Isaiah 32:18 Cross References - Coverdale

18 And my people shal dwel in the ynnes of peace, in my tabernacle and pleasure, where there is ynough in the all.

Isaiah 33:20-22

20 There shal Sion be sene, the head citie of oure solempne feastes. There shal thine eyes se Ierusalem that glorious habitation: the tabernacle that neuer shal remoue, whose nales shal neuer be taken out worlde without ende, whose coardes euerychone shal neuer corruppe: 21 for the glorious Magesty of the LORDE shal there be present amoge vs. In that place (where fayre broade ryuers & streames are) shal nether Gallye rowe, ner greate shippe sale. 22 For the LORDE shalbe oure capteyne, the LORDE shalbe oure lawe geuer, The LORDE shalbe oure kinge, & he himself shalbe oure Sauioure.

Isaiah 35:9-10

9 There shalbe no lyon, and no rauyshinge beast shall come therin nor be there, but men shal go there fre and safe. 10 And the redemed of the LORDE shal conuerte, and come to Sion with thankesgeuinge. Euerlastinge ioye shal they haue, pleasure & gladnesse shalbe amoge them, And as for all sorow and heuynes, it shal vanish awaye.

Isaiah 60:17-18

17 For brasse wil I geue the golde, and for yron syluer, for wod brasse, and for stones yron. I wil make peace thy ruler, and rightuousnes thyne officer. 18 Violence and robbery shal neuer be herde of in thy londe, nether harme and destruction with in thy borders. Thy walles shalbe called health, & thy gates the prayse of God

Jeremiah 23:5-6

5 Beholde, the tyme commeth (saieth the LORDE) that I wil rayse vp the rightuous braunch off Dauid, which shall beare rule, and discusse matters with wy?dome, and shall set vp equyte and rightuousnes agayne in the earth. 6 In his tyme shall Iuda be saued, and Israel shal dwell with out feare. And this is the name that they shall call him: euen the LORDE oure rightuous maker.

Jeremiah 33:16

16 In those daies shall Iuda be helped, and Ierusalem shall dwell safe, and he that shall call her is euen God oure rightuous maker.

Ezekiel 34:25-26

25 Morouer, I wil make a couenaunt of peace with them, and dryue all euell beastes out of the londe: so that they maye dwell safely in the wildernesse, and slepe in the woddes. 26 Good fortune & prosperite wil I geue them, and vnto all that be rounde aboute my hill. A prosperous shower and rayne wil I sende them in due season,

Hosea 2:18-23

18 Then will I make a couenaunt with them, with the wylde beastes, with the foules of the ayre, & with euerythinge that crepeth vpon the earth. As for bowe, swerde and batel, I will destroye soch out of the londe, & wil make them to slepe safely. 19 Thus wil I mary the vnto myne owne self for euermore: yee euen to my self wil I mary the, in rightuousnesse, in equyte, in louynge kyndnesse and mercy. 20 In faith also will I mary the vnto my self, & thou shalt knowe the LORDE. 21 At the same tyme wil I shewe my self frendly and gracious vnto ye heauens, saieth the LORDE: & the heauens shal helpe the earth, 22 and the earth shal helpe the corne, wyne and oyle, and they shal helpe Iesrael. 23 I wil sowe them vpo earth, for a sede to myne owne self, & wil haue mercy vpon her, yt was without mercy. And to the which were not my people, I wil saye: thou art my people. And he shal saye: thou art my God.

Zechariah 2:5

5 Yee I myself (saieth the LORDE) wil be vnto her a wall of fyre rounde aboute, & wilbe honoured in her.

Zechariah 2:8

8 for thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes: With a glorious power hath he sent me out to the Heithe, which spoyled you: for who so toucheth you, shal touche the aple of his owne eye.

Hebrews 4:9

9 Therfore remayneth there yet a rest vnto the people of God.

1 John 4:16

16 and we haue knowne and beleued the loue that God hath to vs. God is loue, and he that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in God, and God in him.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.