14 so that they also shal be subdued vnto dyuerse nacions & greate kynges, for I wil recompense them, acordinge to their dedes & workes of their owne hondes.
Jeremiah 25:14 Cross References - Coverdale
Psalms 137:8
8 O doughter Babilo, thou shalt come to misery thy self: yee happie shal he be, that rewardeth ye as thou hast serued vs.
Isaiah 14:2
2 They shal take ye people, & cary the home wt the. And ye house of Israel shal haue the in possession, for seruautes & maydes in ye lode of ye LORDE. They shal take those prisoners, whose captyues they had bene afore: & rule those, yt had oppressed the.
Isaiah 45:1-3
1 Thus saieth the LORDE vnto Cirus his anoynted, whom he ledeth by ye right hode: that the people maye fall downe before him: I wil lowse the gyrdle of kinges, yt they shal open the gates before thy face, and not to shut their dores.
2 I wil go before the, and make the croked straight. I shal breake the brasen dores, & burst the yron barres.
3 I shall geue the the hyd treasure, & the thinge which is secretly kepte: that thou mayest knowe, yt I the God of Israel haue called the by thy name:
Isaiah 66:6
6 For as touchinge the cite and the temple, I heare the voyce of the LORDE, that will rewarde, and recompece his enemies:
Jeremiah 27:7
7 And all people shal serue him, & his sonne, and his childes children, vntil the tyme of the same lode be come also: Yee many people & greate kinges shal serue him.
Jeremiah 50:9
9 For lo, I will wake vp an hoost of people from ye northren londe, & bringe them vpon Babilon: these shal laye sege to it, & wynne it: Their arowes shal not mysse, like as a connynge archer shuteth not wronge.
Jeremiah 50:29-34
29 Call vp all the archers agaynst Babilon, pytch youre tentes rounde aboute her, that none escape. Recompence her, as she hath deserued: and acordinge as she hath done, so deale with her agayne: for she hath set vp her self agaynst the LORDE, agaynst ye holy one of Israel.
30 Therfore shal hir yonge men fall downe in the stretes, & all hir men of warre shal be roted out in yt daye, saieth the LORDE.
31 Beholde, I speake vnto the (o thou proude) saieth the LORDE God of hoostes: for thy daye shal come, eue the tyme of yi visitacio.
32 And the proude shal stomble & fall, & no man shal helpe him vp. I wil burne vp his cities with fyre, & it shal consume all that is rounde aboute him.
33 Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes: The children of Israel & Iuda suffre violence together. All they that haue them in captiuyte, kepe them fast, & wil not let them go:
34 but their aveger & redemer is mightie, whose name is the LORDE of hoostes: he shal manteyne their cause, he shal make the londe shake, & iudge them that dwell therin, one with another.
Jeremiah 50:41
41 Beholde, there shal come a people from the north, with a greate bonde of men, & many kinges shal stonde vp from the endes of the earth:
Jeremiah 51:6
6 Fle awaye from Babilon, euery man saue his life. Let no man holde his tunge to hir wickednes, for the tyme of the LORDES vengeaunce is come, yee he shal rewarde her agayne.
Jeremiah 51:20-28
20 Thou breakest my weapens of warre, & yet thorow the I haue scatred the nacions & kyngdomes:
21 Thorow the haue I scatred horse & horseman, yee the charettes, & soch as sat vpon them:
22 Thorow the I haue scatred man & woman, olde and yonge, bacheler & mayden.
23 Thorow the I haue scatred the shepherde & his flocke, the husbond man & his catell, the prynces & the rulers.
24 Therfore wil I rewarde the cite of Babilon & all his citesyns the Caldees, with all the euell which they haue done vnto Sion: Yee that ye youre selues shall se it, saieth the LORDE.
25 Beholde, I come vpon the (thou noysome hill) saieth the LORDE, thou that destroyest all londes. I wil stretch out my honde ouer the, & cast the downe from the stony rockes: & wil make the a brente hill,
26 so that nether corner stones, ner pinnacles, ner foundacion stones shalbe taken enymore out of the but waist & desolate shalt thou lie for euermore, saieth the LORDE.
27 Set vp a toke in the londe: blowe the trompettes amonge the Heithen, prouoke the nacions agaynst her, call the kyngdomes, of Ararat, Menni & Ascanes agaynst her: nombre out Taphsar agaynst her, bringe as greate a sorte of horses agaynst her, as yf they were greshoppers.
28 Prepare agaynst them ye people of the Meedes wt their kynges, prynces & all their chefe rulers, yee and the whole londe that is vnder them.
Jeremiah 51:35-41
35 he hath take my substaunce awaye, & the thinge that was left me hath he caried vnto Babilon, saieth the doughter, that dwelleth in Sion: Yee & my bloude also, vnto the Caldees, saieth Ierusalem.
36 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE: Beholde, I wil defende thy cause, & avenge the: I will drynke vp hir see, & drye vp hir water sprynges.
37 Babilon shal become an heape of stones, a dwellinge place for dragons, a fearfulnes & wondringe, because no man dwelleth there.
38 They shall roare together like lyons, & as the yonge lyons when they be angrie, so shal they bede them selues.
39 In their heate I shal set drynke before the, & they shalbe droncken for ioye: Then shal they slepe an euerlastinge slepe, & neuer wake, saieth the LORDE.
40 I shal carie them downe to be slayne like shepe, like wethers & gootes.
41 O, how was Sesah wonne? O, how was the glory of ye whole londe taken? how happeneth it, that Babilon is so wondred at amonge the Heithe?
Daniel 5:28
28 Phares, Thy kyngdome is delt in partes, and geuen to the Medes and Perses.
Habakkuk 2:8-16
8 Seinge thou hast spoyled many Heithen, therfore shall the remnaunt of the people spoyle the: because of mens bloude, & for the wronge done in the londe, in the cite & vnto all them that dwel therin.
9 Wo vnto him, that couetously gathereth euell gotten goodes in to his house: that he maye set his nest an hye, to escape from the power of mysfortune.
10 Thou hast deuysed ye shame of thine owne house, for thou hast slayne to moch people, and hast wilfully offended:
11 so that the very stones of the wall shal crie out of it, and the tymbre that lieth betwixte the ioyntes of the buyldinge shall answere.
12 Wo vnto him, yt buyldeth the towne with bloude, and maynteneth ye cite with vnrightuousnes.
13 Shal not the LORDE of hoostes bringe this to passe, that the laboures of the people shal be brent with a greate fyre, and that the thinge wher vpon the people haue weeried them selues, shall be lost?
14 For the earth shalbe full of knowlege of the LORDES honoure, like as the waters that couer the see.
15 Wo vnto him that geueth his neghboure dryncke, to get him wrothfull displeasure for his dronckennesse: that he maye se his preuytees.
16 Therfore with shame shalt thou be fylled, in steade of honoure. Dryncke thou also, till thou slombre withall: for the cuppe of the LORDES right hode shall compasse the aboute, and shamefull spewinge in steade of thy worshipe.
Revelation 18:20-24
20 Reioyce ouer her thou heaue, and ye holy Apostles, and prophetes: for God hath geuen youre iudgmet on her.
21 And a mighty angell toke vp a greate stone lyke a mylstone, and cast it in to the see, sayenge: with suche violece shal that greate cite Babylon be cast, and shalbe founde no more.
22 And the voyce of harpers, and musicions, and of pypers, and trompetters, shalbe herde no more in the: and no craftes man (of what soeuer craft he be) shalbe founde eny more in the: and the sounde of a myll shalbe herde no more in the:
23 and the voyce of the brydegrome and of the bryde, shalbe herde no more in the for thy marchauntes were prynces of the earth. And with thyne inchautment were deceaued all nacions:
24 and in her was founde the bloude of the prophetes, and of the sayntes, and of all that were slayne vpo the earth.