11 Then shal it be saide to the people & to Ierusalem: there commeth a warme wynde from the north thorow the waye of my people, but nether to fanne, ner to clese.
Jeremiah 4:11 Cross References - Coverdale
Isaiah 22:4
4 When I perceaued yt, I sayde: awaye fro me, yt I maye wepe bytterly. Take no laboure for to coforte me, as touchinge the destruction of my people.
Isaiah 27:8
8 Euery ma recopenseth wt ye measure yt he receaueth: He museth vpo his sore wynde, as vpo the dayes of extreme heate.
Isaiah 41:16
16 Thou shalt fanne them, & the wynde shal carie them awaye, & the whyrlwynde shal scatre the. But thou shalt reioyse in the LORDE, and shalt delite in praysinge the holyone of Israel.
Isaiah 64:6
6 We are all as an vnclene thinge, & all oure rightuousnesses are as the clothes stayned with the floures of a woman: we fall euerychone as the leaf, for oure synnes carie vs awaye like the wynde.
Jeremiah 8:19
19 for lo, the voyce of the criege of my people is herde from a farre countre: Is not the LORDE in Sion? Is not he kinge in her? Wherfore then haue they greued me (shall the LORDE saye) with their ymages and foolish straunge fashions?
Jeremiah 9:1
1 O who will geue my heade water ynough, & a well of teares for myne eyes: that I maye wepe night ad daye, for the slaughter of my people?
Jeremiah 9:7
7 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes, beholde, I wil melte them and trie the, for what shulde I els do to my people?
Jeremiah 14:17
17 This shalt thou saye also vnto them: Myne eyes shal wepe without ceassinge daye & night. For my people shalbe dtstroyed with greate harme, and shall perish with a greate plage.
Jeremiah 23:19
19 Beholde, the stormy wether of the LORDE (that is, his indignacion) shal go forth, and shal fall downe vpon the heade of the vngodly.
Jeremiah 30:23-24
23 Beholde, on the other syde shall the wrath of the LORDE breake out as a stormy water, as a mightie whyrle wynde: and shal fall vpo the heades of the vngodly.
24 The terrible displeasure of the LORDE shall not leaue of, vntill he haue done, & perfourmed the intent of his herte, which in the latter dayes ye shal vnderstonde.
Jeremiah 51:1-2
Lamentations 2:11
11 Myne eyes begynne to fayle me thorow wepinge, my body is disquieted, my leuer is poured vpon the earth, for the greate hurte of my people, seynge the children and babes dyd swowne in the stretes of the cite.
Lamentations 3:48
48 Whole ryuers of water gu?she out of myne eyes, for the greate hurte of my people.
Lamentations 4:3
3 The Lamyes geue their yonge ones suck wt bare brestes: but the doughter of my people is cruel, and dwelleth in the wyldernesse: like the Estriches.
Lamentations 4:6
6 The synne of the doughter of my people is become greater, then ye wickednesse of Sodome, that sodely was destroyed, and not taken with hondes.
Lamentations 4:10
10 The wome (which of nature are pitefull) haue sodden their owne children with their hondes: that they might be their meate, in ye miserable destruccion of the doughter of my people.
Ezekiel 17:10
10 Beholde, it was planted: shall it prospere therfore? Shall it not be dryed vp and withered, yee euen in the shutinge out of his blossomes, as soone as ye east wynde bloweth?
Ezekiel 19:12
12 she was roted out in displeasure, and cast downe to the grounde. The East wynde dryed vp hir frute, hir stronge stalkes were broken of, wythered and brent in the fyre.
Hosea 13:3
3 Therfore they shalbe as the mornynge cloude, and as the dew that early passeth awaye: and like as dust that ye wynde taketh awaye from the floore, and as smoke that goeth out of ye chymney.
Hosea 13:15
15 Yet can I se no comforth, for when he is now the goodliest amonge the brethren, the east wynde (euen the wynde of the LORDE) shal come downe from the wildernesse, and drye vp his condytes, and drynke vp his welles: he shal spoyle the treasure of all pleasaunt vessels.
Matthew 3:12
12 which hath also his fan in his hond, and will pourge his floore, and gadre the wheet into his garner, & will burne ye chaffe with vnquencheable fyre.
Luke 3:17
17 Whose fanne is in his hande, and he shal pourge his floore, and shal gather ye wheate in to his barne, and shal burne the chaffe with vnquencheable fyre.