my?fortune shall hange vpon him.
13 He shall eate his owne skynne, yee his owne armes shall he deuoure, beynge a firstborne of death.
14 All his comforte and hope shalbe roted out of his dwellynge, very fearfulnesse shall brynge him to the kynge.
15 Other men shall dwel in his house (which now is none of his) and brymstone shalbe scatered vpon his habitacion.
16 His rotes shalbe dryed vp beneth, & aboue shall his haruest be cut downe.
17 His remembraunce shall perish from the earth, & his name shall not be praysed in the stretes:
18 he shalbe dryuen from the light into darcknesse, and be cast clene out of the worlde.
19 He shall nether haue children ner kyn?folkes amonge his people, no ner eny posterite in his countre:
20 yonge & olde shalbe astonyshed at his death.
21 Soch are now the dwellynges of the wicked, and this is ye place of him that knoweth not God.
Job 21:27-34
27 But I knowe what ye thinke, yee and what ye ymagin agaynst me vnrightuously.
28 For ye saye: where is the prynces palace? where is the dwellynge of the vngodly:
29 Axe eny man that goeth by the waye, and (yf ye will not regarde their tokens & dedes) he shal tell you,
30 that the wicked is kepte vnto the daye of destruccion, and that the vngodly shalbe brought forth in the daye of wrath.
31 Who darre reproue him for his wayes to his face? who rewardeth him for the vngraciousnesse that he doth?
32 Yet shal he be brought to his graue, and watch amonge the heape of the deed.
33 The shal he be fayne to be buried amoge the stones by the broke syde. All men must folowe him, & there are innumerable gone before him.
34 O how vayne is the comforte yt ye geue me? Are not youre answeres cleane contrary to right and treuth?
Job 22:6-30
6 Thou hast take the pledge from thy brethre for naught, & robbed the naked of their clothinge:
7 To soch as were weery, hast thou geue no water to drynke, thou hast withdrawe bred fro the hungrie:
8 Shulde soch one the as vseth violece, wroge & oppression (doinge all thinges of parcialyte, & hauynge respecte of personnes) dwell in the lode?
9 Thou hast sent wyddowes awaye emptie and oppressed the poore fatherlesse.
10 Therfore art thou compased aboute with snares on euery syde, & sodely vexed wt feare.
11 Shuldest thou the se no darcknesse? Shulde not the water floude runne ouer the?
12 Now because yt God is hyer the the heauens, & because thou seist yt the starres are so hye,
13 wilt thou therfore saye: Tush, how shulde God knowe? Doth his dominion reach beyonde the cloudes?
14 Tush, the cloudes couer him, yt he maye not se, for he dwelleth in heauen.
15 Well, thou wilt kepe the olde waye, yt all wicked me haue gone:
16 both olde & yonge, whose foundacion is a runnynge water,
17 which saye vnto God: go from vs, and after this maner: Tush, what wil the Allmightie do vnto vs?
18 where as he (not with stodinge) fylleth their houses wt all good. Which meanynge of the vngodly be farre fro me.
19 For wt ioy shal the godly, and with gladnesse shal the innocent se,
20 that their increase shal be hewen downe, & their posterite consumed with the fyre.
21 Therfore recocile the vnto God, & be content, so shal all thinges prospere wt the right well.
22 Receaue the lawe at his mouth, & laye vp his wordes in thine herte.
23 For yf thou wilt turne to the Allmightie, thou shalt stonde fast, & all vnrightuousnesse shall be farre from thy dwellinge:
24 He shal geue the an haruest, which in plenty & abundaunce shall exceade the dust of the earth, and the golde of Ophir like ryuer stones.
25 Yee the Allmightie his owne self shalbe thine haruest, & the heape of thy money.
26 Then shalt thou haue thy delyte in the Allmightie, & lift vp thy face vnto God.
27 The shalt thou make thy prayer vnto him, & he shal heare the, & thou shalt kepe thy promyses.
28 The, loke what thou takest in honde, he shal make it to prospere with the, and the light shall shyne in thy wayes.
29 For who so humbleth himself, him shal he set vp: and who so loketh mekely, shalbe healed.
30 Yf thou be innocet, he shal saue the: and thorow the vngiltynesse of thyne handes shalt thou be delyuered.
Psalms 119:69
69 The proude ymagin lyes vpon me, but I kepe thy commaundemetes with my whole herte.
Jeremiah 6:14
14 And besyde that, they heale the hurte of my people with swete wordes, sayenge: peace, peace, when there is no peace at all.
Jeremiah 8:22
22 for there is no more Triacle at Galaad, and there is no Phisician, that ca heale the hurte of my people.
Jeremiah 23:32
32 , that darre prophecy lies, and disceaue my people with their vanities and miracles, whom I neuer sent, ner commaunded them. They shal do this people greate harme, saieth the LORDE.
Jeremiah 30:13
13 There is no man to medle with thy cause, or to bynde vp thy woundes: there maye no man helpe the.
Jeremiah 46:11
11 Go vp (o Galaad) & bringe triacle vnto the doughter off Egipte: But in vayne shalt thou go to surgery, for thy wounde shall not be stopped.
Ezekiel 34:4
4 The weake haue ye not holden vp, the sicke haue ye not healed: the broken haue ye not bounde together, the outcastes haue ye not brought agayne: ye lost haue ye not sought, but churlishly and cruelly haue ye ruled the.
Hosea 5:13
13 When Ephraim sawe his sicknesse, and Iuda his disease: Ephraim wente vnto Assur, and sent vnto kinge Iareb: yet coude not he helpe you, ner ease you of youre payne.
Mark 2:17
17 Whan Iesus herde that, he sayde vnto the: The whole nede not ye Phisician, but they that are sycke. I am not come to call the righteous, but the synners to repetaunce.
Mark 5:26
26 and had suffred moch of many phisicians, and spent all that she had, and was not helped, but rather in worse case.