1 And after two yeares Pharao had a dreame, how that he stode by a water syde: and beholde, out of the water there came seuen
Genesis 41:1 Cross References - Coverdale
Genesis 20:3
3 But God came to Abimelech by night in a dreame, & sayde vnto him: Beholde, thou art but a deed man, for the womans sake which thou hast taken, for she is a mans wife.
Genesis 29:14
14 The sayde Laban vnto him: Wel, thou art my bone and my flesh. Abyde with me a moneth longe.
Genesis 31:21
21 So he fled, & all that was his, gat vp, and passed ouer the water, & wente straight towarde the mount Gilead.
Genesis 37:5-10
5 Ioseph also had once a dreame, and tolde his brethre therof. The hated they him ye more,
6 for he sayde: Heare I praye you what I dreamed.
7 Me thought we were byndinge sheeues vpo ye felde, & my shefe arose, and stode vp, and youre sheeues rounde aboute made obeysaunce vnto my shefe.
8 Then sayde his brethre vnto him: Shalt thou be or kinge, and haue domynio ouer vs? And they hated him yet ye more, because of his dreame, & his wordes.
9 And he had yet another dreame, which he tolde his brethre, & saide: Beholde, I had yet another dreame: Me thought ye Sonne & ye Moone & eleuen starres made obeisauce to me.
10 And wha this was tolde his father and his brethre, his father reproued him, & sayde vnto him: What maner of dreame is this, yt thou hast dreamed? Shall I & thy mother, & thy brethren come & fall before ye vpon the groude?
Genesis 40:5
5 And they dreamed, both the butlar & the baker in one night, euery ma his owne dreame, and euery dreame had his interpretacio.
Exodus 1:22
22 Then Pharao commauded all his people and sayde: All the sonnes that are borne, cast in to the water, but let all the doughters lyue.
Exodus 4:9
9 But yf they wil not beleue these two tokens ner heare thy voyce, then take of the water of the ryuer, and poure it vpon the drye londe: so shall the same water yt thou hast take out of ye ryuer, be turned vnto bloude vpo ye drye londe.
Deuteronomy 11:10
10 For the londe whither thou commest in, to possesse it, is not as the londe of Egipte, whence ye came out, where thou sowedest thy sede, and waterdest it at thy fote as a garden of herbes:
Judges 7:13-14
13 Now whan Gedeon came, beholde, one tolde another his dreame, & sayde: Beholde, I haue dreamed a dreame: Me thoughte a bake barlye lofe came rollinge downe to ye hoost of ye Madianites: and whan it came to the tente, it smote it, and ouerthrew it, and turned it vpsyde downe, so that the tente fell.
14 Then answered the other: That is nothinge els then ye swerde of Gedeon the sonne of Ioas ye Israelite: God hath geue ouer the Madianites with all the hoost in to his hande.
Esther 6:1
1 The same night coulde not the kynge slepe, and he commaunded to brynge ye Chronicles and storyes: which wha they were red before ye kinge,
Job 33:15-16
Isaiah 19:5
5 The water of the see shalbe drawe out, Nilus shal synke awaye, & be dronke vp.
Ezekiel 29:3
3 Speake, and tell him, thus saieth the LORDE God: beholde, o Pharao thou kinge of Egipte, I wil vpo the, thou greate whall fysh, yt lyest in yi waters: Thou yt sayest: the water is myne, I haue made it myself.
Ezekiel 29:9
9 Yee the londe of Egipte shalbe desolate and waist, & they shal knowe, that I am the LORDE: Because he sayde: the water is mine, I my self haue made it.
Daniel 2:1-3
1 In the secode yeare off the raigne of Nabuchodonosor, had Nabuchodonosor a dreame, where thorow his sprete was vexed, and his slepe brake from him.
2 Then the kynge comaunded to call together all ye soythsayers, charmers, witches and Caldees, for to shewe the kynge his dreame. So they came, and stode before the kynge.
3 And the kynge sayde vnto them: I haue dreamed a dreame, & my sprete was so troubled therwith, yt I haue clene forgotten, what I dreamed.
Daniel 4:5-18
5 sawe a dreame, which made me afrayed: ad thoughtes that I had vpo my bed, with the visions of myne heade, troubled me.
6 Then sent I out a commission, that all they which were of wi?dome at Babilo shulde be brought before me, to tell me the interpretacion of the dreame.
7 So there came the soythsayers, charmers, Caldees and coniurers of deuels: to whom I tolde the dreame, but what it betokened, they coude not shewe me:
8 till at the last, there came one Daniel (otherwyse called Balthasar, acordinge to the name of my God) which hath the sprete of the holy goddes in him: to whom I tolde the dreame, sayenge:
9 O Balthasar, thou prynce of saythsayers: For so moch as I knowe, that thou hast the sprete of the holy goddes, and no secrete is hyd from the: tel me therfore, what ye visio of my dreame (yt I haue sene) maye signifie.
10 I sawe a vision in my heade vpon my bed: and beholde, there stode a tre vpon the grounde,
11 which was very hye, greate and mightie: ye heyth reached vnto the heaue, and the bredth extended to all the endes of the earth:
12 his leaues were fayre, he had very moch frute, so yt euery ma had ynough to eate therin. The beastes of the felde had shadowes vnder it, and the foules off the ayre dwelt in the bowes therof. Shortly, all creatures fed of it.
13 I sawe in my heade a vision vpon my bed: & beholde, a watcher (eue an holy angel) came downe from heauen,
14 and cryed mightely, sayenge: Hew downe the tre, breake off his braunches, shake of his leaues, and scatre his frute abrode: that all the beestes maye get them awaye from vnder him, and the foules from his braunches.
15 Neuertheles leaue the grounde of his rote still in the earth, and bynde him vpon the playne felde, with cheynes of yron and stele. With the dew of heauen shall he be wet, and he shall haue his parte in the herbes of the grounde with other wylde beastes.
16 That mans herte off his shall be taken from him, and a beastes herte shall be geuen him, till seuen yeares be come and gone vpon him.
17 This erande of the watcher, is a comaundemet grounded and sought out in the councel off him, that is most holy: to lerne men for to vnderstonde, that the hyest hath power ouer the kyngdomes off men, ad geueth them, to whom it liketh him, and bryngeth the very outcastes off men ouer them.
18 This is the dreame, yt I kynge Nabuchodonosor haue sene. Therfore o Balthasar, tell thou me what it signifieth: for so moch as all the wyse men off my kyngdome are not able to shewe me, what it meaneth. But thou canst do it, for ye sprete of the holy Goddes is in the.
Daniel 7:1-8
1 In the first yeare off Balthasar kynge off Babilon, sawe Daniel a dreame, and a vision was in his heade vpon his bedde. Which dreame he wrote, and the summe of the matter is this:
2 Daniel spake, and sayde: I sawe in my vision by nyght, and beholde: the foure wyndes of ye heauen stroue vpon the see,
3 and foure greate beestes came vp from the see, one vnlike another.
4 The first was as a lyon, and yet had he Aegles wynges. I sawe, that his wynges were plucte from him, and he taken awaye from the earth: that he stode vpon his fete as a man, and that there was geuen him a mans herte.
5 Beholde, the seconde beest was like a Beer, and stode vpon the one syde. Amonge his teth in his mouth he had iij greate loge teth and it was sayde vnto him: Arise, eate vp moch flesh.
6 Then I loked, & beholde, there was another like vnto a Leoparde: this had wynges as a foule, euen foure vpon the backe. This beest had foure heades, ad there was power geuen him.
7 After this I sawe in a vision by night, & beholde: the fourth beest was grymme and horrible, and maruelous stronge. It had greate yron teth, it deuoured, and destroyed, and stamped the residue vnder fete. It was farre vnlike the other beestes that were before it: for it had ten hornes, wheroff I toke good hede.
8 And beholde, there came vp amonge the, another like horne, before whom there were thre of the first hornes pluckte awaye. Beholde, this horne had eyes like a ma, & a mouth speakynge presumptuous thinges.
Matthew 27:19
19 And wha he sat vpo the iudgmet seate, his wife sent vnto him, sayenge: Haue thou nothinge to do with that righteous man, for I haue suffred many thinges this daye in a dreame because of him.