8 Wast thou not angrie (o LORDE) in the waters? was not thy wrath in the floudes, and thy displeasure in the see? yes, whe thou sattest vpon thine horse, and when thy charettes had the victory.
Habakkuk 3:8 Cross References - Coverdale
Exodus 7:20
20 Moses & Aaron dyd as ye LORDE comaunded them, & lift vp the staff, & smote the water yt was in the ryuer, before Pharao & his seruauntes, & all the water in the ryuer was turned into bloude,
Exodus 14:21-22
21 Wha Moses now stretched forth his hade ouer ye see, the LORDE caused it to passe awaye thorow a mightie eastwynde all that night, and made the see drye, and ye water deuyded it self a sunder.
22 And the children of Israel wente in thorow the middest of ye see vpon the drye grounde: and ye water was vnto them as a wall, vpon their right hande & vpo their lefte.
Deuteronomy 33:26-27
Joshua 3:16-17
16 then the water that came downe fro aboue, stode straight vp vpon one heape, very farre from the cite of Adom, that lyeth on the syde of Zarthan: But the water that ranne downe to the see (euen to the salt see) fell awaye, and decreased. So ye people wente thorow ouer agaynst Iericho.
17 And the prestes that bare the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt, stode drye in ye myddes of Iordane, readye prepared: & all Israel wete thorow drye shod, vntyll ye whole people were all come ouer Iordane.
Psalms 18:10
10 He rode vpo the Cherubins & dyd fle: he came flyenge with the wynges of the wynde.
Psalms 45:4
4 Gyrde the with thy swerde vpon thy thee (o thou mightie) with worshipe and renowne.
Psalms 68:4
4 Oh synge vnto God, synge prayses vnto his name: magnifie him yt rydeth aboue the heaues (whose name is ye LORDE) & reioyse before hi.
Psalms 68:17
17 The charettes of God are many M. tymes a thousande, the LORDE is amoge them in the holy Sinai.
Psalms 104:3
3 Thou voltest it aboue with waters, thou makest the cloudes thy charet, and goest vpon the wynges of the wynde.
Psalms 114:3
3 The see sawe that, and fled, Iordan turned backe.
Psalms 114:5
5 What ayled the (o thou see) that thou fleddest? and thou Iordan, that thou turnedest backe?
Isaiah 19:1
1 This is the heuy burthen vpon Egipte: Beholde, the LORDE wil ryde vpon a swifte cloude, and come in to Egipte. And the goddes of Egipte shal trymble at his comynge, and the hert of Egipte shal quake within her.
Isaiah 50:2
2 For why wolde no ma receaue me, when I came? & when I called, no man gaue me answere. Was my hode clene smyte of, that it might not helpe? or, had I not power to delyuer? lo, at a worde I drike vp the see, & of water floudes I make drie lode: so yt for want of water, the fish corruppe, and die of thurst.
Nahum 1:4
4 Whe he reproueth the see, he dryeth it vp, & turneth all the floudes to drye londe. Basan is desolate, Charmel and the pleasure of Libanus waisteth awaye.
Habakkuk 3:15
15 Thou makest a waye for thine horses in the see, euen in the mudde of greate waters.
Mark 4:39
39 And he arose, and rebuked ye wynde, and sayde vnto the see: Peace, and be styll, And the wynde was layed, & there folowed a greate calme.
Revelation 6:2
2 And I sawe, and beholde there was a whyte horsse, and he yt sat on him had a bowe, and a crowne was geuen vnto him, and he went forth conquerynge and for to ouercome.
Revelation 16:12
12 And the sixte angell poured out his vyall vpon the gret ryuer Euphrates, and the water dryed vp, that the waye of the kynges of the Easte shulde be prepared.
Revelation 19:11
11 And I sawe heaue open, & beholde, a whyte horsse and he yt sat vpon him, was called faithfull and true, & in rightewesnes dyd iudge and make battayle.
Revelation 19:14
14 And ye warriers which were in heauen, folowed him vpon whyte horsses, clothed with whyte and pure sylke