Jeremiah 51:20-28

Coverdale(i) 20 Thou breakest my weapens of warre, & yet thorow the I haue scatred the nacions & kyngdomes: 21 Thorow the haue I scatred horse & horseman, yee the charettes, & soch as sat vpon them: 22 Thorow the I haue scatred man & woman, olde and yonge, bacheler & mayden. 23 Thorow the I haue scatred the shepherde & his flocke, the husbond man & his catell, the prynces & the rulers. 24 Therfore wil I rewarde the cite of Babilon & all his citesyns the Caldees, with all the euell which they haue done vnto Sion: Yee that ye youre selues shall se it, saieth the LORDE. 25 Beholde, I come vpon the (thou noysome hill) saieth the LORDE, thou that destroyest all londes. I wil stretch out my honde ouer the, & cast the downe from the stony rockes: & wil make the a brente hill, 26 so that nether corner stones, ner pinnacles, ner foundacion stones shalbe taken enymore out of the but waist & desolate shalt thou lie for euermore, saieth the LORDE. 27 Set vp a toke in the londe: blowe the trompettes amonge the Heithen, prouoke the nacions agaynst her, call the kyngdomes, of Ararat, Menni & Ascanes agaynst her: nombre out Taphsar agaynst her, bringe as greate a sorte of horses agaynst her, as yf they were greshoppers. 28 Prepare agaynst them ye people of the Meedes wt their kynges, prynces & all their chefe rulers, yee and the whole londe that is vnder them.