12 After that shall there come vnto me a stronge wynde, and then wil I also geue sentence vpon them.
Jeremiah 4:12 Cross References - Coverdale
Jeremiah 1:16
16 And thorow them shall I declare my iudgment, vpon all the wickednesse of those men that haue forsaken me: that haue offred vnto straunge goddes, & worshipped the workes of their owne hondes.
Ezekiel 5:8
8 Therfore thus saieth ye LORDE God: I will also come vpon the, for in the myddest of the will I syt in iugdmet, in the sight of the Heithen,
Ezekiel 6:11-13
11 The LORDE sayde morouer vnto me: Smyte thine hondes together, and stampe with thy fete, and saye: Wo worth all the abhominacions and wickednesses of the house of Israel, for because of the, they shal perish with the swearde, with hoger and with pestilence.
12 Who so is farre of, shall dye off the pestilence: he that is nye at hande, shall perish with the swearde: and ye other that are beseged, shall dye of honger. Thus wil I satisfie my wrothfull displeasure vpon them.
13 And so shall ye lerne to knowe, that I am the LORDE, whe youre slayne men lye amoge youre goddes, and aboute youre aulters: vpon all hie hilles and toppes off mountaynes, amoge all grene trees, amonge all thicke okes: euen in the places, where they dyd sacrifice to all their Idols.
Ezekiel 7:8-9
8 Therfore, I will shortly poure out my sore displeasure ouer the, and fulfill my wrath vpon the. I will iudge the after thy waies, and recompence the all thy abhominacions.
9 Myne eye shal not ouersee the, nether wil I spare the: but rewarde the after thy waies, and shewe thy abhominacions: to lerne you for to knowe, how yt I am the LORDE, yt smyteth.