Genesis 4 Cross References - Coverdale

1 Morouer Adam laye with Heua his wyfe, which coceaued & bare Cain, and sayde, I haue opteyned ye man of the LORDE. 2 And she proceaded forth, & bare his brother Abell. And Abell became a shepherde, but Cain became an husbande man. 3 And it fortuned after certaine daies, that Cain brought of the frute of the earth, an offrynge vnto ye LORDE. 4 And Abell brought also of the firstlinges of his shepe, and of ye fat of them. And the LORDE had respecte vnto Abell and to his offerynge: 5 but vnto Cain and his offerynge he loked not. Then was Cain exceadinge wroth, and his countenaunce chaunged. 6 And the LORDE sayde vnto Cain: Why art thou angrie? and why doth thy countenaunce chaunge? Is it not so? that yf thou do well, thou shalt receaue it: 7 but and yf thou do euell, thy synne lyeth open in the dore? Shal he then be subdued vnto the? and wilt thou rule him? 8 And Cain talked with Abell his brother. And it happened, that whan they were in the felde, Cain arose agaynst Abell his brother, and slew him. 9 Then sayde the LORDE vnto Cain: Where is Abell thy brother? He sayde: I can not tell. Am I my brothers keper? 10 And he sayde: What hast thou done? The voyce of thy brothers bloude crieth vnto me out of the earth. 11 And now shalt thou be cursed vpon the earth, which hath opened hir mouth, and receaued thy brothers bloude of thine hande. 12 Whan thou tyllest ye grounde, she shall hensforth not geue hir power vnto the. A vagabunde and a rennagate shalt thou be vpon ye earth. 13 And Cain sayde vnto ye LORDE: my synne is greater, then that it maye be forgeuen me. 14 Beholde, thou castest me out this daye from out of ye londe, and from yi sight must I hyde myself, and must be a vagabunde and a rennagate vpon ye earth. And thus shal it go with me: that who so fyndeth me, shal slaye me. 15 But the LORDE sayde thus vnto him: Who so euer slayeth Cain, it shalbe auenged seuenfolde. And the LORDE put a marck vpon Cain, that no man which founde him, shulde kyll him. 16 So Cain wente out from ye face of the LORDE, and dwelt in the lande Nod, vpon the east syde of Eden. 17 And Cain laye with his wyfe, which conceaued and bare Henoch. And he buylded a cite, and called it after the name of his sonne Henoch. 18 And Henoch begat Irad, Irad begat Mahuiael. Mahuiael begat Mathusael. Mathusael begat Lamech. 19 And Lamech toke him two wyues: ye one was called Ada, & the other Zilla. 20 And Ada bare Iabel, of whom came they that dwelt in tentes and had catell. 21 And his brothers name was Iuball: Of him came they that occupied harpes & pypes. 22 And Zilla she also bare Tubalcain, a worker in all connynge poyntes of metall & yron. And Tubalcains sister was called Naema. 23 And Lamech sayde vnto his wyues Ada and Zilla: Heare my voyce (ye wyues of Lamech) and herken vnto my wordes: for I haue slayne a man, and wounded my selfe: and (haue kylled) a yonge man, and gotte my self strypes. 24 Cain shalbe aueged seue tymes: but Lamech seuen and seuentie tymes. 25 Adam laye yet with his wyfe agayne, & she bare a sonne, and called him Seth. For God (sayde she) hath apoynted me another sede, for Abell, whom Cain slew. 26 And Seth begat a sonne also, and called him Enos. At the same tyme beganne men to call vpon the name of the LORDE.

Genesis 2:18

18 And the LORDE God sayde: It is not good yt ma shulde be alone. I wil make him an helpe, to beare him copany.

Genesis 2:24

24 For this cause shal a man leaue father and mother, and cleue vnto his wife, & they two shalbe one flesh.

Genesis 3:8

8 And they herde the voyce of the LORDE God, which walked in the garden in the coole of the daye. And Adam hyd him self with his wyfe, from the presence of ye LORDE God amonge the trees of the garden. 9 And ye LORDE God called Adam, and sayde vnto him: Where art thou? 10 And he saide: I herde thy voyce in the garden, and was afrayed, because I am naked, and therfore I hyd my self. 11 And he sayde: who tolde the, that thou art naked? Hast thou not eaten of the tre, wherof I commaunded the, yt thou shuldest not eate?

Genesis 3:13

13 And the LORDE God sayde vnto the woman: wherfore hast thou done this? The woman sayde: the serpent disceaued me so, that I ate. 14 Then sayde the LORDE God vnto the serpent: Because thou hast done this, cursed be thou aboue all catell and aboue all beastes of the felde. Vpon thy bely shalt thou go, & earth shalt thou eate all the dayes of thy life. 15 And I wyll put enemyte betwene the and the woman, and betwene yi sede and hir sede. The same shal treade downe thy heade, and thou shalt treade him on the hele. 16 And vnto the woman he sayde: I will increase thy sorow, whan thou art with childe: with payne shalt thou beare thy childre, and thy lust shal pertayne vnto yi husbande, and he shal rule the. 17 And vnto Adam he sayde: For so moch as thou hast herkened vnto the voyce of thy wyfe, and hast eaten of the tre, wherof I commaunded the, sayenge: thou shalt not eate of it. Cursed be ye earth for thy sake. With sorowe shalt thou eate therof, all the dayes of thy life. 18 Thornes and thistles shalt it beare vnto the, and thou shalt eate the herbes of the felde.

Genesis 3:23

23 Then the LORDE God put him out of the garden of Eden, to tyll ye earth, whece he was take.

Genesis 4:1-3

1 Morouer Adam laye with Heua his wyfe, which coceaued & bare Cain, and sayde, I haue opteyned ye man of the LORDE. 2 And she proceaded forth, & bare his brother Abell. And Abell became a shepherde, but Cain became an husbande man.

Genesis 4:2-3

2 And she proceaded forth, & bare his brother Abell. And Abell became a shepherde, but Cain became an husbande man. 3 And it fortuned after certaine daies, that Cain brought of the frute of the earth, an offrynge vnto ye LORDE.

Genesis 4:8-13

8 And Cain talked with Abell his brother. And it happened, that whan they were in the felde, Cain arose agaynst Abell his brother, and slew him.

Genesis 4:8

8 And Cain talked with Abell his brother. And it happened, that whan they were in the felde, Cain arose agaynst Abell his brother, and slew him. 9 Then sayde the LORDE vnto Cain: Where is Abell thy brother? He sayde: I can not tell. Am I my brothers keper? 10 And he sayde: What hast thou done? The voyce of thy brothers bloude crieth vnto me out of the earth.

Genesis 4:10-11

10 And he sayde: What hast thou done? The voyce of thy brothers bloude crieth vnto me out of the earth. 11 And now shalt thou be cursed vpon the earth, which hath opened hir mouth, and receaued thy brothers bloude of thine hande.

Genesis 4:11-11

11 And now shalt thou be cursed vpon the earth, which hath opened hir mouth, and receaued thy brothers bloude of thine hande. 12 Whan thou tyllest ye grounde, she shall hensforth not geue hir power vnto the. A vagabunde and a rennagate shalt thou be vpon ye earth. 13 And Cain sayde vnto ye LORDE: my synne is greater, then that it maye be forgeuen me. 14 Beholde, thou castest me out this daye from out of ye londe, and from yi sight must I hyde myself, and must be a vagabunde and a rennagate vpon ye earth. And thus shal it go with me: that who so fyndeth me, shal slaye me. 15 But the LORDE sayde thus vnto him: Who so euer slayeth Cain, it shalbe auenged seuenfolde. And the LORDE put a marck vpon Cain, that no man which founde him, shulde kyll him.

Genesis 4:15

15 But the LORDE sayde thus vnto him: Who so euer slayeth Cain, it shalbe auenged seuenfolde. And the LORDE put a marck vpon Cain, that no man which founde him, shulde kyll him. 16 So Cain wente out from ye face of the LORDE, and dwelt in the lande Nod, vpon the east syde of Eden.

Genesis 4:21

21 And his brothers name was Iuball: Of him came they that occupied harpes & pypes.

Genesis 4:24

24 Cain shalbe aueged seue tymes: but Lamech seuen and seuentie tymes. 25 Adam laye yet with his wyfe agayne, & she bare a sonne, and called him Seth. For God (sayde she) hath apoynted me another sede, for Abell, whom Cain slew.

Genesis 4:25-26

25 Adam laye yet with his wyfe agayne, & she bare a sonne, and called him Seth. For God (sayde she) hath apoynted me another sede, for Abell, whom Cain slew. 26 And Seth begat a sonne also, and called him Enos. At the same tyme beganne men to call vpon the name of the LORDE.

Genesis 5:3-4

3 And Adam was an hundreth and thirtie yeare olde, and begat a sonne, which was like his owne ymage, and called his name Seth: 4 & lyued therafter eight hudreth yeare, and begat sonnes and doughters.

Genesis 5:18

18 Iared was an hundreth and two & sixtie yeare olde, and begat Henoch:

Genesis 5:21

21 Henoch was fyue and thre score yeare olde, and begat Mathusalah: 22 and led a godly conuersacion thre hundreth yeares therafter, and begat sonnes & doughters.

Genesis 5:29

29 & called him Noe, and sayde: This same shall coforte vs in oure workes, and in the sorowe of oure hondes vpon the earth, which the LORDE hath cursed.

Genesis 9:5

5 For the bloude of you wherin youre soule is, wyll I requyre of the hande of all beastes: and the soule of ma wyll I requyre of mans hande, yee euery mans soule of anothers hande.

Genesis 9:5-6

5 For the bloude of you wherin youre soule is, wyll I requyre of the hande of all beastes: and the soule of ma wyll I requyre of mans hande, yee euery mans soule of anothers hande. 6 He that sheddeth mas bloude, his bloude shal be shed by man agayne, for God made man after his owne licknesse.

Genesis 9:20

20 Noe beganne to take hede vnto ye tyllinge of the grounde, & planted a vyniarde.

Genesis 11:4

4 And sayde: Come, let vs buylde a cite & a tower, whose toppe maye reach vnto heaue, yt we maye make vs a name, afore we be scatred abrode in all londes.

Genesis 12:8

8 The brake he vp fro thece, vnto a mountayne yt laye on ye east syde of the cite of Bethel, & pitched his tent: so yt he had Bethel on the west side, and Ay on ye east syde: & there buylded he an altare also vnto the LORDE, & called vpon the name of the LORDE.

Genesis 15:17

17 So whan the Sonne was downe, and it was waxed darcke: Beholde, there smoked a fornace, and a fyre brande wente betwene ye partes.

Genesis 18:20

20 And the LORDE sayde: There is a crie at Sodome and Gomorra, which is greate, & their synnes are exceadinge greuous:

Genesis 19:21

21 Then sayde he vnto him: Beholde, I haue loked vpon the in this poynte also, that I will not ouerthrowe the cite, wherof thou hast spoken.

Genesis 25:27

27 And whan the boies were growne vp, Esau became an hunter, & an husbande man. As for Iacob, he was a symple man, and dwelt in the tentes.

Genesis 26:25

25 Then buylded he an altare there, and called vpon the name of the LORDE, and pitched his tent there, and there his seruauntes dygged a well.

Genesis 30:29-31

29 But he saide vnto him: Thou knowest how I haue serued the, and what maner of catell thou hast vnder me. 30 Thou haddest but litle afore I came hither, but now is it growne into a multitude, and the LORDE hath blessed ye for my sake. And now whan shall I loke to myne owne house also? 31 He saide: What shal I then geue the? Iacob sayde: Thou shalt geue me nothinge at all, but yf thou wilt do this for me yt I saye, then wyll I fede and kepe thy shepe agayne.

Genesis 31:2

2 And Iacob behelde Labans countenaunce, & beholde, it was not towarde him as yesterdaye and yeryesterdaye.

Genesis 31:5

5 and sayde vnto them: I se youre fathers countenaunce, that it is not towarde me like as yesterdaye and yeryesterdaye: but the God of my father hath bene with me.

Genesis 31:27

27 Wherfore keptest thou that secrete, that thou woldest flye, and hast stollen awaye fro me, and toldest me not, that I might haue brought the on the waye with myrth, with synginge, with tabrettes and harpes?

Genesis 36:2

2 Esau toke wyues of the doughters of Canaan. Ada the doughter of Elo the Hethite: & Ahalibama the doughter of Ana, the childes childe of Zibeon the Heuyte:

Genesis 37:13

13 Israel sayde vnto Ioseph: Do not yi brethren kepe the catell in Sichem? Come, I wil sende the vnto the. He answered: Here am I.

Genesis 37:32

32 and sent awaye that partie coloured cote, and caused it be brought vnto their father and sayde: This haue we founde, loke, whether it be thy sonnes coate, or no.

Genesis 46:32-34

32 and are kepers of catell (for they are men that deale with catell:) their small & greate catell, and all that they haue, haue they brought with them. 33 Now yf Pharao call you, and saye: what is youre occupacio? 34 then ye shal saye: Thy seruauntes are men yt haue dealt wt catell from oure youth vp hytherto, both we & oure fathers, that ye maye dwell in the lande of Gosen: for the Egipcians abhorre all kepers of catell.

Genesis 47:3

3 Then sayde Pharao vnto his brethren: What is youre occupacion? They answered: Thy seruauntes are kepers of catell, we and oure fathers also.

Exodus 3:1

1 Moses kepte the shepe of Iethro his father in lawe prest of Madian, & droue the shepe on the backsyde of the wyldernes, and came to the mountayne of God, Horeb.

Exodus 3:7

7 And the LORDE sayde: I haue sene the trouble of my people in Egipte & haue herde their crye ouer those that oppresse them. I knowe their sorowe,

Exodus 13:12

12 then shalt thou sunder out vnto the LORDE all that breaketh the Matrice, and firstborne amonge thy catell, soch as is male.

Exodus 20:13

13 Thou shalt not kyll.

Exodus 20:18

18 And all the people sawe the thonder and the lightenynge, and the noyse of the trompet, and how that the mountayne smoked, and were afrayed, and stackerd, & stode afarre of,

Exodus 25:3

3 And this is the Heueofferynge that ye shal take of them: Golde, syluer, brasse,

Leviticus 2:1-11

1 Whan a soule wyll offre a meatofferynge vnto the LORDE, then shal it be of fyne floure, and he shal poure oyle vpon it, and put frankencense theron, 2 & so brynge it vnto Aarons sonnes the prestes. Then shal one of them take his handefull of the same floure, and oyle with all the frankecense, and burne it for a remembraunce vpon the altare. This is an offeringe of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE. 3 As for ye remnaunt of the meatofferynge, it shalbe Aarons and his sonnes. This shalbe ye most holy of the offerynges of the LORDE. 4 But yf he wyll brynge a meatofferynge of that which is baken in the ouen, then let him take swete cakes of wheate, mixte with oyle, and vnleuended wafers anoynted with oyle. 5 Neuertheles yf thy meatofferynge be enythinge of that which is fryed in the panne, then shal it be of fyne swete floure myxte with oyle: 6 And thou shalt cut it in peces, & poure oyle theron: so is it a meatofferynge. 7 But yf thy meatofferinge be ought broyled on the gredyron, then shalt thou make it of fyne floure with oyle. 8 And the meatofferynge that thou wilt make of soch thinges for the LORDE, shalt thou brynge vnto ye prest, which shal brynge it vnto the altare, 9 & shal Heue vp the same meatofferynge for a remebraunce, and burne it vpon the altare. This is an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE. 10 As for the remnaunt, it shal be Aarons and his sonnes. This shall be the most holy of the offerynges of the LORDE. 11 All the meatofferynges that ye wil offre vnto the LORDE, shal ye make without leue. For there shal no leue nor hony be burnt for an offerynge vnto the LORDE.

Leviticus 3:16-17

16 And the prest shal burne it vpo the altare, for the meate of the sacrifice to a swete sauoure. 17 All the fatt is the LORDES. Let this be a perpetuall lawe amonge yor posterities in all youre dwellynges, that ye eate no fatt, ner bloude.

Leviticus 9:24

24 For there came a fyre from the LORDE, and vpon the altare it consumed the burntofferynge and the fat. Whan all the people sawe that, they reioysed, and fell vpon their faces.

Leviticus 19:18

18 Thou shalt not auenge thy self, ner beare euell will agaynst the childre of thy people. Thou shalt loue thy neghboure, as thy self: for I am the LORDE.

Leviticus 26:17

17 And I wyl set my face agaynst you, and ye shal be slayne before youre enemies. And they that hate you, shal haue dominion ouer And ye shall flye, wha no man chaseth you. 18 But yf ye wyll not herken vnto me for all this, then wyl I make it yet seuen tymes more, to punysh you for youre synnes,

Leviticus 26:20

20 and youre trauaile and labor shal be but lost, so that youre londe shall not geue hir increase, and the trees in the londe shal not brynge forth their frute. 21 Yf ye walke yet agaynst me, and wyll not harken vnto me, then wyl I make it yet seuen tymes more, to punysh you because of youre synnes:

Leviticus 26:24

24 then wyl I walke contrary vnto you also, & wyll punysh you yet seuen tymes for youre synnes.

Leviticus 26:28

28 then wyll I also walke cotrary vnto you in wrathfull displeasure, and wyll punysh you seuenfolde because of youre synnes,

Leviticus 26:36

36 And as for them that remayne of you, I wyll make them faynte harted in the londe of their enemies, so that a shakynge leaf shall chace them. And they shall flye from it, as though a swerde persecuted them, and shal fall noman folowynge vpon them.

Numbers 16:15

15 Then was Moses very wroth, & saide vnto ye LORDE: Turne ye not vnto their meatofferinges. I haue not take so moch as an Asse fro the, nether haue I hurte eny of the.

Numbers 16:35

35 Morouer the fyre came out fro the LORDE, and consumed the two hundreth and fyftye men, that offred the incense.

Numbers 17:12-13

12 And ye childre of Israel sayde vnto Moses: Beholde, we cosume awaie, we are destroied, & perishe. 13 Who so cometh nye ye dwellynge place of ye LORDE, he dyeth. Shal we the vtterly cosume awaie?

Numbers 18:12

12 All the fat of the oyle, and all ye fat of the wyne and corne of their firstlinges, that they geue vnto the LORDE, haue I geuen vnto ye.

Numbers 18:17

17 But the first frutes of an oxe, or lambe, or goate shalt thou not cause to be redemed for they are holy. Their bloude shalt thou sprenkle vpon the altare, and their fat shalt thou burne for an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto ye LORDE.

Numbers 23:18

18 And he toke vp his parable, & sayde: Ryse vp Balac & heare, marke my testimony wt thine eares thou sonne of Ziphor.

Numbers 31:17

17 Now therfore slaie all the males amoge ye childre, & kyll all ye wemen yt haue knowne men & lyen wt them.

Numbers 31:22

22 Golde, siluer brasse, yron, tynne and leed,

Numbers 32:23

23 But if ye will not do so, beholde, ye shal offende agaynst the LORDE, and be sure, that youre synne shal fynde you out.

Numbers 35:19

19 The auenger of bloude shal bringe ye murthurer to death. Whan he fyndeth him, he shal slaye him.

Numbers 35:21

21 then shal he that hath slayne him, dye the death: for he is a murthurer. The auenger of bloude shal brynge him to death, as soone as he fyndeth him.

Numbers 35:27

27 and the auenger of bloude fynde him without ye borders of his fre cite, and kyll him, he shal not be gyltye of bloude.

Numbers 35:33

33 And defyle not ye ye londe wherin ye dwell. For who so is giltye of bloude, defyleth the londe: and the londe can not be reconcyled from the bloude that is shed therin, but onely thorow the bloude of him that shed it.

Deuteronomy 8:9

9 A londe where thou shalt not eate bred in scarcenes, and where thou shalt lacke nothinge: A lode where ye stones are yron, where thou shalt dygge brasse out of hilles:

Deuteronomy 26:17-18

17 The same daye maydest thou a promysse vnto the LORDE, that he shulde be thy God, and yt thou woldest walke in all his wayes, and kepe his ordynaunces, his commaundementes, and his lawes, and to herken vnto his voyce. 18 And the LORDE promysed the vpo the same daye, that thou shuldest be his awne peculier people, like as he hath sayde vnto the (so yt thou kepe all his commaundementes)

Deuteronomy 27:16-26

16 Cursed be he, that curseth his father and mother. And all the people shall saye, Amen. 17 Cursed be he, yt remoueth his neghbours mark. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 18 Cursed be he, that maketh a blynde man go out of his waye. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 19 Cursed be he, that wresteth ye righte of ye straunger, of the fatherlesse, & wedowe. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 20 Cursed be he, that lyeth with his fathers wife, to vncouer his fathers couerynge. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 21 Cursed be he, yt lyeth wt eny maner beest. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 22 Cursed be he, yt lyeth wt his sister, which is the doughter of his father or of his mother. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 23 Cursed be he, yt lyeth with his mother in lawe. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 24 Cursed be he that slayeth his neghboure secretly. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 25 Cursed be he, that receaueth giftes to slaye the soule of innocent bloude. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 26 Cursed be he, that contynueth not in all ye wordes of this lawe, to do them. And all ye people shal saye, Amen.

Deuteronomy 28:15-20

15 But yf thou wylt not herken vnto the voyce of the LORDE thy God, to kepe and to do all his commaundementes and ordinaunces, which I commaunde ye this daie, then shall all these curses come vpon the, and ouertake the. 16 Cursed shalt thou be in the towne, and cursed in ye felde: 17 cursed shal thy basket be, and thy stoare. 18 Cursed shall be the frute of thy body, the frute of thy londe, the frute of thine oxen, and the frute of thy shepe. 19 Cursed shalt thou be whan thou goest in, and cursed wha thou goest out. 20 The LORDE shal sende in to the, consuminge, and complayninge, and cursynge, in all that thou takest in hande to do, tyll he haue destroyed the & shortly broughte to the naughte, because of thy wicked inuencions, in that thou hast forsaken me.

Deuteronomy 28:23-24

23 Thy heauen, that is ouer thy heade, shalbe of brasse, and the earth vnder the, of yron. 24 The LORDE shall geue thy londe dust for rayne, and asshes from heauen vpon the, vntyll thou be broughte to naught.

Deuteronomy 28:65-66

65 And amonge those same nacions shalt thou haue no quyetnesse, nether shal the sole of yi fote haue eny rest: for the LORDE shal geue the there a fearfull hert, and dasynge of eyes, and a troubled soule

Deuteronomy 28:65

65 And amonge those same nacions shalt thou haue no quyetnesse, nether shal the sole of yi fote haue eny rest: for the LORDE shal geue the there a fearfull hert, and dasynge of eyes, and a troubled soule 66 so that thy life shal hage before the: Night and daye shalt thou feare, and shalt haue no trust in thy life.

Deuteronomy 29:19-21

19 so that though he heare the wordes of this curse, he blesse him selfe yet in his hert, and saye: Tush, it shal not be so euell. I wil walke after the meanynge of myne awne hert, that the dronken maye perishe with the thyrstie. 20 Then shall not the LORDE be mercifull vnto him, but his wrath and gelousy shall smoke ouer soch a man, and all the curses that are wrytten in this boke, shall lighte vpon him: and the LORDE shal put out his name from vnder heauen, 21 and shall separate him vnto euell out of all the trybes of Israel, acordinge vnto all the curses of the couenaunt, that is wrytten in the boke of this lawe.

Deuteronomy 33:25

25 Yron and brasse be on thy shues. Thyne age be as thy youth.

Joshua 7:19

19 And Iosua sayde vnto Achan: My sonne, geue the glory vnto the LORDE the God of Israel, and geue him the prayse, and tell me, what thou hast done, and hide nothinge fro me.

Judges 6:21

21 Then the angell of the LORDE stretched out the staffe that he had in his hande, and with the ende of it he touched the flesh and the vnleuended floure: and the fyre came out of the rocke, and consumed the flesh and the vnleuended floure. And the angell of the LORDE vanyshed out of his sighte.

Judges 9:7

7 Whan this was tolde Iotham, he wente, and stode vpon the toppe of mount Grisim, and lifte vp his voyce, cried, and sayde: Heare me ye men of Sichem, that God maye heare you also

2 Samuel 3:27

27 Now whan Abner came agayne vnto Hebron, Ioab brought him in to ye middes vnder ye gate, to talke wt him secretly, and thrust him there in to ye bely that he dyed, because of his brother Asahels bloude.

2 Samuel 13:26-28

26 Absalom sayde: Shall my brother Ammon go with vs then? The kynge sayde vnto him: Wherfore shall he go with the? 27 Then was Absalom so importune vpon him, that he let Ammon and all the kynges childre go with him. 28 But Absalom commaunded his yongemen, and sayde: Take hede whan Ammon is mery with wyne (and I saye vnto you: Smyte Ammon, and slaye him) that ye be not afrayed: for I haue commaunded you, be stronge, and playe the men.

2 Samuel 14:6

6 And thy handmayde had two sonnes, which stroue together in the felde: and whyle there was noman to parte the a sunder, the one smote the other, and slewe him. 7 And beholde, all the whole kynred ryseth vp agaynst thy handmayden, and saye: Delyuer him which hath smytten his brother, that we maye kyll him, for the soule of his brother whom he hath slayne, and that we maye destroye the heyre also. And thus are they mynded to put out my sparke, which yet is lefte, that there shulde no name ner eny thinge els remayne ouer vnto my husbade vpon earth.

2 Samuel 18:18

18 Absalom had set him vp a piler whyle he was yet alyue, which stode in the kynges valley, for he sayde: I haue no sonne, therfore shall this be a remembraunce of my name: and he called the piler after his owne name. And vnto this daie it is yet called Absaloms place.

2 Samuel 20:9-10

9 And Ioab sayde vnto Amasa: Peace be with the my brother. And Ioab toke Amasa by the beerde with his righte hade, to kysse him. 10 And Amasa toke no hede vnto ye swerde in Ioabs hande, and he thrust him therwith in to the bely, yt his bowels ranne out vpon the earth, and he thrust at him nomore. And so he dyed. Ioab & his brother Abisai folowed vpon Seba ye sonne of Bichri.

2 Samuel 24:23

23 All this gaue Arafna vnto the kynge. And Arafna sayde vnto ye kynge: The LORDE thy God make the accepted vnto him.

1 Kings 16:7

7 And the worde of ye LORDE came by the prophet Iehu the sonne of Hanani, ouer Baesa, and ouer his house, and agaynst all the euell that he dyd in the sighte of ye LORDE, to prouoke him vnto wrath thorow the workes of his handes: so that he became as the house of Ieroboam, and because he slewe this man.

1 Kings 17:7

7 And it fortuned after cerayne dayes, that the riuer was dryed: vp for there was no rayne in the lode.

1 Kings 18:24

24 call ye then vpo the name of yor god, & I wil call vpo the name of the LORDE: loke which God now answereth with fyre, let the same be God. And all the people answered & sayde: That is righte.

1 Kings 18:38

38 Then fell downe the fyre of the LORDE, and consumed the burntofferinge, the wodd, the stones and the earth, and licked vp the water that was in the pytt.

2 Kings 8:28

28 for he was sonne in lawe in the house of Achab. And he wente with Ioram the sonne of Achab into the battayll agaynst Hasael ye kinge of Syria vnto Ramoth in Gilead, but ye Syrians smote Ioram.

2 Kings 9:26

26 I holde (sayde the LORDE) I wyl recompence the yt bloude of Naboth and of his childre, euen in this pece of londe. Take him now and cast him in to that pece of londe, acordynge to the worde of the LORDE.

2 Kings 13:23

23 But the LORDE was gracious vnto them, and had mercy vpon them, and turned him to them for his couenauntes sake, with Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, and wolde not destroye the nether dyd he cast them out from his presence vnto this houre.

2 Kings 24:20

20 for thus fortuned it vnto Ierusale thorow the wrath of the LORDE, tyll he had cast them out fro his presence. And Sedechias fell awaye fro the kynge of Babilon.

1 Chronicles 1:1

1 Adam, Seth, Enos,

1 Chronicles 2:50-52

50 These were the children of Caleb: Hur ye first sonne of Ephrata, Sobal the father of Kiriath Iearim, 51 Salma ye father of Bethleem, Hareph ye father of Beth Sader. 52 And Sobal the father of Kiriath Iearim had sonnes, namely the halfe kynred of Manuhoth.

1 Chronicles 4:4-5

4 and Penuel the father of Gedor, & Eser the father of Husa. These are the children of Hur the first sonne of Ephrata ye father of Bethleem. 5 Ashur ye father of Thecoa had two wyues, Hellea & Naera:

1 Chronicles 13:11-13

11 The was Dauid sory, because ye LORDE had made soch a rente vpo Vsa, and called the place Perez Vsa, vnto this daye. 12 And Dauid stode in feare of God the same daye, & sayde: How shal I brynge ye Arke of God vnto me? 13 Therfore wolde he not let ye Arke of God be broughte vnto him in to ye cite of Dauid, but caried it in to ye house of Obed Edom the Gathite.

1 Chronicles 21:26

26 And there buylded Dauid an altare vnto ye LORDE, & offred burntofferynges & slaynofferynges. And whan he called vpo the LORDE, he herde him thorow the fyre from heaue vpon ye altare of the burntofferynge.

2 Chronicles 2:7

7 Sede me now therfore a wyse ma to worke with golde, syluer, brasse, yron, scarlet, purple, yalow sylke and soch one as can graue carued worke with the wyse men that are with me in Iewry and Ierusalem, whom my father Dauid ordeyned.

2 Chronicles 7:1

1 And wha Salomo had ended his praier, there fell a fyre from heauen, and cosumed the burntofferynge and the other offeringes. And the glory of the LORDE fylled the house,

Nehemiah 6:2

2 Saneballat and Gosem sent vnto me, sayenge: Come and let us mete together in the vyllages vpon the playne of the cite Ono. Neuertheles they thoughte to do me euell.

Nehemiah 13:6

6 But in all this was not I at Ierusalem: for in ye two and thirtieth yeare of Artaxerses kynge of Babilon, came I vnto the kynge, and after certayne dayes optayned I lycence of the kynge

Job 1:12

12 And the LORDE sayde vnto Sathan: lo all that he hath, be in thy power: only vpon himself se that thou laye not thine honde. Then wente Sathan forth from the LORDE.

Job 2:7

7 So wente Sathan forth from the LORDE, and smote Iob with maruelous sore byles, from the sole off the fote vnto his crowne:

Job 5:2

2 As for the foolish man displeasure kylleth him, and anger slayeth ye ignoraunt.

Job 11:15

15 Then mightest thou lift vp thy face without shame, the shuldest thou be sure, and haue no nede to feare.

Job 15:20-24

20 The vngodly despayreth all the dayes of his life, & the nombre of a tyrauntes yeares is vnknowne. 21 A fearfull sounde is euer in his eares, & when it is peace, yet feareth he destruccion: 22 He beleueth neuer to be delyuered out of darcknesse, the swearde is allwaye before his eyes.

Job 15:22-24

22 He beleueth neuer to be delyuered out of darcknesse, the swearde is allwaye before his eyes. 23 When he goeth forth to get his lyuinge, he thinketh planely, that the daye of darcknesse is at honde. 24 Sorow and carefulnesse make him afrayed, & copasse him rounde aboute, like as it were a kinge with his hoost redy to the battayll.

Job 16:18

18 O earth, couer not my bloude, and let my crienge fynde no rowme.

Job 20:17

17 so that he shal nomore se the ryuers and brokes of hony and butter:

Job 21:12

12 They beare with them tabrettes and harpes, and haue instrumentes of musick at their pleasure.

Job 21:14-15

14 They saye vnto God: go from vs, we desyre not the knowlege of thy wayes. 15 What maner of felowe is the Allmightie, that we shulde serue him? What profit shulde we haue, to submitte oure selues vnto him?

Job 22:13-14

13 wilt thou therfore saye: Tush, how shulde God knowe? Doth his dominion reach beyonde the cloudes? 14 Tush, the cloudes couer him, yt he maye not se, for he dwelleth in heauen.

Job 24:12

12 The whole cite crieth vnto the LORDE with sighinge, the soules of the slayne make their complaynte: But God destroyeth them not for all this,

Job 29:4

4 As it stode wt me, whe I was welthy & had ynough: whe God prospered my house:

Job 31:38-39

38 But yf case be that my londe crie agaynst me, or yt the forowes therof make eny complaynte:

Job 31:38-40

38 But yf case be that my londe crie agaynst me, or yt the forowes therof make eny complaynte: 39 yf I haue eaten the frutes therof vnpayed for, yee yf I haue greued eny of the plow men:

Job 31:39-40

39 yf I haue eaten the frutes therof vnpayed for, yee yf I haue greued eny of the plow men: 40 Than, let thistles growe in steade of my wheate, & thornes for my barlye.Here ende the wordes of Iob.

Job 42:8

8 Therfore take vij. oxen and seuen rammes, and go to my seruaunt Iob, offre vp also for youre selues a brentofferynge, and lat my seruaunt Iob praye for you. Him will I accepte, and not deale with you after youre foolishnesse: in that ye haue not spoke ye thinge which is right, like as my seruaunt Iob hath done.

Psalms 5:11

11 Agayne, let all them that put their trust in the, reioyse: yee let them euer be geuynge of thankes, because thou defendest them: that they which loue thy name, maye be ioyfull in the.

Psalms 9:12

12 And why? he maketh inquysicion for their bloude, and remembreth them: he forgetteth not the complaynte of the poore.

Psalms 10:13-14

13 Wherfore shulde the wicked blaspheme God, and saye in his herte: Tush, he careth not for it? 14 This thou seist, for thou considrest the mysery and sorowe: The poore geueth himselff ouer in to thy hande, and committeth him vnto the, for thou art the helper of the frendlesse.

Psalms 20:3

3 Remembre all thy offerynges, and accepte thy brent sacrifice.

Psalms 24:3-6

3 Who shal go vp in to the hill off the LORDE? Or, who shal remayne in his holy place? 4 Eue he yt hath innocet hodes & a clene herte: which lifteth not vp his mynde vnto vanite, & sweareth not to disceaue. 5 He shal receaue the blessinge fro the LORDE, ad mercy fro God his sauioure. 6 This is ye generacio of the yt seke him, of the yt seke yi face, o Iacob.

Psalms 36:3

3 The wordes of his mouth are vnrightuousnesse and disceate, he wil not be lerned to do good.

Psalms 49:11

11 Loke what is in their houses, it cotinueth still: their dwellinge places endure from one generacion to another, & are called after their owne names vpon the earth,

Psalms 50:21

21 This thou doest, whyle I holde my tonge: and thinkest me to be eue soch one as thy self: but I wil reproue the, & set my self agaynst the.

Psalms 51:11-14

11 Cast me not awaie from thy presence, and take not thy holy sprete fro me. 12 O geue me the comforte of thy helpe agayne, and stablish me with thy fre sprete. 13 Then shal I teach thy wayes vnto the wicked, that synners maye be conuerted vnto the. 14 Delyuer me from bloudegyltynesse o God, thou that art the God of my health, that my tonge maye prayse thy rightuousnesse.

Psalms 55:21

21 O cast thy burthen (or care) vpon the LORDE, he shal norish the, and not leaue the rightuous in vnquietnesse.

Psalms 59:11

11 Slaye the not, lest my people forget it: but scatre the abrode with thy power & put the downe, o LORDE oure defence.

Psalms 68:2

2 Like as the smoke vanisheth, so shalt thou dryue them awaye: and like as waxe melteth at the fyre, so shall the vngodly perish at the presence off God.

Psalms 72:14

14 He shal deliuer their soules from extorcion & wronge, & deare shal their bloude be in his sight.

Psalms 78:70-72

70 And there he buylded his temple on hye, and layed ye foundacion of it like ye grounde, that it might perpetually endure. 71 He chose Dauid also his seruaut, and toke him awaye from the shepe foldes. 72 As he was folowinge the yowes greate with yonge, he toke him, that he might fede Iacob his people, and Israel his enheritaunce. So he fed them with a faithfull and true hert, and ruled them with all ye diligence of his power.

Psalms 79:12

12 O let the soroufull sighinge of the presoners come before the, and acordinge vnto ye power of thine arme, preserue those yt are appoynted to dye.

Psalms 109:10

10 Let the extorcioner cosume all that he hath, and let straungers spoyle his laboure.

Psalms 109:12

12 Let his ende be destruccion, and in the nexte generacion let his name be clene put out.

Psalms 116:17

17 I wil offre the the sacrifice of thankes geuynge, and wil call vpon the name of the LORDE.

Psalms 127:3

3 It is but lost labour that ye ryse vp early, and take no rest, but eate the bred of carefulnesse: for loke to whom it pleaseth him, he geueth it in slepe.

Psalms 139:19

19 Wilt thou not slaye ye wicked (oh God) that the bloudethyrstie mighte departe fro me?

Psalms 143:7

7 Sela. Heare me (o LORDE) and that soone, for my sprete waxeth faynte: hyde not yi face fro me, lest I be like vnto the that go downe in to the graue.

Proverbs 3:9

9 Honoure the LORDE wt yi substaunce, & wt ye firstlinges of all thine encrease:

Proverbs 6:31

31 but yf he maye be gotten, he restoreth agayne seuen tymes asmoch, or els he maketh recompence with all the good of his house.

Proverbs 14:32

32 The vngodly is afrayed of euery parell, but the rightuous hath a good hope eue in death.

Proverbs 18:5

5 It is not good to regarde ye personne of the vngodly, or to put backe ye righteous in iudgmet.

Proverbs 21:27

27 The sacrifice of the vngodly is abhominacion, for they offre the thinge yt is gotten wt wickednes.

Proverbs 26:24-26

24 An enemie dyssembleth with his lippes, and in the meane season he ymagineth myschefe: 25 but wha he speaketh fayre, beleue him not, for there are seuen abhominacios in his herte. 26 Who so kepeth euell will secretly to do hurte, his malyce shalbe shewed before the whole congregacion.

Proverbs 28:1

1 The vngodly flyeth no man chasynge him, but the rightuous stondeth stiff as a lyon.

Proverbs 28:13

13 He that hydeth his synnes, shall not prospere: but who so knowlegeth them and forsaketh them, shall haue mercy.

Ecclesiastes 2:4-11

4 I made gorgious fayre workes, I buylded me houses, and planted vynyardes: 5 I made me ortchardes and gardens of pleasure, and planted trees in them of all maner frutes. 6 I made poles of water, to water ye grene and frutefull trees withall. 7 I bought seruauntes and maydes, and had a greate housholde. As for catell and shepe, I had more substaunce of them, then all they yt were before me in Ierusalem. 8 I gathered syluer & golde together, euen a treasure of kynges & londes. I prouided me syngers and wome which coude playe of instrumentes, to make men myrth and pastime. I gat me drynkynge cuppes also and glasses. 9 (Shortly) I was greater & in more worshipe, then all my predecessours in Ierusale. For wy?dome remayned with me: 10 & loke what so euer myne eyes desyred, I let them haue it: & wherin so euer my herte delyted or had eny pleasure, I with helde it not fro it. Thus my hert reioysed in all yt I dyd, and this I toke for the porcion of all my trauayle. 11 But whan I considered all the workes yt my handes had wrought, and all the labours that I had taken therin: lo, all was but vanite and vexacion of mynde, & nothinge of eny value vnder ye Sonne.

Ecclesiastes 8:12-13

12 But though an euell personne offende an hundreth tymes, and haue a longe life: yet am I sure, that it shal go well with the that feare God, because they haue him before their eyes. 13 Agayne, as for the vngodly, it shall not be well with him, nether shal he prologe his dayes: but euen as a shadowe, so shall he be that feareth not God.

Isaiah 1:18

18 Now go to (saieth the LORDE) we wil talke together. Is it not so? Though youre synnes be as read as scarlet, shal they not be whyter then snowe? And though they were like purple, shall they not be like whyte woll?

Isaiah 3:10-11

10 Then shal they saye: O happie are the godly, for they maye enioye the frutes of their studies. 11 But wo be to ye vngodly and vnrightuous for they shalbe rewarded after their workes.

Isaiah 5:7

7 As for the vynyarde of the LORDE of hoostes it is the house of Israel, and whole Iuda his fayre plantinge. Of these he loked for equyte, but se there is wronge: for rightuousnesse, lo, It is but misery.

Isaiah 5:12

12 In whose companies are harpes and lutes, tabrettes and pipes, and wyne. But they regarde not the worke of the LORDE, and cosidre not the operacio of his hondes.

Isaiah 8:22

22 and beholde, there is trouble and darcknesse, vexacion is rounde aboute him, and the cloude of erroure And out of soch aduersite, shall he not escape.

Isaiah 26:21

21 For beholde, the LORDE wil go out of his habitacion, & vyset the wickednes of the that dwell vpon earth. He wil discouer the bloude that she hath deuoured, she shal neuer hyde the, that she hath murthured.

Isaiah 44:5

5 One will saye: I am the LORDES. Another wil call vnder the name of Iacob. The thirde shal subscrybe with his honde vnto ye LORDE, and geue him self vnder the name of Israel.

Isaiah 48:1

1 Heare this, O thou house of Iacob: ye yt are called by the name of Israel, and are come out of one stocke wt Iuda: which sweare by the name of the LORDE, and beare witnesse by the God of Israel (but not wt treuth and right)

Isaiah 63:19

19 And we are become, euen as we were from the beginnynge: but thou art not their LORDE, for they haue not called vpon thy name.

Jeremiah 2:5

5 Thus saieth ye LORDE vnto you: What vnfaithfulnesse founde youre fathers in me, that they wente so farre awaye fro me, fallinge to lightnesse, and beinge so vayne?

Jeremiah 2:31

31 Yf ye be the people of the LORDE, then herke vnto his worde: Am I the become a wildernesse vnto the people of Israel? or a londe that hath no light? Wherfore saieth my people then: we are falle of, and we wil come no more vnto the?

Jeremiah 6:20

20 Wherfore bringe ye me incense from Saba, & swete smellinge Calamus from farre countrees? Youre burnt offeringes displease me, and I reioyse not in youre sacrifices.

Jeremiah 20:3-4

3 The nexte daye folowinge, Pashur brought Ieremy out of the stockes agayne. Then sayde Ieremy vnto him: The LORDE shall call the nomore Pashur (that is excellent and increasinge) but Magor (that is fearfull ad afrayed) euery where. 4 For thus saieth the LORDE: beholde, I will make the afrayed, the thy self, and all that fauoure ye: which shal perish with the swearde off their enemies, euen before yi face. And I wil geue whole Iuda vnder the power of the kinge of Babilon, which shall carie some vnto Babilon presoners, and slaye some with the swearde.

Jeremiah 23:39

39 Beholde therfore, I will repute you as a burthen, and will cast you out of my presence: yee and the cite also, that I gaue you and youre fathers:

Jeremiah 33:16

16 In those daies shall Iuda be helped, and Ierusalem shall dwell safe, and he that shall call her is euen God oure rightuous maker.

Jeremiah 35:9-10

9 Nether buylde we eny house to dwell therin, we haue also amonge vs nether vynyardes, ner corne lode to sowe: 10 but we dwell in tentes, we obeye, & do acordinge vnto all, that Ionadab oure father commaunded vs.

Jeremiah 52:3

3 Wherfore the LORDE was angrie at Ierusalem & Iuda, so longe till he had cast the out of his presence. And Sedechias fel from the kynge of Babilon.

Ezekiel 9:4

4 and the LORDE sayde vnto him: Go thy waye thorow the cite of Ierusalem, and set this marck [Hebrew: t] Thau vpo the foreheades of them, that mourne, and are sory for all the abhominacions, that be done therin.

Ezekiel 9:6

6 Kyll, & destroye both olde men and yonge, maydens, children, and wyues. But as for those, that haue this marck [Hebrew: t] Thau vpo them: se that ye touch them not, and begynne at my Sanctuary. Then they begane at the elders, which were in the Temple,

Daniel 4:30

30 and sayde: This is the greate cite off Babilo, which I myself (with my power & strength) haue made a kynges courte, for the honoure off my magesty.

Hosea 1:4

4 And the LORDE sayde vnto him: call his name Iesrael, for I wil shortly auenge the bloude of Iesrael vpon the house of Iehu, and will bringe the kingdome of the house of Israel to an ende.

Hosea 9:17

17 My God shall cast them awaye, for they haue not bene obediet vnto him, therfore shal they go astraye amonge the Heithen.

Hosea 13:3

3 Therfore they shalbe as the mornynge cloude, and as the dew that early passeth awaye: and like as dust that ye wynde taketh awaye from the floore, and as smoke that goeth out of ye chymney.

Joel 2:32

32 And the tyme shal come: yt who so euer calleth on the name of the LORDE, shalbe saued. For vpon the mount Sion & at Ierusalem, there shalbe a saluacion, like as the LORDE hath promised: yee & amonge the other remnaunt, whom the LORDE shall call.

Amos 6:5

5 ye that synge to the lute, and in playenge off instrumentes compare youre selues vnto Dauid:

Amos 7:15

15 the LORDE toke me, & sayde vnto me: Go thy waye, and prophecy vnto my people of Israel.

Micah 6:3-5

3 O my people, what haue I done vnto the? or wherin haue I hurte the? geue me answere. 4 Because I brought the fro the londe of Egipte, and delyuered the out of the house of bondage? Because I made Moses, Aaron and Miriam to lede the? 5 Remembre (o my people) what Balach the kynge of Moab had ymagined agaynst the, ad what answere that Balaam the sonne of Beor gaue him, from Sethim vnto Galgal: yt ye maye knowe the louynge kyndnesses of ye LORDE.

Micah 7:6

6 for ye sonne shal put his father to dishonoure, the doughter shal ryse agaynst her mother, ye doughter in lawe agaynst hir mother in lawe: and a mans foes shalbe euen they of his owne housholde.

Zephaniah 3:9

9 And then wil I clense the lippes of the people, that they maye euerychone call vpon the name of the LORDE, and serue him with one shulder.

Malachi 1:8

8 Yf ye offre ye blynde, is not yt euell? And yf ye offre the lame and sick, is not that euell? Yee offre it vnto thy prynce, shal he be cotent with the, or accepte thy personne, sayeth the LORDE of hoostes?

Malachi 1:10

10 Yee what is he amonge you, that wil do so moch as to shut ye dores, or to kyndle ye fyre vpo myne aulter for naught? I haue no pleasure in you, sayeth the LORDE off hoostes: and as for the meatofferinge, I wil not accepte it at youre honde.

Malachi 1:13

13 Now saye ye: It is but laboure and trauayle, and thus haue ye thought scorne at it, (sayeth the LORDE off hoostes) offerynge robbery, yee the lame and the sicke. Ye haue brought me in a meatofferynge, shulde I accepte it of youre honde, sayeth the LORDE?

Matthew 18:20

20 For where two or thre are gathered together i my name, there am I in the myddest amonge them.

Matthew 18:22

22 Iesus saide vnto hi: I saye not vnto ye seue tymes, but seuetie tymes seuen tymes.

Matthew 19:4-6

4 He answered & sayde vnto the: Haue ye not red, how yt he which made (man) at the begynnynge, made the ma & woma, 5 & sayde: For this cause shal a ma leaue father & mother, & cleue vnto his wife, & they two shalbe one fleshe. 6 Now are they not twayne then, but one flesh. Let not man therfore put a sunder, yt which God hath coupled together.

Matthew 19:8

8 He sayde vnto the: Moses (because of ye hardnes of yor hertes) suffred you to put awaye youre wyues: Neuertheles fro the begynnynge it hath not bene so.

Matthew 20:15

15 Or haue I not power, to do as me listeth with myne owne? Is thine eye euell, because I am good?

Matthew 23:35

35 that vpon you maye come all the righteous bloude which hath bene shed vpon ye earth, from the bloude of righteous Abel, vnto ye bloude of Zachary ye sonne of Barachias, whom ye slew betwene the temple and the altare.

Matthew 25:41

41 Then shal he saye also vnto them that shalbe on the left hande: Departe fro me ye cursed in to the euerlastinge fyre, which is prepared for the deuell and his angels.

Matthew 25:46

46 And these shal go in to euerlastinge payne, but the righteous in to euerlastinge life.

Matthew 26:52

52 Then sayde Iesus vnto him: Put vp yi swerde in to his place. For all that take the swerde, shal perish with the swerde.

Luke 3:38

38 Which was the sonne of Enos. Which was the sonne of Seth. Which was the sonne of Adam. Which was the sonne of God.

Luke 11:51

51 from the bloude of Abell, vnto ye bloude of Zachary, which perished betwene the altare and ye temple. Yee I saye vnto you: it shalbe requyred of this generacion.

Luke 13:26

26 Then shal ye begynne to saye: We haue eaten and dronken before the, and thou hast taught vs vpon ye stretes.

Luke 15:28-30

28 Then was he angrie, and wolde not go in. Then wente his father out, and prayed him. 29 But he answered, and sayde vnto his father: Lo, thus many yeares haue I done the seruyce, nether haue I yet broken thy commaundement, and thou gauest me neuer one kydd, yt I might make mery with my frendes. 30 But now that this thy sonne is come, which deuoured his goodes with harlottes, thou hast slayne a fed calfe. 31 But he sayde vnto him: My sonne, thou art allwaye with me, and all that is myne, is thine: 32 thou shuldest be mery and glad, for this yi brother was deed, and is alyue agayne: he was lost, and is founde agayne.

Luke 17:28-29

28 Likewyse also as it came to passe in the tyme of Lot, they ate, they dranke, they bought, they solde, they planted, they buylded. 29 But euen the same daye that Lot wente out of Sodom, it rayned fyre and brymstone from heaue, and destroyed them all.

Luke 22:48

48 But Iesus sayde vnto him: Iudas, betrayest thou the sonne of ma with a kysse?

John 1:3

3 All thinges were made by the same, and without the same was made nothinge that was made.

John 1:10

10 He was in the worlde, & the worlde was made by him, and ye worlde knewe him not.

John 4:1-4

1 Now whan Iesus had knowlege, yt it was come to the eares of the Pharises, that Iesus made and baptised mo disciples the Ihon 2 (howbeit Iesus himself baptysed not, but his disciples) 3 he left the londe of Iewry, and departed agayne in to Galile. 4 But he must nedes go thorow Samaria.

John 4:8-11

8 (For his disciples were gone their waye in to ye cite, to bye meate.) 9 So the woman of Samaria sayde vnto him: How is it that thou axest drynke of me, seynge thou art a Iewe, and I a woman of Samaria? For the Iewes medle not with the Samaritans. 10 Iesus answered, and sayde vnto her: Yf thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that sayeth vnto the, geue me drynke, thou woldest axe of him, and he wolde geue the, the water of life. 11 The woman sayde vnto him: Syr, thou hast nothinge to drawe withall, and the well is depe, from whence hast thou then that water of life?

John 8:44

44 Ye are of the father the deuell, and after the lustes of youre father wyl ye do. The same was a murthurer from the begynnynge, and abode not in the trueth: for the trueth is not in him. Whan he speaketh a lye, then speaketh he of his awne: for he is a lyar, and a father of the same.

Acts 2:21

21 And it shall come to passe, Who so euer shal call vpo the name of the LORDE, shalbe saued.

Acts 5:3

3 But Peter sayde: Ananias, Wherfore hath Sathan fylled thine hert, that thou shuldest lye vnto the holy goost, and withdrawe awaye parte of the money of the lyuelod? 4 Mightest thou not haue kepte it, whan thou haddest it? And whan it was solde, the money was also in thy power: Why hast thou then conceaued this thinge in thine hert? Thou hast not lyed vnto me, but vnto God. 5 Whan Ananias herde these wordes, he fell downe, & gaue vp the goost. And there came a greate feare vpon all the that herde of this. 6 The yonge men rose vp, and put him asyde, and caried him out, and buried him. 7 And it fortuned as it were aboute ye space of thre houres after, his wife came in, and knewe not what was done. 8 But Peter answered vnto her. Tell me, solde ye the londe for somoch? She sayde: Yee, for so moch. 9 Peter sayde vnto her: Why haue ye agreed together, to tempte the sprete of the LORDE? Beholde, the fete of the which haue buried thy hussbande, are at the dore, & shal carye the out.

Acts 5:9

9 Peter sayde vnto her: Why haue ye agreed together, to tempte the sprete of the LORDE? Beholde, the fete of the which haue buried thy hussbande, are at the dore, & shal carye the out.

Acts 10:35

35 but in all people he yt feareth him, and worketh righteousnes, is accepted vnto him.

Acts 11:26

26 And wha he had foude hi, he brought hi to Anthioche. It chauced, that a whole yeare they were there couersaunte together in the cogregacio, & taughte moch people, so that the disciples at Antioche were first called Christen.

Acts 13:45

45 But whan the Iewes sawe the people, they were full of indignacion, and spake agaynst that which was spoken of Paul, speakinge agaynst it, & blasphemynge.

Romans 2:6-10

6 which shal rewarde euery man acordinge to his dedes: 7 namely, prayse & honoure, and vncorrupcion, vnto them that with pacience in doinge good, seke euerlastinge life: 8 But vnto them that are contencious & not obedient vnto the trueth, but obeye vnrighteousnes, shal come indignacion and wrath, 9 trouble and anguysh vpo all the soules of me that do euell, of the Iewe first and also of the Greke: 10 But vnto all the that do good (shal come) prayse and honoure, and peace, vnto the Iewe first, and also to the Greke.

Romans 4:11-12

11 As for the toke of circucision he receaued it for a seale off the righteousnes off faith, which he had yet in ye vncircusion, yt he shulde be a father of all the yt beleue, beinge in ye vncircucisio, yt it might be couted vnto the also for righteousnes: 12 & that he might be a father of circumcision, not onely of the that are of ye circumcision, but of them also that walke in the fotesteppes of the faith, which was in the vncircumcision of oure father Abraham.

Romans 6:16

16 Knowe ye not, that loke vnto who ye geue ouer youre selues as seruauntes to obeye, his seruauntes ye are to whom ye obey, whether it be of synne vnto death, or of obediece vnto righteousnes?

Romans 7:8-9

8 But then toke synne occasion at the commaundement, and stered vp in me all maner of lust. For without the lawe synne was deed. 9 As for me, I lyued some tyme without lawe. Howbeit whan the commaundement came, synne reuyued, but I was deed.

Romans 8:20

20 because the creature is subdued vnto vanyte agaynst hir will, but for his wyll that hath subdued her vpon hope.

Romans 10:13

13 For who so euer shal call vpon the name of the LORDE, shalbe saued.

Romans 12:1

1 I beseke you brethre by the mercyfulnesse of God, that ye geue ouer youre bodies for a sacrifice, yt is quycke holy, and acceptable vnto God, which is yor reasonable seruynge off God.

Romans 14:18

18 He that in these thinges serueth Christ, pleaseth God, & is comended of me.

Romans 15:16

16 that I shulde be a mynister of Iesu Christ amonge the Heythen, to declare the gospell of God, that the Heythen mighte be an acceptable offerynge vnto God, sanctified by the holy goost.

1 Corinthians 1:2

2 vnto the congregacion off God which is at Corinthum, to them that are sanctified in Christ Iesus, sayntes by callinge, with all them that call vpon the name of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, in euery place both off theirs and oures.

Galatians 3:10

10 For as many as go aboute with the workes of the lawe, are vnder ye curse: For it is wrytte: Cursed be euery man, which cotynueth not in all thinges that are wrytte in the boke of the lawe, to do them.

Ephesians 1:6

6 vnto the prayse of the glory of his grace, wherby he hath made vs accepted in the Beloued,

Ephesians 3:14-15

14 For this cause I bowe my knees vnto the father of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, 15 which is the true father, ouer all that is called father in heauen and in earth,

1 Thessalonians 1:9

9 For they them selues shewe of you, what maner of entrynge in we had vnto you, and how ye are turned vnto God from ymages, for to serue the lyuynge and true God,

2 Thessalonians 1:9

9 Which shalbe punyshed with euerlastinge damnacion, from ye presence of the LORDE, and from the glory of his power,

1 Timothy 5:4

4 Yf eny wedowe haue children or neves, let them lerne first to rule their awne houses godly, and to recompence their elders. For yt is good & acceptable before God.

Hebrews 9:22

22 And allmost all thinges are pourged with bloude after the lawe: and without sheddynge of bloude is no remyssion.

Hebrews 11:4

4 By faith offered Abell vnto God a more plenteous sacrifice: by the which he optayned wytnesse, that he was righteous: God testifyenge of his giftes, by the which also he beynge deed, yet speaketh.

Hebrews 11:9

9 By faith was he a straunger in the lode of promes as in a straunge countre, & dwelt in tabernacles: and so dyd Isaac & Iacob, heyres with him of the same promes:

Hebrews 12:24

24 and to Iesus the mediatoure of the new Testament, and to the sprenklynge off bloude, that speaketh better then the bloude of Abel.

James 1:15

15 The whe lust hath conceaued, she bringeth forth synne, & synne when it is fynished, bringeth forth deeth.

James 5:4

4 Beholde, the hyre of the labourers which haue reped downe youre feldes (which hyer is of you kept backe by fraude) cryeth: and the cryes of the which haue reped, are entred in to the eares of the LORDE Sabaoth.

1 Peter 1:19-20

19 but with the precious bloude of Christ, as of an innocet and vndefyled lambe, 20 which was ordeyned before the worlde was made, but is declared in these last tymes for youre sakes,

1 Peter 2:5

5 And ye also as lyuynge stones are made a spirituall house, and an holy presthode, to offre vp spirituall sacrifices, acceptable vnto God by Iesus Christ.

1 John 3:10

10 By this are the children of God knowne & the children of the deuell. Who so euer doeth not righteousnes, is not of God, nether he thath loueth not his brother.

1 John 3:12

12 not as Cain, which was of the wicked, and slewe his brother. And wherfore slewe he him? euen because his awne workes were euell, and his brothers righteous.

1 John 3:12-15

12 not as Cain, which was of the wicked, and slewe his brother. And wherfore slewe he him? euen because his awne workes were euell, and his brothers righteous. 13 Maruayle not (my brethren) though the worlde hate you. 14 We knowe yt we are traslated from death vnto life, because we loue the brethren. He that loueth not his brother, abydeth in death. 15 Who soeuer hateth his brother, is a mansleyer. And ye knowe that a mansleyer hath not eternall life abydinge in him.

1 John 3:15-15

15 Who soeuer hateth his brother, is a mansleyer. And ye knowe that a mansleyer hath not eternall life abydinge in him.

Jude 1:11

11 Wo be vnto the, for they haue folowed the waye of Cain, and are vtterly geue to the erroure of Balaam for lukers sake, and perysshe in the treason of Core.

Revelation 6:9-10

9 And when he opened the fyfte seale, I sawe vnder the aultre, the soules of them yt were kylled for the worde of God, and for ye testimony which they had, 10 and they cryed with a lowde voyce sayege: How loge tariest thou LORDE holy and true, to iudge & to auenge oure bloude on them that dwell on the earth?

Revelation 12:16

16 And the earth holpe the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swalowed vp the ryuer which the dragon cast out of his mouth.

Revelation 13:8

8 and all that dwell vpon the earth worshipt him: whose names are not wrytten in the boke of life of the lambe, which was kylled from the beginnynge of the worlde.

Revelation 14:9

9 And the thyrde angel folowed the, sayenge with a loude voyce: Yf eny man worshippe the beest and his ymage, and receaue his marke in his forhed, or on his honde,

Revelation 14:11

11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth vp euermore. And they haue no rest daye ner nyght, which worshippe the beast and his ymage, and whosoeuer receaueth the prynt of his name.

Revelation 16:9

9 And the men raged in gret heate, and spake euell of the name of God, which had power ouer those plages, and they repented not, to geue him glory.

Revelation 16:11

11 and blasphemed the God of heaue for sorowe, and payne of their sores, and repented not of their dedes.

Revelation 16:21

21 And there fell a greate hayle, as it had bene talentes, out of heaue vpon the men, and the men blasphemed God, because of the plage of the hayle, for it was greate, and the plage of it sore.

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