8 And shal breake in vpon Iuda, increasinge in power, till he get him by the throte. He shal fyl also the wydenesse of thy londe wt his brode wynges, O Emanuel.
Isaiah 8:8 Cross References - Coverdale
Isaiah 7:14
14 And therfore the LORDE shal geue you a token of himself: Beholde, a virgin shal coceaue and beare a sonne, and shal call his name Emanuel.
Isaiah 10:28-32
28 He shal come to Aiath, and go thorow toward Migron. But at Machnias shal he muster his hooste,
29 and go ouer ye foorde. Gaba shalbe their restinge place, Rhama shalbe afrayde, Gabea Saul shal fle awaye.
30 The voyce of ye noyse of thy horses (o doughter Gallim) shalbe herde vnto lais and to Anathoth, which also shalbe in trouble.
31 Madmena shal tremble for feare, but the citesyns of Gabim are maly,
32 yet shal he remayne at Nob that daye. After that, shal he lift vp his honde agaynst the mount Sion, and agaynst the hill of Ierusalem.
Isaiah 22:1-7
1 The heuy burthen, apon the valley of Visions. What hast thou there to do, that thou clymnest vp in to the house toppe,
2 o thou citie of miracles, sedicious and wilfull? seinge, thy slayne me are nether killed wt swerde, ner deed in batel?
3 For all thy captaynes gat them to their horses from the ordinaunce, yee they are altogether rydden awaye, and fled farre of.
4 When I perceaued yt, I sayde: awaye fro me, yt I maye wepe bytterly. Take no laboure for to coforte me, as touchinge the destruction of my people.
5 For this is ye daye of the LORDE of hoostes, wherin he will plage, treade downe, and wede out the valley of Visios, and breake downe the walles, with soch a crack, that it shal geue a sownde in the mountaynes.
6 I sawe the Elamites take the quyuers to carte and to horse, and that the walles were bare from harnesse.
7 Thy goodly valleys were ful of Charettes, the horse men made them soone to besege the gates.
Isaiah 28:14-22
14 Wherfore heare the worde of the LORDE, ye mockers that rule the LORDES people, which is at Ierusale.
15 For ye coforte yor selues thus: Tush, death & we are at a poynte, & as for hell, we haue made a codicion with it: that though there breake out eny sore plage, it shal not come vpon vs. For with disceate wil we escape, and with nymblenes will we defende or selues.
16 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE God: Beholde, I wil laye a stone in Sion, a greate stone, a costly corner stone for a sure foundacion: yt who so putteth his trust in him, shal not be confouded.
17 Rightuousnes wil I set vp agayne in ye balaunce, and iudgment in the weightes. The tepest of hale shal take awaye yor refuge, that ye haue to disceaue withal, and ye ouerflowinge waters shal breake downe yor stroge holdes of dissimulacio.
18 Thus the appoyntmet that ye haue made wt death, shalbe done awaye, and the codicion that ye made with hell, shal not stode. When the greate destructio goeth thorow, it shal all to treade you, It shal take you quyte awaye before it.
19 For it shal go forth early in the mornynge, and contynue only yt daye and yt night. And the very feare only shal teach you, when ye heare it.
20 For ye bedde shalbe so narow yt a ma ca not lye vpon it. And the coueringe to small, that a ma maye not wynde him self therin.
21 For the LORDE shal steppe forth as he dyd vpon the mount Perazim, and shal take on as he dyd vpo the dale of Gabaon: that he maye bringe forth his deuyce, his straunge deuyce: and fulfil his worke, his wonderful worcke.
22 And therfore make no mockes at it, that youre captiuyte increase not: for I haue herde the LORDE of hoostes saye, that there shal come a soden destruction and plage vpon the whole earth.
Isaiah 29:1-9
1 Wo vnto the o Ariel Ariel, thou cite that Dauid wane. Take yet some yeares, and let some feastes yet passe ouer:
2 then shal Ariel be beseged, so that she shal be heuy and sorouful, and shal be vnto me euen as a lyon.
3 For I wil laye sege to the rounde aboute, and kepe ye in with towers, and graue vp dykes agaynst ye.
4 And thou shalt be brought lowe, and speake out of the earth, and thy wordes shal go humbly out of ye grounde.
5 Thy voyce shal come out of the earth, like the voyce of a witch, and thy talkinge shal groane out of the myre. For the multitude of thine enemies shalbe like mealdust. And the nombre of Tyrauntes shalbe as ye dust that the wynde taketh awaye sodenly.
6 Thou shalt be visited of the LORDE of hoostes with thondre, earth quake, and with a greate crack, with the whyrle wynde, tempest, and with the flame of a consumynge fyre.
7 But now the multitude of all the people, that went out agaynst Ariel: the whole hooste, the stronge holdes, and sege: is like a dreame which apeareth in the night.
8 It is like as when an hungrie man dreameth that he is eatynge, and when he awaketh, he hath nothinge: like as when a thurstie man dreameth that he is drinkinge, and when he awaketh, he is faynt, and his soule vnpacient. So is the multitude of all people, that mustre them selues agaynst the hill of Sion.
9 But ye shalbe at youre wittes ende, ye shalbe abasshed: ye shal stackre, and rele to and fro. Ye shalbe dronken, but not of wyne. Ye shal fall, but not thorow dronkenes:
Isaiah 30:28
28 His breath like a vehement floude of water, which goeth vp to the throte. That he maye take awaye ye people, which haue turned them selues vnto vanite, and the brydle of erroure, that lieth in other folkes chawes.
Isaiah 36:1-22
1 In the xiiij. yeare of kinge Ezechias, came Sennacherib kinge of the Assirians downe, to laye sege vnto all the stronge cities of Iuda
2 And the kinge of the Assirias sent Rabsaches from Lachis toward Ierusalem, agaynst kinge Ezechias, with a greuous hooste, which set him by the condite of the ouerpole, in the waye that goeth thorow ye fullers lode.
3 And so there came forth vnto him Eliachim Helchias sonne the presydent, Sobna the scribe, and Ioah Asaphs sonne the Secretary.
4 And Rabsaches sayde vnto them: Tel Ezechias, that the greate kinge of Assiria sayeth thus vnto him: What presumpcion is this, that thou trustest vnto?
5 Thou thinkest (peradueture) that thou hast councel & power ynough, to mayntene this warre: or els wher to trustest thou, that thou castest thi self of fro me?
6 lo, Thou puttest thy trust in a broken staff of rede (I meane Egipte) which he that leaneth vpon, it goeth in to his honde & shuteth him thorow. Euen so is Pharao the kinge of Egipte, vnto all the that trust in him.
7 But yf thou woldest saye to me: We trust in ye LORDE oure God: A goodly god, in dede: whose hie places & aulteres Ezechias toke downe, and commaunded Iuda and Ierusalem, to worshipe only before the aulter.
8 Abyde the, thou hast made a condicion with my lorde the kinge of the Assirias, that he shulde geue the two thousande horses: Art thou able to set me there vp?
9 Seinge now that thou canst not resist the power of the smallest prynce that my LORDE hath, how darrest thou trust in yt charettes and horse men of Egipte?
10 Morouer, thinkest thou yt I am come downe hither, to destroye this londe with out the LORDES will? The LORDE sayde vnto me: go downe in to that londe, that thou mayest destroye it.
11 Then sayde Eliachim, Sobna & Iohah vnto Rabsaches: Speake to vs thy seruauntes (we praye the) in the Sirians language, for we vnderstonde it well: And speake not to vs in the Iewes tunge, lest the folcke heare, which lieth vpon the wall.
12 Then answered Rabsaches: Thinke ye, yt the kinge sent me to speake this only vnto you? Hath he not sent me to the also, that lie vpo the wall? that they be not copelled to eate their owne donge, and drinke their owne stale with you?
13 And Rabsaches stode stiff, & cried with a loude voyce in the Iewes tuge, and sayde: Now take hede, how the greate kinge of the Assirias geueth you warnynge.
14 Thus saieth the kinge: Let not Ezechias disceaue you, for he shal not be able to delyuer you.
15 Morouer, let not Ezechias comforte you in the LORDE, when he saieth: The LORDE with out doute shal defende vs, & shal not geue ouer this cite in to the hondes of the kinge of the Assirias, beleue him not.
16 But thus saieth the kinge of Assiria: opteyne my fauoure, enclyne to me: So maye euery ma enioye his vynyardes and fygetrees, and drinke the water of his cisterne:
17 vnto the tyme that I come myself, & bringe you in to a londe, yt is like youre owne: wher in is wheat and wyne, which is both sowen with sede, and planted with vynyardes.
18 Let not Ezechias disceaue you, when he sayeth vnto you: the LORDE shal delyuer us. Might the goddes of the Gentiles kepe euerymans londe, from the power of the kinge of the Assirians?
19 Wher is the God of hemath & Arphad? Where is the God of Sepharnaim? And who was able to defende Samaria out of my honde?
20 Or which of all the goddes of the lodes, hath deliuered their countre out of my power, so that the LORDE shulde delyuer Ierusalem fro my honde?
21 Vnto this, Ezechias messaungers helde their tunges, and answered not one worde: for the kinge had charged them, that they shulde geue him none answere.
22 So came Eliachim Elchias sonne the presidet, Sobna the scrybe, and Ioah Asaphs sonne the Secretary, vnto Ezechias with rente clothes, & tolde him the wordes of Rabsaches.
Ezekiel 17:3
3 and saye: Thus saieth the LORDE God: There came a greate Aegle with greate wynges, yee wt mightie longe wynges, and full of fethers of dyuerse colours, vpon the mount of Libanus, and toke a braunch from a Cedre tre,
Matthew 1:23
23 Beholde, a mayde shall be with chylde, and shall brynge forth a sonne, and they shall call his name Emanuel, which is by interpretacion, God wt vs.