Isaiah 32:17 Cross References - Coverdale

17 And the rewarde of rightuousnesse shalbe peace, and hir frute rest and quietnesse for euer.

Psalms 72:2-3

2 That he maye gouerne thy people acordinge vnto right, and defende thy poore. 3 That the mountaynes maye brynge peace, and the litle hilles rightuousnes vnto the people.

Psalms 85:8

8 I wil herken what the LORDE God wil saie, for he shal speake peace vnto his people and to his sayntes, that they turne not them selues vnto foolishnes.

Psalms 112:6-9

6 For he shal neuer be moued, the rightuous shal be had in an euerlastinge remembraunce. 7 He wil not be afrayed for eny euell tydinges, his herte stondeth fast, & beleueth in ye LORDE. 8 His herte is stablished, he wil not shrencke, vntill he se his desyre vpon his enemies. 9 He hath sparsed abrode, & geue to the poore, his rightuousnes remayneth for euer, his horne shalbe exalted wt honor.

Psalms 119:165

165 Greate is the peace yt they haue which loue yi lawe, & they are not offended at it.

Proverbs 14:26

26 The feare of the LORDE is a stroge holde, for vnto his he wyl be a sure defence.

Isaiah 2:3-4

3 speakinge thus one to another: vp, let us go to the hill of the LORDE, and to the house of ye God of Iacob: yt he maye shewe us his waye, and yt we maye walke in his pathes. For ye lawe shal come out of Syon, and the worde of God from Ierusalem, 4 and shal geue sentence amonge the heithen, and shal reforme the multitude of people: So that they shal breake their swerdes and speares, to make sythes, sycles & sawes therof. From that tyme forth shal not one people lift vp wapen agaynst another, nether shal they lerne to fight from thensforth.

Isaiah 9:7

7 he shal make no ende to encrease the kyngdome and peace, and shal syt vpon the seate of Dauid and in his kyngdome, to set vp the same, to stablish it with equyte and rightuousnesse, from thence forth for euermore. This shal the gelousy of the LORDE of hoostes bringe to passe.

Isaiah 11:6-9

6 The shal ye wolfe dwel with the labe, and the leoparde shal lye downe by the gote. Bullokes, lyons and catel shal kepe company together, so that a litle childe shal dryue them forth. 7 The cowe and the Bere shal fede together, and their yongones shal lye together. The lyo shal eate strawe like the oxe, or the cowe. 8 The childe whyle he sucketh, shal haue a desyre to the serpentes nest, and whe he is weened, he shal put his hande in to the Cockatryce denne. 9 Noman shal do euel to another, no man shal destro another, in all the hill of my Sanctuary. For the earth shalbe ful of ye knowlege of ye LORDE, euen as though the water of the see flowed ouer the earth.

Isaiah 11:13

13 The hatred of Ephraim, and ye enmyte of Iuda shalbe clene rooted out. Ephraim shal beare no euel wil to Iuda, and Iuda shal not hate Ephraim:

Isaiah 26:3

3 And thou, which art the doer and hast the matter in honde: shalt prouyde for peace, eue the peace yt me hope for in the.

Isaiah 30:15

15 For the LORDE God, euen the holy one of Israel hath promised thus: With stilsittinge and rest shal ye be healed, In quyetnesse and hope shal youre strength lie.

Isaiah 48:18

18 Yf thou wilt now regarde my comaundement, thy welthynes shalbe as the water streame: & thy rightuousnes as the wawes flowinge in the see.

Isaiah 54:13-14

13 Thy childre shal all be taught of God, & I wil geue the plenteousnes of peace. 14 In rightuousnes shalt thou be grounded, & be farre fro oppression: for the which thou nedest not be afrayed, nether for hynderauce, for it shal not come nye the.

Isaiah 55:12

12 And so shal ye go forth wt ioye, & be led with peace. The mountaynes and hilles shal synge with you for ioye, and all the trees of the felde shal clappe their hondes.

Isaiah 57:19

19 I make the frutes of thakesgeuinge. I geue peace vnto them that are farre of, and to them that are nye, saye I the LORDE, that make him whole.

Isaiah 66:12

12 For thus sayeth the LORDE: beholde, I wil let peace i to her, like a water floude, & ye might of the Heithe like a flowinge streame. Then shal ye sucke, ye shal be borne vpon hir sydes, and be ioyful vpo hir knees.

Ezekiel 37:21-22

21 and shalt saye vnto them: Thus saieth the LORDE God: beholde I wil take awaye the childre of Israel from amonge the Heithen, vnto whom they be gone, and wil gather them together on euery syde, and bringe them agayne in to their owne londe: 22 yee I wil make one people of the in ye londe, vpon the mountaynes of Israel, and they all shal haue but one kinge. They shall nomore be two peoples from hensforth, nether be deuyded in to two kingdomes:

Ezekiel 37:25

25 They shal dwell in the londe, that I gaue vnto Iacob my seruaunt, where as youre fathers also haue dwelt. Yee eue in the same londe shal they, their children, & their childers children dwell for euermore: and my seruaunt Dauid shal be their euerlastynge prynce.

Ezekiel 39:29

29 After that, will I hyde my face nomore from them, but will poure out my sprete vpon the house of Israel, saieth the LORDE God.

Micah 4:3-4

3 and shall geue sentence amonge the multitude off the Heithen, and refourme the people off farre coutrees: so that of their swerdes they shal make plowshares, and sythes off their speares. One people shall not lift vp a swerde agaynst another, yee they shall nomore lerne to fight: 4 but euery man shal syt vnder his vinyarde and vnder his fyge tre, and no man to fraye him awaye: for the mouth off ye LORDE of hoostes hath spoken it.

Romans 14:17

17 For the kyngdome of God is not meate and drynke, but righteousnes, & peace, and ioye in the holy goost.

2 Corinthians 1:12

12 For oure reioysinge is this, euen the testimony of oure conscience, that in synglenes & godly purenesse, not in fleshlye wyssdome, but in the grace of God, we haue had oure conuersacion in the worlde, but most of all with you.

Philippians 4:6-9

6 Be not carefull, but in all thinges let yor peticions in prayer and supplicacion, with geuynge of thankes be knowne before God. 7 And ye peace of God, which passeth all vnderstodinge, kepe youre hertes and myndes in Christ Iesu. 8 Furthermore brethren, whatsoeuer thinges are true, whatsoeuer thinges are honest, what soeuer thinges are iust, what so euer thinges are pure, what soeuer thinges pertayne to loue, whatsoeuer thinges are of honest reporte: yf there be eny vertuous thinge, yf there be eny laudable thinge, 9 haue those same in yor mynde, which ye haue both lerned and receaued, and herde and sene in me: those thinges do, and the God of peace shalbe with you.

Hebrews 6:11

11 Yee and we desyre, that euery one of you shewe the same diligence, to the stablyshinge of hope euen vnto the ende,

James 3:17-18

17 But the wissdom that is fro aboue, is fyrst pure, the peasable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good frutes, without iudgynge, and without simulacion: 18 yee, and the frute of rightewesnes is sowen in peace, of the that mayntene peace.

2 Peter 1:10-11

10 Wherfore (brethre) geue the more diligence, to make youre callynge and eleccion sure: for yf ye do soch thinges, ye shal not fall, 11 and by this meanes shal there be plenteously mynistred vnto you an entrynge in vnto ye euerlastinge kyngdome of oure LORDE and Sauioure Iesus Christ.

1 John 3:18-24

18 My litle children, let vs not loue with worde nether with tonge, but with ye dede, and with the trueth. 19 Hereby knowe we, that we are of the verite, and can quyete oure hertes before him. 20 But yf oure hert condemne vs, God is greater the oure hert, and knoweth all thinges. 21 Dearly beloued, yf oure hert condemne vs not, then haue we a fre boldnes to God warde. 22 And what so euer we axe, we shal receaue it: because we kepe his comaundemetes, and do those thinges, which are pleasaunt in his sighte. 23 And this is his comaundement, that we beleue on ye name of his sonne Iesus Christ, and loue one another, as he gaue commaundement. 24 And he that kepeth his commaundementes, dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby knowe we that he abydeth in vs, euen by the sprete which he hath geuen vs.

1 John 4:17

17 Here in is the loue perfecte with vs, that we shulde haue a fre boldnesse in the daye of iudgment: for as he is, eue so are we in this worlde.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.